American Girls

I am reporting to you live and well from Tennessee.  We are having a lovely time thus far, the girls and I.  I don’t have tons of time, as I am feigning to watch the World Series, but I thought I would pop in and share with you a little bit about our day in Atlanta at the American Girl Store.

Here are the three girls outside the store.

My girls didn’t understand why on earth they would want a picture with their MOM in front of the store.

But I made them anyways.  As odd as it was.

First, we went to the American Girl Bistro for a tea party.

If you take a gander at the above photo, you will see that Daisy Mae is praying that this is not, in fact, a dream.

From left to right:

Sweet Pea, “J”, and Daisy Mae.

Daisy Mae was about to explode.  I kid you not.

The menu.  Which is always exciting, no matter where you are at.

The dolls also got to join in.  It is important to make any doll feel almost as if they are a part of the family.  Particularly dolls that cost an arm and a leg.  If you know what I mean.  And I think you do.

They got all sorts of food: cupcakes, tea sandwiches, fruit kabobs, yogurt, and all the hot chocolate they could ever need.

The American Girl Doll People think of everything.  They even help you make your doll feel special in the bathroom.

Which isn’t creepy at all.  In fact, I think I need something like this at home to strap my boys into.  They get into loads of trouble when I am trying to use the facilities.

The girls had some spending money and took forever and a day to decide on which items to purchase.  But they had a lovely time doing so and I think they had a fantastic day.

Many thanks to Bimlissa and her super sweet minivan for driving 10 hours in one day just so we could experience all that is The American Girl Store.

Holla, Bimlissa!

Since The Lumberjack reads this here blog (I think), let us all take a moment to reassure him that The American Girl Store is known for its awesome deals and cheap prices.  Rest assured, Lumberjack.  We hardly spent a dime.


Alright!  I am having a swell time!  Here are some things I have accomplished thus far:

1)  Taken note of Bimlissa’s accessories so I can copy them.  We live many miles away now.  She will never know.

2)  Noted the price of diesel.  It is much cheaper here.  These are things that my husband will enjoy hearing upon my return.  He’s not into dolls.  FYI.

3)  Missed my boys.  Did you know they are the sweetest, most well-behaved pumpkins in the world?  Why did I leave them?

4)  Ate at Chik-fil-A.  Delish.

5)  Purchased a Diet Coke with vanilla from Sonic just for Zoe, a reader who insists I will abandon Diet Pepsi once I taste a Sonic Diet Coke.  It was good.  But it wasn’t THAT good.

6)  Well-played, Zoe.  Well-played.

7)  Spoke to my parents who were gracious enough to watch the boys while we were gone so David could work.  Was shocked to hear that my mom walked into the bathroom to find two naked boys and a shower curtain soaked with an unknown liquid.  Was even more shocked to hear I had forgot to pack the boys extra underwear.

8)  Oops.

9)  While I admit that in item number 3 of this very list you are reading, I pointed out that I missed the boys, I must also admit that I do not miss their disturbing bathroom adventures.

10)  Perhaps I shall have David install “Dude Fixtures” in my parents’ bathroom post haste.

And waterproof shower curtains.


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24 Responses to American Girls

  1. Kelsie says:

    I am so jealous of the AG Store visit…I know I would have the same look on my face as Daisy-Mae…Though shhhhhh don’t tell but we actually have a Madam Alexander 18inch gal…So not sure if they would let us thru the door hehe.

    Blessings Kelsie

  2. I have a son, I didn’t even know what an American Girl store was till you started showing pictures lol. I am glad you like Tennessee, I love living here. And I cannot believe you went to Sonic and didn’t get a watermelon slush. I adore those things, which is why I only go about every couple of months to get one, its only a half mile from my house, I would drink them every day lol.

  3. Ha! to all of the potty talk.

    Enjoy the rest of your time!

  4. Jessy S. says:

    What a blast! I bet the girls had so much fun! Also, I think I might have a solution for you:
    hee hee =)

  5. I must live vicariously through your girls, as my parents felt strongly that the American Girl dolls (and all their accouterments) were an extravagance that would not be allowed under any circumstances!

    (My friend Emily had one and it had a desk! A desk, I tell you. And while looking back, I recognize that my parents’ weren’t well off, and even if they were they would never in a million years have spent $100 on a tiny wooden desk, I still feel the pang of never owning my own tiny wooden desk. It also came with tiny text books. Oh, it was the height of luxury.)

  6. Melissa says:

    Wait, you weren’t really watching the game with us???!!!

  7. Joyce says:

    It looks like such a fun special day. I’ve been with my big girls into the one in NYC. It never gets old. I better get some granddaughters one day to pass all the goodies to. We could outfit a real house with all the AG furniture we own. Courtesy of my mom mostly because of that ‘arm and a leg’ thing : ) The look on your daughter’s face is one to remember. Pure happiness.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip! We’re supposed to get a foot of snow today. Sigh.

  8. SONIC! The first one was in Shawnee, OK…just about 20 miles from me. Still operating! We eat Sonic about 3 x a month. But I get Cherry Limeaid.
    By the way, I was finally able to get on your blog, after I defrag-ed and rebooted my computer.
    So glad you girls are having a fabulous time!! Enjoy every minute of it!!

    • Andi says:

      I thought Sonic started in Woodward?? I don’t KNOW that, just thought it as the family lived in Woodward when I took care of them in the hospital there when I was wee young thing.

      Oh, and since this is Taylor’s blog: I’m jealous of the American Girl dolls. My girls barely play dolls, so we’ve never splurged on them. However, we have the knockoffs, and my youngest played with hers long enough to decide it needed a haircut. That is the only hair she’s cut. So far. but she dreams of being a hair dresser, so my days are numbered, I’m sure.

  9. Kathy says:

    This past summer, my daughter, granddaughter and I went to the American Girl store in NYC. We went to a breakfast-it was so much fun. My 11 year old granddaughter just loved it. It’s unbelievable that they even have hair stylists for the dolls there. Loved the chairs for the dolls at the table and the bathroom thingy was just a little strange-but my granddaughter thought it was cool.

  10. yeah we never did the AG thing, too expensive, but we did get into build-a-bear a lil’ bit…the girl has a few of those…sigh

  11. Janie Fox says:

    That bathroom deal would be great. I took my granddaughter one day with me shopping and was about to wet myself. She was too big for a car seat carrier but not big enough to stand. I had to hold her and go. It was a challenge to “undress” and balance… Kinda gross but I had no option.

  12. diana at home says:

    My daughters are swooning over the AG store pics. They have been checking out all the backgrounds and enjoying a vicarious visit. That is so on our list of must visit locals. Who needs to see sights of historical importance for school field trips? Let’s shop!!!
    Arm and Leg prices are somewhat mitigated by the children earning their own cash for a portion of the price. We had them earn 30% for the dolls they currently have. They are paying for their second dolls entirely on their own. And my floor is swept regularly, laundry is folded and put away, bathrooms look neat, all for 10 cents a job, with a 5 cent bonus for good attitude. It works! And they are learning that money comes from work. (Lots of work! ;))

  13. JodiJean says:

    Kohl’s has the best family bathrooms anywhere! It comes equipped with a holder for one dude, tiny potty for another dude, and a big potty for Mommy!

    Please don’t tell my daughters about AG. Ever. I’m way too cheap!
    Glad you’re having fun!!

  14. Debra says:

    Man that American Girl tea party sure looks yummy. I hope you were allowed to partake. Holla! 🙂 🙂

  15. datenutloaf says:

    I would have died and gone to heaven to visit a store like that when I was little. Perhaps even now. Jealous and also very happy for you. What a gas!

  16. Erin says:

    I cannot believe that you drove 10 hours in one day to go there.
    That is crazy.

    You are crazy.

  17. My youngest is just now outgrowing AG and I am SAD.

  18. Kristy says:

    Looks like you are having a fantabulous time! I would love to take my daughter to the American Girl store! Just a question…how old were your girls when they got their first American Girl doll? My daughter is fixing to turn 5 and I just feel like she is still too little to appreciate the doll and all it’s “worth.” I was thinking maybe at 6 she would be ready, but just wondered when your girls got theirs.

    • mom3 says:

      Age 7 is even better. The historical dolls have wonderful stories that enhance the value of the doll, but they are better for 7 or 8 year olds. The doll/character in the stories is usually about 10 years old.

  19. Marla says:

    Dear Taylor,

    I am alive. Just wanted to let you know. I have big goals to get back to blogging post haste.

  20. Amy says:

    Glad you enjoyed your time in the ATL. That’s how all those in the know refer to it. And you have to spell it. American Girls are an amazing invention. Chick-fil-a is even more amazing. Did you bring me any? Nope? I didn’t think so. 🙁

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