Are you, in fact, inspired?


I have been nominated for a blog award, Most Awesomest Inspirational Blog, over at I am Mommy.

I know.

Laugh if you must.

But I would like to submit that, yes, my blog can be inspirational.

I inspire people to greatness.

I mean, that is why you people all come here . . . right?

Great recipes . . .

2009_9_20 117

High-Quality Photography

And pictures of precious children . . .

such as mine.

Ok . . . . so if you would like to cast a vote for me you can.

Voting is open today through next Sunday or Monday . . . I cannot be certain.

Also, my good friend Angela, whose blog is, in fact, truly inspirational is also nominated.

Her blog is Those with Young.   And even if you do not want to participate in this contest and all the voting nonsense, you should check her blog out and add it to your reader or like her on The Facebook.  She gives daily scriptural encouragement for moms.

I like it.

I like it a lot.

(name that movie)

Alright!  Enough of this nonsense.  But, hear this:

 I am sick.  LJ is sick.  All 4, yes that’s right 4 children are sick.

Poor us.

And on that note, I will say goodbye, until later today when I will probably post again in honor of my 1 year blogging anniversary.

But I must take a hot shower and Dayquil before I even consider such matters.

If you would like to vote for me , please click here, find the inspirational blogs, chuckle to yourself at the thought of me being inspirational, then click on the blog of your choice.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

(Name that singer.  It’s not hard at all.  Super easy, in fact.)

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0 Responses to Are you, in fact, inspired?

  1. Rebecca says:

    If laughing uproariously is “inspirational,” then you are definitely #1 with me. 🙂 Off to go vote.

  2. Christine C says:

    Hope you and your little LJ’s feel better soon. ((((hugs))))))

    And, you know I’m going to go vote for you!

  3. Anna says:

    Praying for comfort and healing for your family today.

  4. Adrienne says:

    Elvis! I will go vote for you now. Good luck!!

  5. Melissa says:

    we always say, “i like it, i like it a lot” around here but i can’t think of where it came from? i am guessing dumb and dumber?? off to go vote!

  6. Karen says:

    I voted for you. You had 18% of the votes and first place had 20%. Come on Taylor peeps get voting!

  7. Melissa says:

    1. I hope you and your feel better very soon.
    2. I find your blog to be quite inspirational and I will vote for you.
    3. Happy blogaversary! 🙂

  8. Jessy says:

    I voted for you! Of course, who else would I vote for?

  9. Mindy says:

    One year?!? Wowsers! You, my dear, are truely amazing. And quite honestly you have really grown into a blogger with a great style and humor that obviously every one loves! I know I do!
    And it’s Dumb and Dumber and Elvis.
    And we are all sick here too, with stuffed up noses and coughs and phlegm. Lots and lots of phlegm.

  10. thedomesticfringe says:

    Congrats! I’m going to vote.

  11. Debbie says:

    Okay, obviously I voted for you. I love you. Maybe I should just say I love your blog so you don’t get creaped out. Anyway, I discovered centering therapy today and copied you. I did give you due credit. Who would’ve thought centering could be so much fun! I can’t believe you even considered giving up centering. I’m going to find it difficult to go back to regular indentation tomorrow…

  12. Kendra says:

    So sorry you are all sick. Yuck. We are finally on the tail end of the “sickies” around here. Praying you all get better MUCH faster than the Brussels Sprouts did!!!

  13. Gianna says:

    I came over here from Amanda’s blog because I read that you were HILARIOUS! I totally agree! COMPLETELY! I would vote for you even if you were in a category called The Most Insane! (you aren’t by the way, but to get an award is AWESOME!)

  14. joann says:

    um. You are my new Pioneer Woman.
    Where’s my purple mixer?

  15. Ada says:

    Well, I found your sweet little blog last week when I needed something to make me smile. I have to tel you thank you…You have made me giggle like a school girl. I think you and your blog are adorable. And inspirational.

  16. Camie says:

    lol too funny – not the being sick part but the pictures and descriptions! lol

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you’ll return! I found my way here from Diva’s blog too, isn’t she fun!

    Looking forward to reading more and have fun with that award!

    Blessings and good health for the lot of you!


  17. Elvis? I thought it was Latka Gravas…

  18. auburnchick says:

    Are you gonna eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich like Elvis?


    Feel better soon or else run from those who insist on staying unwell.

  19. Christina says:

    Dumb and Dumber
    Do I win anything?
    I think you are so great! I really needed a laugh and that did it. 🙂

  20. Michelle says:

    yay! i voted 🙂

  21. ELVIS!! and yes,you are the bestest!! 🙂

  22. Shelly says:

    Hi Taylor, I read your blog everyday but never or at least rarely comment, because I have nothing clever or funny or important to say, I mean how can I possibly compete with what I just read on your blog??? I only know the answer to 2 questions you asked: my favorite number is 5, and Elvis says Thank you, Thank you Very Much. I know that Jim Cary said I like it, I like it a lot, but no clue which movie. Anywho, I love ya!

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