Don’t Pee On Thomas’ Face!

Top Reasons Why Little Dude is Now My Favorite Child:

1)  He sleeps in underwear for naps and wakes up dry.

2)  He poops in the toilet ever since his minor hiccup on day one.

3)  We were out from 9am until 6pm today and he went in the toilet all day.

4)  He sings train songs when he is on the toilet.  I appreciate this.  It spices things up and keeps boredom at bay.

5)  What’s his favorite song you ask?  “Down by the station, early in the morning, see the little puffer bellies all in a row . . .”  Yes.  He has good taste.

He has made my life super easy with potty training and I shall remain forever grateful to the little lad.

The worst moment was actually caused by Handsome Dude.


Handsome Dude decided to haul out the plunger and toilet brush and do who-knows-what to the toilet water whilst Little Dude was attempting to have a successful elimination.

I am not sure what events transpired in that tiny bathroom . . . all I know is there were numerous droplets of some sort of liquid sprinkled about the bathroom.

Ooooh.  It just gives me the peepee shivers. (ha!)

Want to know what else gives me the peepee shivers?

Watching Little Dude in the public bathrooms.  You see, Little Dude prefers to straddle the toilet backwards.  And as he is sitting atop the PUBLIC toilet seat, and singing his train songs of course, he likes to rub . . . everything.

He rubs the lid.

He rubs the top of the tank.

He rubs the entire seat.

What on earth am I going to do about this?  Is it safe to bleach him?

See?  Disgusting.

In other fun potty-training news, I used a reader tip from back when Handsome Dude was potty training.

You should all feel free to steal it.  It will make you feel brilliant and ridiculous all at the same time.

1)  Take a pair of underwear that has some sort of known character on it. I chose Thomas the Train.  You may choose as you deem fit.

2)  Pull a fast one on your kid and make him believe that the aforementioned character is talking to him.

3)  In your best Thomas-y voice, say the following sentence:  “Hi, there buddy!  Please don’t pee on my face!”

4)  Throughout the day, shout:  “Don’t pee on Thomas’ face!”  to your child.

5)  Hope no one hears you.

6)  Bask in your brilliance.

You’re Welcome.

So.  I think that’s gonna conclude my potty training posts.

I hope.


Handsome Dude went to the doctor today for his 4 year check up.  The doctor predicted that he will most likely be about 6’4″.


When I told Handsome Dude that he might someday be taller than his dad, he said,

“Ok!  And then I will get a DS!”

(His sisters each have one)

Yes.  When you are 6’4″, we shall buy you a Nintendo DS.  But only then.

That boy . . .

Happy Wednesday!

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20 Responses to Don’t Pee On Thomas’ Face!

  1. Lauren says:

    That peeing on the face thing totally works! I bought Princess underwear when I was potty training my daughter, and those princesses hated to get wet. It worked better than anything else we had tried!

  2. Sandy says:

    didn’t you read the label? NO BLEACH…DRY CLEAN ONLY! you are too funny!

  3. Michelle Dawn says:

    Good job Little dude!!! That is awesome, way to go 🙂
    In other news, your girls were sooooooo good today, not a peep out of them. Some kids we have to beg the parents to take their kids with them because they become unruly when mom is out of site. But not a word out of those two, such sweet well behaved girls! I am glad your day went well. Happy Wednesday to you! Hope you have a nice relaxing night!

    • Michelle Dawn says:

      Just had to tell you about the girls because sometimes as a mom we see all the naughty things and it helps to know that some things we instill in them do stick! It is always good to hear good things about your kiddos!

  4. MindyLou says:

    Way to go LD!! Holy cow, he is a genius. I’m sure God saw all you went through with HD and, in His grace and mercy, allowed this to be an easy transition as to not make you crazy. I’m seriously impressed with that kid. And about the toilet thing, I’m a huge germ-a-phobe(did you know that??) and I was freaking out just reading about him on the public restroom toilets. Oh, the humanity! I would be sterilizing that kid at every given chance. Time to work on standing-up peeing. Please. For me. I can’t handle the thought of all those germs. *Shudder*

  5. Christina says:

    Congratulations on all the pee-pee success with Little Dude! Although I’m with MindyLou and thinking about all the potty germs makes me feel…blech! I have a friend who has been known to bleach bathe her kids. Apparently you can fill a bathtub with water and a very tiny amount of bleach (I’d have to double check on the amount!!) and stick them in there, to kill germs and such. It may also make it impossible for them to have children later, I don’t know. But she said her doctor told her about doing that.

  6. Rachel says:

    Love your Little Dude!

    And we have a whole list of commonly-said things around our house that we hope never are repeated in public. Most notably, “Don’t do two mommies!” (when Itty Bit gets tired and goes cross-eyed). Somehow it doesn’t translate well in the grocery store.

    What? A post without pictures of you and your fam? A travesty!!

  7. Farrah Schluter says:

    I wish I would have known about the underwear trick. That would probably have been a lot more humane than telling my kid– “That quite frankly, Daddy and I can’t afford diapers anymore so you can’t wear them.” Which of course led to sibling rivalry as we could still afford to buy diapers for the baby.

  8. You’re a brave woman, Taylor. I’d be taking a packet of antibacterial handwipes into every public restroom Little Dude frequented and wipe not only the toilet seat/plumbing down, I’d be wiping him down, too. After reading what was found on the San Francisco bart train seats, I’m not so sure bleach isn’t a bad idea. There’s some great educational stuff for DS. I’ll ask the eldest granddaughter where she learned something and she’ll say “DS Animal Crossing” which had made me go on a hunt for that old Oregon Trail game, DS version.

  9. You totally deserve an easy potty trainer. You’ve done your time with HD. Good for you!

  10. Yay for easy potty training!!! So glad it is going smoothly… umm – no pun intended…

  11. Rachel Spin says:

    Yay for LD!!!
    My mother-in-law would be freaking out about the bath in bleach idea. She has cancer and is on a totally homeopathic health kick. She says all kinds of bad things about bleach, like they used in in chemical warfare and things like that. She uses only vinegar mixed with water to clean her house, which is sparkling. Maybe you could put vinegar in the tub, but I have no idea how much you would need to disinfect your kiddos. says:
    “Chlorine is an irritant on your skin – many people often complain of itchiness and dry, flaky skin after swimming in a chlorinated swimming pool.” and “Chlorine is lethal when mixed with other household cleaners. Never, ever mix any chlorine based product with an ammonia based product, as the two will combine to make ammonium chloride, which was used in chemical warfare in the trenches of WWI. ” says:
    “Avoid using chlorine bleach if you have small kids and pets. Bleach cleaning products are not made for all materials. It is usually better if you avoid using bleach for fabrics, untreated wood, vinyl etc. The bleach will do more harm than good to these products. As a more healthy and safe alternative to chlorine bleach you can use oxygen bleach. This is non-toxic and thus safe to use.”

    • Lumberjill says:

      Just so everyone knows . . . I was totally kidding and would never bleach my kids!! I just soaped him up real good!

  12. ha! yeah, bleach+child= not good!!!! 🙂 not that i need to tell you that, for you are uber SMART!! gotta love the potty training advice…never heard that one before, but i am envious i had to potty train without that gem!!!! **hangs her head in shame**

  13. Marla says:

    No advice- but yay Little Dude. 🙂

  14. I will buy Thomas underwear for Prince Charming….when I get to the Last Frontier. Or, maybe I should buy Moose underwear…hmmm

    Thanks for the tip!

  15. diana at home says:

    Love the “don’t pee on me” idea, though I have trouble finding little boy undies with pictures on the FRONT, which is why he wears them backwards so often. Poor kid.

    On the same topic, a mom *confessed* to me that when angry with her son who had ‘messed up’, she announced; “Mater says, ‘Don’t poop on me!'” She was horrified and wracked with guilt. Now I can tell her it is normal and acceptable behavior! 🙂

  16. Erin says:

    I would make him pee outside on a bush before I’d let him rub the public toilet.

    But then again, I’m a bit of a germ-a-phobe.

  17. Gianna says:

    I gotta try that! “Don’t pee on Thomas’ face!” That’s awesome!

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