What’s up, my nerd?

It’s Monday night!  And you know what is absolutely necessary?

A picture in which a bunny is smiling.  You’re welcome.

Sweet Pea’s birthday is coming up.  Well, not really.  But to an 8 year old, it is definitely right around the corner.  Her birthday is December 31st and it is the only birthday of our children my husband can remember.


Tax break.

Anyways, she has come up with this uber exciting plan for her birthday festivities that basically excludes all loved ones in her life, except my dad.

Here is a picture of Sweet Pea with her PopPop.

Feel free to pin my fantastic rendition of a Titanic cake on The Pinterest.  The people will thank you.

Sweet Pea’s 9th birthday wish?

Brace yourselves.

She would like PopPop to take her to:

A)  The library near Ruralville

B)  The library in the town we used to live in

C)  Take a break and get a corn dog (ew).

D)  The library in a completely unrelated town.

E)  Join the rest of the family and feast on a cake shaped like a book.

Dang, Sweet Pea.

What’s up, my nerd?

Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddddddddd . . . . I love her.

So.  My first child is almost nine.  When I think about how fast time flies, I sorta panic and start lecturing myself on all things I’m not, scolding myself for not being that “perfect” mom I always thought I could be.

I’m not very patient.  I’m not very fun.  I’m not very crafty (surprise!).  I’m not very organized.  I’m not the best teacher.  I’m not the best baker.

Sometimes, I’m not even very nice.  Which truly is a bummer.

In spite of me, Sweet Pea is growing up to be a fine, young lady.  One of the things I am most proud of is her desire to seek the Lord.  She is very disciplined at studying the Bible, memorizing verses, and establishing her own devotion time.

A habit, regretfully, she probably hasn’t picked up too well from me.  Since I’ve had kids, my days are turned upside down and nothing is predictable, making it hard for me to have a consistent devotion time.

Case in point:

I bathed two boys this morning and got them dressed in nice, fresh clothes. I started the girls on some school and told them I would be right back after I loaded the fire.  I was downstairs, when Handsome Dude peered out from the downstairs bathroom to inform me he had a bit of trouble wiping his bum.

There was poop all over hisself.

And, yes.  Hisself is not a word.  But fun, nonetheless.

So, I take him upstairs to the bath where, lo and behold, Little Dude is standing with the SAME POOP PROBLEMS all over hisself.

Twenty minutes later, I return to girls who are making up songs and dances.  Which is, most assuredly, not in the homeschool curriculum.

So, there you have it.  An example of my day.  Don’t be jealous.

Anyways.  I have learned that if I wait around for the perfect “quiet time” to come around, well, it might just not come around.  Sure, some days are better than others, but most days are plain hectic, and I have learned the simple beauty in praying while folding laundry . . . reading a few verses when I have a moment . . . and switching the music to worship songs.

My friend has written a book called “Never Go Hungry Again.”  She is giving it away for free and I had the privilege of reading it a couple of weeks ago.

I loved it.  I was encouraged, challenged, and convicted while reading it.  I want my children to remember me making God a priority in my life!  I want them to see me spending time with Him more.

Anyways, since I loved it so much, I wanted to share the link with you all, as I know many of you who read this are also busy moms who have hectic days, just like me.

The book becomes free to everyone on November 15th.  If you are reading this on the 14th, you can sign up for the email reminder.  The book downloaded extremely fast for me and I was even able to read it easily on my phone.


(This is not an ad and I am not getting paid to send you here or anything.  I just read my free copy, found it extremely helpful, and wanted to share it with you!  Angela, does however, know I exist.  And she feels blessed in that knowledge.  Ha! Kidding!)

(Or am I?)

Alright.  I’m off to do laundry, oh joy of joys.

Later, my nerds.

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15 Responses to What’s up, my nerd?

  1. thnx for the link to the book!! 🙂

  2. Sharyl says:

    Very cool post Mrs. LJ. And how awesome that Angela wrote a book and you are sharing it 🙂

  3. Thank you for sharing the love, my dear…and yes, I’m privileged and blessed to know you. Praying moms from the Lumberjack’s Wife fan club will be blessed by Never Go Hungry Again!

  4. Joyce says:

    Sweet Pea is appropriately nicknamed : ) I just wrote about the busyness of life on my blog today. It is a different kind of busy since my girls are older (although daughters kinda always keep a mothers gears turning) but it is still easy for me to get off track. There is always something pulling me away from the very thing I know will make my day work. Thankfully His mercies are new every single morning. Life is full of small moments and you’re wise to grab them when you can. Pretty sure you’re a great mom
    : )

  5. Momma Mindy says:

    When my kids were young and I was constantly interrupted with bodily functions and other such exciting adventures, my husband suggested leaving my Bible open so I could go back and take a peek throughout the day. Since interrupted moms are spiritually hungry moms, it provides a way to take a nibble often during the day and meditate on it until the next crisis occurs. Of course, the challenge was where to keep the Bible out of reach from little fingers….but you get the essence of the idea.

    Moms rarely get to eat a meal at one sitting, and that includes the morning spiritual meal. Just keep snacking and keeping your self from going hungry.


  6. JodiJean says:

    Thanks for the laughs!! The Titanic cake made me laugh hysterically (again).
    I listen to scripture on my phone while I get ready in the bathroom before all my rugrats wake. Course, I have to be up at 4:30 to do that. I read more or do a devo at night before I can read your blog or my book too! Maybe you have to read your Bible to earn your morning coffee.
    I love your transparency. Your kids are lucky to have you (to clean up all the pooop, fix their glasses, and buy them rabbits).

  7. Angie W. says:

    Ahh, the library. One of my favorite places too.
    The whole “quiet time” thing has been one of my biggest struggles since becoming a mom. Gone are the days of journaling and contemplative mornings with my Bible and coffee. And I miss it dreadfully. It has taken me 3 kiddos to figure out how to hear God’s voice on the fly and I still routinely fail at it. I am looking forward to this book for sure!

  8. Teresa Dawn says:

    Thanks for the book link! I love Sweet Pea’s idea for a birthday haha… I was a huge library fan as a kid.

  9. Nerd kids…LOVE them. Princess Hope and Sweet Pea would be the bestest of buds. the Library is Heaven to her.



    I am with ya sister, WITH ya!

    ‘nuf said!

  10. Loved the library as a kid, would spend hours there, still love it. I married a man who loves it more than I do. Before we moved from Kentucky we lived across the street from our library, perfect for us lol. But we have to travel further now, but worth it, because we get to go to all the libraries in their network. We go to 4 different libraries lol. PS. Creepy bunny smile lol.
    PSS, really nice to hear how devoted to the Lord your daughter in, hopefully she will stay in that spirit. It was harder after my son became a teenager.

  11. Maranda says:

    I am pretty sure all your stories, pictures, horrific accounts about rabbits are to help people avoid the life of rabbit breeding that you have fallen into.


    There seems to be some sick reverse psychology at play here because that creepy smiling bunny makes me want one. Who knew they smiled!? My friend ‘licious says bunnies are a bad idea for me and my husband says I need a bunny like I need a hole in my head.

    But I can’t help myself. I want to get all handsome on some bunnies.

  12. Lisa Buchanan says:

    I think some of my most heart-felt prayers come when I’m standing at the sink up to my elbows in dirty dishes. The kitchen has become my place of worship since I pretty much babysit-in-a-chair at church. (We don’t have childcare during our main service.) The kitchen ought to be my main place of worship because that’s where I spend most my time. This is because I didn’t put 449 meals in my freezer last summer. Aren’t you glad you’re you???

  13. Katie says:

    Sweet Pea and my brother share a birthday! And my parents always joked about the tax break too!

    I have trouble making time for devotions and I don’t have kids. I can’t imagine how it is when you’re a mom!

  14. Andi says:

    Nerds are the best!!!

  15. Abby says:

    hahahaha that’s awesome! Too funny!!

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