The most random post. Ever.

 Hold on to your pants, folks!

We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.

This is going to be one random post.

Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-righty then!

(Name that movie)

I, yes, I, Taylor Mal-i-blah-blah am leaving this very afternoon to go out-of-town.

I am doing a lot of travelling these days.

Where in the world is Taylor San Diego?

Do you get it?

Do you get it?

I’m gonna need a 10-4 Good Buddy from anyone who gets that one.

Over and out.

I am travelling with a large group of people.

I am sharing a hotel room with 3 other gals.

Attention people travelling/rooming with me:

Here is a list of things to expect while travelling with yours truly:

1)  I get car sick. 

Like really way bad. 

Do not offer me a book.

I will get nauseous.

Do not entice me with a magazine.

I will vomit.

And for the love of everything, do not, I repeat, do not ask me to look at a map.

I am directionally challenged.

And I will vomit.

2) Since I will not be reading, please plan on chatting with me the entire way.

I am a chatty girl.

I like to chat.

Consider yourselves warned.

3)  I have a small bladder.

It would behoove you to limit my fluid intake.

4)  I will be taking a shower everyday. 

No ifs,  ands,  or buts.

I am willing to get up first in order to accomplish this.

But I will be taking a shower.

And washing my hair.

And drying my hair.

And curling my hair.

And I will put on my makeup.

And I might change my outfit twice.

But I promise I am not a high-maintanence person.

I am just really bad at picking out clothes, my skin looks terrible if I don’t have makeup on, my hair gets greasy if I don’t wash it, and drying/curling is the only way I know how to style my hair.

5)  Try not to talk to me until I have had my morning cup of coffee.

6)  Try not to talk to me until I have had my afternoon cup of coffee.

7)  I require popcorn and a diet pepsi every evening.

Just kidding.

But it would be ideal.

8)  I dislike snoring.

9)  I don’t like sleeping with pants on.

10)  I don’t like to be hot. 

Don’t touch the thermostat.

11)  I have an owie on my finger.

There is a 99% chance that I will complain about this the entire trip.

Because it really hurts, dudes.

You see, last week the Lumberjack got tired of our one knife:

There she is, folks.

Ain’t she a beaut?

We got her for our wedding.

Our one knife.

So, my Lumberjack bought a pack of 6 ginormous knives.

And on Saturday, I pulled this one out:

and chopped some lettuce for my famous taco salad.


I make a mean taco salad.

But, alas!

I was not used to working with such a murderous weapon and I ended up slicing my finger.

It hurt.

It bled a lot.

The Lumberjack wrapped it up with a big pad of gauze.

It bled through.

He wrapped it up again.

It bled through.

I asked him if I should have a doctor look at it.


Sometimes, I wonder if my Lumberjack is just really, really, really cheap.

Anyways, it has been 5 days, the cut splits open often and it hurts something fierce.


It woke me up 3 times last night, on account of the pain and terrible throbbing-ness.

So, there is a good chance I will be a pretty big baby regarding this injury.

Do you want some aspirin?  You seem a bit fussy.”

(Name that Office episode)

12)  Just once, I want to play Catch Phrase.

Just once, people.

If you let me play Catch Phrase, I would be willing to negotiate throwing on some pants at night.



Random Topic Quick-Change!


I forgot to mention yesterday that Miss Sweet Pea also got some new glasses.

Did you all know I had a Sweet Pea?

By golly it seems I am just talking about Handsome Dude’s naughtiness, Little Dude’s preciousness, and Daisy Mae’s strangeness all the time that my mild-mannered and independent daughter Sweet Pea gets neglected.

Plus, she is ginormous now and goes off to be a big first grader every day.

My baby!


Also, everyone must notice the side view of Miss Sweet Pea’s glasses, as they are the most exciting feature, according to Sweet Pea herself.

Simply divine, Sweet Pea.

Simply divine.


Random Topic Quick-Change!


Handsome Dude has not lost his glasses.



Random Topic Quick-Change!

It is time for . . . .The Comment of the Week!


Try and control your sheer and utter joy.

This week was hard!

I was cracking up quite a bit this week at all you guys and your silliness.

But this week’s winner goes to Christina!

She was commenting on the post Weekend Update, specifically on the part where I mention that I have to pause the 30 Day Shred while doing jumping jacks so I can use the facilities.

“I haven’t had to pause to go pee (while doing the 30 Day Shred), but I don’t recommend doing the video with your husband…he may come and tickle you while you are both doing jumping jacks.  And that is the G-rated version.”

Christina  Ann Jean Marie Louisa Walker!

What sorts of Tom Foolery are you and Mr. Christina doing during a workout DVD?

Goodness gracious.

Can the 30 Day Shred actually lead to High-Fiving?

I submit it cannot.

I do not, I repeat, do not want to do this DVD with the Lumberjack.

Because when I shred, I look . . . .


Go say hi to Christina.


Final Random Topic Quick-Change!

I was wondering if we could try something new?

Por Favor?

When I come home from my glorious trip, I might be tired and in need of help with a post.


So, I was wondering if we could start a questions/answers thingie-ma-jibber?

I have seen other blogs do this and it looks most enjoyable.

Here’s all you have to do:

Submit a question.

It could be about anything.

It could be about me.

It could be about The Lumberjack.

It could be about Jason.

Remember Jason?

It could be about math.

Or language arts.

It could be about fallin’ trees.

It could be about potty training.

You all know I am an expert, right?

Any-who . . . .

Just try to leave a question.

Come on!

It will be fun!

Don’t be lame.

Play my game!

You will be my BFF for sure if you participate.

I promise.





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0 Responses to The most random post. Ever.

  1. Jill says:

    You are traveling a lot, and you have that hyper thing that happens when Moms finally get out of the house for a while. You just happen to be getting all that “getting-out-of-the-house” thing done for the entire year at one time.

    If you are traveling with other women, you should have no problem finding someone to chat with you in the car.

    Normal people shower and wash their hair every. single. day.

    That is a big knife. You probably needed stitches. Use antibiotic ointment because it really does help the hurt. And so do bandaids. Big ones.

    I will not address the pants-at-night issue because that sounds like a personal problem.

    Sweet Pea’s glasses are very cute. I hope you don’t expect Handsome Dude to still have his glasses when you get home.

    Exercising does not lead to high-fiving. And quite frankly, I didn’t need the mental image. Thanks.

    The picture of Jason cracks me up every time you show it. Really. I think it is getting funnier with time.

    I have no questions, but I’ll try to come up with some. Enjoy your trip!

  2. Erin says:

    Ace Ventura

    10-4 Good Buddy

    The one where Michael burned his foot on the George Foreman.

    Have a fun trip 🙂
    Oh, and you made need some stitches.

  3. Joyce says:

    Keep the pics of Jason coming…I’m laughing before I even scroll over the picture now.

    Dramamine is my friend. Try it. It also makes you sleepy. A half a dose works for me.

    My husband says I shouldn’t be allowed to use knives. Nor should any of the women in my family. He thinks its genetic. We’re all dangerous with a knife. Take care of that cut though…antibiotic cream for sure if it keeps opening.

    I’m glad you have a picture of your boy in his glasses because you know they’ll probably be m.i.a. by the time you get home.

    Questions….hmmm…more kids? I hate when people ask that. Usually they ask it right after you’ve had a baby too and that’s about the last thing you’re thinking of.

    So, any more lumberjacklings?

    Do you like to cook? Do you cook every night? What’s your ‘signature’ dish. There. A nice easy question that doesn’t involve high fiving.

    Have fun on your weekend away!

  4. Melissa says:

    Ace Ventura-I realize I am not the first to submit this answer, but I really did know it. I promise I didn’t cheat! 🙂

    Question–will you share your recipe for your awesome taco salad? 🙂

    • Erin says:

      Y’all would not believe the guilt trip Taylor sent me on for failing to leave a question.
      So I’ve come back to do my part.

      – How long do you think it will be until your handy Lumberjack puts the finishing touches on your cabinet lighting?

      -Also, do you know how many people in my family are surprised when they ask how I know “that Lumberjack’s wife” and I tell them that technically, I don’t?

      But we could fix that. A 4-hour drive for each of us and we could do one big ‘ole joint blog post on the hilarity of getting together in real life.

      Lastly, if you could have one item of food stocked in your kitchen year round at no cost to you, what would it be?

      • Erin says:

        Man I keep screwing up my comments today.
        I have no idea why that last comment was a “reply” to Melissa’s comment.

        But as long as I’m here.

        Melissa, you totally stole my answer and I’ll never believe that you came up with Ace Ventura all on your own.

  5. Christine C says:

    I think you may have needed a stitch or two too. Probably too late, but lots of antibacterial cream, change your bandage, and maybe call your doctor to see what they say. I bet it wasn’t about being cheap either, but trying to figure out how to take you to the doctors with all the little ones in tow put him in a spin.

    Enjoy your trip. And Jill is right – normal people shower and wash their hair everyday. Is this a big girls weekend? If so, the car ride should be no problem. Bathroom breaks, lots of talking, and not worrying about “making good time.”

    Stay away from knives. Go back to a one knife house:)

    Love to know how Jason feels about giving us all a little chuckle every time we see his picture.

  6. Momma Mindy says:

    If your roomies kick you out because they are tired of your small bladder, chatting, hair curling, clothes changing person, drop me a comment on my blog and I will come rescue you, or them, whatever the case may be.

    I wanna ask – is Jason single? I have daughters….and they have friends….and….well, I was just asking. You said I could!

  7. Mindy says:

    I’ve got nothing. Just wanted you to know I care enough to leave a post even when I have nothing to say! Have a fun trip, and when I think of a question, i’ll come back and post it!

  8. MaryGene says:

    That was hilarious!

  9. Paula says:

    Holy Cow.. I can’t sleep with pants on either. My precious husband (even after 6 yrs of marriage) STILL thinks that when I take my pants off to climb in bed, that he’s going to get lucky. Silly man.. I just hate to have my legs covered. AND I hate to be hot too.. do NOT turn my fan off or touch the thermostat. Even in a cold hotel room, I wish for a fan blowing on me. Hot flashes? Maybe for me, but not a youngster like you.

    Have a fabulous trip!! Oh.. and don’t attempt normal conversation with me either until I’ve had coffee. Isn’t that a given?

  10. Christina says:

    Ace Ventura
    Carmen San Diego
    I really don’t watch that much TV but those I know. Jim Carrey is so funny. In that absolutely stupid kind of way.
    Sorry about that cut, dude. Knives scare me so…I am really afraid I’m going to cut my finger off one day. And that means it’s more likely to happen.
    I love seeing your Sweet Pea…her braids are adorable!
    And about the DVD-I promise there was no high-fiving (wink, wink).
    No, seriously, there wasn’t. Just a lot of laughs. Suffice it to say that night we both looked pretty ridiculous. I’m glad I could make you laugh, too.
    A question…I still want to know your favorite thing you ate while in Cancun?

  11. Amanda says:

    Here goes!

    Are you thumbs up/thumbs down for the new Alice in Wonderland? (depending oh which finger you cut this could be a tough question)

    What religion are you?

    Have you ever loved another man? (romantically)

    If you could have any hair color…and ROCK it…what would it be?

    Which would you prefer… perfect vision for your whole life or never having bad breath for life?

    If it were up to you, would Pluto remain a planet?

    That should keep you busy for awhile.


  12. Averie says:

    Hoping you have a great trip and Have fun! Sweet pea is a very pretty girl. All your kids are so cute, good thing right? Lol. my question: how do you handle having more than one kid/baby? What are their age differences?

  13. 1) I have a lot of Katies you have a lot of Mindy/ees.

    2) Which is weird because I have met very, very few other Mindy/ees in real life.

    3) I heart Christina and her blog. Congrats on your commenting prowess Christina!

    4) Question . . . When you got married, how many kids did you think you’d have? Do you think you’re done yet?

  14. Kim says:

    Have a fabulous time! Is the Lumber Jack taking care of the kids on his own or are the Grandmas checking in?
    I like the “one knife” idea because you only have to keep track of one knife and not a bunch. I’m figuring this out as my baby gets older. It’s why I don’t have a million binkies… it’s easier to keep track of 3.
    I agree with one of the other posters about the Jason pic. Even before I get to it, I’m cracking up. Poor Jason… maybe you should come up with a nickname for him too. 🙂
    I will think of questions to ask… I’m sure there are some, but I’m a little brain-dead now.

  15. Rachel says:

    Random Questions…. hmmm…

    What is your favorite non-high-fiving activity for time alone with the lumberjack?

    Which season do you like best, and why?

    What candy bar is the one they’d better never stop making?

    If you could move to any other state, which would it be?

    What 1 historical event would you wish to witness if you could time-travel?

    What is the one household chore do you wish you never had to do again?

    and finallly….
    what is the title of the last book you read?

    🙂 random enough?

  16. Karen says:

    Thanks for yet another wonderfully awesome blog post!!

  17. Love the post – just can’t get enough of that Brother-in-Law picture!!

    I have two questions –

    Why did you decide to start a blog?

    When you were young and had not yet met LJ, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    And, if you feel up to one more – exactly how do babies come from high-fives? Cause my Mom always told me they came from dancing…

  18. Heather says:

    Have fun on your trip!
    Sorry about your cut.
    10-4 good buddy!

    My question- what is your favorite childhood memory?

  19. Jason(the brother-in-law) says:

    hey everybody,
    I just wanted to say that I am glad you are all having a good laugh over my picture, and I am sorry to inform all you ladies that I am not single. I have been dating an awesome lady that is unable to say snorkel correctly. So I am thinking we are a pretty good match. I am happy to say it is going quite well.
    So feel free to have more fun at my expense. really it doesn’t bother me. And Taylor good luck with nicknames. I am sure the only reason you don’t use one for me is because you can’t decide which one.

  20. Rachel says:

    10-4 Good Buddy. Loved the SanDiego comment.

    Also – don’t feel bad about being directionally challenged. When I started graduate school they made us take a plethora of intelligence tests. Turns out I am a genius. Yippee! And I’m in the 97th percentile for emotional intelligence. Awesome! But…..

    wait for it…….

    I scored in the 4th percentile for spacial intelligence. Yes, the 4th. I can get lost a block from my house. Really brought me down a notch.

  21. Lisa says:

    Carmen Sandiego, I used to love that show.

    Can I have some more of your receipes and along with them your cooking adventures of course?

    How about some stories from Sweet Pea’s perspective or maybe Daisy Mae’s. I don’t know just an idea.

  22. Patti Smith says:

    The Jason picture cracks me up as well 🙂 almost as soon as I see his name…because I know what’s coming next…:):)

    Makes me feel better to read your info for traveling companions…I too get car sick, hate snoring, and coffee is the first thing I think about when I open my eyes in the morning. I bet I’m way more serious about the thermostat than you…I’m 41…nuff said.

    My question:
    Have you ever been to Mississippi? If not, how close have you been?

  23. Michelle says:

    carmen san diego!

  24. Adrienne says:

    10-4 Good Buddy!

    If it was me who cut my finger, my husband would suggest waiting for the bleeding to stop and putting super glue on it. Not kidding. According to him, super glue is a liquid band-aid and was apparently used as such in some war of days long ago.

    Question: Besides the usual patience, multi-tasking, etc. what life lessons have you learned from your kids?

    Question: Easter is coming up! How does your family celebrate Easter? What traditions do you have?

    Have fun on your trip! If no one ends up playing catch phrase with you, I will play with you when I come visit. It’s one of my favs! 🙂

  25. Jan says:

    What is something you wish you were better at?

    Last time you were really really mad?

    You’re having a bad day. Who do you want to talk to?

    What is your quirkiest habit and how long have you had it?

  26. Michelle says:

    I would love to play catchphrase with you some day!

  27. rebecca d says:

    I like the question idea… here goes…

    1. What is your taco salad recipe?

    2. Do you totally freak when your son pees on major household appliances or just keep your cool and clean it up?

  28. Lynette says:

    I so agree with you, showering every day, snoring, sleeping without pants….I want MY OWN hotel room and don’t call me until I’m ready to go, what time will that be??? Well, YOU’D better figure it out! hee hee
    My question…do you drink? wine? I have a face book button that says “wine is cheaper than therapy”….
    Love reading your blog!!

  29. cindy perry says:

    Hope you have a grand time away!

    Sorry about your finger, as a kindred ‘lame cutter’, I know those really hurt!! 🙂

    High five is almost as funny as the phrase my sister uses, “bow-chicka wow-wow.”

    Random questions:

    How did you and the LJ meet?

    Would consider jumping out of an airplane in exchange for a unlimited lifetime supply of
    Big Macs?

    What church to you attend?

    Do you chew gum? If so, what is your brand/flavor of choice?

    When is your Birthday?

    How did you and the LJ meet?

  30. Mindy says:

    Okay, so I came back like I promised and have a question for you. What was your favorite cartoon and television show growing up, and would you let your kids watch them now(or at the same age you did)?
    Also, when you leave LJ alone with four kids does he panic, even a little, or he is laid back with that, too?
    Hope you had a stupendous time, dearie!

  31. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective…….10-4 good buddy!! 🙂 uuummm… do you get your great sense of humor from your maternal side or paternal?? how is it that you look so young?? are you done having lumberjacklings?? that’ll do for now, see you soon!! 🙂 have fun!! 🙂 btw, i LOVE sweat peas new spectacles!! i want a pair like them!!

  32. Shannon says:

    Taylor- You crack me up! Everytime you post the random snorkling picture of your brother in-law I laugh out loud. Not sure who he is but if I was him I would pay you big bucks to never post that photo again.

  33. Melissa K says:

    Okay, I totally forgot to leave Google Reader the other day to come over and ask you a question, so this is very late.

    Did you see Tim Hawkins?

    Oh, I hope you did. You know how people say they almost died laughing? I think I know now what they mean. 🙂

  34. Jessy says:

    Two questions:
    1) Why did you used to eat a hairnet?
    2) I know you didn’t plan the boys to be close in age, but did you plan the girls that way? Did you want a bigger age gap between the girls and boys, or did it just happen that way? (Maybe God was giving you a break since he knew the next two would be boys)
    Ok, so I know that three questions, but two of them go together.

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