Buns of Steel

We are deep in the throes of house remodeling over here. 

 It is dirty.  It is dusty .  It is cluttery.

And, it is most certainly, not pleasant.

But what can you do?

I’ll tell you what you can do . . . you buy pizza for dinner and you kiss your man and tell him he has big muscles.

It’s true!

The Lumberjack is very, very buff.

He can lift all those heavy sheets of sheet rock all by himself and I get fatigued just loading the scraps into the truck.

Yesterday, it was getting too stressful being in the house with all the Lumberjacklings amidst the saws and drills and hammers and dust.  So, I loaded them all up and we went to visit my ma and pa and catch up on laundry.

And as luck would have it, the cousins were there!

Life doesn’t get much cooler than when you have your big cousins around.


Make a silly face!

I fear the dudes do not grasp this concept.

Anyways, the laundry room project will take a few weeks.  But don’t you fret about me over here in sheet-rock-dust-land.


Don’t you lose heart.

I am no stranger to such home remodeling projects.

Forescore and Seven Years ago (Name that president), minus the forescore, we bought this 1910 beauty.

Little did we know that the entire thing would need to be gutted.

And, so, for the past seven years, we have S-L-O-W-L-Y been rebuilding this house.

And when I say “we,” clearly I mean my Lumberjack.

For I know not the difference between a rotozip and a sawzall.

I think he done good.

I think he done real good.

Fun Fact:  Jason, The Lumberjack’s youngest younger brother used to help us work on the house every night. 

Interruption:  Please notice that I did not insert that usual snorkeling picture of Jason, like I normally do.  I promised that I was trying to cut back, and by golly, The Lumberjack’s Wife keeps her promises.  I can’t have anyone leave this blog on account of me posting that silly picture too much.

On a completely different note, I have heard lately that someone had to stop reading my blog because my blog hurt their eyes too much.  It seems my centering and double-spacing really bothered her eyes and she could no longer visit.  So, I must ask . . . does anyone else have this problem?  Because that would be tragic.  I do not want to start some odd eye condition. 

Do your eyes hurt?

Are you annoyed at my formatting?

Please.  Fill me in.

I center because I enjoy it.  I don’t know why.

I double space because that is what happens when I hit enter and I cannot figure out how to single space.  Honestly, I have tried to change it.  I gave up.

But it would not be ideal for my readers’ eyes to pain them so.

That concludes this interruption.

Thank you.

Back to the Fun Fact:  One night, Jason was helping us work on the house.  We were ripping out floorboards and the like, which was usually the custom in those early days.

Well, Jason got a little vigorous with the demolition and he bumped his buns into the window.

And by golly, the window just shattered.

Completely shattered.

So, because of Jason, and his buns of steel, we ended up replacing each and every window in the house.

Remember Jason?

Oh, shoot!

I did it again.


From now on, I will try to stop posting that picture so much.

Scouts honor.


Random Topic Quick-Change!

I got an ideer from another blogger, Amanda from I am Mommy, that I want to try.  I think it would be fun!

Awhile back, I asked you all to ask me a question, and I thought it was an enjoyable time in my blogging days.

Truly.  It was a treat.

So, let’s try something, similar, shall we?

How about ask The Lumberjack a question!


It will be so fun!

You can ask him anything, but I can’t promise he will answer everything.

He’s a mysterious guy, you know.

And, I can assure you, he won’t use the center button nor will he double space.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

(Name that tv show)

Ok!  That’s all!

Leave a question!

Pretty please?

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32 Responses to Buns of Steel

  1. Kendra says:

    Nope, no eye trouble. Nose trouble yes, eye trouble, no. You see (pun completely intended there), if I am trying to read your blog whilst my little Prince Chraming is asleep, I try to contain the laughter caused by things such as appliance christening and pregnancy test taking. Said laughter then forces its way to my nose. The result is not pretty, not pretty at all…AND it has been blamed more than once for waking Prince Charming (who naps in the same room as the computer). You are hereby banned from my computer at nap time for causing nasal reactions and Prince Charming’s untimely awakening. BUT, all eyes are fine here.

    PS- We refer to Buns of Steel as the “Hus-buns” in my world.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Hus-buns is fabulous.

      And, I also greatly enjoyed your use of the word, “whilst.”

      I plan on working it into a post immediately.

      • Kendra says:

        I am so very honored. Is it even a word? I am accused more often than I should admit for making up words as I go along…hence, “Hus-buns”…

  2. Oh! So that’s Jason! I wondered what he looked like….
    I am a fellow fan of centering and double spacing, so obviously, I think that is the way it should be done. Not that there is anything wrong with that…

    Questions to LJ: Why, oh why, do you find it such a struggle to smile in photographs? Do you feel that real men don’t smile? And how did you manage to pass that trait down to your youngest child? And lastly, do you have a brother named Jason? And if so could we see a picture?

    These are the things inquiring minds want to know…

  3. MaryGene says:

    No trouble reading here!

    Question for the LJ: How did you know LJ’s Wife (before she was your wife) was “The One”? hehe 🙂 (I love “love” questions!)

  4. Christina says:

    The lady who is bothered by the centering on your blog should try some yoga. That might help her.

    I have the same problem with the double spacing when you hit enter. To avoid this it is my understanding that you would need to use an editor for your blog other than the one within your blog. Does that mean anything sensible to you? I know what I mean, but I am talking about something that I don’t know much about. It’s a good thing I’m giving advice then!

    Question: What are the two things that Taylor is not allowed to mention on this blog?

    Just kidding!

    What is the funniest thing that Taylor has done since you’ve known her?

  5. Melissa says:

    looking at your blog now, after hearing that comment made – I really like the centering and the spacing!! it has a good flow to it, easy to read. and I like the gal’s comment about trying yoga 🙂 must be too much stress in her life!

  6. spidarnevi says:

    Four score and seven years ago – Abe Lincoln

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that – Seinfeld

    Formatting – Lovely. Keep everything the same. 🙂

  7. Amanda says:

    Ugh. People are so silly. I personally prefer your format to those that are one continuous run on sentence with no paragraphs or breaks!

    Lets see… Mr. Lumberjack. Tell us one quirk of your wifes that drives you crazy. (this can be a good crazy as well…)
    How many times a day do you tell your wife how hot she is?
    What is your favorite movie? Song? Flavor of licorice?
    If Mrs. Lumberjacks blog were to take off and she could fully support you and the household from her blog earnings, would you quit you job and be a stay at home dad?
    The end.

  8. let me see…..abe licoln said fourscore and seven years ago…seinfeld said “not that there’s anything wrong with that” and for the big question for LJ……hhhmmmmmmm???? uuuummmmm???
    do you want more kids or are you done? is there anything you will not allow taylor to blog about? your wife is hilarious…do you share her sense of humor?? 🙂

  9. oh btw…there is NOTHING wrong with the formatting on your blog taylor, it’s fabulous!! 🙂

  10. Joyce says:

    I like the format. I use it sorta. And in my house the computer spaces things the way it wants to, nevermind what I enter.

    Oh, and I think Kendra should get the comment of the week…’hus-buns’. Ha-I’m totally going to steal that!

    LJ-if you had to describe your lovely wife with only one word, what would it be?

  11. Erin says:

    your formatting is fine, that person is a weirdo.

  12. When you said “ideer” I really and truly thought you were talking about an app for an iphone. I had to stop and contemplate what kind of app an “ideer” might be. Then I had to reread the sentence twice.

    It is moron Monday here.

  13. Karen says:

    Your house turned out lovely!! I almost thought you were going to make it to the end of the post without the “Jason” pic. And how sad that would be!!

  14. too funny! I center my words as well – I think it looks nicer! Oh well! Stopping by from UBP comment Thanks!

  15. Mindy says:

    Abe Lincoln!
    Seinfeld! Love that show-it’s a classic.
    I have NO idea what that lady is talking about! I love the centering and the way it is spaced–I think it makes it easy read and follow. Please don’t change it.
    LJ-do you ever try and convince your wife you should sell your house and go “live off the land” like a true lumberjack/mountain man(like my husband tries regularly to do)? 🙂

  16. Rachael says:

    I like the spacing on your blog and I think it is easy to read. My biggest problem is that sometimes I laugh so hard I’m crying. You are so funny! By the way, I thought you were going to make it through without posting the Jason picture and I was about to be so disaapointed. Thanks for not letting me down!
    Question for LJ: What do you think about Taylor’s blog? Do you read it regularly?

  17. jess says:

    Ummm… I format now the way you do because I’m a copycat like that, and I thought yours was much easier on the eyes. Just sayin’~

    LumberJack, do you laugh as much as we all do or have you become accustommed to Taylor’s wittiness and such?

  18. Lynette says:

    Lj, what do you think of the nickname Lumber Jack?? Since you are not really a Lumberjack? I wish I could think og something clever like that….

    Taylor, I like your format.

  19. Marla says:

    I think your format is fine… Some people are just a little uptight. I mean, this is a blog. It’s not like you’re writing a book like that.

    …No questions at this second. I’ll have to think on that one.

    Marla @ http://www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  20. Diana says:

    I’m a little bit intimidated to leave comments on your blog because the other commenters (is that a word?) are so witty…but I’m going to push through my insecurities, since I know you want us readers to leave comments, and do it!

    I have a couple of question for you. Does it make me a stalker if I went back and read all of your blog posts since you started? Does that frighten you at all? I hope not since I’m a very nice person in real life…I just enjoy your humor so much and love all the reminders of what life was like when my own four kids were little. Plus my best friend lives where I think I’ve determined that you live and I wonder if you two go to the same church or would ever happen to run into each other.

    I really like the format of your blog…it makes it very easy to read.

    LJ question: Did you have any concerns about getting married so young and what did your parents think?

  21. datenutloaf says:

    Sorry everyone. Must be something wrong with my internet but the centering makes it impossible for me to read the entire line without having to scroll back and forth constantly. Wish I could fix it. (Centering is for titles and song lyrics.) Love the double spacing. Your house looks like my house everyday with all my projects. How many questions are we allowed anyway? Love words like throes and whilst. Really loved the comment that your laundry is being outsourced.

    I wanted to know if LJ likes beef stroganoff? It has mushrooms in it. the weirdo who needs yoga

    • Elizabeth says:

      Great blog! I enjoy reading it when I am trying to escape grading papers…which are still sitting here ungraded.

      Datenutloaf – Do you think it would help if you changed your font size. I just figured this out after my son shrunk mine to an unreadable size. Hit Control and the middle mouse/scroll button to make it larger or smaller. Maybe this well help?!? Only if you can figure out what I am referring to as the middle mouse/scroll button because I don’t know the real name.

      • Kim (Williams) Kibby says:

        Oooohh… I just tried this trick! Fabulous! I learned something new and technological on this blog. 🙂

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Auntie Date-nut,
      It wasn’t you who told me you couldn’t read the blog anymore . . . someone else. But now I remember you mentioning you have trouble with the centering. I don’t know why this is. I think it is something on your computer’s settings?
      And send me some more fun words!
      I heart them.

  22. Heather says:

    I was so sad when the picture of Jason was not there on first mention! So glad you pulled through and posted it!
    I like the centering and double spacing, I find it very easy to read.
    Questions for LJ: Well, although I am sure you will not answer, I am quite curious as to the 2 things you can not blog about.

  23. Dawn says:

    I recognized the Abe Lincoln comment but I’ve only managed to see one episode of Seinfeld and I’m horrified at it. It is the one with the little guy in glasses being caught by his parents ummm having fun alone. and the whole show is about it and it doesn’t matter when the show is on, that is the one that I keep seeing…the only one. So I have yet to discover the pleasure of Seinfeld. (oops was that a Freudian slip?) And I too have lived in sawdust/sheetrock land and lived to tell about it…It was miserable. But well worth the end result!

  24. Dawn says:

    By the way, my disturbing blog post was totally true–not even embellished a little bit. for once! 🙂

  25. thedomesticfringe says:

    We are remodeling our house too and sometimes, it’s just a pain. Pizza fixes lots of things…I’ve learned that. 😉


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