
So . . . life has seemed a little uncertain and scary in different ways lately.

But since I last posted, I am feeling much better.

Thank you for all of your kind comments and ideas!

Soon after I posted, my sister-in-law, Lisa, called me up and asked if we should go on a walk.

She arrived at my house soon after with Little Miss and Sweet Baby.

I really like holding Sweet Baby.

How can anyone feel antsy while holding that precious bundle of joy?

So, Lisa and her girls,  and I and the dudes headed out for a delightful walk.

I live right downtown in our . . . town.

Attention all peoples who know where I live:  Dudes!  I am trying to keep this information on the down low. 

I can, and will edit comments that give away any information hinting towards my whereabouts.

Consider yourselves warned.

I got to be sneaky-sneaky.

So, we walked around, stopped at the park, got our favorite coffee drink at an undisclosed popular local coffee hotspot, and went to a random, yet delightful jewelery store where I bought not one . . .

but two of these necklaces.

One for me . . . and one for my super cool hip friend Shelly, whose birthday is today.

Everyone please shout,

“Happy Birthday, Shelly!”

at your computer.

Thank you.

Lisa and the girls headed home and Daisy Mae came home from kindergarten.

Daisy Mae pleaded for a picnic . . . and I decided that sounded like a grand idea.

The weather has been delightful here in our super top-secret location that none of you should know about.

Little Dude is always excited for food.

Just like his mama.

Daisy Mae packed the picnic all by herself.

I had actually forgotten that my dear friend, Amanda, had given her that sweet picnic basket for her birthday one year.

It will be a sad, mournful day when my girls no longer enjoy tea parties and picnic.

Check out Handsome Dude.

He insists on opening his own string cheese.

It never quite works out for him.

Look at my little daredevil!





Safe Parkour.

For baby.

(I am going to need a 10-4 Good Buddy from anyone who gets my Parkour jokes. Thank you.)

Any-who . . . today has been pleasant, amidst the chaos of our lives.

Sweet Pea left me these “flowers” and a note:

“To Mom, I love you. this is for you.  pleses send a note back.”

Rest assured, I sent her a note back.

I have hundreds of loads of laundry to whip out.

But, alas!

My washer and dryer are in my dining room!

My Lumberjack, however, will be pulling out his big guns and moving them back into the laundry room tonight.

Holla, Lumberjack!


With all my leisurely activities today, I have completely forgotten to do anything about dinner.

Since my kitchen looks like this:

I am trying to come up with easy meals that I can just throw in the oven at dinner time or put in the slow cooker all day.

Because it is really hectic to try to cook in that kitchen, while rearing the children, while my husband is nailing and sawing and painting and hammering.

But, not today.

Nothing in the crockpot.

Nothing planned out.

Lucky for me, I have a husband who could care less if I said,

“Oatmeal for dinner tonight!”

Alright . . . that’s all I got for now.

Have a lovely afternoon!

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19 Responses to Defunked.

  1. Erin says:

    If you can’t stop being so stinkin’ cute, I wont be your internet friend anymore.

    And you’re obviously living in Hawaii. So easy to tell.

  2. Diana says:

    I would be in a funk, too, if I had to deal with the “visual chaos” of the kitchen…I’m not good that way, it makes me feel overwhelmed! Glad to hear the funk has lifted. Oh, my hubby’s good with oatmeal for dinner, too! I love that about him!

  3. Adrienne says:

    Sunshine and babies are the best at getting rid of funks!

    Parkour! Parkour! I actually couldn’t read that part without shouting it out loud. So funny!

  4. Joyce says:

    Husbands who will happily go along with oatmeal for dinner are good guys…mine is like that and somedays you just need to give in and have oatmeal for dinner.

    I hope you are feeling better…your picnic and tea party comment sent me into a funk : ) just kidding…you have a lot of years for that yet…mine still like a picnic and we do grown up tea parties now which are oh so nice, not the same but still very sweet.

    Thinking of you!

  5. Mindy says:

    I guess i should start out with “Sorry!” I forget what I’m saying sometimes and give locations away. So please forgive me and don’t banish me! Please! I’m so sorry!!
    Next, Parcour is hilarious! Assuming you are talking about The Office, it is hilarious, and I loved when Andy dropped into the box. Ah, good times! So, Holla!
    Glad you are feeling better. How could you not after coffee and shopping at the local fav spot? Can I say I’m jealous? Cuz I am. 🙂 Even though I am all of 5 miles away or something! So sad! 🙂
    What a sweet girl you have with the flowers and note-so obvious of a good upbringing….

  6. Dawn says:

    My girls are 18 and 21 and still love dress up tea parties! That should cheer you up! However, the menu is somewhat more elaborate than when they were little!

  7. ChristineC says:

    Glad to hear that your funk is lifting. Hope happy days are hear to stay:)

    Love the necklace too!

    I had to laugh because I DID have oatmeal for dinner. My husband had a frozen dinner and the kids had french toast. That’s what happens when the boys have baseball games that went till almost 8.

  8. I copied your picture in the park and was able to triangulate the latitude and longitude of your location according to the angle of the sun. Send 300,000 meaningless points to the newspaper stand right down the street from The Little Brown House and I will chew up and swallow the evidence….. over and out good buddy..

  9. And also – stop hiring beautiful models to pretend to be you in your pictures – you give the rest of us a complex..

  10. Kendra says:

    Eggs for dinner, check.
    Cereal for dinner, check.
    Pancakes for dinner, check.
    Waffles, check.
    Grits, check.
    Oatmeal, no check.

    Have you ever eaten grits? Oh, I love those little darlin’s. I could eat them 100 ways. Now, that’s a good idea for a blog!

  11. thedomesticfringe says:

    We went for pizza tonight, because I was full of saw dust and paint and so was my kitchen and husband. Cute kids!


  12. Kendra says:

    PS – I am a totally bad friend. Everyone else commented on your day. Me, I completely focused on food. Good grief.

  13. Patti Smith says:

    I’m glad you’re feeling better as well…sunshine, sunshine, sunshine…it’s a magic potion!

  14. Christina says:

    Pizza, pizza, pizza!
    I could not be in that kitchen for anything, I would just cry. That’s not to say anything bad about your Lumberjack…it’s more about me. I’m not good at adapting!
    Glad you are feeling better, but I need to read back one.

  15. Jaime says:

    Wow. Until you mentioned it today, I had no idea that Okra is a “southern” thing.

    Okra comes from a large vegetable plant thought to be of African origin, and it was brought to the US three centuries ago by African slaves. Grown in tropical and warm temperate climates, it is in the same plant family as hibiscus and cotton.

    Here in the south we eat Okra year round, but especially during the summer. We eat it fried, pickled, boiled, raw, stewed, in gumbo,… I am with Kendra – Maybe us southern gals need to blog about grits and okra!

  16. Allie says:

    10-4 Good Buddy!
    I don’t get the joke but everyone needs a little support when they put themselves out there.
    Loved the necklace. Loved your post.

  17. datenutloaf says:

    didn’t know you were in a funk – so sorry – and glad you bounced back. What about $9 Costco pizza? 1.29 non-fat swirl yogurt? Churros? Chicken salad? Real good deals over there and those swirls fill me up for hours. sodies and lemonade .59. Even store-bought DiGiorno frozen pizzas are real good. I’m just sayin – in a pinch…pot pies

    another out of the box idea – in a pinch. have you ever considered taking the whole mass quantities of laundry to a laundramat and getting it all done at once? Eight to ten or more washers? Ditto dryers? Even laundramats will wash and fold your laundry for a nominal price. Just suggestions to avoid boredom of same ole same ole. I cried at the bank today when discussing different types of life insurance – I can’t afford any of them for my poor kid when I croak. Wonder what’s up with me? Today I got 2 large glass tumblers, a new hard metal insulated drink cup to send to my soldier and a pair of clip-on dangly earrings which are very hard to find all for $2.35. Score!! That’s how I allowed my $1.29 non-fat yogie treat! Man Alive! I really know how to live on nuthin

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