Here Comes Trouble!

Hello.  Good Morning. How are you?

I trust you all had a fantastic weekend. 

We had our first snowfall.  We watched Dumbo.  Dumbo is kind of a weird movie.  The Lumberjack was dumbfounded that it was made in 1941 and was in color.  We discovered we needed a new filter for our WELL.

You know what happens when you need a filter for your well?  You water is filled with tons of iron and clay-like matter.

And then your boys take a rusty-red bath.  And your boys, who are brilliant, both accuse the other one of “pottying” in the path.

Because everyone knows that potty, when it meets bath water, turns into a rusty-red clay.

Have you ever heard that statistic that half of all you will ever know is learned by the time you are the age of 5?

Pray for my boys.


Back to some Questions and Answers!

Don’t pretend you aren’t excited.

From Kelli

How long do you think you will homeschool the children?

Until the Jesus returns, unfortunately.

Or until they no longer needeth an education.

Or until we move.

Or until they put a fantstic school in Ruralville.

Fun Fact:  Daisy Mae asked me if she gets to do homeschool college.

I am pretty sure her homeschooled college degree will work in her favor in a job interview, don’t you?

and how do I potty train my 28 month old ?


Do you not recall my episode of potty training Handsome Dude?


I am not the gal to ask.

The only thing I can say is:

1)  If she is not ready, she is not ready.

2)  You gotta go all or nothing.  None of this “diapers at night” business.

Embrace the wet sheets and soiled clothes, Kelli.  Breathe in the smells and savor your blessings.

These are the joys of motherhood.

From Virginia Girl

Hmm, I’m curious about time management. Between taking care of your 4 children, homeschooling, laundry, cooking, house stuff, etc. how do you get any sleep? Do you get any sleep?

Yes!  I am happy to report that I do, in fact, sleep!

My life has changed quite a bit.  I did add homeschooling to my plate, but also a lot of others things have been taken off.  There are many days a week where we don’t leave the house at all.

Do you know how long it takes to properly clothe, sock, and shoe 4 children?  And load them in a ginormous rig? 

That right there saves me at least 2 hours a day.

My husband gets home later now, too, so it seems like I have more time some days to get everything done.  And I have been sending him to the grocery store more often since he is the lucky fool who gets to go to town daily.

Fact:  Lumberjacks hate shopping.

Fact:  Lumberjills didn’t really want to move to Ruralville in the 89th place.

Fact:  Lumberjacks who appreciate Lumberjills for moving to Ruralville happily shop for eggs, cheese, milk, and unmentionables.

Aren’t I crafty?

Ok.  I lied.  He won’t buy unmentionables for me. 

From Amy V

If you ever have time to read (which I hardly ever do) what types of books do you like to read? (By the way, I cannot remember if I have ever recommended The Hunger Games to you, but such an AWESOME book and series).

I have more time to read now that we moved, actually.

Books have replaced humans.

I just finished The Hunger Game Trilogy!  And I loved it!  I am now reading Little Women and it is tickling my fancy.  Some other favorites:

Gone with the Wind, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Mayor of Castorbridge, and The Diary of Sarah-something-or-other that someone else recommended to me earlier in the year.
If you had all the time in the world to do whatever you want (and money was no object) what would you do? If you could go wherever you wanted to go where would you go (and why)?

I would love to take 2 vacations a year that did not involve huckleberry picking, fishing, hiking, rock sliding, and camping hair.

The first would be a family vacation to somewhere fantastic like Disneyland.

The second would be a vacation with just that silly Lumberjack of mine and be somewhere super nice and warm.

Such as the one we took last February.

And while we are at it, I would like a nice swimsuit body and the ability to just comb my wet hair out from after a shower and have it dry on its own in a perfectly, coiffed style.

And I would like to hire somebody to paint my peach walls.

Ok.  Now I am sounding greedy.  Just the two lavish vacations will do.

From Sharyl, The Little Brown House:

Does the Lumberjack cut down your Christmas tree himself every year? If so, will you be using one from your own home in Ruralville this time? I have a feeling you have some fun tree hunting stories…

We have tried to cut down our own tree and have gotten in a fight each time.  You see, dear readers, I like Christmas trees that are thick and full.

And actually have branches.

These are hard to find up in the snowy mountains with kids fighting in their car seats and no suitable bathrooms in sight.

So to save gas and our marriage, we head to our favorite grocery store and get a beautiful tree, complete with thick branches for $19.99.

And then the Lumberjack takes it outside and trims it up a bit with his uber manly chainsaw.

I get my tree.

He gets to mutilate something.

It’s win-win.

From Erin

I have oft wanted to do a Q & A post, but I chicken out in fear that no one will leave me a question.
So I will surely leave you a question:

Why does your youngest child not look like his siblings? Do they have the same father?

Kidding! Kidding!

How about, what do you and LJ do in the evenings after the kids are in bed?

I realize that is up for misinterpretation. I am referring to G rated activities only.

Or possibly PG, PG-13, or R- rated activities, if you are watching movies only.

Well, I am fine with just vegging out in front of the TV and eating popcorn and soda.

But the Lumberjack prefers to sit on the couch, hold my hand, and profess is everlasting love for me as we gaze at the stars.

But a girl can only take so much romance, you know?  So we generally watch TV.

And, Erin.

Your humorous remarks about the paternity of my youngest child brought a story to my mind.

The Lumberjack loves to tease me about this situation.

“Taylor.  I know he is not mine.  I have forgiven you and am learning to love him as my own.”

I do not appreciate his humor in this situation.


I work in children’s ministry at our church.  There is this guy who works in children’s too, and I have not one clue what his name is.

I know, I know.  You are supposed to be friendly at church.  That is not the point.

For the purposes of this post, we will call him Gerald.

Simply for the fact that Gerald is a fanstastic name.

Gerald is always hollering (not holla/nor hola) to me from across the lobby.

“There she is!”

“Hey, you!”

“Here comes trouble!”

Am I trouble?

Anyways, I find Gerald’s actions to be odd.  But I smile and nod and get the heck away.

Because there’s one thing I know about Gerald:

I don’t know who Gerald is.

Anyways, I never told the Lumberjack about Gerald, nor had Lumberjack ever witnessed Gerald hollering at me.

One night as we were in the parking lot, Gerald walked by The Lumberjack and I.

Gerald:  Hey!  There she is! WooHoo!

And then he did that weird like thumbs up shaking thing that cool people, other than myself, do at times to express great excitement.

And Gerald continued to head into the building where he would be serving in children’s ministry, bless his heart.

The Lumberjack sighed and looked at me.

“That’s Little Dude’s dad . . .isn’t it?”


Oh, that made me laugh.

Lumberjacks can be and are, at times, humorous!

Who knew?!

For the record, I am sure Gerald is a nice guy who is just trying to befriend other fellow children’s ministry peeps.

And, just to clear things up . . . The Lumberjack is, most assuredly, Little Dude’s father.

Happy Monday!


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24 Responses to Here Comes Trouble!

  1. I would not have guessed from LJ’s perpetually solemn picture expression that he had such a sense of humor!

  2. Katie says:

    This post was just what I needed this dreary Monday morning!

  3. Holly says:

    Your mission if you choose to accept it, which I truly hope you do, is to find out that Dude’s name! For some reason I have to know. I know two Geralds and I don’t really care for either one so I would like you to please change his name. Thank you, that’s it.

  4. Almost spewed coffee out of my mouth and onto my computer with that last little story.. I always wondered about Gerald, and I know how attractive that thumbs up wiggle can be..

  5. Karen G says:

    Thanks for the hilarious post! I especially laughed at your Gerald story!

  6. Erin says:

    Josh wanted our son’s middle name to be Gerald, after his deceased grandfather.

    Not liking the name Gerald myself, I agreed that we could do that only if the first name was after my father.
    His name is Harold.

    So now we have our Derek Joshua.

    I like it better than Harold Gerald.

  7. Joyce says:

    Thanks for settling the paternity issue.

    I’m pretty sure you are due for at least one lavish vacation this year what with all the elk, and the well filters, and the sewage and the peachiness that has been your life. Start making plans….

  8. Jill says:

    The Gerald story was very funny, but I think, even if you knew his name, it’s a good thing you called him Gerald. Those kinds of things tend to get out of hand quickly.

    You’ve got a good compromise on the Christmas tree. All husbands are happy when they get to use a chainsaw. My husband almost canceled the first vacation he and I were going to take in years without the kids because he was going to get to use a chainsaw. (I would have gone on the vacation without him.)

  9. Heather in ND says:

    Man. You’re funny. And that Lumberjack! Whew! Funny.

    And your other commenters? I wish I was as funy as they are. Witty folk, they are!

  10. Jan says:

    Poor Gerald….he thinks his cup is full and running over with joy while we, unbeknownst to him, are spewing our coffee as we laugh about his impossible paternity of your youngest child. Gerald, you will be greatly rewarded for your genuine but extreme friendliness…….

  11. Amanda says:

    It took me 37 minutes to read this post. You got alot going on girl. 😉

    And you ALWAYS make me laugh.


  12. Nezzy says:

    Woohoo!!! This was a great post to brighten up my day! Thanks girl!

    God bless ya and have a beautiful day :o)

  13. Missy Jill says:

    Sawyer wants to know; “Is that fresh water with no sharks in it?” Other than that, he thought it was the coolest pool in the world.

  14. Melanie says:

    Taylor, you crack me up. And so does LJ. The whole “that’s LD’s father, isn’t it” comment made my day. I was answering a call at work the same time I was reading it and had to choke back my laughter. Thanks you guys, you rock!!

  15. Joyce says:

    Hi again…sorry : (

  16. Rachel Spin says:

    You always make me laugh, and today my bigger little dude is trying to do his homework. I keep laughing and he keeps asking what I’m laughing at. It would be hard to explain Gerald to an 8 year old.

    Thanks for the funnies. I got to read everything I missed over a whole 4 day weekend with no internet. Mine was self-imposed, I was at a women’s conference.

    Catching up today was fun!

  17. Christina says:

    Everyone else has said it…too funny! You two are quite a team! A comedic duo! You could start touring in Ruralville.

  18. Debra says:

    You always brighten my day! 🙂

  19. sarah C says:

    The last story, great. Hey I just wanted to say something about the water issue you have. Better not leave your kids to long in the tub with that brown-ish red-ish water. I’m thinking if you over due it, it may stain your children to a peach color and really you just don’t need them matching the walls :)~

  20. If I ever see you, that woo hoo, there she is thumbs up thing is EXACTLY what I’m going to do.

  21. Kim Kibby says:

    I have to agree with the other posters about the paternity story. 🙂 Very funny stuff! I think Little Dude looks just like his Big Dude Goober Grandpa. Maybe you can start writing Little Dude Goober updates like you do for your Goober Parent updates. Since, obviously (visually, anyway), the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  22. Gianna says:

    Not that I’m complaining, but I’m pretty foolhardyly sure that i left you a question to answer and you didn’t. Do you know how you didn’t answer it? Because I’m sitting in our dark dining room “hiding” from our 2 year old reading your last 12000 posts looking for my question. Mind you I am in the dark, but I can’t laugh out loud because it will disturb the lad who is trying to go to sleep. So while I was totally entertained by your hilariousness, my search for my question was all for not and I couldn’t lol!
    Do you not like me? Are you mad that I haven’t been by to say hi for a little while? I’m sorry. I’m a lame blog friend. I don’t think you can even call me a blog friend as a friend doesn’t let their friends down. And apparently i let you down so much you can’t even answer my question.
    Please forgive me! 🙂

    • Lumberjill says:

      I am not upset at all! I still have about 14 people to answer. 🙂 It was too much for one post! I promise I will get to it.

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