
Happy Mother’s Day!

We have spent lots of time snuggling on the couch watching movies during our sickness spell.
Last night, as I was heading to bed, I found this laying on the floor in the hallway outside my room:
“Happy Mothers Days”
So sweet!
The girls wrapped up about 12 presents for me . . . all from their bedroom.
I received:
4 bracelets
1 used Tinkerbell chapstick
1 polka dot ribbon
1 pink floral headband
1 pink slinky
1 decorative eye glasses case
1 Awanas Blue Ribbon for Excellent Participation
A special Happy Mother’s Day shoutout to my Marmie (name that book)
mom and me
She is a lovely mom who has always been a lot of fun.
I hope I can be as good a mom to my lumberjacklings as she has been to me.
I love you, Mom.
And, of course, a Happy Mother’s Day to my ma-in-law, Jackie
As she was the first woman to put up with The Lumberjack and all his craziness.
I was going through my old posts, and found this one that was still marked private, so I changed it a little and added onto here.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves to not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21
I have always wondered what this verse means.
(I am not a Bible scholar or theologan, so please just accept my words as just my thoughts, nothing more.)
I waste so much of my time focusing on things that are of little or no value. I think about money, things I want, how I look, and things I want to do. For me, it is easy to get caught up in the world and what I want for my life.

And, sadly, what I think I want for my life, is not really what I want.
On earth, I can store treasures. I can earn money. I can buy things of great value to me.
Β But how do I store treasures in Heaven?
What do I want to take to Heaven?
I cannot take anything.
I cannot take anyone.
Trust me, Β if I could snatch up a few people, I would.
Β But, no, they must believe of their own will.
I believe God has given each person spiritual gifts and talents that He intended for use to further His Kingdom. And I believe that right now, in my life, my purpose is to show the love of Christ to those around me.

These four are around me a lot.

When it all comes down to it, what is really, truly important? Is it important that I am caught up on the laundry? Does it matter if my house is picked up? Where am I spending my time? Who cares if I never own a huge house, drive a fancy car, or finally have a flat stomach?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

I know where my heart is.
I know what my treasure is.
All I want is for my children to follow Christ.
Β All I need is for them to spend eternity in Heaven.
Because that is all that matters.

I do not know what the future will bring. I cannot make them choose Christ.

But I can pray.

Whatever it takes. Whatever trials in life God needs to bring them through to bring them to Him, is fine by me. They are God’s children, not mine, after all (this is a difficult conclusion for a mother to come to). I do not know and I cannot fathom what God has planned for their lives. I do not know what temptations and troubles will come their way. I don’t know how bleak the future might seem at times.

But they are my treasures. And I will pray.


Happy Mother’s Day!

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32 Responses to Treasures

  1. missmolly72 says:

    Thank you Taylor for this post. It is so beautiful and poignant. Happy Mother’s Day to you my new friend πŸ™‚

  2. Melissa says:

    great post! i remember this one the first time around and it still hits me the same way!! on mother’s day we think the day is about us and it’s so nice to stop and think about the reason we are mothers!! i also got a very special, wrapped present from my daughter with foam heart sticker and a jewel that had fallen off her necklace. prized positions for a 7yr old and she gave her best to me!!

  3. Kendra says:


    Sometimes, I am convinced all we CAN do is pray.

  4. Jessy says:

    Love the gifts, too cute! The book is Little Women…one of my favorites =)

  5. Debra says:

    That’s a lovely post. Thank you.

  6. Brenda says:

    As I hit face on the teen years, I found this verse to me the one I hang onto and pray the most.

    Prov 22:6 “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”

    This is the promise the teen parent needs to hear on a daily basis. Teens (especially teen boys) are notoriously stupid and make colossally poor choices, but God doesn’t leave them nor forsake them. Though they may question Him and their beliefs, the training you give them NOW, while they are young, will take them through these difficult years and out on the other side stronger.

  7. Anna says:

    How sweet! In complete agreement. All we can do is bring them up in the way of the Lord and pray that they will not depart from it as they meet the challenges of life. Just as we have made those choices ourselves. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us today!

  8. Melissa K says:

    Love this.

    It’s huge when we reach the point in our walk with Jesus when we can say, “Whatever you choose to do or allow, Lord, I trust You.” We want to pray that our children will be safe and sound and happy and everything will go perfectly in their lives, because we love them. But we also know from experience that those circumstances typically won’t be the ones that cause them to know and love God more, or see how much they need Him. And that’s what we want more than their comfort or temporal happiness.

    Happy Mother’s Day, Taylor!

  9. Christine C says:

    What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing it with us. Reminding us that their lives our not in our hands but in God’s.

  10. Marla says:

    Beautiful beautiful post. From what I can tell, you are doing an awesome job with those kiddos. Happy Mother’s Day! πŸ™‚

    Marla @

  11. What a beautiful post. I hope you’re having a fantastic mother’s day!

    And I love the photo with the children walking and the sun shining behind them.

  12. Katie says:

    This post made me cry! It’s sweet that someday your kids will be able to see the legacy you want for them in Christ. This Mother’s Day that is especially sweet to me. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Rachael says:

    Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks for the thoughts…you’ve given me quite a bit to think on.

  14. Connie says:

    Taylor, thanks for the Mother’s Day greeting. You are doing a great job raising my precious grandchildren, you even allow your girls to do their own hair and pick out their own clothes! I love you and Happy Mother’s Day to you.

  15. Dawn says:

    Lovely. I’m finding out amazing things today that my children learned from me. And some of them were wonderful! I can tell from the things you share that you ARE storing up treasures in heaven. Thank you for being a light for Christ for your children and the blogging world.

  16. joyce says:

    Happy Mother’s Day! Those lumberjacklings are such a cute bunch : )

  17. Heather says:

    Love this post. beautiful message. Happy Mother’s Day!

    P.S. You are WAY in the lead on the poll πŸ™‚

  18. Christina says:

    I feel like my thoughts are a jumbled up muddle…I love what you have to say here. I need to remind myself of these things. Maybe simple is better for now. πŸ™‚ Thank you, and hope your day was wonderful.

  19. Ada says:

    Happy Mother’s Day.

    I had a dream once about Heaven…

    It is on an old blog of mine. The point was that I found my children there and I was at peace and happy and it was the best dream EVER.


  20. Erin says:

    Do you know what I think?

    I think you are just trying to justify your nomination into the Most Inspirational category.

    Mission accomplished. πŸ˜‰

  21. Michelle says:

    Love the post and the pictures, I hope you had a great mother’s day! πŸ™‚

  22. Great post, Taylor! Happy Mother’s Day!

  23. Allie says:

    sniff! sniff! This post is beautiful. Thanks for letting us into your “private” thoughts. I agree, pray,pray,pray!
    Blessings to you and Happy Mother’s Day!

  24. great post taylor and so true!! hope you had a fabulous mother’s day, and congrats on winning most inspirational blog!! i know you inspire me!! πŸ™‚ <3

  25. Little Women.

    Baddumm ching!

    Love the first pic with y’all – sweet post, you are totally inspirational!

  26. rebecca d says:

    Now I’m a blubbering mess… There was nothing better or more meaningful as a mom then watching my make their decide to choose Christ. The day my younger girl made her decision I felt like the lord could come back anytime, we were ready. Watching my older daughter decide to follow the Lord’s call to missions has been pretty special too… I was about her age when I was saved and it was years before I truly understood what it means to live my life for the Lord.

  27. Beautifully written! Being a mother carries so much responsibility, doesn’t it? I think we just have to pray hard that we are doing all we can to prepare our kids for their futures. The rest is up to Faith. And thank the Lord for that!
    Hope you had a blessed Mother’s Day. From the looks of it, you certainly did. πŸ™‚

  28. Ashlee says:

    Well said, Taylor!

  29. gianna says:

    Little Women! Totally Little Women! One of the best young adult novels ever! Although, it will FOREVER bother me that Laurie ended up marrying Amy!

  30. Pingback: Pomp. And many circumstances. « The Lumberjack's Wife

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