Cancun: The Final Chapter.





This will be the last post about our Cancun vacation.

I know.

No one probably even remembers.

But I know I never ended it, and that just does not sit well with me.

To catch up, here are all of my Cancun posts:

Home Again

Not Me, Nor my Husband:  Airport Edition

Where’s Waldo?

Walmart in Mexico

So You Think You Can Dance?

Ten Things Thursday:  Market 28 Edition

We left off on Wednesday night with me crying tears of sadness, on account of me missing the children so,  into my plate of baby adobo goat in chile sauce.


Interruption:  That was completely and utterly sarcastic.  I had tortilla soup, people!  Baby goats belong with their mothers.


Thursday was hang out in the sun day.

We sat and ate and slept and ate and read and ate and sun-tanned.

It was, in fact, gorgeous there.

The Lumberjack decided it was about time to take a dip in the ocean.

I decided it was time for me to sit and rest.

So, I took pictures of him while he frolicked amidst the waves.


That one there is of his hiney.


Make me a bird, so I can fly far . . . far, far away from here.

(Name that movie.)

(PS-You can do it!  It is so super easy!)

Whoa, Nelly!

Too many birds!  I repeat, there are too many birds!


They’re gone.

I had better swim back to my darling Lumberjill real quick like before they return.

Interruption:  Lumberjill was secretly hoping Lumberjack would not return for a few more momentos.


Because guess what Lumberjill discovered?

Cancun is pro-nude beaches.


(Name that TV show)

Lumberjill was feeling a smidgen inadequate.

Over and out.

The Lumberjack returned from his swim in the Caribbean and then he stopped to gather seashells for the kids.

Ready, everyone?


Then we sat and ate and read and ate and slept and ate and ate and slept and read and ate.

Then it was time to get cleaned up for dinner!


I don’t think much else happened.

I mean, what else is there to do?

*wink, wink*

Oh, dear.

I think I just crossed the line.

Oh, please help this to not be the one out of 10 posts my parents look at.

That would be awkward.

I might have to delete that part after a bit.


Friday we shopped.

Cause it was cloudy.

We rode the bus again.

Cause we are cheap.

Then we came back and ate.

Then we tried to sit out in the sun, but it was muy freezing.

So we went inside and finished our reading.

Cause we are senior citizens.

And then we tried to take all those unfortunate pictures with the self-timer that I already shared with you in the post Home Again.

And then we ate dinner.

And that, my friends, was the end.

Or, was it?

*wink, wink*

What has gotten into me today?

On Saturday, we flew home.

It was a loooooooong day of travelling.

Lots of security checks, patting down, and, oh yeah, our plane broke down.

That was a bummer.

But, good news!

The Lumberjack did not bring any weapons this time!

We got home around 1am.

Our house had been fireless for 7 days.

I do declare I have never been so cold in my entire existence.

Me:  Lumberjack!

Interruption:  I don’t really call him Lumberjack.

Just making sure we are clear on that.

I call him Hot Stuff.

LJ:  Go to sleep.

Me:  I’m cold.

LJ:  Go to sleep.

Me:  But do you think we will die of hypothermia?

LJ:  Go to sleep.

Me:  But it is cold, dude!

LJ:  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

On Sunday morn, we went to get the Lumberjacklings from my parents.

Let’s give a big round of applause for my parents who survived a week with my Fab Four!

We loaded up the kids, all 4.2 billion pieces of their personal items and necessities, and drove off.

And less than 1 mile later our car broke down.

Welcome home, Lumberjack!

Welcome home.

Happy Monday, everyone!

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28 Responses to Cancun: The Final Chapter.

  1. Melissa says:

    Forrest Gump, little Jenny 🙁
    and those pictures of the beach are amazing!!!!

  2. Michelle says:

    Forrest Gump!

  3. Oh no! I didn’t know your car broke down! There is always a price to pay when we adults try to have fun huh! No fair..!

  4. Karen says:

    Laughed out loud yet again! Thanks!

  5. Dawn says:

    I can’t believe LJ was the only person in your viewfinder in the water! It looked beautiful–blue sky, blue water, white sand!

  6. Melissa K says:

    Don’t worry.

    I’m sure if your parents read this post, they’ll think of nothing but high-fives.


  7. Jill says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! (The waves of course.) I would have been very uncomfortable on pro-nude beaches as well. Good thing you brought along books so that you could bury your noses in them. And then Lumberjack seemed to sleep so much in your pictures–guess it didn’t bother him at all!

    Glad you had such a great time.

  8. Yes, vacation winking is the best kind of winking there is.

    Welcome home.

  9. Erin says:

    I like to think that I’m partially responsible for your venture into scandalous blogging.

    Keep it up. Live on the edge.

    Oh, and the beach pictures are gorgeous!

  10. Mindy says:

    Whatever has gotten into you today, call LJ and tell him to come home and capitalize on it! 🙂 Just helping keep those home fires burning.
    And, so sad vacation story time is over. Living vicariously(ooo! look at me with a big word) through you has been oh, so fun.
    On to reality again…..

  11. Patti Smith says:

    beautiful blue waters and wonderful memories!

  12. Kendra says:

    Forest Gump…I think I say that line at least once a day.

  13. Heather says:

    How gorgeous! I really do think Cancun is at the top of my list for vacationing thanks to your posts!

  14. Christina says:

    “I mean, what else is there to do?”
    I know I know! Can I get 100 meaningless points for answering the question?!
    It’s high-fiving!
    That is what senior citizens do on their honeymoons, right?

  15. Christine C says:

    If you and MJ had not had a little wink wink time, the beauty of your little island getaway without all the little lubermerjacks would have been wasted!

    I can’t get over how empty the water was and how amazingly beautify the water/beach are. I may have to put this on my list of destination that I want to go to but will probably never get to list.

  16. MaryGene says:

    Y’all are so stinkin’ cute!! Love it!

  17. Devi says:

    If you’re looking for a “Comment of the Day”, my vote goes to Melissa K’s high five comment. Perfect! And please, oh please, we will be good and write lots of comments, but please do not threaten to write a shorter post!

  18. Lynette says:

    The pics of the water…gorgeous!! Makes some good memories for me…thanks.

  19. Pingback: Handsome Dude, and other Important Items. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  20. Pingback: Handsome Dude, and other Important Items. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  21. Pingback: Handsome Dude, and other Important Items. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  22. Cindy says:


    Big Bang Theory, right?

    Do I win, do I win, do I win???? Meaningless points? Huh?

  23. Marla Hansen says:

    Your parents will understand. I bet they “wink wink” too. I’m just saying….

  24. that’s too funny…i suspected as much , i mean after all you DO have four children!! and if you can’t get a little *wink wink* in cancun, well, then where can you?? 🙂 glad it was a great trip!!

  25. Jaime says:

    I really need to be putting my kids down for a nap, but I can’t step away from your blog… I love it!

  26. Pingback: The Don’t of Blogging. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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