My blog is cute. My blog is fun. And gosh darn it, people like it.

Guess what time it is, folks?


It is the moment you have all been anticipating . . . it is time to announce the Comment of the Week!


Try and contain your excitement.

Erin, who I would consider my new blogging friend, has won this week’s prestigious award.

Erin writes the blog, Is it Bedtime yet?

Erin is a hoot.

A hoot, I tell you.

Go say hello to Erin.



Are you there?

Are you my friend?

Wouldn’t that be embarrassing if she didn’t look at my blog today?

Then I would have to de-award her.

I kid!

I jest!

Ok, Erin left this comment on my post Ten Things Thursday.

In this post, I mentioned how sometimes this blog stresses me out.

And, yes.

It can be true at times.

I worry about responding to comments.

I worry that people think I take bad pictures.

I worry that people think I use the center button too much.

I worry that people think my house looks messy.

I worry that people think my meaningless points are dumb.

And, I go through bouts of  blog post paranoia like you would not believe.

You may ask: “What, pray tell, is blog post paranoia?”

Well, gentle readers, blog post paranoia is when you write a post that you find to be interesting or mildly amusing. 

You check your blog’s stats areas and see that, yes, other cyber-humans have perused said post. 

 Yet, these same cyber-humans are not leaving comments.

Then you are left to battle the blog demons inside your head that taunt you with feelings such as:

Your blog is so dumb.

People hated this post.

No one got it.

It wasn’t funny.

You had a tiddly-bit too many spelling errors.

People are tired of  hearing about Handsome Dude’s glasses.  Let it go!  Stop talking about it!  Move on! 

Mayday!  Mayday!  Blogging is not meant for you!

Run!  And don’t look back!


And that, my friends, is blog post paranoia.

Not that I have ever experienced any of those feelings.

Any-who . . . .

I have decided that I will take Erin’s advice from now on.

Here is her comment.

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Wait for it . . .

Wait for it . . .

Wait for it . . .

And . . .


“Here is a comment for you Taylor, so we can be BFFs:

Don’t stress out about your blog
And don’t respond to every comment. Real life matters more. No one will get hurt feelings.
And if they do, then they don’t remember that you have 4 children. And that one of them is Handsome Dude.

Just tell yourself: “My blog is cute. My blog is fun. And gosh darn it, people like it.”

Now hurry up and reply to this comment.

hee hee”

Brilliant, Erin!


My blog is cute.  My blog is fun.  And gosh darn it, people like it.

Raise your hand if you have a blog.

Repeat after me:  My blog is cute.  My blog is fun.  And gosh darn it, people like it.

Good, class.


I will chant this when my posts are dumb.

I will repeat this when my comments are low.

I will sing this when people stop coming to my blog.

It will be . . . my motto.

Attention fellow bloggers:

I encourage you to adopt this motto for yourselves.

Don’t try to pretend like you have never had any of these feelings.



I’m not the only one, right?

Attention people who read this blog and do not have a blog of their own:

I am not crazy or have any sort of mental illness.

Get a blog.

You will understand.

It’s stressful, dudes!

And, in conclusion, I have two extremely important and pressing items to bring to the table.

1)  Most of you crazies like peanut M&Ms.

And one commenter asked why Sir Lumberjack pours milk on his M&Ms.

Her confusion was understandable.

Well, my Lumberjack, who is especially concerned with eating healthy, actually ate a bowl of strawberry ice cream first.

Then, when he was all done, he determined that his sweet tooth was not yet satisfied.

So he ate the peanut M&Ms and de-peanutified them.

Cause he is strange like that.

2)  I would like to announce to everyone that I, yes, I, Taylor Mal-i-blah-blah,  did the 30-day shred yesterday again for the first time in about 3 weeks.

I’ll wait for you to finish your applause.

I am also back with the 8-minute abs.

Is anyone doing this with me?

Does anyone want to join me?

Let me know, dudes.

We could do it together!

Let’s get physical!

(Name that music artist)

Later, dudes!

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29 Responses to My blog is cute. My blog is fun. And gosh darn it, people like it.

  1. well, i can’t speak for anyone else, but I do believe your blog IS cute AND fun and I LOVE IT!! 🙂 not that my opinion counts for much,but hey….

    btw, i think we all have worries about what other people think of our blogs and other areas of our lives , too, BUT you just have to worry about you and what you think and being true to yourself!! 🙂

  2. Averie says:

    Olivia Newton-John! No I’m not ashamed to know that 🙂 great motto, Erin is a smart gal. You ladies put me to shame… My blog hasn’t been updated since…. January? I don’t even remember what it’s called. I only have one child so I don’t have a good excuse. I’ll try to leave more comments so you know that gosh darn it, I love your blog!

  3. Jan says:

    Well, I am now experiencing post blog comment paranoia – I just can’t handle the pressure – what sort of comment do I leave? Will other commenters think my comment is clever or humorous or will they just think I’m a pathetic wanna be blog commenter?? You’re killin me here! I need a paper sack – now!!!

  4. Cathy says:

    I love to read your blog, but don’t always have time to comment. I do in home daycare, and I sometimes have 6 kids that are 4 years old and under.

  5. Karen says:

    I have loved your blog for quite awhile. I never left a comment because the comment process seemed like such a mystery to me. It was only a couple years ago that I figured out e-mails, that’s how lacking in computer savvy I am!!

  6. Paula says:

    I’m impressed with the shred. Jillian Michaels scares the bejeezus out of me. Even my handsome Soldier is afraid of her.

  7. Erin says:

    I’m famous!!!! 🙂

    I’d like to thank the Academy, my agent, and everyone who ever believed in me.

    To those of you who never thought I’d amount to anything. (ie those of you who knew me in my junior high days when I was busy impersonating Steve Urkel, sporting thick glasses, and color-coordinated braces)
    To you, I say:
    Ha! I have the comment of the week.
    So eat it.

    Oh wait. That’s none of you.
    Forget I said anything.

    I was totally cool in junior high.
    I was a cheerleader.
    And had lots of boyfriends.

    That is all.

    (Of course we’re friends Taylor! One of these days I’m just going to drive right up and see you crazy people. )

    (Did I just cross the line?)

  8. Melissa says:

    I love the comment you choose!! Great advise! 😉

  9. Joyce says:

    I read this earlier but didn’t comment. Then I decided to come back and comment so as not to make you paranoid.

    Happy Weekend : )

  10. Nope. No abs, no shredded anything (cheese maybe), but I have hopped on the Wii Fit. You see, I must beat the pants off of my hubby, who holds the high score on way to many of the little games/exercises. He gloats. The kids jeer. I must beat them all!

    Of course, he doesn’t do Wii Fit while lugging a 30 lb Prince Charming around on his hip while simultaneously trying to jump fake logs and dodge swinging fake wrecking balls. I should get bonus points for that.

  11. Amber says:

    I think I am going to start sending menacing emails to my family and friends threatening their lives if they don’t leave blog comments……… or maybe just cry at the next family gathering 🙂

    I started the 30 day shred today and O MY GOSH! My body is already sore all over – I could hardly carry the kid upstairs.

  12. MaryGene says:

    It is cute and it is fun and I like it!! 🙂

    And I started doing a surfer yoga DVD yesterday…I feel your pain. But keep it up!! We can do it!!

  13. Christina says:

    Here’s the thing…my bottom (I like to say that, but it’s really my thighs and my belly-way beyond the pooch now) has gotten a little too big for its britches. I ordered the 30 Day Shred, because, well, desperate times call for desperate measures. However, many people are telling me,”You cannot do that every day! You will really hurt yourself. Everyone knows that you have to rest your muscles every other day or so, so that they will get stronger.” So…do I do it every other day, making it the 60 Day Shred? Or the 60 Day Reduce, since it will inevitably not be as effective? Do YOU do it every day? I did one day, and then took a break. Every muscle in my body is sore, even where my boobs are supposed to be. I need experienced shredders input here.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      When I did the shred 30 days before my trip, I did it mostly everyday. In 30 days, I probably missed 3 times. You get used to it, actually, and it is not as painful. I hated workout 2, but liked 3 more. 1 is def my fave though!

  14. Sorry – wrong blog.. I was looking for the Pioneer Woman…

  15. Sandy says:

    Olivia Newton-John!! Oh, I guess I’m not first. OK. Well, I have blog paranoia too, I have blog stats tracker thingy where they email me once a week and I seem to average 14 visits a day(pathetic, I know), yet I get 1-3 comments, maybe. Hmmm..I guess I’m boring..

  16. Katie says:

    Dear Lumberjackswife-
    I will freely admit that I am one of the ones that “stalks” your blog and never leaves a comment. I am so sorry! I do understand the paranorma that comes with blogging, I too have a blog…. I get it!! Anyway, I found you through a friend’s friend and have been enjoying your humor, and Handsome Dude ever since, I just have not had the guts to comment and risk the “who is this stranger stalking my blog” conversation that I think is going to happen on your end. I think this condition is called “comment post paranoia”! Hope you have a very good weekend, and from all of us strangers who think we know you so well, keep up the GREAT work, we love ya! 🙂

  17. christine c says:

    Erin is right! And I too think your blog is cute and fun. And I too Love your blog.

    You are right anyone with a blog does worry about these things. You start to think that no one is even out there and when you get a comment you know at least someone read what you wrote.

    So keep writing, keep centering, and posting your pictures. And don’t stress about it. Enjoy the process. Enjoy your blog. And most of all enjoy the people you write about in your blog.

  18. Jill says:

    I totally get blog paranoia. It even strikes me in comments. (Is paranoia spelled correctly? I worry, but I don’t look it up.) I hate when I write something brilliant and then no one has anything to say about it. Or maybe I just haven’t written anything brilliant yet. At any rate, I love your blog and I almost never miss a post. (Only if I physically do not make it to my computer at all during the day, which happens very rarely. I have no life.)

  19. When you say “my blog is cute, my blog is fun” it’s true. 🙂

  20. Michelle says:

    I will do 8 minute abs again! I stopped because I was sore from kick boxing, but I have gotten used to that routine and I am not as sore as I was when I first started. So bring on the abs, summer is coming!!! Should we hold each other accountable?
    Anyways I liked the comment of the week. You blog is great and I look forward to it every day! I dont always comment, but I do always read so I may be guilty of lirking too! Sorry! I will try to at least say something so I dont cause you to have paranoia! 🙂

  21. Randi says:

    I am a new blogger but I have definitely experienced the anxiety you described, which is ridiculous since only a handful of people read my blog (and of that handful most are related to me so they don’t count). But your blog is fabulous. I always enjoy it. It makes me laugh.

  22. sallye barnes says:

    I get really nervous leaving comments, but I’ll try to do better. See? My hands are already sweating! 🙂

  23. Jessy says:

    I don’t have a blog myself, and am afraid to start one for the same reasons you just listed as “blog post paranoia” I absolutely love your blog and get a little sad when there isn’t a new one everytime I look at it (which may or may not be more than once a day, I’m not a obsessed crazy person, I promise, I just love your blog) Although I read your blog and love every post you do, I don’t leave many (this is my second) comments because, well, I have comment leaving paranoia, “is she going to read my comment, did I spell everything right, is she going to think I’m this crazy person by leaving a comment about how much I love her blog and how often I check it out” So yes Taylor, your blog is cute and fun and people do like it!

  24. Pingback: Handsome Dude, and other Important Items. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  25. Pingback: Handsome Dude, and other Important Items. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  26. Pingback: Handsome Dude, and other Important Items. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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