Tractor, Tractor.

Item #1

First of all, I would like to apologize for the craziness that was Tuesday.


I admit it.

I posted 3 times in one day.

I was completely and utterly out of control.

I will try to not let it happen again.

Thank you.


Item #2

I think I confused the majority of my 12.3 readers when I posted my parkour jokes.




Anyone?  Anyone?

Adrienne and Mindy got my back!

Holla, Adrienne!

Holla, Mindy!

Raise your hand if you still don’t understand what Holla means.

Well, I give up.

I have attempted to explain it too many times.

Parkour was from The Office and I found it to be quite hilarious.


So hilarious, in fact, that I shamelessly stole it for my blog.

And it backfired on me because no one got it.

Just like no one gets “holla.”


100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can tell me what on earth a “half-gainer” is.

Oh, what’s that?

You didn’t click on the link that I painstakingly provided for you?

Yes, that’s right, people.

I know only 8% of you click on the links that I so lovingly supply.

I am on to your shenanigans.



Item #3

I fear we have been seeing Lisa and Sweet Baby a little too much this week.

Handsome Dude has not stopped nursing his sister’s doll all week.

We are so very proud.


I do not have a picture.

But I will not rest until I get one, I can promise you that.


Item #4

I am ready to speak a little on the issues that brought me much worry and antsiness earlier this week.

Back in February, right before we left for Cancun, we decided that we would start looking for a new house.

Our house is getting just a little too small and my husband would really like acreage.

So, we looked and found nothing.

Then we looked again, and again, we found nothing.

Then I told my husband that i just wanted to stay in the cute house that he has been building to my specific tastes for the past 7 years.

But then, he found . . . The House.

I told him I would not even look at The House, seeing as how it was at least 30 minutes away from everything civilized and proper for a lady, such as myself.

LJ (short for Lumberjack . . . keep up, people!):  Let’s just look at it.

Me:  Why?  Waste of time.

LJ:  Humor me.

Interruption:  I hate when he says “humor me.”  It always means he will win.

Me:  Okay, but for the record, I will not live in ________. (Ha!  I will not tell you where it is.  We will call it “Ruralville.”)

LJ:  Fine, Taylor

Me:  I mean it.  I won’t live there.

LJ:  Okay, Taylor

So, we filled the rig with gas, packed snacks and water, loaded the car with entertainment for the children, checked the oil, charged the battery, washed the rig, packed extra clothes, gathered the emergency flares, and prepared ourselves for the mini-car trip to:


And wouldn’t you know it, we absolutely LOVED the house.

It has 5 bedrooms people!

And central vac.

Fact:  I am uncertain as to how this “central vac” business works, but I am excited for it nevertheless.

It also has a huge shop and is on 20 acres.

With lots and lots and lots of trees to be felled.

I told LJ I would not live in Ruralville.

But gosh darn it, somehow he talked me into making an offer.

Darn him and his swooning.

So we made an offer 2 days before Cancun.

And since it was a “short sale” (don’t ask, I am an idiot on these matters.  If you must know, I suggest you contact your favorite realtor), we did not find out until mid-March that the bank accepted a different offer.

LJ was devastated.

A couple of weeks later, our realtor called and said the first offer people were having trouble getting their paperwork in.

LJ was thrilled!

He started tractor shopping on craigslist and made big plans for our lives out in Ruralville.

Then on April 2nd, we found out that the bank was definitely still going with the other folk.

Poor LJ.

Goodbye, tractor.

Goodbye, trees-that-need-to-be-felled.

Goodbye, Ruralville.

So, our realtor talked us into looking for more houses.

After every house we saw, LJ would sigh and say,

“It is nothing compared to the place in Ruralville.”

Then, it happened.

8 days ago, our Realtor called and said the deal fell through and we could make another offer.

And we have been waiting and waiting and waiting.

But we found out yesterday that our offer was accepted.

Attention Mr. Lumberjack:

You may resume your tractor shopping.

So, we are probably Ruralville-bound unless something goes wrong with our inspection or well report.

Yes, that’s right.

We are going to have a well.

How has this happened to me?

I’ve been a good girl.

I’ll tell you this right now . . . the day I see a bear is the day we are moving back to civilization.

I find bears attacking my children to be completely unacceptable.

No matter how many acres we can get.

So, we won’t move until July-ish.

But, we are most likely moving to Ruralville.

That is, of course, if our WELL is ok.

A well.



Item #5

I have been contemplating the notion of creating another “Fun with Adjectives” post.

Are you excited?

But, I need some fun adjectives.

This is where you come in.

Tell me an adjective I should use .

I will totes gives you a shout out if you do.

Come on.

Humor me.

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47 Responses to Tractor, Tractor.

  1. rebecca d says:

    Congrats on the house! I just know you will love “ruralville!” I currently live in a small (noisy… crowded… ) city and after visiting my small hometown I am realizing I am not the city girl (I never really thought I was) after all…

    Thank you for your sweet comments during this hard two weeks… Your words of encouragement meant more to me then you will ever know.

  2. Karen says:

    I love your posts–you can never post too many!! I hope all works well for you, although 30 minutes away is a long, long way from things!

  3. Krista says:

    30 minutes is doable right? Maybe you won’t have to heat your house with the little stove and there will be no more wood splitting and mysterious stuff on little dude because you were splitting wood. Congrats on the new house!!

  4. Rachel F says:

    I saw this post and was seriously excited to know the song and artist, you know
    Tractor, tractor, digging up the dirt.
    Tractor, tractor, digging up the dirt.
    Digging up the dirt, digging up the dirt.
    Tractor, tractor, digging up the dirt.
    And then you didn’t even ask for the artist.
    Bummed I am. I actually knew one. 🙂

    Seriously though, big changes. I’ve been reading “that book” you recommended. Remember.
    Good Job LJ Wife, Good Job!

  5. Amanda says:

    I wanted to stop by and catch up.. but then I realized it would take me 2 hours. You been busy girl! 🙂

    I totally did not click on the link. BUSTED.

    Funny stuff as always girl!

  6. Brandi D. says:

    Without giving away too much info ….I know this does not mean you are leaving the team right??
    Otherwise I will have this day for mourning.

  7. Shabree says:

    That sounds fun to me! My friend also has 20 acres out there, maybe you will be neighbors! Haha

  8. namacura says:

    Congratulations on the upcoming move to Ruralville!

    And for the link, yes, I watched it at work, loud enough that several stopped to watch it with me. I loved it.

  9. Melissa says:

    I commend you for even thinking about moving to Ruralville. Neither I, nor my prissy diva doggie, are rural girls. City good, farm bad. That is my mantra.

    However, now you can sing a new song to LJ, because I am sure, after all, that you will think his tractor is sexy. 😉

    Keep posting! My doctor says I need to reduce stress so I won’t drop dead from a heart attack. Your posts make me laugh, thereby reducing my stress. No pressure for you, or anything like that. 🙂

  10. Adrienne says:

    Congrats on the house!

    I must admit, I am one of those few who does not click the video link. It would be useless as I do not have sound on my computer. I lucked out today though because I already knew what the video was about! Score!

    Adjectives huh? Let’s see….addictive, brawny, capricious, disillusioned, elastic, fertile, grotesque, humdrum, inquisitive, jittery, keen, lumpy, mirthful, neighborly, overt, parsimonious, quaint, redundant, scandalous, therapeutic, utopian, vigorous, whimsical, xenophobic, youthful, zealous. Hope that helps! 🙂

  11. I’m guessing you’ll like Ruralville and you have the perfect husband for an acreage. But, um, the 30 mile thing?? Does that mean you’ll be homeschooling?

  12. thedomesticfringe says:

    Congrats on the new house!!! That is so exciting.


  13. Melissa says:

    i did watch the link. i had no idea what you were talking about in that post but it all came back to me watching the Office episode. there is just too much to remember from that show!! my hubby and i quote it to each other at least once a day! =)

  14. Lani says:

    I’m jealous of your move to ruralville! I so miss having privacy and acreage and trees… and a well!

  15. Sarah says:

    This comment has to have multiple points.
    1) I am jealous of your ruralville house too!! We are moving to an INDIAN RESERVATION in the DESERT so clearly we are not city folk. I grew up in the suburbs and can’t wait to get out. Regardless of bears. And wells intimidate me a little. But my husband is a mountain man and is totally unfazed by all that a rural move means, so I will just trail along with the good and bad. You can’t have chickens and goats in an apartment, regrettably, so we are looking forward to finding somewhere else as soon as we can move and be real life missionaries.
    2) I know the song in your title too!! I was so proud, that’s one of my favorite cds. It’s actually a good kid cd, which seem hard to come by.
    3) Antediluvian is beautiful adjective. I just like how it sounds. (Confession: I had to look up what it meant).
    4) This comment is almost long enough to be its own post. I’m sorry. 🙂

  16. yay for new houses!! i love mine, but there are a few things i would change if i could!! more space, a dish washer, a bigger master bath, just to name a few…if i get them GREAT, if not, i am content tolive in my tiny house and enjoy GOd’s provisions!! 🙂

  17. Marla says:

    Congrats on the new house. I think you will love it for several reasons:

    1.) Your boys can go pee outside and there will be no one to care. I don’t know that they do that, but I have a idea that they are those kinds of kids… I mean, they are Little Lumberjacks, right?

    2.) Well water is delicious, honestly. It will be the best water that you ever tasted.

    3.) Thirty minutes is nothing. I live an HOUR from the nearest Walmart and I survive. It’s two hours to the nearest Target and Mall. You adapt.

    You’ll do great. I can’t wait to hear about this newest adventure. 🙂

    • Melanie says:

      Wow…exciting news on the house in ruralville. I’d love a house in ruralville! Halfgainer = a type of dive. Central vac, yes! But will there be central heat?

  18. joyce says:

    oh my…so much to say…I am actually reading this as I take a break from using my CENTRAL VAC. I love it. I absolutely love it. I plug a hose into the wall and vacuum and periodically dump the container which is in the basement. The hose weighs practically nothing. It is fabulous!

    I have lived with a well. In NJ. Not this time but last go round. It’s okay. As long as there is water in it : )

    I think you need to use the word evanescent. And glamorous. And victorious.

    Good luck with all the craziness!

  19. Patti Smith says:

    Congratulations on the house! Sounds like an adventure for sure 🙂

  20. Jill says:

    The biggest question about Ruralville: how’s the internet service? I think that could be a deal breaker!

    Other than that, bask in the privacy. And be prepared for your boys to pee outside on a regular basis.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Ha! I don’t know. I might have to retire from blogging . . . or blog at the library. That would only confirm my awesomeness. 🙂

  21. Debbie says:

    Wow, so many ups and downs! The house sounds amazing and I’m sure your LJ can scare away any bears. Good luck with the transition!

  22. Erin says:

    Wow! Big news!

    So now you have to sell your current home?
    I hope it goes better for you than it is for us!

    Does this 30min drive mean homeschooling is in your future?

    And I enjoyed your Parkour humor on Tuesday. But if I wanted to be technical, which I clearly do not want to be, Parkour is not from The Office.
    The Office simply used the Parkour phenomenon for some quite hilarious humor. American Parkour dates waaaaaaaay back to September in the year of our Lord two thousand and nine.

    So there. 😉

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Erin Schore=1 point
      Taylor Maliblahblah=0

      Unsure about schooling.

      We are keeping our home and renting it out. Or, if no one rents it, we are frantically selling it!

  23. Michelle says:

    Congrats on the house and good luck on the adventures in your new area!

  24. Oh you are so going to be the new Pioneer Woman!!!

  25. Melissa k says:

    Frankly, I’m jealous.
    And happy for you and LJ.

    And just a little jealous.
    Did I mention that? 😉

    Adjective: hirsute

  26. Sherry says:

    Congratulations on your move! 😀 Nice to meet you!

    Have a great day!

  27. MaryGene says:

    holy canoli! Ruralville with 20 acres and a WELL!! Your very own well. It’s what you’ve always dreamed of, huh? 🙂

    Parkour was hilarrrrious! A gainer is a “move” most of the time done whilst hurling oneself into a body of water, be it from a diving board into a pool, or a dock into a lake. If my memory serves me correctly, a full gainer is when you grab both of your feet behind your back so your knees are bent and your feet are behind your hiney. A half gainer is only grabbing one foot. I think. It’s mostly a boy move. I remember my brother and his friends talking about this kind of thing.

  28. Mindy says:

    Oh, good for you. I am so happy. I am not jealous at all that my house has been for sale for 3 months and has not sold but you get the house of your dreams. Goody for you. So happy. I’m all smiles.
    Where IS that sarcasm font??? I could really use it. But seriously, I am desperate to sell my house!!! 🙂

  29. Amiee says:

    What a fun adventure!! I grew up in a HUGE city with every ammenity one could imagine at my fingertips. And now, we live 40 min to civilization, down a dirt road, on a huge ranch, with creepy crawly animals EVERYWHERE!!! It was such a hard adjustment at first, but now I could not imagine raising my kids “in town.” I hope all works out and I am sure you will adjust great!! You begin to appreciate things so much more when you don’t have them at your disposal. Oh, and the homeschooling thing isn’t THAT bad!! I always imagined homeschoolers as WEIRDOS and now, because of where we live and because CA schools aren’t the greatest, we are one of those WEIRD families!! Oh, and another thing, satelite internet works great in rural areas. OK, done rambling… Good luck!!!!!!

  30. Rachel says:

    I’m a huge Office fan, so I got the reference. I felt bad, though, so I went back and clicked on the link to increase your percentage to more than 8%!

  31. Allie says:

    I so love your blog.
    Yay on Ruralville. So much fun. It may make sense to even get chickens–farm fresh eggs being organic, free range and all that.
    I understand Holla and hope to see much more of that where it came from.
    My apologies on not getting Parkour. I don’t own a TV ( I live in Ruralville…no, jk. I wanted to just shake you up a bit).


    Lemme know if you need more

  32. Andi says:

    I’m jealous. The end.

  33. Kendra says:

    All I can say is, “Welcome to Boonie-Ville!”

    LJ has 17 guns for pete’s sake. Bears beware! Have family shooting practice 😉

  34. auburnchick says:

    I call my corner of the world Podunk, USA. I totally feel for you, but since I grew up in One Traffic Light, USA, all I can say is yay! Make sure you go shopping for a go-cart for the kids. 20 acres makes for loads of fun!

    Oh, and might I suggest the word “tenacious?” That’s what you’re gonna need to be while living away from civilization.

    Congrats on the house, BTW! Happy Tractor Shopping!

  35. Sandy says:

    Your kids are going to love having all that room to run, explore, find toads and, you know, gross stuff. But you’ll love it too, wait and see…after all, your family will be there and that’s the best part!

  36. Marla Hansen says:

    Handsome Dude has not stopped nursing his sister’s doll all week.

    ROFL!!! Can you say “years of therapy”.

  37. Deb says:

    You’ll love it out in the sticks!

  38. Jan says:

    Girl, I can TOTALLY see you as the next Pioneer Woman! We don’t have 20 acres but we do have 5 acres and we absolutely love it. You can get your kiddos involved with 4H and LJ will be in 7th heaven, especially once he gets a tractor! My hubby loves his tractor.

    As for internet, we have broadband from Verizon – works off cell towers so even if you had to take a laptop and drive a mile down the road you should get some service.

  39. Christina says:

    I have been catching up. I missed a lot! Congratulations on the house business. It sounds exciting. 🙂

  40. Pingback: The Post about Nothing. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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