You made it!

Ok.  So this is where my blog will be from now on.  And, because I must stoop to bribery to ensure people will still come and visit me over here, I am going to have a little giveaway.

Just leave me a comment to let me know you updated your readers, rss feeds, email subscriptions, favorites section, blog roll, and however else people may read blogs nowadays.

The new address is:

I will randomly select one person next Tuesday to be the winner and they can choose between a $20 gift card to Target or Starbucks, their choice.

Thank you!

PS-Mom?  Dad?  Did you make it?  Hello?

PPS-Anyone subscribing by email through feedburner might already be updated.

Only time will tell.

PPPS-I really have no clue what is going on.

I am, in fact, an ignoramus.

Later, dudes!

(one comment per person, please)

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103 Responses to You made it!

  1. Lori Johnstone says:

    I made it! I enjoy reading your blog. It always brings a smile to my face!

  2. Shannon says:

    Are you just changing things up for fun? What does subscribe to posts via RSS mean??

  3. Anna C says:

    You will still notify about new posts on Facebook, yes? That is how I keep up. 🙂 Wait! I didn’t mean to imply that I keep up with anything! I’m always behind. Sigh.

  4. Rachel Freeman says:

    So glad you were just moving and not really ceasing!

  5. Melissa says:

    Oh dear Lord, you had me scared for a minute there. Please do not ever do that again. I can’t a heart attack on top of everything else I deal with (ie. hundred of teenagers on a daily basis).

    I love me some Starbucks and Target……. 😉

  6. Aw, man. I am so jealous. I need to do this so bad. Good job lady! 🙂

  7. JoAnn says:

    Look at you!
    do I need to re-like you in facebook? now I have to update my blog roll. GEESH!

  8. Brenda says:

    Look at you with your big-girl blog page!!!!

    I made it. I am glad you did not cease.

  9. Erin says:

    I’m not sure I can handle how cool and hip you are these days Taylor.
    A dot com all for yourself?
    I need an autograph!

  10. Melissa says:


  11. zoe says:

    i made it! 🙂

  12. Ricki says:

    I’m BaaaaaAAAAck 🙂

  13. Wendy says:

    I’m following you over! I looked at the picture of your dad, and wondered why he was making you cease and desist??? That’ s all that appeared on my facebook update. 😉 I like the font on this page better-more white space too!

  14. Rachel says:

    Ummm – didn’t get all those technologically bloggy term. But I’m here, and that is good enough for me.

  15. I have updated my bookmark AND because you are extra special talented in the blogging arena, I also got into my blog software and updated the link on my blog roll.

    You’re worth it and congrats on your own domain!

  16. Diana says:

    I made it and am very happy to know that you aren’t going to stop blogging…I need the laughs!

  17. Kristy says:

    I made it and updated you on my favorite’s list!

  18. I am updated, good thing I looked at Katie@So, Funny Story and saw the update or I would have been hopelessly lost!
    Love Target and Starbucks and guess what?! Our town’s Target has a Starbucks! Woo hoo! Isn’t that convenient…

  19. lori says:

    Made it…and thanks for making me smile:)

  20. Lee Ann L. says:

    I keep coming back even tho I never subscribed. I finally subscribed (via Google Reader) and now will get updates every time you post! 🙂

  21. Jessy says:

    Woohoo! I’m here and I’m updating my RSS =)

  22. Lori says:

    I updated and followed you over. Just found you recently and sure glad I did. 🙂

  23. Well, look at you and your big bad blog self.

    I’m impressed.

    And jealous.

    but still impressed!

  24. Beth Lewis says:


  25. Heather says:

    I’m de-lurking to jump in the pool for Target or Starbucks! You make me laugh every day. Out loud. Really! I think my dogs think I’m crazy.

    I guess I need to figure out how to do the RSS thing or whatever all that stuff is. I just start typing the name of your blog into my address bar and it pulls it up for me. Sounds kind of like what your dad does… Oh goodness…

  26. momtothreecuties says:

    wow, that was painless! Good job! So much easier to find you with your new .com

  27. Jill says:

    Hello? Why are we here?

  28. MindyLou says:

    Here I am! Even though I am terribly confused! Has the world gone MAD?? WHY are you moving?? Oh, maybe I’ll go read the rest of your other blog and figure it out. Okay. Bye.

  29. Andi says:

    I made it…AND I updated my blogroll!


    Did I use that word right? I’m still confused, as I don’t think I’ve ever heard it said in real life…Yes. I am lame.

  30. Nathalie says:

    Wow! Love the fresh, new look!! I updated Google Reader and will not be offended one little bit if I am the winner of your giveaway. Remember, I am a lowly paid teacher who makes noodles and could really use the Targay (misspelled on purpose) giftcard to buy some “teacher” clothes.

    Curious, though. Why the move? Are you hosting your own blog now??? GO YOU!!

  31. Shannon says:

    It’s like magic, *poof* and I’m there!

  32. Tiffany says:

    Whoa, now. You are officially a professional blogger! Holla! Congrats on your own domain name!

  33. Heather says:

    Hi! You had me worried with the title of your last post!!!! Glad I made it over here 🙂 Congrats on the new domain!

  34. Marla says:

    I am super jealous of your big girl, blog. Seriously.

    Can you fix mine, please?

    Marla @

  35. MaryGene says:

    I made it! Phew. What a hike.

  36. Ada says:

    Ohmygosh! You gave me a fright.
    You don’t even know…I was thinking well, I could find her on facebook in real life. We know mutual people. Maybe I could buy her coffee and she could tell me some of her funny stories. Do you think she would consider me a stalker? What if our mutual people told her I was reasonably normal? What if I bring her a bottle of that raspberry creamer stuff. This was all going through my head while I went from FB to your blog.

    I feel better now. I will be here daily stalking, er, I mean, checking on you.


  37. lucretia says:

    I’m too old to move like this. Don’t do it again.

  38. Dad says:

    Yes, I alone figured it out. Why the change?

  39. lisa says:

    still following you!

  40. Mary says:

    I made it! I’ve updated my blog list so I’ll be able to read your words of wisdom and hilarity on a regular basis!

  41. Joyce says:

    I go away for a few days and you move? I would like to know how much of a pain this is because I’ve considered it.

    I will catch up here today…I tagged along on a trip to Chicago with my hubs. Thanks for checking on me : )

  42. Kimberly says:

    Love the new site!

  43. Lauren says:

    I made it! I made it!

  44. Kendra says:

    I made it! Congrats! (and all updates have been done)

  45. Brigitte says:

    I’m here and I see your dad made it as well – maybe it was the bribe that got him here – haha!

  46. Alli says:

    Found it! Updated all!

  47. samurai says:

    Yes! I didn’t get left behind! I just completed my link update from my blog.

    Take care!

  48. rebecca d says:

    I made it… the trip over here was arduous… I may need a nap… Please write me a note excusing me from housework and lunch making so I can have one…

  49. Dawn says:

    Boy, you are such a teaser with you titles!

  50. Dawn says:

    Oh yeah, and I would truly be sorry if your blog did ‘cease and desist!’

  51. Kelli says:

    You are a dot com now.. I am in awe!

  52. Sarah C says:

    I made it. Hope to hear soon why the changes.

  53. krista says:

    Yay me! I made it and updated my bookmarks. Not too shabby before coffee!

  54. Katie B says:

    I made it!

  55. Amanda says:

    Fancy, nice work!

  56. Jan says:

    Well at least you made it easy to follow you – thanks for keeping up out in ruralville (still waiting for your invite of bloggees to a blogfest in ruralville).

  57. Jessy H. says:

    I made it. I’m so happy you just moved and not ended your blog, I got scared there for a bit!

  58. Danielle says:

    I made it too! Can’t wait to keep reading about your exciting adventures:)

  59. Suzanne says:

    Woo hoo! I made it! Love your blog!!

  60. Paula says:

    Whew..I made it too. I was sweating it out, I don’t want to miss a thing! I saved the new you on my blog list so I can keep up.

  61. Leah says:

    I made it! Congrats on the new page!

  62. Amy says:

    I am here!!! you didn’t need to bribe me, but I LOVE Starbucks. 🙂

  63. Pingback: This Blog is Ceasing and Desisting « The Lumberjack's Wife

  64. Melanie says:

    I made it here!

  65. Kari says:

    I made it too 🙂

  66. jodi says:

    Gasp …pant….weeze ……ran all the way here. 😉

  67. Calfkeeper says:

    You can rest easier now, I have updated your entry in my blogroll. ha. Aren’t you the big bad blogger!

  68. Sara Kazlauskas says:

    Hi, Lumberjill!
    I am a mom of 4 small kids like you, but mine are all girls. I found your blog around a year ago and I have laughed and cried right along side of you. Thanks so much for posting!

  69. Michelle Brandel says:

    I made it! Did Angela end up helping you with this? I know you guys talked about it months ago. Congratulations on the move!

  70. Aunt Shirl says:

    Taylor…I am OLD…I read your blog every day. I do not understand this whole “move” thing. I see your dad “did it” all by himself. What is “it” ??
    Really kiddo, I was very happy to just see you come up in my e-mail. Is that going to change????? Do I now need to do something else???
    PLEASE, remember I graduated from high school and went to college before anyone
    even thought of PCs, let alone Blogs, Ipods, Blueteeth(??) laptops, or any of that stuff.
    Give me the steps…what do I need to do???
    AND, how in the world do I find Danny’s blog????
    H&K, A.S.

  71. Melissa K says:

    Wow. You’re a dot com. What I like the most is that your pictures behave and are all tidylike now. I like tidylike.

    All updated!

  72. Sarah says:

    I’m updating. Wouldn’t like to lose you!

  73. datenutloaf says:

    You sure know how to jumpstart the ole heart….yes, indeed it was simple to find you. How in the world will you find time for blogging with all you need to do? You’re superwoman!

  74. Molly says:

    Mornin’ Taylor 🙂 I am going to my blog over yonder to update my blogroll with your new addy. If you pick me I’m picking Starbucks!! Caffeine is my friend 😉

  75. Randi says:

    Love the new site and love the giveaway, as I am, in fact, a Target addict.

  76. Christine C says:

    So I load up the car, boat, & kids and head off for a camping trip and this is what you do? Are you trying to ditch your loyal readers? Well guess what – I found you even in the deep woods of Vermont!

  77. Peggy says:

    First time leaving a comment! I love reading your blog! I made it over!

  78. namacura says:

    Made it, thanks for the chance to win! Love the new site.

  79. Leah says:

    I followed you in a non stalkish sort of way. I also signed up for feedburner email updates. I also put you in my favorites. I don’t have a blog but I love reading you. I think your funny and I love your adventures in ruralville.

  80. Stacy Oldfield says:

    I love it. Makes me laugh!

  81. Karen Giorgi says:

    I updated my favorites. Glad you’re really not ceasing!

  82. datenutloaf says:

    Goo Ber I didn’t even know you had a new car… nudists and buffalo, what a fantastic combo in a town of 229!

  83. Sallye says:

    Made it! Have a fun weekend!

  84. Jaime says:

    I finally made it. So unplugged this summer!

  85. Rhona Lutton says:

    I made it!

  86. I made it back to internetland just in time!! Congrats on your own domain! 🙂

  87. Angie says:

    I’m here! Can’t say “I made it” ‘cuz I just found you here at the new site : ) Thanks for a great blog!!!

  88. hi!! whew…i made it!!! =) hope you have a great week…i should be around more now that i have a couple weeks with no camp!! see you around!!

  89. Elizabeth says:

    HA – you thought moving would keep me away, but I found you!! 😉
    Glad to see you finally took the leap to your own site! It’s great! Off to update your links on my site! Have a happy Monday!

  90. Aunt Candi says:

    I’m here…….now what? Tee Hee

  91. Nellie Bunce says:


  92. B Hnatish says:

    Hi! I’ve been enjoying your blog for weeks! Consider yourself followed!

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