The Saturday Morning Post

Interruption:  I may have stolen that post title from MaryGene.

Thank you.

A few days ago, I asked for some ideas on adjectives that I could use in a post.

Yes, that’s right.


Life could not get any more exciting for you, dear readers, than it is at this very moment.

Savor it.

And since I am super awesome, I will be giving shout-outs to whomever supplied me with said adjective.



(suggested by: Joyce)

Victorious is how I would describe this week’s “Comment of the Week” winner.

The winner would definitely feel uber victorious, seeing as how winning Comment of the Week from The Lumberjack’s Wife blog is the most prestigious award given to blog commenters of this century.

Or something like that.

Mindee at Our Front Door made this comment on my post, “Excuse Me?  I seem to have flipped my car.”

“If I understood you correctly, you are using the same camera you had in high school. Perhaps, if you have not figured out how to use it by now it is time for a new one?

Just sayin’.”

Ha!  That made me laugh.

I can understand her confusion, seeing as how I posted this picture from the year 1998:

No, dear readers.

I have not been using the same camera since 1998.

This nostalgic photo is actually quite crisp and clear.  I was simply being super classy and taking a picture of a picture.

However, I cannot figure out my stupid, tenacious (tenacious provided by Auburnchick), and unreasonable pricey camera, so these are the kind of pictures you must come to appreciate when visiting this here blog.

This is just the way things are going to be.

I am, in fact, a photgraphical idiot.

Also-I don’t post good recipes, good tips, nor do I offer any good ideas.

Why are you here?

Something for you all to ponder over the weekend.

You might be wasting your time.

Go say hello to Mindee.  She is a super fantabulous blogger and a primo blogging friend.

The cream of the crop, I tell ya.


(offered up by Allie)

Despondent makes me think of one poor, sad, bored creature:

A whole lot of work


Is there life out there?  So much she doesn’t know.  Is there life beyond her family and her home.  She’s done what she should, should she do what she dares?

She doesn’t want to leave, she’s just wondering if there’s life out there.

Name that singer.

Maybe things will pick up for Mabel once we move to Ruralville.

One can only hope.


(added by Sarah)

Seriously, Sarah?


I had to visit the most helpful website for that one.

And for that one, I would like to submit this picture of my hair . . .

Because nothing screams out of date and old fashioned like that do I am sporting . . . and shirt . . . and my sister’s bangs.

Love you sister Meagan!


(proposed by Melissa K)

Oooh, Melissa!

Look at you!

A fancy word!

I would describe Little Dude as having a hirsute head before his father got a hold of him with the clippers . . .

2009_9_20 112

And after his special haircut by dad:

Not so much.

Do people really use the word hirsute?

I’m tho confused.



(given by Allie)

Last night, we went to Walmart before church.

Classy, I know.

We got out of the car and the girls reminded me to lock the doors.


For fear that some kleptomaniacal stranger would steal their Bibles.

Sweet girls.

They have never asked me to lock the doors when their cds and such are in the car.

And lastly, I would like to present an Adjectives Collage, with each adjective being referred by the lovely Adrienne.


This girl has a lot of questions.


Fertile, example 1:

Fertile, example 2

Fertile, example 3

Fertile, example 4:

Fertile, example 5:

Are you still unclear on the meaning of fertile?

Then there is no hope for you.



Thank you all for the adjectives.

Can we not all agree that we had a most spendid time discussing them?

I am not sure what the point of all of it was . . . but by golly, it was fun.

If you have time, go visit some of these blogs over the weekend.

And leave them comments, people!


Happy Weekend!

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23 Responses to The Saturday Morning Post

  1. Sister Meagan says:

    Seriously those bangs were bad news bears and I think it is totes necessary to bring that to all readers of The Lumberjack’s Wife’s attention.


    But I think that your perm trumps those bangs, just saying.

  2. Marla says:

    I feel like I could take my SAT right now and score awesomely high.

    Have a great weekend. 🙂

    Marla @

  3. I am here because you make me smile and laugh and very nearly pee my pants…recipes and tips not required.

  4. Debbie says:

    Yeah, I’m here because you’re mad funny 🙂

  5. Mindy says:

    Reba McEntire! BAM! I am on it today!
    Those words are just too big for me, but I did enjoy your pictures to go with all the definitions. Definitely needed for a weekend post!
    And sorry I haven’t left a comment the past few days, when I come along and there are already 40 comments, I feel like I’m back in junior high, just a little behind every one else and all the cool kids! HA! But I promise to do better!
    Love the perm-I had an identical one for many, many years. So sad what our parents allow us to do to ourselves…. 🙂

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Don’t feel uncool . . . and don’t feel pressured to leave a comment.

      Just don’t forget to come and read every now and then. That would make me sad.

      But I do heart comments when you leave them!
      I heart them so very much. 🙂 You have been a great blogging commenter.

  6. joyce says:

    Well I was gonna say fertile but seriously, where was the challenge in that one for The Lumberjack’s Wife?

  7. Heather says:

    I was so excited that I finally knew the answer to a question and then Mindy has already responded! Oh well. Her and I must be thinking alike today because I too have been feeling the same way about comments. Everyone already has super cool “comment of the week” type comments and I just don’t know how to follow! Still love your blog 🙂

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Don’t feel pressured to comment . . . I appreciate it when you do, but I appreciate most of all that you come and read all this foolishness of mine! You have been a grand and encouraging blogging friend. 🙂

      • Heather says:

        It is my pleasure and I love it so! So today at church I was like oh, hi Taylor! Then suddenly I was like, is she waving at me? What if there is someone else behind me and I am here waving like a fool?! Maybe I am just too paranoid…. 🙂

  8. Karen says:

    I’m glad you post so often, I need the laughs! btw–I really liked Erin’s comment on using the emergency brake for an emergency!! I also like your comments, Taylor, on Erin’s blog. You two crack me up!

  9. kitty says:

    Hi! This is the first time I have commented! I don’t remember how I got lucky enough to stumble upon your blog, but I bless the day I did. I always look forward to a good chuckle (or giggle as it usually ends up). Thank you for brightening my day! I also have 4 children (for we are brave, are we not?). Mine are 21, 18, 15 (the only girl), and 8. Three boys and one girl smashed in the middle. An awesome brood I have. Anyhooooo, thanks for all of the laughs and keep em coming!

  10. I kid you not, I was SERIOUSLY excited to be Commenter Of the Week (BTW, did you realize that the acronym for that is COW?)

    You brought meaning to my life today Taylor. Thank you.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Well, I am not surprised. It is a prestigious award . . . although only about 9 people know about it. 🙂

      You are a cow.
      Get it!? Ha!
      Love it.

  11. Lori says:

    Well, I love Mindee so her COW award has made me happy too!! 🙂 (Only Mindee would notice the acronym was COW).

    I love your photos- it’s part of what makes your blog so fun. So keep it up- fuzzy, out of focus, whatever…

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      Oh good! I am a terrible photographer, so there is a very good chance the fuzzy, horrible photos will become mainstays of this here blog.

  12. MaryGene says:

    I love words! Hooray for adjectives. They make life…spicy… 🙂

    Hooray for using my post headline! Any time, LumberJill. Any time. 🙂

  13. Michelle says:

    I agree I dont come for tips or other things, I love the laughs!

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