Umm . . . tweet?

It has been brought to my attention that I should join the coolness that is Twitter.

Let me make one thing clear:


I assume it is glorified Facebook status updates.


But, irregardless, I have created a Twitter account and I have two, yes, that’s right, two followers.

One is my dear, beloved friend.

And the other is a lovely young woman named BeckyPrincess, of whom I have never met.

Quite frankly, I am a little suspicious of her motives.

But I can’t delete her because that would cut my membership numbers in half.

Such a travesty that would be.

Oh, and I also can’t delete her because I don’t know how.

I already tried.

Fact:  I have had a Twitter account for some time now.

Fact:  To the best of my knowledge, I have yet to make a Tweet.

Fact:  It took me quite awhile to find my account today, due to the fact that I had no idea what my username/password were

Fact:  My dad has a Twitter account.


Question of the Day:

Will my dad find me cool enough to follow on Twitter?

One can only hope.

Fact:  I might be addicted to popcorn


Here is your mission, if you choose to accept it:

1)  Follow me on Twitter . . . or give me your super, cool, top-secret  Twittering name so I can follow you.

You know.

Tit for tat.

2)  Explain to me what Twitter is and how I can have a glorious time visiting this site.

3)  Inform me IMMEDIATELY if Twittering is not for me so I can end my Tweeting career.

I have a dream that one day I will understand this Twittering business.

Join me.

Do not tear my hopes asunder.

Thank you.

Oh-my Twitter-lee-dee name is:


PS-this may seem tricky, but truly it is not.

Let’s break it down:

*taylor-that is, in fact, my first name

*_ is just an underscore that does not serve much of a purpose

*TLJW stands for something . . .

What could it be?

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess what it stands for.

But it is really not hard.


Not at all.


I am done.

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32 Responses to Umm . . . tweet?

  1. Magimom says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to meet you too!
    1. Following you on Twitter!
    2. Twitter (WikiStyle):
    Pretty much a micro blog where you can give “up to the moment” updates as to your status. Apps for most phones allow you to use it while mobile as well. (MiniFacebook anyone?)
    3. It’s up to you, do you like having people know exactly what you’re doing every moment of the day? If so, then Twitter is for you! I have a hard time saying what I want in 140 characters sometimes 🙂

  2. jaime says:

    About that twitter…

    there is an article I read (actually two) that explains how poeople can track you by location and place it on a map based on where you tweet from. They say it is the number one way people choose who/when/how burglarize your house.

    I have chosen not to tweet.

    I understand keeping up with the blog world, but please seriously research it and see if the lumberjacklings are at risk…

    Oh and one more thing… I think wordpress hates me. I was the first to say Reba, but the page loaded and loaded and loaded and then LOADED and finally told me my Reba post was non successful. and then someone beat me to it. Gosh darnit!

  3. Michelle says:

    the lumber jacks wife!
    yay! 🙂
    and i do not have twitter, no clue what it is or i’d “tweet”? with you…
    let me know how you make out with that, or if you like it!

  4. You can opt out of the location thingy!! It asks for your permission first. I opted out.

  5. joyce says:

    No tweeting for me. I spend enough time blogging and on fb…I don’t need another distraction. Plus, I feel like on my blog I’m able to be a little bit more careful with the details of my life.

    I know there are some funny ‘tweets’ out there but I’m wordy : ) I need more than 140 characters.

    • thelumberjackswife says:

      True . . . I have noticed that blogging is taking up a lot of time and I am having trouble keeping up with other blogs and FB. Perhaps adding something else is not wise.

      • Christine C says:

        This is where I am too. I actually created a tweeter account a long time ago. It is still out there, but I don’t tweet. I just don’t think it is necessary to tweet about my exciting life all day long.

        And I am already on my computer more than I probably should be. So for me, I’ll stick with the blog world and fb. I also think you miss something in the tweet having to keep it so short.

  6. Rachael says:

    I know what Twitter is, but have never done it. I have never even sent a text message. This is wrong, I know, but I’m too cheap to pay for a data plan on my cell phone. Maybe some day…

  7. Yeve Eeffoc says:

    I have FB, blog and a twitter account.

    Twitter account comes and goes on if I use it or not. Most of the people I follow on Twitter are those who I have on FB as well – and if I don’t see what is going on with them on FB – I see it on twitter.

    As someone else said you can turn the location option off. I don’t have that on with my account either.

    Twitter is okay and I like it for my local new updates and GMA updates the most.

    If go want to follow – purpletulipgirl is my name

  8. Yeve Eeffoc says:

    Oh and totally forgot:

    The Lumber Jack’s Wife

  9. Sandy says:

    I do not Tweet or Twitter or whatever it’s called. I have enough to do already. As for you tweeting, I think you have to be brief, and I don’t know if you can to that. Just sayin’.
    Oh and you will totally rock as a gardener, once you get out to the country!

  10. Amanda says:

    Why cant I find you on twitter?? I searched taylor_TLJW and nothing came up! Can you follow me @manda2177 so then I can follow you back?? Then I can send you Direct Messages as well.

    (The Lumber Jacks Wife)


    • thelumberjackswife says:

      I am following you. I don’t know why you can’t follow me. I am super confused with the concept of tweetering.

  11. Patti Smith says:

    I tweet. What I love best about it is that I don’t really watch television. That means I miss out on news and info sometimes that I would really like to know. Tweets from those sources give me little blurbs of happenings in the world and my community. If I want to read more about it, I just click on the link. If I don’t want to read more about it, I can just skip it…and most importantly, I’ve only lost a nanosecond of my life from reading the few characters that are allowed on a tweet 🙂 I have just recently begun following fellow bloggers on Twitter and that adds another personal touch to blogging…when a blogger buddy responds directly to your tweet.

    I don’t try to give equal time to FB, Twitter and my blog. I use each of them for different purposes so that’s not really necessary. My blog takes precedence bc I enjoy it most. When I’m away from my computer, I tweet. I don’t advertise my blog on FB so I check up on some friends through FB only.

    All of this blah blah to say, I like all three but don’t use them equally by any stretch of the imagination.

  12. Patti Smith says:

    Sorry to post a comment that was as long as a blog post, Taylor 🙂

  13. Patti Smith says:

    I couldn’t find you either on twitter…I am PattiRSmith…creative huh?

    Now I’ve commented 3 times…I’m headed to church to pray for myself 🙂

  14. melissa says:

    I do not tweet. I do not feel that I am cool enough or young enough to tweet. Plus, I don’t get it, proving that I am in fact not cool enough or young enough.

    I blog and I Facebook. I think I am cool enough for that. 😉

  15. Adrienne says:

    I do not tweet. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my facebook and blog, of which I only post about 2 blogs a month anyway. Let me know if you like though.

  16. Lani says:

    I do not understand Twitter either….. have fun with it though! 😛

  17. MaryGene says:

    True story, I am not on Twitter. But if I were, I would follow you. Scouts honor.

  18. Kendra says:

    Me. No. Tweet.

    Dude, I can barely blog with 4 kids hanging from my pants legs. I only do that because it sometimes my lone contact with grown-ups for days.

    Really, do you really really have time to tweet? If so, I hereby declare you super-d-duper mom who can do ever so much more than me. 😉

  19. spidarnevi says:

    Tweeting is as easy as texting. You can do it from your phone (which I do all the time), and it takes 30 seconds to do. You can also receive tweets via text message. I would suggest adding a button to your blog so people can follow you easier. Just go here:

    and add your favorite to your blog. Don’t like any of them? Here’s another site:

    I use one from there. You just copy and paste the code and add it on your blog.

    If you need any help, just send me a tweet @spidarnevi

  20. Heather says:

    Tweet? Even with the above explanations I am still at a loss….

  21. Amber says:

    I tweet – and I actually enjoy it. It’s fun but I don’t do it often b/c I don’t have a smartphone and I actually have to get on my computer to do it.

    My name on twitter is: DixonDialogue

  22. Teresa Dawn says:

    I have a twitter account that I rarely update manually anymore, but it updates automatically when I make a new blog post to inform people that it’s there.

    You probably have your privacy blocked.
    My own twitter name is Cehsja

    My cat also has twitter, her name is RoyallyBelle

  23. Lori says:

    I totally don’t get Twitter. I’m pretty sure my kids and my husband feel I spend enough time on the computer as it is.

    But I look forward to hearing about your adventures in tweeting!

  24. Sarah says:

    I do not understand Twitter. At one time I thought I wanted to follow someone on Twitter but it was far to confusing to me and I just can’t bring myself to commit the time to learning it. Plus, I can’t imagine that anyone wants to know what I’m doing all day long. And I could care less what everyone else is doing all day long. It drives me nuts enough when people update their facebook status through their cell phones. I am a fogey and a firm believer in keeping the internet as the internet and life as life. It’s getting a little out of hand. I do not need to update my facebook status or Twitter when I am stuck in traffic. Or waiting in line at the grocery store. Does anyone want to read about that? Weird.

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