The Post In Which I Completely Throw A Fit.


Mayday!  Mayday!

I am drowning, I repeat, I am drowning over here.


Allow me to share with you, if I may.

The day started off promising.  I got up early, was ready to go by about 830 for school.  I even curled my hair differently and both girls noticed, as well as complimented me on my fantastic locks.  Dishes were done.  Beds were made.  The house was even pretend clean.

You may ask, “Taylor!  What is pretend clean?”

Well, dear readers.   Pretend clean is when you just clean the areas that people might see if they were to stop by for the dreaded “pop-in.”  You know . . . hide all your clutter inside closets and cupboards and call it good? 

Pretend Clean.

Lest any of you are confused, I never get the dreaded “pop-in” anymore, for I live too far away from other humans.

Nevertheless!  I am ready just in case.

But by 9am, the whole universe collapsed.

As I was changing, yet another, inferior diaper of Little Dude’s, Daisy Mae started screaming,
“My bunny!  My bunny!  Somebody let my bunny out!”


Turns out that while I was in the shower, Handsome Dude had gone outside and opened all car doors, as well as the cage to Daisy Mae’s bunny.


Let us first freak out that the  3-year-old son leaves the house without his mother knowing.


Let us now freak out that the 3-year-old opens car doors by himself.


And, not to be forgotten, let us freak out that the son let out a bunny.


Finally, let us freak out that my hair completely fell flat and looks terrible.


So, instead of learning about all sorts of excellent things, we have been trying to capture a bunny.

And if I have learned one thing about bunnies since moving out to this foreign land, it is this:


How on earth does a clueless gal like me capture one?

Not very well, apparently, seeing as how the bunny is still on the loose amidst our rolling hills.

I gotta be honest.  That bunny is starting to tick me off.

It is now 1:30pm.

Here is what I have accomplished:

1) I cried.

2)  I texted my husband and told him I hate everything.

3)  I thought about exercising sometime in the next 1-20 days.

4)  Decided chasing a stupid bunny around was good enough.

5)  I taught math.

6)  I texted my husband and told him I was sorry I was so mean.

7)  I cried.

8)  I got frustrated with Daisy Mae whilst she wrote that the number that comes after 11, is most assuredly, 20.  And when I told her that was wrong, she wrote 10.

9)  I watched the other bunny, who is still in captivity, pee on top of the fugitve bunny while fugitive bunny was hiding under captive bunny’s hutch.

10)  I bemoaned the fact that I have gained 4 pounds since this starting this homeschooling adventure.

11)  I threw lettuce all over the yard in hopes of trapping captive bunny. Fail.

12)  Maybe I should have eaten the aforementioned lettuce for lunch instead of the leftover mashed potatoes.

13)  I stole captive bunny’s salt lick and set up a trap for fugitve bunny.  Fail.

14)  I tried to capture fugitve bunny with a hamper.  Fail.

15)  Mabel, our sickly dog, has developed a limp.

It is 1:30.

I am still 4 pounds heavier than I was a month ago, I have bad hair, I have splotchy-crying eyes, there is still a bunny on the loose, my husband can’t come help me, I live in the middle of nowhere, and I still need to teach my children one full school day.

Minus math.

Except for Daisy Mae.

She needs more math.

Thank you for allowing me to throw a fit.


PS-I seriously need to catch this bunny.  Any tips?  Tricks?  Ideas?  People willing to drive here and fix all my problems?

Please Advise.

(That was for you, Bimlissa)

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30 Responses to The Post In Which I Completely Throw A Fit.

  1. Heather says:

    Well, I have no fixes but I do hope your day gets better quickly! 🙂

  2. Good Lord, lady friend. I’m so very sorry. Try a heavy blanket. If you can get close enough to toss a nice, heavy blanket or even a towel over bunny foo foo that should stop it in it’s tracks. Then just scoop up the bunny carefully, walk into your garage, close all the doors and carefully get the bunny out of the blanket and pop ’em back in the hutch. I hope it works!

  3. Oh my gosh girl – I am so so sorry for your bad day! I don’t have anything helpful to say except that I agree it might help a little bit if Bimlissa came back and fixed it all…

  4. Melissa says:

    What a day! I am so sorry =(. And don’t worry about the math with Daisy, she will get it and that’s totally normal!!

  5. Noelle says:

    I’m sorry, really sorry, but in the midst of yourreallybadday I might have laughed just a little bit. My favorite part was AHHHHHHHH + boo. Now, I regret to tell you that I have NO clue how to catch a bunny, but I have total confidence that you’ll figure it out!

  6. Martha says:

    I was going to suggest a large fishing net, assuming the lumberjack has one. But the blanket someone else suggested looks good.

    Lettuce temptations don’t work? I remember my mother hysterically crying at my father when he threw the leftover lettuce all over the back yard, because, to her, it was going to bring all the rabbits and then they’d eat her garden. I think it must just have been a bad day for her. Rabbits and PMS seem to be a bad combination.

  7. Deb says:

    See, that’s what you get for striving for the Homeschool of Excellence. Lower your standards and do what I do, which is the Homeschool of Not Inadequate. Then, on these crappy days, you’re all “HEY! We did Math today!” and it goes down as a win.

    Well, except the hair. That sucks.

  8. Oh Taylor.

    Put your hair in a ponytail. Turn on the TV. Order a pizza (if you can find a place that will deliver to Ruralville, if not have LJ pick one up on the way home.)

    Tell the girls that bunnies like living in the wild.

    You can try again tomorrow.

  9. Jan says:

    Oh dear girl – I too have had to chase a child’s bunny and I too know how totally frustrating it can be!!! We finally just decided to leave the bunny house door open & leave food & water there and let little Miss Bunny come and go as she pleased. What else can you do without driving yourself crazy? P.S. So nice of your daughter to notice your hair – that is rare you know……

  10. missy says:

    i must say that even when throwing a much-deserved fit, you are still so dang cute!

    i wish i had a suggestion about catching a bunny. mabel is clearly in no shape to do it. maybe some military maneuver like flanking it and flushing it back toward the lettuce would work. or maybe something more enticing than the lettuce. too bad the mashed potatoes are gone.

    now i am having a bad day b/c i just learned that the only clean my house has ever been is pretend clean.

  11. Joyce says:


    The math will come.
    Hang jingle bells on your doorknobs so you’ll know if anyone escapes.
    Lock the car when you exit the vehicle.
    I’m no help with the bunny.
    You are so cute. Don’t worry about your hair or your 4 lbs.
    Have some chocolate.

  12. I enjoy the comments on your blog almost as much as the blog itself! And Miss Taylor, I was the most laid back home schooler I ever met! Not sure I was even striving for academic mediocrity! Josiah was home educated his whole life and I’m not sure we ever once finished EVERYTHING, he didn’t read until he was 10, and we completely skipped lab sciences! (Do NOT send the Home School police after me!) He is now doing VERY well at a college renowned for being tough majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Math. But you know the best part? We achieved, by the grace of God, excellence in this man-child’s spirit! He loves God. He loves people. He has a servant heart! And I’d take that over perfection in academics any ol’ day!

  13. Rachel says:

    I second the heavy blanket theory. Works for cats. Hope your day got much, much better!

  14. Jill says:

    You could simply study bunny habits and count it as part of schooling. Get a cat because the feline could rout the rabbit out of its hiding place. Then you could study the dietary issues of felines and count it up as another science lesson. Plus, you would have to get a new bunny.

    Joyce had a better idea with the jingle bells. I was going to suggest tying your children to something while you take a shower. Not that I would ever do that. : )

  15. Dawn says:

    Previous commentors have thoroughly solved your problems it appears. And they were quite entertaining. Perhaps the bunny will come back home for supper…..

  16. Katie B says:

    I am sorry that you had a rough day, I hope that it gets better. It was good seeing you this evening, if only briefly 🙂

  17. Andi says:

    So. I guess since you aren’t a wicked mommy like me, you did not do a happy dance that the bunny may no longer be an albatross around your neck…like we did with the gerbil. The bunny may come back. It may not. This is called farm life, and your kids will get over it…

    Never ask a nurse for sympathy as evidenced by the above statement.

    Why fix your hair? I actually leave my house, and I do NOT fix my hair…I am lazy.

    Vent to your husband. It’s what he’s there for. Just tell him to shut up and listen, not try to fix it, because as soon as he tries to fix it, you’ll want him to try to live your life.

    Of course, I notice me, along with all the other commentators seem eager and willing to fix and not just listen…

    What is the problem with a 3 year old leaving the house? I thought that was what happened in Ruralville?

    I am being completely random and entirely too lengthy…I’m signing off….

    And going to bed.

  18. Meagan says:

    Next week shouldn’t be as busy with work and I should be able to come down for a day and help keep the boys in check. I like the bells on the door idea. Perhaps locking the bunny cages?
    Hope the humane society’s advice was somewhat helpful

  19. Tracie says:

    The problem with bunnies is they don’t make a sound. If you loose a cat my immediate response is to go stand outside and Meow until it comes back. Same for dogs (minus the meow~plus the bark…..there’s some math for you by the way. From one homeschool mom to another) With a bunny the best you can do is stand outside and wiggle your nose. While this may entertain the children it will probably not help with the bunny.

  20. Lani says:

    Ever heard of “Teacher in Service Day”? They have them in public school all the time. That’s what you needed today.

  21. namacura says:

    Well wishes coming from the south to you! Hang in there, you are doing great!
    I do not have any suggestions regarding bunny and by now, I am sure you have captured it and placed it back where it belongs.

  22. Paula says:

    Oh girl, I couldn’t do what you do.
    I too, say embrace the fact that you are one bunny down and find a way to lose the other one. Less than sympathetic, aren’t I? But seriously, four kids, husband, house in the middle of nowhere, AND homeschooling??? Who needs two more beings to care for? Not you.
    Take a mental health day for crying out loud. You AND your family need it.

  23. Amy VanHarten says:

    You can do what my babysitter does, use the buddy system. Sweet Pea can buddy up with HD and DM can buddy up with LD (unless you would rather it be the other way around). While you are in the shower SP can read, play, or color with HD and DM can do the same with LD. The point is that SP knows that she is in charge of HD while you are in the bathroom. I also like the bell idea or do you have a childproof door handle that you can stick on the door while you are indisposed? Just a few ideas. By no means am I mother of the year. My 4 year old told her preschool teachers that she was now 9 and so her mother lets her drink wine. Really now???? Not really sure where she got that one from, but now I look like an alcoholic. Great…

  24. Wichiepoo says:

    Hello there!

    I don’t think I have ever left a comment, but I read your blog every day and always end up giggling…

    I am sorry about your bad day today, but I do need to tell you that I admire you lots and lots, staying home with 4 children, Homeschooling and living in the boonies… Wow, I don’t think I would ever be able to do that!

    The only experience I have with bunnies is from watching Bugs Bunny and, unfortunately Elmer Fudd never caught Bugs, so I can’t help you there. The jingle bells on the door and even the buddy system sound good to me though for the children.

    Keep up the good work, ask LJ to take the kids out for ice cream and you stay home and have a “Calgon” moment, glass of vino, nice smelling bubble bath, soft music and candles…


  25. Gianna says:

    Let’s look at it this way: At least you got math done!

    Now onto life lessons 101: You can teach the girls how to brainstorm and practice their penmanship while they are writing down their ideas (not to mention spelling). You can teach the girls about real rabbit habitat and what they eat in nature. You can teach the girls about fight or flight response and how Daisy Mae’s bunny responds with a flight responsce because he feels threatened! And how, since you are feeling threatened as well, your response is to fight. (i.e. texting your husband)

    There are so many good school lessons in your day!


  26. Some days just go from bad to worse, don’t they? Hoping today is a better day for you!

  27. Jen says:

    Believe it or not, kids often confuse 12 with 20 for a while. I’ve taught a lot of kids. It’s very normal. Hang in there.

  28. Christina says:

    You know, Curious George was good at finding the baby bunny. Maybe you need a monkey? I’m sure that would calm things way down at your house.
    At the very least it would help Handsome Dude not seem quite so naughty.

  29. Ada says:

    Well good night!
    What a day.
    I’m sorry you sweet thing.
    You need a hug.
    And a cocktail.

    I bet your hair looks fabulous. You are the prettiest.
    I was going to leave you advice on the bunny but I read above that you have since caught Peter Cotton Tail.


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