Family Game Night

With 4 small children at home, life can get hectic.

So, we stay home . . . a lot.

And lately, we are loving Family Game Night!

It is hard to get out the door with everyone . . . and it gets expensive.

Here are some ideas for a fun family night in!



Pictionary Jr.

The dudes.

The dudes do not know how to play Pictionary Jr.

The dudes have no idea what is going on.

The dudes are not one bit helpful.

Handsome Dude feels he should be the official dice thrower.

Can you guess what happened when he threw the dice?

Sweet Pea takes her game playing quite seriously.


Little Dude . . . get off the table.

Go, Sweet Pea, Go!

Handsome Dude has figured out that we are not letting him play the game.

Handsome Dude senses injustice.

Little Dude finds it helpful to bend the cards.

Little Dude!

Get off the table!

Daisy Mae is sure her and the Lumberjack are going to win.

Daisy Mae and her totally awesome heart.


Little Dooooooood


Get off the table.


Something is not to Handsome Dude’s liking.

This is not rare.





Look at those toes!


You can stay on the table.

Stop the game!

Daisy Mae has an issue.

We cannot be certain, due to all the wailing and moaning, but we have concluded that she has some sort of an owie.

Poor Daisy Mae.

Now, hush.

We are playing a game.

Hi, Handsome Dude.

Yes, you are quite handsome.

The Lumberjack remains focused on getting his game on.

Fact:  My Lumberjack is extremely competitive.

It does not matter what game he is playing.

He must win.

Even if he has to cheat.

He will win.

Oh, and does it matter that his opponents are all children under the age of 7?


Oh, does it matter that his opponents are his children?


It most certainly does not.

Let’s look at some Family Game Nights of the past . . . shall we?



He won each and every game.

It went over well with Daisy Mae.

She does not have good sportsmanship.

Man up, Daisy Mae.

Man up.

Sweet Pea is trying to hold it all together.

But she knows she will lose.

Handsome dude has not one clue as to what is going on.

Yet, he feels the need to express his dissatisfaction.

And Little Dude . . .


Well, to be perfectly frank, I think Little Dude is flirting with me.

Oh!  Would you look at this!

Little Dude is on the table.



I fear I have gotten too old for this game.

And I am only 28.

Well, even if I could do that, I choose not to.

My buns do not, I repeat, do not need to be sticking up in the air like that.

That’s just not right.

Raise your hand if you think the Lumberjack will win.

Raise your hand if you think Daisy Mae won’t take it so well.

Oh, I am kidding.

He’s not that bad.

She actually just got an owie.



He’s a good daddy.

Let’s have a moment of applause for the Lumberjack.

Hey, Lumberjack!

We should have more kids!

Oh, I crack myself up.

But, wait!

There’s more!

Have you ever wondered why Handsome Dude needs glasses?

That, my friends, is why he needs glasses.

What sorts of games do ya’ll like to play as a family?

Please share.

Happy Tuesday!

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0 Responses to Family Game Night

  1. Erin says:

    We’ve only just started playing games as a family recently. All we’ve attempted so far is Candyland.
    Alex always wins.
    Not intentionally.
    But I fear for the day that she does not win.

    Derek just moves his little man to wherever his heart desires, but he does know all of his colors now thanks to the game.

    When do you leave on your big trip? We’ll miss you in blogland!

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      We’ll have to give Candyland a try . . . it has been awhile! We will be gone Feb 20-27 . . . I will miss everyone, too!

  2. Carol says:

    There is not a post that goes by that you don’t make me laugh or smile. You are talented and sooo funny.

    The game I love, and I know it sounds ridiculous, is Trouble. Simple. Fun. Not time consuming. Works for me! (Monopoly? My worst nightmare!)

    I do love Pictionary since I like to draw, though not very well. And I am much older than you and recently have had my butt in the air with that Twister game.

  3. Jill says:

    Your game time looks like our game time. Only now my boys are too big and not cute enough to sit on the table.

  4. Melissa says:

    we just found a fun new game, pictureka!! but don’t buy it, i already got one for Daisy Mae’s b-day 🙂

  5. The favorite game at my house, where everyone is old, is see who can use the most internet bandwidth, making everyone else’s computers run slower..Good times.

  6. I admire your family game night. Ours never go well. We have found that we can play Apples to Apples with little to no yelling, but that’s about it.

  7. joyce says:

    I could give Lumberjack a run for his money : ) My family thinks I’m a little over zealous when it comes to games. I never cheat though. I follow the rules to the letter which also annoys my family.

    Dominoes (Mexican train)…your girls could play this one. Clue, Life, Monopoly, Cranium, Apples to Apples (also good for kids-there is a jr. version and my 6 and 9 year old nephews love it)
    My kids are older so I’m not much help.

    I do know I used to stack the deck in Candyland or it would never end (that’s sort of cheating but thats the only time and it was strictly to preserve my sanity)

  8. sarah C says:

    We love games here. I do not think we have meet a game we do not like.
    Apples to Apples
    connect four
    The only games my husband and I do not really like are games on the PS2, we do not like them because we do not win! 🙁

  9. rachel says:

    We love yahtzee jr. However, we got our copy about 3 years ago, and apparently they have changed the rules and made it more complicated. Joy for everyone who gets a newer version 🙂 For beginner game players I like games like that which have a set number of turns per person. Yahtzee jr is 5 turns each and you are done! perfect!

    The kids all love uno, and I love to play skip-bo with the twins, lil’ brother can’t play that one on his own yet.

    We need to have another game night! Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  10. Momma Mindy says:

    We all just want to sit on the couch and watch your family. Who needs TV? Hubby doesn’t enjoy games because he thinks all day at work, so we play them for school. Yes, I kick their little butts!

  11. Kendra says:

    Game #1 -Who can get the most dirt in their sister’s hair while digging like a dog in Daddy’s garden

    Game #2 – Who can spill the most flour while “helping” mommy cook

    Game #3 – anything on Wii Fit that requires mommy to look like a buffon squatting, dancing, and running on the balance board.

    We need new games.

  12. Catherine says:

    Love your posts! I’ve awarded you a Sunshine Award — check it out at my blog


  13. Andi says:

    I can relate to the Lumberjack. But, in our defense, who rejoices in hollow victory? When my girls beat me at a game, they know they totally earned it, because I’m merciless at everything from jump rope (which I can’t win at any more) to Twister to Sceneit.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      In defense of the Lumberjack, that is totally his reasoning! 🙂 That the kids get tough and learn how to play right.

  14. We have recently started “Family Game Night” after my daughter pronounced that she wished her family were more like the ones on TV. The fact that we paled in comparison to a sitcom family left me feeling much shame. So, now we play games. And unlike the families on ain’t always smiles around here. =) We’re working on it. =)

  15. Christina says:

    You are hilarious. The funniest part is that you are taking pictures the whole time. My mom has said to me that she thinks I must walk around with the camera around my neck, since I seemed to have a picture of everything. 🙂
    We have not played family games, but my older kids love Skipbo lately. Go Fish, I hate, but they love. Why? They did have fun with Yahtzee, but we haven’t played in a while.

  16. alyssa says:

    Gotta love family game night! My son is such a sore loser- and an even more sore of a winner. Our favorite games are Sorry, Guess Who Extram Pop the Pig, and Trouble. My son is the self-proclaimed “pop-a-matic bubble champion!”

  17. datenutloaf says:

    Slapjack. I played with Dave once and yes he cheated & took the winnings even when it was I who slapped the Jack. Stinker.

  18. datenutloaf says:

    So gratified that older dude loves the shirt I got him. I wonder if someday you need to rename the dudes. Because perhaps younger dude may resent that he is ‘little’ while bro is “handsome”. Can’t believe I have not met little dude yet. Hope to soon.

  19. datenutloaf says:

    Since I only had a two-person family & not much in the way of funds we would get rather bored and lonely once in a while. Once on such an occasion we got a big box and brought out all the toys and sat at one end of the living room and threw them all the way across the room to the box & when we were done, we’d pitch them back. Very fun, low tech, a little physical and very good therapy. Then we’d play what we’d get if we won the lottery. That’s when I would ask folks what their favorite car would be. Just in case… When I was little we were in the car, we’s always play the alphabet game. Starting with the first A someone spies, then B and so on. They had to tell us where the saw the letter. Then we’d do the same with colors. I mean we had a lot of kids in the car when I was young. It kept us busy. Sorry is a good game, & Trouble. “War” is good too – with the cards. Be careful Dave cheats on that too.

  20. Danielle says:

    Our houses are eerily similar! Someone always gets hurt, someone is always crying, and someone is always losing or winning at something…and usually it’s dad who wins mostly b/c he cheats and the kids cry b/c they know this. It’s a vicious cycle!

  21. we like to play ‘get all the stuff under the dining room table picked up and yes that even means squished grapes and I don’t care if you didn’t put that there pick it up NO it does not go ON the table it goes in the trash do not eat the crayons put them away!’
    and then we play operation, or don’t spill the beans (even though there are only like, 4 beans left because I refuse to pick through puppy poop to find the missing pieces.) or candyland or spider kids (where my giant husband picks up each kid and holds them up so they can pretend to crawl along the ceiling while we sing “Spider kids, spider kids, do whatever the spider kids do”. name that movie!)

  22. TidyMom says:

    LOL your family game night looks like a lot of fun!!

    Thanks for linking up to I’m Lovin’ It! Hope to see you again this week!

  23. Ashley says:

    Games are usually just me and the Little Girlie… Little Man is too little, and Daddy doesn’t do games (usually). And I’m not big on playing games if I can’t follow/know the rules – which is difficult with a 3yo… so games, at this point, are usually left for Grandmas to play with the Little Girlie!

  24. We love family game night! My brother and his family join us once a month too. Mickey Mouse Yahtzee is a favorite!

  25. 'Becca says:

    I love the photos! I have so many great games to recommend to you! I’ve got to say about Clue (which another commenter suggested), though, that kids under 7 usually have a lot of trouble with it because it requires deductive reasoning, and also it IS about killing and any one of you could be the murderer…kind of sick…but it’s one of my favorite games that I look forward to playing when my son is a little older!

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