So You Think You Can Dance!



Welcome back  to my super-exciting recap of my vacation to Mexico with Sir Lumberjack!

To start from the beginning, click here.

On Tuesday, we did nothing.

Well, we sat.

And we ate.

We ate often.

We ate because it was time to eat.

We ate because it wasn’t time to eat.

We ate because we hadn’t tried something.

We ate because it was free.

We ate because someone next to us was eating.

We ate because someone next to us wasn’t eating.

We also did some reading.

Now, you might remember that when we were at Walmart, the Lumberjack tried to get me to buy some sunglasses.

I have never worn sunglasses.

Because I look ridiculous in them.

So, I did not buy any.

Now, I had a revelation on Tuesday.

People buy sunglasses because they are helpful!

It can get kind of tricky to sit out in the sun all day long and try to read a book while squinting.

So, would you like to know what my Lumberjack did?

He took me to the hotel gift shop and made me buy a pair of sunglasses right then and there.

And he didn’t even comment on how the sunglasses at Walmart were 70 pesos and the sunglasses at the giftshop were 180 pesos.

Interruption:  If you are going to travel to Mexico, make sure you brush up on your 12’s times tables.

The exchange rate while we were there was 12 pesos to 1 dollar.

At least I think that’s what the plan was.

We’ll see how it all works out when we get the credit card bill.


I look like something el cato drug in.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows the Spanish word for cat.

But check out my super cool glasses!

They are sitting atop my head.

The Lumberjack had a grand time teasing me for the remainder of the trip about these sunglasses.

It seems you are only supposed to wear these contraptions while in the sun.

I would put them on in the morning when we were leaving our hotel room.

You know.

As part of my accessorizing routine.







“Dude.  It’s pretty sunny in here, isn’t it?”

Funny, Lumberjack.


I would have them atop my head while in the sun.

“Bet those sunglasses are helping out right now.”

Hilarious, Lumberjack.


“Did you lose your sunglasses yet?”

“Did you break your sunglasses yet?”

“Hey, hon!  We are going into a dark restaurant!  Put on your sunglasses!”

Oh, he thinks he is so funny.

But then I show him my muscles and he knows it is best to hush up.

Good news!

We figured out the self-timer on our tricky camera!

Kind of.

It’s hit and miss, really.

Oh, look!

Pay attention, folks.

This here is a rarity.

It is a picture of us at a restaurant.

Gosh, we were so busy hiking, shopping, snorkeling, swimming, and sight-seeing that we almost forgot about taking time to eat!

I’m surprised we didn’t waste away.

After dinner, we decided to walk around the beach and hotel.

Can we all have a moment to reflect on my accomplishments as a photographer?

I mean, look at this lighting.

I find it to be exquisite.

But then again, I really have no idea what makes a good picture.

So, for all I know this could be terrible.

But I like to think I am a good photographer.

If this doesn’t scream creativity, I don’t know what does.

Just let me have my moment.


Wait a tick!

Well, what’s this we’ve encountered?

Ah . . . .

It is lounge singer.

And he is taking requests!

And he wants people to dance!

Now, that’s entertainment.

Some people could really dance!

And some could not.

Those people could.

They were doing the salsa!

I think.

Aye Carumba!

Fact:  I do not know what Aye Carumba technically means, if that is how it is spelled, nor if that would be the correct way to use it in a sentence.

It just sounded appropriate.

Senor Lounge Singer was really wanting the Lumberjack and I to participate.

“Hola, Honeymooners!”

Oh, for the love of Pete.

“Pick a song, honeymooners!  Pick a song!”

Hmmmm . . .

What could a Lumberjack and his Lumberjill contribute to a dance off in Cancun?

Achy-breaky heart?

(Name that artist)

Ring of Fire?

(Name that artist)


(Name that artist and promise me you will never listen to that song.  It is . . . odd)

I don’t think Senor Lounge Singer would  know any of those tunes.

“Honeymooners!  Song, por favor?!”

LJ to me:  Got any requests?

Me:  Dude!  We could teach them how to line dance!

LJ:  Dude!  NO.

Me:  Well, we certainly don’t salsa!

LJ:  Dude!  NO.

Me:  Well, we did take swing dance in college together!

LJ:  Dude!  NO.

So, we had to inform the crowds that the honeymooners would just be spectators.

You can understand their disappointment.

Boo, Lumberjack.

We could have had our moment, you and I.

Our 15 minutes of fame, if you will.


Happy Thursday!

Tell me . . . can you dance?

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26 Responses to So You Think You Can Dance!

  1. Erin says:

    cat= el gato

    Billy Ray Cyrus
    Johnny Cash
    I don’t know the last one.

    Happy Thursday!

  2. joyce says:

    Well I’m ashamed to say Convoy was by somebody McCall I think. If you were alive in the mid 70’s you couldn’t help but hear it. CB radios were big. With a certain crowd. But I’m pretty sure you were not alive in 1975.

    We dance. We don’t salsa. You should have danced. Who knows-you might have ended up on somebody’s blog that way : )

  3. Melissa says:

    I was going to name the artist but, alas, someone beat me to it.

    After reading your blog I feel like have been to Mexico vicariously through you.

    Does it count if I have “Achy, Breaky” on my iPod?

  4. Surely LJ knows the Macerana? It was the perfect opportunity!

  5. Melissa says:

    I think you can dance!

  6. rachel says:

    gato? I am almost sure the cat is a gato… where is that spanish/english dictionary I used to use….. way back when I needed it for a good grade…

  7. Jill says:

    I don’t dance where people can see. I’ve heard Convoy one or two times. It is a strange song–especially the part about the Rubber Duck. Your sunglasses were absolutely fabulous, and since you were staying in a trendy vacation area, it was perfectly appropriate to wear them on top of your head.

    I think you should have asked the singer for “If My Nose Were Running Money, I’d Blow It All On You”. (Yes, it is an actual song.)

  8. Sarah C says:

    Oh my your story telling is just to funny. You make my day.

  9. Melissa K says:

    I can’t malign Convoy, because it brings back memories of my childhood. (Which is frightening to think happened mostly before you were born. I don’t feel old enough to say that to someone older than 10.) My mom had a CB in her Datsun B210, and we got good laughs more than once listening to the conversations on that thing.

  10. cindy p says:

    Hokey Pokey? …shoulda told them it’s an american anniversary thing…especially when having a young large family 😉

    or you coulda told them you were too full from eating…lol

  11. Mindy says:

    That would be CW McCall, the perfect artists name to sing Convoy, don’t ya think? Growing up, while my dad sang the main lyrics, all us gals(me, mom, and sis) sang the backup. Classic.

  12. Amber says:

    Sadly, I am not a good dancer. But I try at home – we have these goofy Friday Night Dance parties that end up being us spinning and running around our living room. (No, we’re not 12 but 25!)

    And there was the time we took salsa lessons at the local college – we looked like fools I’m sure but it was fun 🙂

  13. Funny stuff! Living near the border, I get Mexico. Oy.

  14. Lisa says:

    You did break down and get some sunglasses. I’m sure they came in handy when you were in the sun, but they do make a great accessory, too…a “cool” headband.
    I just recently learned the cupid shuffle and that would’ve been a great dance to do! It is almost like line dancing, though.

  15. Andi says:

    I ask you: What is wrong with Convoy? I love that song.

    I think you can totally dance, but I doubt the Lumberjack. Just cause he won’t smile in pictures…Isn’t that how I should judge everyone?

    My hubby won’t/can’t dance unless he’s under the influence of liquid courage and that hasn’t happened in years and years!

    I’m loving the Mexico posts!

  16. Christina says:

    Good stuff.
    I can do the lawnmower and the sprinkler. Things like that. Very talented.
    el gato is cat. But you were VERY close.
    I like how you call each other “Dude”. I call people “dude”…even my mother-in-law. But just once.

  17. MaryGene says:

    I think ay carumba is sort of slang for “oh, darnit!” it might be a more PG-13 version of that, though…. 😉

  18. Heather says:

    Love living vicariously through you! I think Mexico is our next vacation destination! Glad you broke down and got the glasses. You are a fine photographer. I so wish my husband would dance, but, alas he will not. At least your honey even considered it. Great stories, can’t wait to read more 🙂

  19. No. Me no dancerino.
    I don’t think the honeymooner thing will ever get old!!

  20. rebecca d says:

    I can’t dance… but I do know all the words to Convoy off the top of my head…. I am so skilled and amazing I tells ya….

  21. datenutloaf says:

    Cat is gato. However because el gato is a beloved pet it’s better known as ‘gatito’ – ito is added on to any word to show an endearment or something small. Hence taco or taquito. Burro o burrito. Senora o Senorita. Achy Breaky heart is Billy Ray Cyrus’ gift to American culture. Ring of Fire – Johnny Cash, Dramarama, Stan Ridgway, Wall of Voodoo and many others recorded that song. Convoy? No se, senora. See, abuela is grandmother but if you really love your grandmother you say abuelita. Comprendes. I’m enjoying practicing mi espanol on your blog. Yes, your photos are beautiful. I’m also seeing all the beatiful turquoises and blues of the water.

  22. Angela says:

    You inspired me to Babblefish Ay Caramba, because after all, growing up in Miami, I say it all.the.time.

    So Babblefish translates things literally and it says it means: (moan) golly.


    I love to dance. Bill will not dance. So there you have it. He slow danced with me at a wedding once, about twelve years ago…and I don’t really desire to dance with anyone else, so I just do ballerina twirls in my living room and flying leaps across the basement when no one is watching. I was so meant to be a ballerina. Sigh.

  23. Dawn says:

    Cat–ElGato Convoy–evidently, honeymooner you are much to young to appreciate the awesomeness of Convoy and Breaker 1-9 and the most excellent CB Radio. CW…..CW…I can’t remember who the guy was who sang/told it! McCall???

  24. Pingback: Cancun: The Final Chapter. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  25. Pingback: Cancun: The Final Chapter. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  26. Pingback: Cancun: The Final Chapter. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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