Camping Shopping

I am SUPPOSED to be doing my lesson planning for homeschool co-op.  Again.  And here I am, blogging.  Again.

Ask me how last week’s lessons went.

Let us discuss this past weekend, shall we?  We went camping and it MIGHT just be the last time we go, but I cannot be certain.  This time, we went camping with just my side of the family, as opposed to the usual Maliblahblah gang.

And instead of berry picking, river floating, rock sliding, hiking, wood cutting, and the like, we went shopping.

Because that’s what my people do.  We shop.

First, we stopped at a flea market.  It was grody.  David almost left with more rabbits and rabbit cages, because apparently that is what we are lacking in life.  But the price was not right, so we did not take more rabbits to our home.  Darn.  People sell anything and everything at the flea market.  From old pens to books to tools to clothes to rabbits.  It was eclectic.

Brother Danny wanted a bike.  Someone was selling one for $15, which is a steal, I don’t care who you are.  So he went to buy it and his wife gasped in horror when he told her he intended to pay full price.  She’s a barterer.  Yes.  She’s one of THOSE people.  She went over there and asked if the gal would take $10 instead of $15.  The gal said yes!  But then Tonya felt badly, so she threw in an extra $2 just cuz.

David thought that was HI-larious.  David is a barterer, too.  He’s of the insane kind.  You know.  The kind that tend to offend people.

“Oh.  I see you would like $50 for this blah-blah-blah tractor part.  I’ll give you $8.”

Anyways.  Brother Danny got a bike.

See David there?  I will bet you one million dollars that he is checking craigslist on his phone for more rabbit deals.  Because he wishes to torture me.

Next on our shopping adventures, we went to the local dump.  I know what you are thinking, dear readers.

“Could this Lumberjill get any cooler?”

But this dump has a special feature.  It has a mall.  A mall where people can drop off items they don’t want, and anyone can take them.  For FREE.

And I could tell you that I didn’t clean out all 10 of the super clean 3-ring binders that were sitting on that shelf.  But we all know I would be lying.

My mom gave Little Dude a stuffed rabbit from the dump mall.  I said that was disgusting.  She said it was fine.

Who’s right?

The correct answer is:  Taylor.  Taylor is right.

And then we went to garage sales and that was that.

Camping shopping.  Try it.

So, then my dad got all into David’s rabbit nonsense, so he had to surf the web on his Inter-phone and this was just hilarious and I knew that you would all enjoy it:

Check out his glasses.  Awesome.

We went on a hike.

David looks happy and blessed.

We went fishing.

David looks happy and blessed.  Maybe somebody needs to post a fantastic Craigslist rabbit deal  . . . stat!

My kids get really dirty whilst camping.  Ask me how my laundry pile is looking.

Alright.  I really must go lesson plan.  Because I am super prepared for life.

PS-For the record, I did catch my husband reading my blog on his smart Inter-phone when we were in the trailer.

Remember?  He subscribed via email?  Remember?

This is what he thought of it:


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21 Responses to Camping Shopping

  1. JodiJean says:

    Those are weird camping activities. Can’t you do all that and not sleep in the woods? Rabbits…why? Why not chickens or pigs? At least you could eat them!

  2. JoAnn says:

    i should never drink anything when I read your post. I mean, the nose to liquid ratio gets really dangerous.
    What the? Yes. I said it.

    I have never been to a dump mall. You live an exotic life my friend.

  3. Nice use of the word eclectic….way to throw some culture into the dump mall!

  4. aTXtumbleweed says:

    I’ve never been to a Dump Mall…did not know there were such places!! We may be moving to an unnamed place in an unnamed state that I think is a dump…want to know why…because my husband wants to. I need to ask them if they have a Dump Mall…it would be so fitting…docha think?

  5. Dawn says:

    When we go on our annual Fall Break Camping and Fishing Extravaganza, we go shopping also. Not that there’s much to choose from. But last year we hit an awesome garage sale in which we bought fabric then went back to the camper and crafted!!! And I guarantee you that if there were a dump mall around, we’d be all handsome on it!

  6. what the heck is a dump mall?? i have never heard of such a thing in all my life! you guys sure do a lot of camping! i miss camping…growing up, we did a lot of camping!

  7. Joyce says:

    I’m trying to picture this…do you go to the campsite and set up and then go ‘shopping’ or are these places you happen to pass enroute to the campsite? And I’m with you on the stuffed rabbit from the dump mall. Don’t you have enough real life rabbits?

    When should I expect you? : )

  8. What is the explanation for why your man refuses to smile in pictures? It’s distressing. I think you should just stop smiling in photos, too, and see what he thinks of that!

  9. My 13 yo niece Sophie has to write about Missouri, it has to tie into Mark Twain. She decided on huckleberries,I guess because of Huck Finn, I dont know, so she has decided to make a recipe book of huckleberry recipes and actually make one of the recipes for class. Got any good recipes for her?

  10. datenutloaf says:

    How does one make money on rabbits?
    Don’t they reproduce quickly on their own anyway?
    My kind of camping – now I’m sad.
    Miss you.

  11. Wichiepoo says:

    I saw a perch!!!!!!!! Perch are yummy fishes!!!!!!!
    More rabbits? Seriously, what are you going to do with all those wabbits????
    I really enjoy reading your blog, it makes my day EVERY time!!! 😉

  12. Wichiepoo says:

    Oh, and stuffed rabbit = Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe!!!!

  13. Deb says:

    I think the stuffed rabbit from the dump-mall should mysteriously disappear. That is nasty, yo.

  14. Taylor is ABSOLUTELY right. Did your mom never read the Velveteen Rabbit? Those fluffy toys carry the plague. Gross.


    Someone owes you a trip to the mall. Or Target.

  15. Debra says:

    You are hilarious! That would be my kind of camping if I even went camping. 🙂 Holla!

  16. rebecca d says:

    Our dump has a little building called the “swap shop” it is mostly full of 10,000 vases with water rings in them and lots of musty books… I suspect the retirement home down the street of being their main contributor… We dropped off a sofa once that wouldn’t fit into our new digs, and we hadn’t even driven away and someone was loading it… They looked young… I was happy to help them out. If you ever need some slightly used vases or musty romance novels you know who to ask… I’ll get ’em for ya “dirt” cheap!

  17. We have those in Alaska too! At the dump, there is an entire covered area. Going to the dump is a past-time/family activity up here.

    People give me the creeps when they sit there watching me unload my garbage.

  18. I can’t believe the coincidence that our family just visited a Rabbit Funland place last week. You can pet the critters, then eat rabbit at the adjoining restaurant after!! I think that disgusts some people but most don’t mind that kind of thing over this side of the world.

    The dump mall sounds like a great idea. At least that prevents things going to waste. I wouldn’t have picked up the stuffed animal though. We are agreed on that one!

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