Madame Librarian.

I am going to try a Random Dozen post this week.

My cool blogging friends, Joyce and Jill do this all the time.

So, therefore, it must be all the rage.


I probably just made it uncool.

1. Ever had any run-ins with the “library police?”

Why, certainly!

The Lumberjack and I were married when I was 19.

Shortly thereafter, I decided to get super studious and get my own library card.

I walked up to the stereotypical cranky, glasses-wearing librarian, and this is the conversation that ensued:

Me:  Howdy!  I would like to get a library card!

Librarian:  (looking at me with disdain)  Sorry, honey.  You will have to come back with your mom or dad.

Me:  Really? Why?

Librarian:  (sigh)  Because you need their signature.

Me:  Huh.  That’s weird.

Librarian:  Darlin’, we don’t give out library cards to children under 18 without a parent.

Me:  Oh, but I am 19!

Librarian:  Sure you are.

Me:  No, it’s true!  I’m married, too!  See?

(Yes.  I showed her my ring.  It was the vindication I needed at that moment in time)

Librarian: (annoyed sigh)  Let me see your ID.

Me:  Oh!  Ok.

So . . . I gave her proof that I was as old as I said I was.

She reluctantly gave me a library card.

And folks, that was the one and only time I have ever been carded.

2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts?

Absolutely not.

Everything is shoved into a lid-less Rubbermaid tote that gets jammed under my bed.

3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster?


Unless you count the time The Lumberjack got us stuck on a mountain.

It was disastrous to me.

4. What’s your favorite Barry Manilow song?

Barry Who?

5. What’s the best costume you’ve ever worn?

One year for Halloween, my parents were not feeling all that wealthy.

So, my mom dressed me up in green pants and a shirt and taped purple balloons all over me.


That’s right.

I was a bunch of grapes.

But, wait!

There’s more!

It poured and poured that year, so we had to trick or treat by driving around.

And folks, it is not easy getting in and out of cars with hundreds of balloons taped to your body.

Yes, that’s right.


I was a chunky child.

6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?


I have a fear of using words that mean something more than I know they do.

When I was about 10, I was caught screaming a name at my cousin that i just thought meant, “meanie.”

Turns out it is a not-so-nice word that also means a child of unmarried parents.


7. What’s your favorite breakfast food?


8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial?


A few things.

I really should have flat abs by now . . . or at least have my money back.

9. Have you ever crawled through a window?


I can never fit.

10. Do you believe in love at first sight?


I think you can “strongly-like” at first sight, but not love.

Except with your babies.

That is an indescribable love.

11. How man pairs of jeans do you own?

2 that fit good and about 4 that should fit once I stop pretending to be on Weight Watchers.

I heard Weight Watchers works wonders if you actually follow the program.

Who knew!?

12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on “Ace of Cakes.”)

I am not creative.

I just want chocolate.

Just lots and lots of chocolate.


The End!

Happy Wednesday!

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40 Responses to Madame Librarian.

  1. Nel says:

    I am so glad you joined us this week! Love your encounter with the library lady, that is too funny! Enjoyed all of your answers, hope you join us again!

    until next time… nel

  2. RobynRenee says:

    Yay for new participants!
    And yay for chocolate cake!!
    Apparently I like exclamation marks!!! 🙂

  3. Michelle says:

    Lol! grapes hahahaha I have to ask your mom about that one!

  4. Paula says:

    Wow, it’s still Tuesday here in Hawaii and I have read three new posts from you today. I’m feeling blessed.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      I know, right? I am feeling a slightly ridiculous for posting 3 times in one day.
      I am way out of control. 🙂
      I will try and hold back today 🙂

  5. Barbie says:

    Nice to meet you. You are the 2nd person who nearly caused me to pee my pants while reading your responses. Thanks for the laughs. Oh, I pretend to do WW too, but I can attest that it does in fact work if you work it. So let’s work it girlfriend!

  6. Enjoyed your post, you have a great sense of humour. Glad you got the better of that library madam.

  7. Kirsty says:

    LOL I’m with you on wanting the chocolate! Love your bunch of grapes story! And a lidless rubbermaid container…that TOTALLY counts as being organized!

  8. Joyce says:

    Oh Taylor, I knew I could count on you to say Barry who?

    I loved your answers…I’m pretty sure you have raised the level of ‘cool’ here. Or at least the level of funny.

    Have a great day today!

  9. christine C says:

    What I wouldn’t give to be carded now:) At this point, I get excited when someone calls me Miss instead of Mam.

    Need to see pictures of the grapes!!!!!

  10. Susanne says:

    That librarian sounds like she was a real toughie. Who knew they had bouncers at the library!?

    Enjoyed your answers. The costume one made me laugh out loud.

  11. John says:

    I had a very similar answer to #4… and snorted Dr Pepper out my nose thank you very much. You would think that the number of times i have done that, that it wouldn’t hurt anymore… but you’d be wrong.

    I now have a picture of the Fruit of the Loom guy trying to get in and out of a Suburban, with a Pumpkin bucket… thanks. 8)

    When i saw your name on Mr. Linky for Linda’s Random Dozen, you were the first one i clicked on. 8)

    Hope you have a blessed day.

  12. Jill says:

    Great comments! Random dozen is still cool, and you cracked me up as always. Glad you joined in!

  13. Patrice says:

    Ha ha ha!! Those grumpy librarians hate it when were right!!

  14. Ah, the library. Once, during a particularly harrowing History Week at school I unwittingly kept out a whole bunch of books on Hiroshima past their due date.

    Suffice to say, I still avoid the library, in fear they’ve my picture hanging in the back, with “still owes $80” emblazoned across the front.

  15. Just wanted to say hi and that your post made me smile (found you from Mindee’s blog). 🙂

  16. auburnchick says:

    Oh my gosh…I laughed nearly all of your answers!!!

    You’re very lucky that other kids didn’t turn your bunch of grapes into wine and start stomping on you!

    Please…play the game every week, ok?

    Oh, and thanks for making me add one more blog to my Google Reader account.

    Sheesh Louise!

  17. LOVE these answers! It’s witty people like you that make the Random Dozen world go round. The one about name-calling made me laugh out loud-Thanks!

  18. Melissa says:

    WW really does work….if you follow the program. I promise. 🙂

  19. Barry who? Barry WHO? Child, get thee to the internet and download Copa Cabana. A more ridiculously glorious song has never been recorded. And from there, go to Mandy and Weekend in New England.

    10-4 good buddy. But only because it was on an episode of The Forgotten.

  20. Hi Lumberjack’s wife-

    I’ve enjoyed reading your responses to Random Dozen. It’s a terrific meme. I’ve always liked a good meme and now I have started my own. We just started a new meme called “Wednesday Wickedness” and will post on Tuesday afternoons. You are welcome to do it on Tuesdays, if you do only one meme a day! We are up and posted now. Each week we pick a famous person and find 10 quotes. Then each question is based on the quotes! This week is George Clooney. Check us out at


  21. The Bug says:

    I LOVE that the only time you’ve been carded was at a library – that’s hilarious!

    I should have told the story about being a sheep in college. We were going around on Halloween collecting for UNICEF & we decided to be Old MacDonald’s Farm – one person wore overalls & the rest of us dressed as animals. I had a curly perm at the time, so I just dumped a bunch of powder on my head – voila! Sheep! And then I sneezed all night. And then it rained & I had powder paste in my hair. Sigh.

  22. Jenny Hill says:

    Loved your random thoughts. I just started last week and now I can’t wait for it!!

  23. Cathy says:

    I agree on the cake and I love your #11 answer. Grapes as a costume. Cool idea.

  24. Yeve Eeffoc says:

    Glad you joined this week!

    Are you sure weight watchers works if you don’t pretend to be on it? If so maybe I should go back on it and just do it and not pretend as well!

  25. Your answers are hilarious! So how many “grapes” did you pop throughout the night?!

    You’d like my cake.

  26. Dawn says:

    I am so sorry that you had a run in with a nasty librarian. I’m a librarian and I’m cool. And awesome. And all that and a box of chocolates. Just ask the kids I kicked out today for drawing on the table. Just kidding. But I do try not to be stereotypically cranky–I just want to push books. And the thirst for knowledge!

  27. Diana says:

    I LOVE oatmeal for breakfast…have it almost every day! And how come once we’re legal we never get carded?!

  28. Deb says:

    loved your answers!

  29. SpitFire says:

    Ha! I wish I’d only been carded once. For some reason, I apparently have one of those young looking faces.

    The grape costume story was hilarious. As was the comment about the cake, lol.

  30. Loved your answers this week. There is nothing like lots and lots of chocolate.

  31. Teresa Dawn says:

    The library story sounds like my horseback riding one.

    Clerk: You need to wear a helmet.

    Me: Why, they aren’t? (I know it’s safer but I don’t like renting something that’s been on someone else’s head)

    Clerk: Everyone under 16 must wear a helmet.

    Me: I’m 24.

  32. I love the Random Dozen! Your library card scandal cracked me right up. I got a library card for the first time this summer and was so nervous while the ol’ lady perused my application. Like I was going to get denied or something. It was horrible. Haven’t been back since. 🙂

  33. Christina says:

    You are a hit!
    Who is surprised? No one.
    The grapes-that is one of the funniest things I’ve heard. I love it!

  34. Heather says:

    Funny! Loved the story about the grapes! Can not believe your mom did not preserve that one for us! And let me guess, you have never been carded again because you do not purchase items that would require you to be of age? (Although I was carded just the other day when buying NyQuil!)

  35. shakira says:

    I LOVE your answers!
    Especially the first one..
    You truly ROCK the Random Dozen!
    Great answers!
    Mine is here
    Happy Thursday!

  36. Ricki says:

    don’t worry about the not so nice word. In 1st grade I showed a choice finger because I thought it mean be quiet. Mom would always show it to Dad, and Dad would stop talking, so it made sense to me.

    It wasn’t until the trip to the principal’s office that I realized it *might not* be so kosher after all.

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