Ten Things Tuesday

Ten Things I Hope For:

1)  The day when all four of my children will be able to walk into buildings all by themselves without me worrying about them falling over, running in front of moving cars, running into parked cars, kissing parked trucks, or getting lost.

2)  The day that my house will be completely finished and I will no longer have to make excuses for why there is A) No floor in the laundry room B)  Insulation foam peeking through windows and doorways, C) An air compressor in our kitchen D) 6 different types of drills stuffed in the laundry room E) A large hole on our porch, F) A missing column on our porch, or  G) A condemned building in our backyard, also known as our garage.

2009_9_08 021 

 3)  The day when I walk past a store window and see my reflection and I do NOT get the immediate urge to quickly suck in my tummy.

4)  The day when I can finally say my teenage acne has left me.  Maybe when I am 30?  Please?

5)  The day that Carnation comes out with a completely fat free/calorie free version of Coffeemate Chocolate Raspberry creamer that still tastes as delicious as the original.

6)  The day when I am not aware of how many bowel movements four children have had that day.  This is information that I feel I could do without.

7)  The day when I can have nice camping hair like Lisa.
2009 7 19 Jason's Birthday Albeni Cove 067

Look at that messy bun.  It’s exquisite!

8)  The day that how the Lumberjack looks in a picture reflects how truly happy he is.


9)  The day that Melissa follows through on her promise and gives me rightful ownership of the perfect black sweater with ruffles.

10)  The day that the Lumberjack splits and stacks all that wood so I can see his muscles at work!

2009_9_08 022Come on, Mr. Lumberjack!

That wood ain’t gonna stack itself!

Chop, Chop!

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5 Responses to Ten Things Tuesday

  1. Mindy says:

    I am only one year and 11 days away from turning 30 and still have teenage acne. God must have a sense of humor “Look at her! I’m blessing her with the young skin of a teenager! Lucky girl! HA, HA!”

  2. Jessy says:

    #1 made me laugh. Which of the kids kiss cars? =)

  3. Lisa says:

    Maybe if you did your hair the exact same way everyday as I do it could look as good as mine. Ha ha ha. I’m just not creative or good at the hair thing.

  4. katie says:

    you are without a doubt the funniest person i have read in a long, long time. i came to your blog via the little brown house and i cannot quite grasp where you are but have concluded you are friends w/ her daughter. nevermind but anyway, your current posts had me rolling on the floor laughing (or sitting on the couch laughing, snorting, trying not to go potty…cuz i’m 40something and tho i have 3 chilluns they are past the point of yours and so this stuff is SO FUNNY TO ME cuz i’m not in the muck and mire of it all) so much that i had to go back and dig up the archives!!!! and they are FUNNY TOO! so basically, you are just ONE HILARIOUS CHICK and you didn’t GET funny after years of blogging experience! i don’t know if i can commit to all that reading…or laughing… better wear some depends? thank you!

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