Ten Things Tuesday: Market 28 Edition.


Back to the Cancun vacation recap.

If you would like to catch up, click here to start at the beginning and work your way up to this point.

We have come to Wednesday.

Wednesday was cold, gray, and a little rainy.

So, we took the advice of Waldo, and decided to do a little shopping.

He recommended we go to Market 28.

And, without further ado, I present to you:

Ten Things Tuesday, Market 28 Edition


Ten Things Tuesday:  The Fateful Day that this Photo was Taken

I went with the first title.

You go with whatever title you see fit.

Interruption:  I am feeling a little random today.  Forgive me.

1)  In order to get to Market 28, we must ride the city bus.  Now, according to Waldo, you cannot see Market 28 from the bus.  So you have to hope the bus driver shouts it out when it is time to get off.  So, we get on and we ask him to do so.

Darn our luck, he is not cooperating.

Lucky for us, we have Cancun’s most avid-traveller, who also happens to be an American citizen, sitting right next to us and she helps us get off the bus.

2)  Nonetheless, we do not know where to go once we get off the bus. 

I think we should go one way. 

The Lumberjack thinks we should go another. 

The Lumberjack gets his way. 

The Lumberjack always gets his way.

3)  The Lumberjack leads us through a creepy alley.

I am trying to remain cool and collected.

I don’t think I succeeded. 

After about 30 minutes of wandering, we stumble upon Market 28.

4)  Market 28 is like a big, open flea market where locals are trying to sell whatever they can do any tourist who comes their way.

They know just enough English to get by, but if you ask them questions, they don’t understand you.

“Honeymooners!  Please come to my store.”

“Right this way, honeymooners.”

“Please come in.  I good deals.”

“Come in.  Come in.  Come in.  Come in.  Come in.  Si.  No?  You come back then.”

5)  Now.

I do not like their pushiness.

When I go to Old Navy, the sales clerk does not follow me around and say,

“Please, miss!  Try on this t-shirt.”

“No, come this way, miss.”

“Miss!  Don’t you like this skirt?”

“Miss!  Are you sure you are that size?”


She leaves me be so I can shop in peace.

And that, my friends, is the way shopping is meant to be.

So, even if I saw something that piqued (ooh!  a fancy word!  look at me!)  my interest, if the shop owner was too pushy for me, I would walk on by.

I sure showed them.

I ended up only going into 4 stores owned by the most unfriendly people who did not care to say a word to me.

But at least they were not pushy.

6)  Our goal at Market 28 was to purchase gifts to take home to the 4 lumberjacklings. 

At one store, I found some cute little necklaces for our girls.

Aren’t they sweet?

As I am looking over the necklaces, the shop owner informs me that everything is

“Just one dollar, Honeymooners!”


I can do that.

So I pick out two necklaces.

Lumberjack:  You can’t just give him $2 for those.

Me:  Yes, I can.

Lumberjack:  No.  You have to barter.  Remember?  Waldo said.

Me:  I don’t barter.

Lumberjack:  Fine.  I will do it.

So, I walked away and let him work his magic.

When he came back, I asked him how much he paid for both of them.


“What?!  They were only $2 to begin with.”

“I know.  Just start walking.”

“But you bartered the wrong way!  You missed the point!”

“Just walk away.  I didn’t understand what he was saying.”

Interesting, Lumberjack.


7)  We came to a point in the Market where I felt the need to take a picture and capture this moment in time.

Rico Suave here invited himself into the picture.


He is giving the Lumberjack bunny ears and nothing else.

Get your minds out of the gutter.

I also snapped this photo:

I like it.

I feel it as a certain “Senior Picture-ish” sort of quality.

8)  The time came for us to leave. 

As we were exiting, 14 kind, yet pushy, taxi drivers offered us a ride to our hotel for only $10.

I found this to be quite reasonable.

But the Lumberjack, in all his frugalness, said we would get back on the bus, as it was only $1.20.

So, we try to find the bus.

9)  2 hours later, we are still trying to find the bus.

I am starting to get annoyed at my frugal man, but trying not to let it show.

I mean, what fun is a honeymoon if you are fighting with your spouse?

But, then again, what fun is a honeymoon if you are Lumberjack-napped?

Hmmm . . . .

Thoughts to ponder.

10)  We FINALLY found the bus. 

After 2 hours of walking the streets of Cancun.

And not the hotel zone of Cancun.

The regular part of Cancun.

Where no other tourists exist.

We sit down on the bus, and I turn to the Lumberjack and jokingly say,

“Boy!  That taxi probably would have been the way to go!”

And would you like to know what he said?

“Nah.  I don’t mind walking.”

Lies, Lumberjack!


I declare, Lumberjack, that you are just trying to save face because you know you got us lost.

But I let it slide.

It was our honeymoon, after all.


We returned to our hotel.

I cheered up because it was time to eat.

And I ate a lot.

I ordered off the menu and visited the buffet.

Then we went to the pool where I looked at other girls in their swimsuits and wondered how they stayed so trim.

For dinner that night, we had reservations at one of the fancier restaurants in the hotel.

We decided that fancy is not our style.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand how “Baby Adobo Goat in Cream Chile Sauce” could ever sound more appealing than “Pizza.”

Fact:  It was on Wednesday that I started missing the kids terribly.

Fact:  I saw a Spanish baby wipes commercial that triggered my emotions.

Fact:  As we were eating our fancy dinner, I had tears of sorrow streaming down my face as I tried to help the Lumberjack understand how a baby wipes commercial in a language that I did not comprehend could make me cry and miss my children so.

Fact:  The Lumberjack still does not understand me.

Happy Tuesday!

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36 Responses to Ten Things Tuesday: Market 28 Edition.

  1. Melissa says:

    I had missed your vacation posts, so glad you are back!

  2. Based on the incredible bargaining skills your husband displayed on this venture, I would leave him home with the Jacklings when it is time to go car shopping..

    And I must never go to that market – because I would have felt the need to spend money at every single spot run by the pushy people…just so I didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings! I am such a dork that way..

  3. Eh, if he understood you that would remove all the mystery from your relationship and what fun would that be?

    I think you are super brave to wander Cancun on your own. I would have taken a taxi and left LJ to his own devices.

  4. Lesli says:

    You SO need to get the bunny ears picture framed.. that is the funniest thing I have seen for a while..lol.. oh and men will never admit when they are wrong but at least WE KNOW!!

  5. Paula says:

    Kudos to you for not bruising what we know can be a very fragile male ego. I’m not sure I could have kept quiet. I like to dig. And gloat. And so on.

  6. Joyce says:

    I have been to Cancun and I am just thankful you are safely home after all your ‘wanderings’ around the city.

    Your girls are absolutely too adorable!

  7. Mindy says:

    Oh dear, you two live on the wild side–I do not like to wander in foreign countries where I don’t speak the language, which is mainly anywhere. Were you seriously crying during dinner? Poor thing!
    And his bartering skills may need some honing. That is just so funny!

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Mindy-yes. I was seriously crying. And yes. We are wild and crazy.
      Jo- ugh is right. it is a good thing the LJ is so darn cute.

  8. ~*jo*~ says:

    uuggghhh MEN!! 🙂

  9. Kim says:

    I LOVE the bunny-ears picture. Did Rico Suave think he’d become famous for doing that? Anyway, I enjoyed your dudes in nursery while you were gone. It was a lot of fun, especially after the stories you tell. At that point, everything was going well with your parents. 🙂 By the way, pizza definitely sounds better than baby goat. Who eats that stuff anyway? That is a question better left unanswered, I say.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Rico Suave was actually trying to get us to eat at his Mexican restaurant around the corner and we weren’t having it. Perhaps it was his form of revenge?

  10. Patti Smith says:

    When my husband and I went to Hawaii over Thanksgiving holidays a couple of years ago I ended up on Thanksgiving Day in the mall at a California Pizza Kitchen eating and crying over a barbeque chicken salad because I was so homesick!! The salad reminded me of home!! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so I should have known it was a mistake!
    My husband, like yours, thought I was weird.

  11. Rebecca Rankin says:

    Sounds like a fun trip! It also sounds like what would happen if my husband and I went on one, ‘cept it would be me who said we should find the bus and save the money.

    He was probably trying to make up for the $7 he spent on the necklaces. 🙂 That cracked me up!

  12. Andi says:

    I hate bartering too, because I’m pretty sure I never made them come down enough…

    I feel it’s a system I’m doomed to fail at. LJ and I are on the same page there.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Andi and Dawn-yes, I hate bartering, too, which is why I let LJ do it. I don’t know what he was thinking?!? I found it quite hilarious.

  13. Dawn says:

    I think you had to take the bus to make up for the lumberjack bartering system… That was too funny!

  14. Christina says:

    That would have scared me silly, and I even know a little Spanish. When I was in college I spent a semester in Valencia, Spain, and the first day of school the family I lived with shoved me out the door and pointed me in the right direction and I was on my own. Ahhh! I arrived at school after a half an hour, with frazzled nerves, sore feet, and tears in my eyes. That was not a fun day.
    At least you had your man with you.
    Really, in the end you are glad he was with you. 🙂

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Oh, totally glad he was with him. LJ would have taken any amigo down who would have tried to harm his Lumberjill. 🙂
      That school story is scary! I would have sobbed the whole way!

  15. How could any food item with the words “Baby” and “insert any animal name here (i.e. goat)” be appetizing to anyone?

    “Yay! I was hoping they had some kind of baby animal to eat here! Fancy restaurants are the best!”

    Boo, fancy restaurant. Boo.

  16. Trudy says:

    My girlfriends and I were in Singapore visiting another friend. While shopping at the “mall”…we also experienced the “come to my store” pleadings……and since most women there were 4 feet tall, weighing 80 pounds….they had no problem telling we are tourists. So, how did the guy try to lure us to the store?……by yelling at the top of his lungs …”Hey, come to my store….I have BIG GIRL SIZES”. We felt soooo special.

  17. Amanda says:

    This was hilarious. I gotta tell ya, I am a total skimmer. Thats how I read EVERYTHING. Always have. But this… well… I read every word!! Too funny!


  18. Pingback: Cancun: The Final Chapter. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  19. Pingback: Cancun: The Final Chapter. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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