Weekend Update!

Okie-dokie, artichokies.

Here’s what’s been going down.

1)  Little Miss came over and spent some time with us.

Little Miss is my niece.

Her mom is the Lumberjack’s sister.

Her mom is more woman than I will ever be.


I do not feel inferior to her.


I do.

But that is a post for another day.

Little Miss will be a big sister soon.

Like in about 2 weeks soon.

Can I get a “Holla!”?

Raise your hand if you are with me on “holla.”


Cause we have been through this.

Little Miss helped me dust.




I told her she was welcome back anytime.

2)  On Saturday, the Lumberjack and I discussed the plans for the weekend, as all good spouses do.

LJ (short for Lumberjack.  Keep up, dudes!):  Is there anything you wanted to get done?

Me:  Not really.  I just should probably do that bothersome 30 day shred DVD.  That’s it.

LJ:  Ok.

Me:  What do you want to do?

LJ:  Well, the Excursion and the truck both need new brakes, so I was thinking of getting that taken care of.

Me:  Well, where are you taking them?

LJ:  Huh?  What do you mean?


Honestly.  It wasn’t a tricky question.

LJ:  I will do them.

Me:  Yes, of course.

What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.

He’s a mighty mighty good man.

(Name that artist)

3)  I did the 30 day shred.  And I lived to blog about it.


(Name that tv character)

Is it just me, or does anyone else have trouble getting through all that hopping and jumping jack nonsense without having to hit pause and run to the toilet?

4)  The Lumberjack, in all his handsomeness, went to the brakes store.

When he returned, he brought home these:

 And this:

And, also this:

I suspect that my dashing Lumberjack also stopped at the large home improvement warehouse after stopping by the brakes store.


Well, turns out my husband had grand and glorious plans for this Saturday.

Hold on to your pants, folks!

Taylor’s getting a new sink!

And, yes.

He still did the brakes.


You cannot have him.

He is mine.

5)  On Saturday night, we did a little entertaining.


Yes, it’s true.

We can be classy at times.

We hosted a lovely game/snack night.

I made a new recipe for brownies.

It called for 3 cups of white sugar.

Now, I know that sounds excessive, but when you combine those 3 cups of sugar with 2 sticks of butter and 4 eggs, it just doesn’t seem so bad.

Now, the Lumberjack has always preferred brownies from a mix.

But, you see, my big ol’ Excursion was out of commission while he was doing whatever needed to be done to the brakes.

So, I was forced to make homemade brownies.

My hands were tied.

I will have everyone know that my Lumberjack declared those brownies to be the best homemade brownies he has ever eaten.

Jason was at game night.

Remember Jason?


I am just too funny.

Jason had a hard time remaining focused on game night because he had to text his new honey, Amy.

So, he lost.

6)  On Sunday, the Lumberjack was back into his Mr. Fix-It mode, for when I returned from church, he was out in the backyard with armed with circular saws, air compressors, nail guns and the like.

Interruption:  Lest there be any confusion amongst you, please understand that we all go as a family to church on Friday nights and then the Lumberjack stays home with the Lumberjacklings while I go and serve in children’s ministry each Sunday morn.

He was fixing Handsome Dude’s trailer.

Handsome Dude has a bike/trailer combo and he loves it.

But, alas.

It broke.

Update on Little Dude’s hair:  He still has none.

Men at work.

All better!

Yay, Lumberjack!


Please pardon the interruption while I speak to one specific person.

Attention Ms. Little Brown House:

Once Upon a Time, you asked how much wood we would actually use.

Here is the before picture:

2009_9_20 154

That was circa September.

Here is a picture I took today:

Yeah, baby!

We keep the home fires burning.

(Name that artist)

For Taylor’s super cool step-by-step instructions on how to build a fire, read this post from the days of yore.

And don’t say I never taught you anything.

7)  Finally, we took the kids to the park.

Hands of, girls.

He’s all mine.

So is he.

Off we go!


Please notice Daisy Mae.

She is sporting a lovely white jacket.

Are you wondering where Handsome Dude’s glasses are?

So are we.

Where is Daisy Mae?

Daisy Mae!

Stop staring at them!

Please, Daisy Mae.

Come join us.

Come away from the light, Daisy Mae.

Come away from the light.

Oh, dear me, Daisy Mae!

What tragic event has taken place?

Daddy didn’t give you a turn?

For shame, Lumberjack.

For shame.


Raise your hand if you think this is a bad idea.



I would like to state for the record that, yes, I realize that my posts have become ridiculously long as of late.

I apologize.

It is my goal to write a short post within the next two weeks.

And in conclusion, I would like to leave you with one final image.

I want you to picture with me, if you will, a lovely young lady.

She has long, flowing hair.

She has clear, beautiful skin.

Her skin is somewhat bronze still from the Cancun sun.

She has birthed four children.

Yet, one could never tell.

And when the wind blows, her hair ripples behind her, revealing her bright, beautiful eyes and soft smile.

I am not this woman.

Farewell, dudes!

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26 Responses to Weekend Update!

  1. Melissa says:

    Dwight! 🙂

  2. Katie Balbin says:

    “Holla!” Always love your post whether long, or short. 1.) Whatta Man is by Salt N Pepa.

  3. Holly says:

    Looks like an eventful weekend. Brownies were DELICIOUS btw, I didn’t know you homemade them….never go back to the box, and Salt n Pepper sings “what a man”

  4. Katie says:

    “Holla!” Love your posts whether long, or short. Salt N Peppa sings Whata Man

  5. Paula says:

    HOLLA! Home Fires Burnin’ ….Alabama, right?

    I thought when you said “ripples” that it was “nipples” for a second. Hairy nipples? What? What? It’s late… and I’m done. Don’t shorten the blogs, I love them. LOVE the photos.

  6. Michelle says:

    Oh I thought of you today and I just have to share…I decided to do 8 min abs with my daughter and mostly she just stared at me then watched the “real” way to do it and informed me that I was doing it wrong… thanks daughter dearest! Pretty much all I heard is “no mommy push up, up like this, see?” lol it was funny 🙂

  7. Jill says:

    I think you need to get Little Dude a hat. Or a wig. It’s too cold to go bald.

    I’m impressed with the brownies. The only recipe I make that people ask me for regularly is my recipe for laundry soap.

    I love that your child came to you crying and your response was to take a picture. I’m glad I’m not the only one.

  8. Y’all accomplished more this weekend than we do in a month. And then you babysat on top of it all. I’m thinking you have no reason to be intimidated by LJ’s sister.

  9. Joyce says:

    They don’t feel long to me. But I’m a little wordy myself.

    I could comment on a lot of things but I’ll just say that yes, I have to hit the pause.

    Happy Monday!

  10. Amanda says:

    Wow!! Lots to see… love love love your new sink. ANd all the Lumberjack shots. He is a cutie PAtootie!! You gotta love a handy man with a sense of humor! 😉

    Love ya!

  11. biz319 says:

    Such a cute post! I am lucky my husband is quite the handy man too – sadly, he sometimes refers himself to the maintenance man some weeks for all he does for me!

    The teary eyed picture is a classic!

  12. I humbly stand corrected –
    and put a hat on that poor boy!

    And I am seriously jealous of you two honeymooners and how much you can accomplish in one weekend when you are young and youthful…..with your lovely hair blowing gently in the wind…

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Dear Jill and Ms. Brown House:
      But look! Sometimes the kids don’t even have jackets on. It was a fairly warm evening.
      So back off!

  13. Kendra says:

    HOOAH LJ! (That’s Army speak for good job;) )

  14. Patti Smith says:

    I love your posts, Taylor…they always tickle me, long or short! Keep ’em coming. What’s the secret to getting a husband to do upgrades?

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      The secret to getting your husband do to upgrades on your home?
      You gotta look as hot as I do when he takes your picture at the park.

  15. Dawn says:

    Awesome sink and Yay Lumberjack for all that ‘home’ work he did this weekend. My husband also prefers box brownies…

  16. Jessy says:

    Looks like a busy weekend! And you’re right, it was warm enough to be outside without a hat…even for little bald heads =)

  17. Christina says:

    Great. Now I have to try a new brownie recipe. What are you trying to do to me?!
    And that last paragraph, along with the photo? Well, you are my kind of person (woman sounded a little weird, don’t you think?), and you shouldn’t change a bit!
    What a sink!
    I haven’t had to pause to go pee (while doing the 30 Day Shred), but I don’t recommend doing the video with your husband…he may come and tickle you while you are both doing jumping jacks. And that is the G-rated version.

  18. Paula says:

    Home Fires Burnin’ Ronnie Milsap! Dang.. I had it wrong the first time. And no.. I didn’t google, I’m still guessing.

  19. Mindy says:

    Man, I need to get my honey-do list going and get some stuff done around here! Very inspiring, LJ.
    And it looks as though I missed it because I was too late, but I’m pretty sure it’s Ronnie Milsap singing about those home fires. And I like your long posts, so chill about it!

  20. Erin says:

    Salt N Pepa
    Dwight Schrute
    Multiple artists

    Fun weekend!

  21. Calfkeeper says:

    What a great weekend! Love the pics and all your posts. My husband would fire me if I made box brownies. HA!

  22. Pingback: The most random post. Ever. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  23. Pingback: The most random post. Ever. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  24. Pingback: The most random post. Ever. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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