
Happy Vernal Equinox!

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows what the vernal equinox is.

I am home safe and sound and I had a fantabulous time!

And I gained 2 pounds.

Such is life.

Thank you all for the questions!

I won’t answer them all in this post, but I hope to answer more later.


Are you ready for an exciting questions/answers post?

I hope you got your party pants on.

Here we go:

1)  Why did you decide to start a blog?

Last spring, I barely knew what a blog was. 

One day, my dear friend Bimlissa was over.

Bimlissa:  I made a good recipe last night.

Me:  What was it?

Bimlissa:  Steak bites from The Pioneer Woman

Me: Pio-who?

Bimlissa:  You  haven’t heard of The Pioneer Woman?


I am uncool.


I knew Bimlissa in high school.

She wouldn’t speak with my kind cause I was not as hip as her.

Now these high-school feelings of inadequacy and paranoia are sweeping over me again.


Please like me! 

Please think I am cool!

Me:  No.

So, she shows me PW’s blog.  Then she shows me something called Google Reader.  Then she puts a whole bunch of people’s blogs into said reader that we know.

Then she left.

And I went on with my life.

Later on, she asks me how I am liking blog reading.

And I have to admit to her that I don’t remember how to find these so-called blogs.

So, she shows me where they are.

And, so I begin to understand this whole blogging movement and I find it quite intriguing.


After awhile, I decide to start my own blog so my aunties and my sister can keep up to date with my family.

So, I write my first post.

And since I know that if I give you the link, none of you will click on it (lame), I just copied and pasted it right here for your convenience.

Yeah, people.

That’s right.

I am on to your shenanigans.

Fact:  The entire post will be in italics.

Trying out this blogging thing . . .

Well, I decided to start a blog to help keep friends and family updated about our family. We’ll see how good I am at keeping up with it!

Today has been a long day of The Lumberjack working on finishing the stairs (yay!) and me chasing after kids and trying to organize our laundry room. Our laundry room has become a place to dump everything that we do not know what to do with. We really need a nice big garage to keep all of our things in (tools, nail guns, hunting gear, fishing gear, bike helmets, and so on). Speaking of nail guns, I believe The Lumberjack has like 4 or something. I find that excessive. 🙂

The upstairs of our house is almost completely finished, of course without door handles still! He is working on the stairs now, and then all that will be left of the interior is the kitchen and laundry room. Then we will work on rebuilding the porch and building a new garage and fence.

Here is a picture of our one piece of finished staircase in . . .yay! 🙂
Let’s examine this post, shall we?
A)  Boring.
B)  Perhaps I should put the comment about the stairs by the picture of the stairs?
C)  Now, 10 months later, all that will be will be left to finish in the interior of our house is the kitchen and laundry room. Then we will work on rebuilding the porch and building a new garage and fence.
D)  I did not call my husband the Lumberjack then.  That was a special feature I added later.  You’re Welcome.
E)  I had not yet discovered my center button, which I currently use for every post.  That was a special feature I added later.  You’re welcome.
F)  I sent an email out to everyone I knew telling them I had a blog. 
I think 2, maybe 3 people looked at that blog post.
Guess how many comments I received on that there post.
Oh, friend-who-told-me-I-should-start-a-blog-and-I-read-your-blog-and-I-comment-on-EVERY-SINGLE-ONE-OF-YOUR-POSTS-and-you-could-not-be-inconvenienced-to-leave-a-simple-comment?
I know why she didn’t leave a comment.
It’s because she knows she is cooler than me.
And she doesn’t want society to know that she associates with me.
Raise your hand if you are always the uncool friend.
It’s okay.
We can work through our issues together.
2)  When is your birthday?
June 23, 1981
3)  Where did you get your sense of humor?  From your maternal side or your paternal side?
Hmmm . . . .
I would definitely say more from my maternal side.
mom and me
My mom and I were quite the lookers back there in the day.
My dad can be funny.
But, mostly in the sense where he just gives me and my mom good material.
4)  How long do you think it will be before the Lumberjack will finish the under cabinet lighting?
Good question.
I don’t think he will.
It has been almost 7 years.
What does it matter anymore?
5)  All About Jason
Lots of comments and questions about Jason.
Interruption:  Jason is the Lumberjack’s brother and he is the youngest of 4.
He is the baby.
And he never, ever, ever gets picked on.
Remember Jason?
Here are 3 of the questions asked about Jason:
1)  Does Jason have a nickname?
It is Jas-Bud.
Oh, and also Dooter Tooter.
Feel free to use either one for your loved one.
2)  How does Jason feel about giving us all a chuckle when we see that picture?
Before I put that picture on the blog, I emailed him asking him if he minded being in my blog from time-to-time.
This was his response:
I don’t care.
You can write whatever you want about me.
I will let you know if I get a stalker.
So, as long as no one starts stalking him, we are good.
And I can keep on posting pictures of him like this:
And this:
3)  Is Jason single?
Well, folks.
We had a breakthrough this week on my blog.
You see, Jason has been a pretend-reader of my blog for some time.
What is a pretend reader?
I’m glad you asked.
A pretend reader is someone who reads your blog upon occasion, but then never lets you know he/she knows your blog exists.
Well, folks.
For the first time ever, Jas-Bud-Dooter-Tooter left a comment on this here blog.
hey everybody,
I just wanted to say that I am glad you are all having a good laugh over my picture, and I am sorry to inform all you ladies that I am not single. I have been dating an awesome lady that is unable to say snorkel correctly. So I am thinking we are a pretty good match. I am happy to say it is going quite well.
So feel free to have more fun at my expense. really it doesn’t bother me. And Taylor good luck with nicknames. I am sure the only reason you don’t use one for me is because you can’t decide which one.
You left a comment!
Yes, folks, Jason is taken.
He has a new honey named Amy.
Don’t feel bad that when you say “snorkle” it sounds like “snarkle.”
When Jason says “measure” it sounds like “may-sure.”
And Jason can’t say my name.
Instead of Taylor, he says, Teller.
Alright, dudes and dudettes!
That’s all for today.
 Happy Sunday!
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0 Responses to Jas-Bud-Dooter-Tooter

  1. Great post! Please note that my hand is raised as I too am always the uncool friend (unless it’s just me and the hubby as I am way cooler than he is). Speaking of the hubs, I never knew that you and my hubby share the same birthday! I will never forget your birthday now. 🙂

  2. Melissa says:

    you are back!!!!! it was so strange not texting about what we are cooking for dinner all weekend! 🙂 and for the record, I was not too cool to talk to you – honestly you and your “click” were a little intimidating!! and I didn’t have time to socialize with kids from high school, I was busy sneaking around with my future hubby!!!

  3. Jason(the brother-in-law) says:

    thanks for the honorable mention i really appreciate it. But The Lumberjack’s nickname was dooter-tooter. Thanks again for clearing things up for all those single ladies out there.

  4. Heather says:

    I am so glad you are back! I have been looking for a new post and was thinking how long are the RLM kids peeps going to be gone for?! Glad you had a good time 🙂 My hand is also raised. Have a great day!

  5. Melissa K says:

    Don’t you know that “may-zher” puts Jason in the category of men who don’t have to show their driver’s licenses to prove that they’re from North Idaho?

    (I can say that, because I grew up in Grangeville. So it’s not a slam. It’s an observation from a kindred spirit.)

  6. Andi says:

    You are a hoot. I’m too embarrassed to post my first blog, but maybe I should, just to see what sort of reaction it got! Oh, and good for you on doing your own home improvements!

  7. Sarah C says:

    Not that I know them or anything, but just wanted to tell you, you did a great job on that last photo, so clear and crisp:)

  8. Calfkeeper says:

    Congrats to Jason. I can’t even remember that far back to my first post.

    Glad you found the center button, it gives your blog a certain panache.

    Yep, my hand is up…I was/am always the uncool friend. Glad I have company.

  9. Trudy says:

    Spring……the vernal equinox.

    Spring is sprung….the grass is riz….I wonder where the birdies is? I think it’s ee cummings

  10. Erin says:

    Welcome back!

    I hate to brag, but I’m always the cooler friend.

    I surround myself purposely with a group of (imaginary) geeky, nerdy, smelly friends to insure it remains that way.

  11. Christina says:

    (hand raised) I am totally the uncool friend. And always one in a group of three.
    I think that what you said about your dad is so funny. Everyone needs material, though, so good thing he’s around. 🙂

  12. Jill says:

    I faded into the background so as to keep from being the uncool friend that I know I was capable of being. The result? No one from high school remembers me at all. I am the nonexistent friend.

    I should have gone for uncool.

    Glad you’re back!

  13. Amanda says:

    Great questions!! ANd I had to laugh about that first blog post of yours. I think mine was eerily similar. 🙂


  14. Christine says:

    Can I raise both hands because I was that uncool:) 🙂

    Glad you had a good trip! And I do believe dear Jason is very much enjoying being on your blog. He probably has being reading it all along and keeping his brother up to date too.

    As for your cabinet lights – I believe the expression is “don’t hold your breath.” Kind of the same way I stopped asking my dear hubby when he was going to finish the molding in the kitchen!

  15. namacura says:

    YEAH, you are back… glad you had a great trip, but please do not leave again. I did not laugh all weekend.

    I was way uncool in school, I think I am actually still considered uncool… 🙂

  16. Lacia says:

    You had me smiling through your post, until I hit the part that you were born in ’81. Seriously?? ’81?? You make me feel even older than I already feel.

  17. Karen says:

    Born in ’81? I graduated in ’80. Boy, do I feel old! I’ve got to get over it quickly though, cause my kids are not much older than yours!

  18. Jerry says:

    Taylor, I must tell you 3 things:

    1. I also pronounce measure “may-sure”, or “may-zhure”as it were.

    2. I read your blog pretty much every day, but I never comment because I’m a dude, and dude’s just usually don’t have much to say. So your readership is probably larger than you think in particular regards to the male population, and don’t take it personally when we don’t comment.

    3. Your blog is, in fact, one of my primary sources of news from the great northwest – it was here that I first learned of Jas-Bud’s (aka Brother Jason’s, aka Best Roommate Ever’s) relationship with said Amy. And being the horrible friend that I am, I haven’t talked to Jason in forever. So if you happen to see him before I talk to him, kindly let him know that I’ll be calling him soon, and that I’m happy for him – even if it means I can no longer vicariously live my bachelorhood through him. Much thanks.

  19. datenutloaf says:

    The thing with the centering should be used exclusively for signs. Or poetry. It makes me dizzy having to scroll side to side throughout your entire blog because now the whole sentence does not fit onto my screen. Anyone else having that problem?

  20. datenutloaf says:

    The clue here is the word equinox. Equal in the word and nox which means night. Equinox means equal night. The point in the earth’s orbit when the night and day are exactly the same length. In the spring it is called vernal in our hemisphere while in the other hemisphere they are experiencing their autumnal equinox. I knew that Catholic school daily masses and latin plus an education in science would come in handy sometime – like winning me 100 pts, on ljw’s blog.

  21. Nikki says:

    Taylor…..I’m guilty. I have been reading your blog for months and I rarely comment. So sorry, but I will work on that for you. If it makes you feel any better. I think you are hilarious! You have me nearly in tears with laughter at the end of almost all your posts! Oh, and I am excited to see you in a couple weeks with that Amy girl! 🙂

    And I just have to make one more thing clear. While I am so very excited about Jason and his new “honey” I am still claiming half of her! She is my roommate afterall and I am not ready to give her up……..yet! 😉 Got that Jas-bud?

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