Not Me!

This week on Kelly’s Korner, it’s all about proposal stories!

I shared my proposal story in a “Not Me!” format awhile ago.

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I found this new blog called My Charming Kids.

Every Monday, she has this “theme”  called “Not Me Monday.”

So . . . I thought I would give it a shot!

Head over to her blog to read more!

I hope I do it right . . . let me know what you think!


Interruption:  For the purposes of this blog post, I will refer to The Lumberjack as Chick.


That is not his real name.

But he did want to name our son that.


We’ll see how he likes it.

When I was a junior in High School, a senior boy named Chick (ha!  take that Lumberjack!) gave me his senior picture with this written on the back,

“Hey, Taylor!  I like you!  Call me if you ever get over him.”

Fact:  The Lumberjack’s Wife just had a boy break up with her.

I did not want to call Chick on the phone.


Not me.

I was still kind of hoping “other guy” would like me again someday.

And I surely did not regret not calling Chick two days later.


Not me.

And I most certainly did not get panicky that, since he was graduating, I would never see Chick and all his handsomeness again.

I would never do that.

On the day of Chick’s high school graduation, I was determined to make my move.

I bought a lovely card to give to him that included my phone number.

And, no.

I did not race to the graduation with a friend, despite the fact that I had just rolled and totalled my car that very exact day.

Not me.

That would have seemed desperate.

I would have stayed home and rested.

That was someone else.

When on our first date, I was not disappointed and discouraged that our date only lasted 56 minutes.

Not me.

I am always a trooper.

Finally, Chick and I became an official “item.”

Fact:  I hate when people say a couple is an “item.”  Why do they say that?  Lame.

We had gotten together, but still hadn’t kissed yet.

We took my two dogs, Joey and Willie on a walk.

Chick made up some dumb game where he had to do anything  to me that I said for him to do to Willie.


I know.

It’s ok.

He was homeschooled for a good part of his life.

Interruption:  I am not against home school.  Calm down.  It’s just a joke between the Lumberjack and I.

Now, listen.

Chick was moving a little to slowly.

On account of the home school.


But I did not decide to take matters into my own hands.

And, no, I did not tell him to kiss Willie.

Not me.

That would seem too forward.

About a month later, Chick told me he loved me.

And I did not tell him that he couldn’t possibly love me yet and that he could only say he liked me a lot.

I am not bossy like that.

Oh, and I most certainly did not regret that statement one month after that and ask him to tell me he loved me again.

Chick and I started spending every waking moment together and soon we did truly fall in love.

Or, as much in love as 17 and 18 year-olds could be.

But I did not talk with him about marriage when I was only 17.

Not me.

And on our 11-month anniversary, I did think he was going to propose.

And I most certainly did not have a bad attitude once I realized that the secret location that he drove 1 hour to take me to was not someplace romantic, but was in fact, a mini-golf paradise.

I did not have a bad attitude while playing mini-golf.

Not me.

Then on our 1 year anniversary, I did not expect him to propose to me that day.

Not me.

I am extremely patient.

Chick took me on an all day date for our one year anniversary.  I can’t quite remember all the places we went.  But I do remember that every time he turned a corner, a loud ratting sound came from the back seat.

“What’s that, Chick?”

“It’s your anniversary present!”

I did not have a bad attitude from that moment on because I knew that a tiny ring could not make that loud noise.

Not me.

And when I finally realized he had tricked me and was, in fact, proposing, I did not stop him mid-proposal and inform him that he was proposing with the wrong hand.

No.  I would not want to embarrass him like that.

Finally, that brings me to me and Chick’s wedding day.

The pastor thought it would be funny to have the congregation take a vote as to whether we should kiss or just shake hands.

One person voted for a hand shake.

The rest of the crowd voted for a kiss.

And that was enough for my Chick.

Before I knew it, he was moving in, arms out, lips all smoochy-like.

But, I remained calm.

I did not frantically shout, “Stop!  He didn’t say ‘You may now kiss the bride!'”


Not me.

I would never do that.

The End.

P.S.- After writing this, it seems like during my dating years with Chick, I seemed to have a bit of an attitude.

Fact:  This is precisely why 17 year olds should not talk about marriage.

I did not just admit that.

Not me.

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0 Responses to Not Me!

  1. Melissa says:

    so what was the present rattling around? or was that a joke? did you save the school picture? i love stuff like that!

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Yes, I think the picture is somewhere in my basement.
      It was buckets from fishing or something. They were actually in the trunk, not the back seat. He didn’t plan that, but when he saw I was curious as to what the noise was, he decided to trick me.

  2. Amanda says:

    Wow!! Quite a love story. You are perfect for each other! 🙂

  3. Wendy says:

    LOL!! What creative writing!! I must admit tho, after working 4p-12a last night, being back at work this morning and being quite tired…I had to RE~read some of it to get it!! Maybe in the future you could hold off really creative writing until Tuesdays? LOL!! Have a GREAT Monday!! 😉

  4. Jill says:

    Love this! Let us know how Lumberjack liked being called Chick.

  5. Michelle says:

    *lol* you are such a hoot! great job with your first “not me”. can’t wait for next week’s, however will you top this one?

  6. MaryGene says:

    Ha! Great story!! I love love stories. 🙂

  7. Mindy says:

    Great story! Loved the “not me” thing–it was fun! Definitely do it again! I too had to re-read some of it to make sure I was following along correctly, but I haven’t finished my first cup of coffee yet.
    Ah, teenagers in love. I want you to know that after my husband told me he loved me (we had only been dating a short time), I responded with “Um, thank you!” He won’t let me forget that. 12+ years later. Anyhew, I was only 17, too, so we were all young and silly. But look at us now! Both married 10 years! Apparently we had them sucked in enough to put up with our craziness!! 🙂

  8. Melissa K says:


    I want pictures of you and Chick back in the day. Get that scanner fired up!

  9. Lani says:

    Ya know, I’m really glad that you and that “other guy” didn’t get back together. *wink* 🙂

  10. Stephanie DeBerg says:

    cute story my story is funny i met jacob at my family reunion no we are not related lol

  11. Man, I’m loving the “Not Me”! I did not get all confused with the double-negatives and have to read it over…No. Not me. =)
    PS – Loving you and “Chick’s” romantic story.

  12. suzicate says:

    what a sweet love story!

  13. thelumberjackswife says:

    Ok . . . .maybe I didn’t do it right since everyone is so confused!!! 🙂

    All of those things happened, but I am kind of embarassed by them, hence the not me.

    Do you get it?
    Do you get it?

    I will try to do better next time! 🙂

    • Mindy says:

      I totally got it! And get it! It is hilarious! No need to try and do better, it’s already awesome. I had to actually use my brain this morning, that’s all! 🙂

  14. Jan says:

    I totally got the “tongue in cheek” stuff – I know that’s the way you are, so I was able to direct my thinking……….no problem……not me!

  15. Erin says:

    You totally did it right! It was great! Not Me Mondays are my favorite – just didn’t get around to mine today!

    Mindee said I just had to check out your blog so here I am! Nice to “meet” you and I look forward to reading more!

  16. joyce says:

    I get it. I read the Not Me Mondays sometimes but have never done one.

    Sweet love story. How does Chick like his nickname?

  17. rebecca d says:

    I love “Not Me Mondays!”

  18. Adrienne says:

    Loved it! I think Monday is the perfect day to throw in a little sarcasm. 🙂

  19. Adrienne says:

    P.S. Your story sounds vaguely familiar.
    When “Flyboy” told me he loved me, I did not make him explain his definition of love. I did not start talking about marriage at the young age of 17. Several months after Flyboy’s proposal, I did not tell him how it could have been better. And I did not immediately regret that. No I did not do any of that…Not me.

  20. Andi says:

    I think that sounds frighteningly not like me!

  21. I love the part about you saying that he couldn’t possibly love you yet, but only like you a lot! I think I remember a similar conversation with a boy!

  22. Christina says:

    Funny, funny. Shortly after my husband and I met we were not in my dorm room alone, and he did not try to kiss me. And when he tried to kiss me, I certainly did not turn to the side, evading him, and look straight at an M&M dispenser instead. And once I spotted the M&M dispenser I definitely did not dispense several M&M’s and then offer them to him, instead of a kiss. Nope, not me!
    And then when he began dating someone else, I absolutely did not get huffy about it, and wonder,”WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!” Not me.

  23. You are freaking me out. I have a 14 year old and the thought of her getting engaged in three years makes me hyperventilate!

    But obviously it worked out very nicely for you. 🙂

  24. jo says:

    nice!! “buster” told me he loved me the first day we met, and i DID NOT tell him he couldn’t love me, he didn’t even know me…nope, not me!! 5 years later, we got married (only because i was 13 at the time he told me he loved me)

  25. Heather says:

    I get it and I love it! Too cute. Makes you wonder how they put up with all of the things we do 🙂

  26. brooke deklavs says:

    I love this sweet story!! If you know you know no matter how old you are 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!

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