Not my dermatologist.

Welcome to another exciting edition of “Not Me!” Monday!

Today, I will actually be telling you all about a bizarre encounter I had with my dermatologist a couple of months ago.


I go to the dermatologist.


I am 28.


I still have acne.

Good times.


One lovely day, I took all four children with me to see the dermatologist.

Yes, that’s right.

All 4 of them.

My dermatologist did not look at all 4 kids and rudely exclaim,

“Oh my gosh!  Are all of these kids yours?”

Me:  Yes.

The dermatologist did not then stare at each child and say,

“Wait.  All four of these kids are yours?”

Me:  Yes.  All 4.  Mine.

The dermatologist did not keep staring and then say:

“Are you sure?”

Interruption:  Raise your hand if you have ever taken your young children with you into a doctor’s appointment.

Can we not all agree that taking children into a cramped, tiny exam room is a horrifying experience?

And can we also not agree that mothers with their young in aforementioned small exam room have absolutely no time for idle chit-chat?

Thank you.

That concludes this interruption.

Me:  Yes.  I am quite sure.

The dermatologist then decides it is time to examine my face.

She does not say things such as,

“Wow!  Your face is pretty bad right here.”

Nor does she say anything to the effect of:

“Yikes.  Looks like your gonna have some scarring.”


My skin is flawless.

My dermatologist does not then look over at my children once again and say,

“Now . . . are any of your kids adopted?”







Me:  Nope.  All mine.

She does not stare at one child in particular and ask . . .

“Are you sure?  Because it looks like that one right there was adopted.”

Me:  Huh?

She did not  then keep going and say,

“You see that one, right there?  Your youngest?”

Me:  Yes . . .

Dermatologist:  “He has a different look than, you know, the others.”

Me:  Yes, I know.  The older three take after their dad’s side.  The youngest takes after my side.

Now, one might think that a well-educated woman, such as this dermatologist, would let that be enough.

But, no.

She did not then say,

“So, you are sure he’s not adopted?”

Followed by:

“Does he have the same dad?”

Get away from me, you shameless woman with your dastardly comments!

Interruption: 100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can define “dastardly”

How could anyone even insinuate that I would cheat on my Lumberjack?

The nerve!

Me:  Nope.  He’s mine and all four have the same dad.

Dermatologist:  Wow.  Well he sure doesn’t look it.

Me:  I guess not.

Dermatologist:  I bet you get asked if he’s adopted all the time!

Me:  No.  Not so much.

The End.

Fact:  Yes, I did change dermatologists.

Fact:  Yes, all four kids are born of the same parents.

Fact:  Can we not all agree that she was a bit ridiculous?

And, in conclusion, I would like to leave you with one, random, Not My Husband bit.

Are you ready?

Wait for it . . .

Wait for it . . .

Last week, I asked my husband to pick up 2 pounds of small red potatoes at the store so I could make a potato salad for a  large, family gathering.

This is not what my husband brought home:


Happy Monday!

What have you “not done” or “not heard” lately?

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43 Responses to Not my dermatologist.

  1. Marla says:

    Oh my gosh. I don’t think they look that different. I mean, it’s not as if he has black hair and dark skin when all his siblings are blond. Some people!

    At least it made a good story, right?

    Marla @

  2. warmchocmilk says:

    What is wrong with that woman?? I’m glad you changed. The nerve! Especially saying it in front of the kids….talk about giving a kid a complex. Yikes! I guess in the end it was just a good lesson…”some people are total weidos and say really dumb things”. We’ve had a few lessons on that ourselves.

  3. Jill says:

    I took five children to my eye doctor appointment. It was not pleasant. Things finally sped up when I started changing diapers in the waiting room.

    When people ask outrageous things, I start giving outrageous answers. Like, “Yes, he’s adopted, but we haven’t told him yet. Thanks for breaking it to him gently.”

    Thanks for the tip on the spammer. Hate those guys! : )

  4. Erin says:

    That’s one strange doctor!

    I feel your pain on having kids in exam rooms, and I’ve only ever had two with me. I can’t imagine 4 in that tiny space.

    Glad you found a new, hopefully professional, doctor!
    Oh, and I don’t think your skin looks bad at all!
    I still get some lovely zits as well– you’re not alone.

  5. Debbie says:

    I’ve got dark hair, but my son is a flaming red-head (takes after his dad). I get asked if I dye his hair ALL THE TIME. I guess (hope) they’re joking – he’s two. I alternate between “yes, and I also dye those eyebrows” and “yes, I dye his dad’s hair, too.”

    I guess it’s their way of saying “Wow, what cute, unique hair!”

    • Melissa k says:

      Our fourth is a redhead, and we’re always getting “Where did the red hair come from?” I can’t believe people ask you if your son’s is dyed!!!

      I’m never offended by the question, but I really want to think of a funny response. 🙂

      • Debbie says:

        If anyone were to ask me where the red hair comes from, I think I would have to say “the neighbor.” Ha ha…. they’re just asking for it! 🙂

  6. Andi says:

    My girls are 17 months apart and are night and day in appearance. I used to get asked by random strangers if they had the same dad. Not if they’re adopted, do they have the same dad. I guess my appearance just screams promiscuous…

    As your obviously does.

  7. Oh for the love of Pete. Even if he were adopted or had a different dad, it is unbelievably rude and insensitive to hold the Spanish Inquisition right in front of the kids. I’m glad you switched doctors.

  8. monkeetrouble7 says:

    WOW! I can’t believe the dr. kept going on about that.

  9. Melissa says:

    crazy doctor

  10. Sarah C says:

    Wow, yep think after maybe about the 4th time of her asking I would have left. Or maybe I would have even used my socked footed sandle to give her a little kick in the shin 😉

  11. Meagan says:

    Granted Little Dude doesn’t totally look like a Mal, he still has the same skin tone and eye color as all the other kids. And yeah, he doesn’t look as much like all the other kids, but he doesn’t look adopted. He still looks like a member of the family and he most certainly belongs.

    And besides, if he were adopted, WHO CARES! It is not necessary to point it out and it wouldn’t matter anyways. He’d still be family and it would probably hurt his feelings to know everyone thought he looked like he didn’t belong. I hope this dies down soon because he is getting old enough to understand those comments.

    Super lame. You should have told that lady to shut it.

  12. Allie says:

    haha! That was great. Glad I followed the post from Mckmama.
    I can NOT believe that woman. Maybe she was on meds?!

  13. What a dork! Glad to here you changed doctors, ughh!

  14. Lesli says:

    What a weird dermatologist!! After reading your blog for a while now, I have always thought your kids looked alike, ALL of them! Hope you have a great week!

  15. joanna says:

    hilarious! my husband would NEVER do anything like that, either. we do NOT have an abundance of gallon-sized plastic bags…when I asked him to get some sandwich bags. guess my LO will be taking some mighty large sandwiches to school!

  16. Melissa k says:

    First of all, that woman was way over the top.

    And I LOVED (yes, all caps) the grocery store photo. Do you know how many times my hubby has told me, “I’m never going to the store for you again, because I can never get it right.” And it’s not because I’m critical–it’s because his otherwise sharp brain turns to mush the second he’s in a store that doesn’t sell fly rods.

    But he forgets the agony by the next time I need him to go. Must be like childbirth. HA!

  17. some people (like your dermatologist) are just thick in the head and don’t “get it”. someone asked me if i was sure my son was a male cause he was just too cute to be a boy….?!?

  18. I’m thinking if that would have happened to me I would be posting the following for my “Not Me Monday”:
    “I did NOT get arrested for causing bodily harm to my dermatologist…No, not me.”
    And as for taking kids to the doctor’s office? I made the mistake of bringing my 3 year old daughter and 4 year old niece to my OB appointment while I was pregnant with my second. Let’s just say there were A LOT of questions coming out of that visit. =)

  19. Scotti O. says:

    I probably would have gone insane! Too bizarre! Thanks for sharing I got a good, slightly uncomfortable laugh 😉

  20. Kendra says:

    “No, they aren’t mine. I simply gathered up all the neighborhood children and brought them with me to the doctor’s office/grocery store/bank/post office (wherever) because I thought it would be fun. Are we having fun yet?”

    Apparantly having 4 children is crazy, simply crazy…and it makes you say crazy things too 😉

  21. Lacia says:

    Wow…she sure didn’t know when to stop huh. I always get the “same dad?” question with my kids….especially with the youngest. If you’ve seen my hubby you too would ask! It’s still annoying though.

  22. Eddy says:

    The picture of the 2 potatoes for the large family gathering gave me my chuckle for the day!

  23. Christine C says:

    Thank goodness you said you changed dermatologists as there really does seem to be something wrong with this woman! And even if he was adopted (or had a different Dad), that was just plain rude, idiotic, and really none of her business!!! What if you had answered, Yes.

    You actually should have just told her that they all had different fathers – just to see her face. These are the times when you say something just totally off the wall to make here realize that her foot was not only in her mouth but all the way down her throat.

    As for the red potatoes, I’m not surprised. Not because I think your lumberjack is not up to the challenge; but just because this is what most men would do:)

    GREAT Not Me post. I didn’t do one today, but love yours!!!

  24. Time for a new dermatologist! I like the way you turned a lemon appointment into a lemonade Not Me post 🙂 Have a great week!

  25. tickledred says:

    You are a better woman than me. I would have told her that I wanted a full refund since she obviously she needed glasses and there was no way on Gods green earth that she could tell weather or not my skin was bad or would scar . Give me a full refund please and while you are at it get your hearing checked since you also did not hear me repeat “All my children!” each and every single quadrillion time that it was uttered. Loved your post 🙂

  26. Christina says:

    The funny side of me wants to say,”You should have told her that each one of them has a different dad, but you weren’t really sure who they were (the dads).” The regular side of me (do I have a regular side?!) wants to say,”What in the world is wrong with her?” For real. I might say something to some higher up, let them know how inappropriate she was behaving.
    Anyway, the potatoes? Awesome.

  27. Kendra says:

    Um, upon further study and contemplation, I have decided it was the haircut. Blame the Lumberjack.

  28. Michelle says:

    Oh my gosh, seriously? My jaw dropped as I read, ask once, ok yes all 4 are yours, but to keep pushing it and are you sure he is not adopted…. drop it already, that discusts me why try to second guess the mother, the nerve of some people. UGH! They are all beautiful and I think they look like they all belong, how rude to even ask about them having the same dad, a little personal you know? AND not some people’s business.

    I have gotten similar before with my oldest son who is nearing the point that he will be as tall as me! YIKES! Anyways I was young when I had him and I hear all the time that he is my brother and I dont look old enough to have a child that old. When I registered him for his first year of school I was told I would have to come back when his mother or father could come sign him up……. I loved breaking it to her that well I am her! lol I just come to realize that people need to zip it!

    Anyways, loved the post I need to go catch up now, I have been on vacation for 11 days and I havent read everyday and it is driving me crazy! lol

  29. Ashlee says:

    I think I know who you are talking about (“the dermatologist”)! Geez, for the love…so completely rude of her to keep pressing the issue with Little Dude. He is darling, as are all of your kiddos.

  30. rachel says:

    I did not eat my very first ever big mac for lunch today just because of you! 🙂

  31. Marla Hansen says:

    Are you kidding me?? No seriously…..please say you made this all up otherwise I will have to go beat up a dermatologist for the sake of all adopted and birth children everywhere.

    BTW…the two red potatoes…..CLASSIC!!

  32. Heather says:

    That is sheer craziness!!! How rude! I mean really, what answer was she really expecting? And to keep pressing the subject in front of the kids. It’s just plain wrong! And he does look like he fits in just fine 🙂

  33. Wow…I am amazed you didn’t let her have it right then. That is just unbelievable! Seriously, who does that? Crazy!

  34. datenutloaf says:

    How rude and intrusive and unprofessional can you possibly be??? Probably went to school in Kentucky. Dastardly = villainous. Love fun with words. I’m currently collecting compound words. I have no grandkids, but whenever they study compound words boy am I ever going to be ready!And they aren’t going to be the same ole same ole simpleton (compound word) ones like fireman or policeman. They will be epic, People. You know it’s a new month. And you know what time that is…!! wait for it.

  35. MeanFriend#2 says:

    I have a strong feeling LJ wife that I will be having the same problem when we bring our daughter home from Ethiopia…….people are going to wonder (and have the nerve to ask) if I cheated on my husband!! Come on people!!!

  36. Kim (Williams) Kibby says:

    That was waaaaay rude! I couldn’t believe the dermatologist couldn’t let that go. Wow. Anyway, your first 3 definitely resemble their dad, but your youngest totally reminds me of your dad. 🙂

  37. Pingback: The Doctor’s Office. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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