Home again!

Hello, everyone!

Thank you all for participating in my Neener Neener contest!

The winner, according to random.org, was Angela!

Angela, I will email you.

Congrats, Angela!

A $25 Starbucks giftcard is on its way to you!


We returned late last night around 1 am.

I guess I should say we returned early this morning at 1 am.

But I won’t.

We had a lovely time, but started missing the kids by about Wednesday.

And it didn’t help then when we called home, the girls were crying saying how much they missed us.

And Little Dude was being a naughty tike.

And Handsome Dude had lost his glasses and his sister’s.

And Handsome Dude was covered head to toe in hives.

I decided the kids are too much a part of us now and life just isn’t the same without them.

We would just keeping commenting on which child would enjoy what and how much fun they would have.

*Breaking News*

The Lumberjack and I look fabulously young in Mexico.

Not so much in America.

But in Mexico . . . we look like we have discovered the Fountain of Youth.

We were stopped at least 12 times, because inquiring Mexicans needed to know:

“Hola! Are you honeymooners?”

“No, we are not.”

“What are you celebrating?”

“Our anniversary! 10 years!”

“No!  You are too young!”

“Oh, thanks!  But, really. . .10 years!”

“No!  How old are you?”


Interruption:  They would only ask the Lumberjack how old he was.

Apparently, my age was trivial.

Well, Mexico.

That’s sexual harassment.

And I don’t have to take it.

“And I’m 28!”

I would not be left out.

“Muy bien!  Muy bien!  Very young!”

And that exact conversation repeated itself at least 12 times.

I mean, just look at us:

A couple of spring chickens, I tell you.


Boy, did we have some trouble with the language barrier.

We wanted to ask kind passersbys if they could help us out and take our picture.

But, alas.

We could never find anyone who spoke English.

And, even if they looked like they could speak English, they usually didn’t.

And we no habla espanol.

So, we sat down and had a long talk with our camera’s self-timer function.

Because, apparently, we feel that will be easier than trying to communicate with the other humans nearby.

My, oh my!

Aren’t I a bonita chica?


Oh, wait.

My eyes are closed.


First, let me inform you that our goal was to show the beautiful blue water and us in color at the same time.

Clearly, it was not working out for us.


What am I wearing?

Why, I am glad you asked!

I have always been a trend setter, you know.

Let’s see . . .

These photos were taken on Friday, day 6.

So, I want everyone to take into account that fact that we have had unlimited food and drinks accessible to us all day long at our fingertips for 6 straight days.

And, I like food.

I like it.  I like it, a lot.

(Name that movie.  It’s a tough one.  But I have faith in one of you.)
Oh, dear.
Something has gone dreadfully wrong with my post.
I cannot double space.
Nor, can I get it out of italics.
And I am too tired to care.
What was I talking about?
Oh, yes.
What I was wearing.
I was wearing a very loose, elastic-waist banded skirt.
White tank.
Blue tee.
Creme hoodie.
Flip flops.
I am a fashion icon.
Drool if you must.
Hmmmm . . . .
Well . . .
That’s about enough of that.
I am still typing in italics.
Deal with it.
I can’t center either.
Alright, starting tomorrow, I will recap our grand adventure day by day.
It will be full of excitement!
It will be full of adventure!
It will be full of
random locals giving the Lumberjack bunny ears.
Poor, Lumberjack.
Tis hard to look macho when a man wearing a necklace and has his eyebrow pierced is giving you bunny ears.
Happy Sunday!
P.S.- 100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can help me get this out of italics.
I hit ctrl I.
I hit ctrl I again.
I hit the I button next to the B.
I am an idiot.
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0 Responses to Home again!

  1. Heather says:

    Glad you are home safe and sound! Can’t wait to hear about your trip. I totally relate with you, when Chris and I were on vacation we too talked constantly about how much fun the kids would have and decided we will probably always vacation with them (although I do think it is fabulous to get away by yourselves sometimes, but maybe just for a weekend getaway).

  2. DUMB and DUMBER!!

    Not you and The Lumberjack…the movie quote.

    Glad to have you back…butI didn’t win!!! I never win anything. (I sound like my eight year old).

  3. Melissa says:

    sooooooooo glad you’re back!!
    sooooooooo bummed I didn’t win the gift card 🙁

  4. Erin says:

    Yea! You’re home! I’ve missed your posts.

    I asked my movie-buff husband, who immediately knew it was Dumb & Dumber. I never would have placed it, despite the fact that I use that line quite frequently.

    I have issues.

    Welcome home!

  5. Ok – when you hit the I next to the B did you select the text first? Just asking..
    And just for the record – that does not look like a bunny ear behind your husbands head.
    And….. welcome back!! We have missed you so!
    I am almost to my 100th post and I think I will copy your idea of a Starbucks card giveaway. Stop on by as I will only have about 10 comments to choose from… can I say I picked the wrong comment thread of yours to subscribe too??? I feel pretty certain each person posted 13 1/2 times….. all 499 of your followers….

  6. Sydney says:

    I believe its Ctr_Alt_I…..

  7. Yay! You’re back! I missed you. 🙂

  8. Andi says:

    Welcome back!

    I think those are devil horns, not bunny ears! Maybe El Mexicano Guapo was trying to steal La Senorita Bonita!

  9. Lisa says:

    YEAH glad your home safe. I’m soooo jealous of your tan. Looks like you had fun and I look forward to hearing all about it.

  10. Dawn says:

    I, for one, was relieved to see the second finger behind your husband’s head. I was fearful of what was going on!

  11. Christina says:

    Oh, yes, Dumb and Dumber…I even say it in my head just like Lloyd does. I can’t help it.
    Glad you’re home. Awesome pics. And elastic waistbands ROCK. At least you went on vacation…I cannot wear any of my pants and I have just been at home. Watching world class athletes and eating brownies, while my bottom gets wider. 🙂

  12. Kendra says:

    Water Boy (the movie) has a similar quote…but it is “them”, not “it” 😉

    Why didn’t you ask the 12 people who were able to ask you about your age if they would take your pictures ;)!! ?

  13. Lisa Canterbury-Woods says:

    I am glad that you had a great time! It is true that once you have kids a vacation with or without them is never the same, you are either missing them and feeling bad because they would love to play in the lovely pools or they are in the lovely pools and you are tearing your hair out putting on sunscreen and trying to keep them from drowning! Parenthood is a lovely thing!!!! But I would never trade it for the world!

  14. Melissa K says:

    Glad you’re back! I’ve missed my daily dose.

    And as far as the italics, what Sharyl said. The text has to be highlighted in order to change its appearance, unless you want to go into the HTML and edit it.

    (I can see your eyes rolling back in your head. Just highlight the text and click the I to de-italicize. 🙂

  15. Melissa K says:

    P.S. I really wanted that SB gift card, but I’m very glad that Angela won it. 🙂

  16. Momma Mindy says:

    welcome home…we just wanna know…did poddy training regress while you were gone? 🙂 so glad you enjoyed your time in Mexico masquerading as honeymooners!

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      No! He did great and he is still potty-trained! Accidents are very rare now!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Christine says:

    Glad to see your back and that you had a great time. We celebrated 10 years last year and all I got was a dinner. Hmmm, I have to see who to talk to about that. lol

    Anyway, welcome back! The blogger world was quiet without you:)

  18. Mindy says:

    1.So, I wanna know why your Handsome Dude was covered in hives! What was/is he allergic to??
    2.Also, totally ticked I didn’t win the SB card-was totally planning on that for the month of March, so I hope you feel bad about that.
    3.The water looked amazing, and you looked totally tan! Jealousy is oozing from my pores right now.
    4.And the Dumb and Dumber line is used in this house frequently, and I also cannot say it without saying it the exact way Lloyd says it.
    5.I was also concerned about the lack of a second finger behind LJ’s head, but after looking closely was relieved to see it there.
    6.Oh, and glad you are back!! Hope you love the way I numbered my comments for you as to make it easier on your vacation-fatigued brain.
    7. I wish there was a font for sarcasm. That’s all! 🙂

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Ha! I thought the movie was Ace Ventura. Oh, well.
      I don’t know why he has hives. My ma took him to the dr. It has something to do with whatever virus-y thing he had before I left. He had a ear infection and possible strep.
      He still has the hives and it is berry sad. 🙁

  19. Adrienne says:

    Glad to have you back! I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. 🙂

  20. Jill says:

    Welcome back! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. And I think the funniest thing in the picture with the bunny ears is the completely serious look on your Mexican friend’s face.

  21. thestinkies says:

    Welcome back! I look forward to hearing about your trip and seeing more photos of random mexicans doing bad things to your husband! How funny! He looks thrilled about that one!

    I too want to know why Handsome Dude was covered in hives!

  22. ~*jo*~ says:

    nice pics!! lol…its cause you are taking the picture towards the window…too much light!! you gotta have a really good camera and great skills to get both you and the water taking it like that!! i can’t do it either but my hubby could prolly figure it out…anyway…welcome back, i have missed you!!! 🙂

  23. namacura says:

    Welcome Home! Can’t wait to hear all about the trip.

  24. Lani says:

    I LOVE the look on David’s face in that last picture. Seriously. He looks like he’s about to haul off and smack the guy behind him. It’s priceless.

  25. Pingback: So You Think You Can Dance! « The Lumberjack's Wife

  26. Pingback: So You Think You Can Dance! « The Lumberjack's Wife

  27. Pingback: Ten Things Thursday: Market 28 Edition. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  28. Pingback: Ten Things Thursday: Market 28 Edition. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  29. Carol says:

    I’m starting here at square one to hear all about your lovely trip. The other day I was browsing around here quickly because I don’t have a lot of time these days. I stumbled upon one of your posts about your vacation and was laughing out loud. You absolutely crack me up. You could do stand up.

    Anyway, I do understand about being a parent and missing the kids while being away and talking about them 90% of the time, but I still think we need time away as couples without them.

    I’m going to day 2 now. 🙂

  30. Pingback: Cancun: The Final Chapter. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  31. Pingback: Cancun: The Final Chapter. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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