Matchy, Matchy

You asked for it . . .

2009_9_12 035
I wonder if my blog will ever become famous for my top quality pictures?
Hmmm . . .

After seeing the pictures, I guess the Lumberjack’s shirt did not match mine as much as I had mischievously planned it would that strange, odd night at D&B Farm and Home.

He did not even notice.

What good is a trick if the trick recipient does not even know a trick has been played?

I must work on my mischievousness.

2009_9_12 030
We clean up pretty nice, if I do say so myself!

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0 Responses to Matchy, Matchy

  1. Mindy says:

    Looking good! It was nice to see you, hope you all had a lovely time…

  2. Anna says:

    Gorgeous family picture!!

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