Three Things on a Monday

Put on your party pants, folks!

We’ve got some ground to cover.

Topic #1

My blog won the award over at I am Mommy!

Thank you very much for your votes!  I was included with a group of awesome blogs, one of which I was neck and neck with the whole time, Mommy on Fire.

Go say hi to Natalie at Mommy on Fire!

She has a wonderful blog!

Topic #2

Raise your hand if you have noticed that I tend to repost the same pictures.

A lot.

This is because I am lazy.

Fun fact:  I can copy and paste any picture from an old post sparing me from staring at the computer while tediously uploading photos!

Well, it occurred to me over the weekend that some of you might have no idea the history of how I acquired these photos in the first place.

And now, dear readers, I would like to present to you:

LJW:  Behind the Photos

Exhibit A:  The Lumberjack

Date Acquired:  Summer-ish, 2009

Reasons for use:  To show my readers just how handsome, dashing, and charming my Lumberjack is.

Alternative use:  *wink, wink* posts, aka high-fiving posts, aka posts I hope my parents accidentally forget to read.

Behind the photo:  The Lumberjack, in all his dapperness, was attempting to wakeboard. 

And he totally bit it. 


The folks in the boat, including yours truly, were teasing and laughing at him, which is our usual custom when one of our kin bites it in the water.

He turned around and said

“Pretty sweet, huh?”

And I snapped a picture.

Dear readers!

Do you know how unique that photograph there is?




2009_9_07 236






Yes!  That is, in fact, a random Cancun local giving my husband bunny ears!  I’m glad you asked!

And, folks, you can bet your bottom dollar that I copied and pasted all of them there above photos from old posts.

Cause I’m lazy like that.

Exhibit B:  My Dad


Date Acquired:  October 31, 2009

Reason for use:  I use this picture for any sort of Goober Parent Update, or any sort of flashback to my dad.

Simply for the fact that it is a fantastic picture.

Behind the photo:  We were all over at my parents’ house and my dad was trying to listen to a song off of his ITunes.

And I will forever use it to tease him.

Exhibit C:  Jason

Lest any of you are confused, Jason is The Lumberjack’s youngest brother.

Date Acquired:  August-ish 2007

Reason for use:  I flash this bad-boy whenever I mention the name Jason.

Just for kicks and grins.

Behind the Photo:  For The Lumberjack’s birthday, we went camping with his whole side of the family at the river.

If ever we are on that darned river, all three of those Lumberjackish boys, David, Alex, and Jason, will don snorkeling gear, hop on a tube, smack their faces head first into the water . . .

*like so*

and spearfish.

Yes, folks.

That is my husband.

So, as Jason was gearing up for a day of fun-filled spearing, I shouted,

“Smile, Jason!”

Natually, he obeyed, as I am most intimidating.

Topic #3

On March 28, 2009, The Lumberjack and I discovered our dvd remote was missing.

Yes, we are certain on that date.

We looked everywhere for it.

Finally we came to the conclusion that our remote was missing and presumed dead.

The VHS side of our DVD/VHS combo has been broken for about as long.  So, we just don’t watch VHS.

Well, during my sickness spell, I had a hankering to watch Oklahoma!

Because I love it.

But darn my luck, I only have it on VHS.

So my Lumberjack . . .

in all his handsomeness,

(Oh!  See!  Did it again!)

went to the store to buy a new, not-so-cheap, DVD/VHS combo machine.

Immediately upon his return, he got right to work on removing the inferior DVD/VHS combo machine.

As he took it out of our entertainment center, we heard a lot of rattling.

A lot.

So, he whipped out some tools, that shall remain nameless . . . because I don’t know what they are called, opened up the machine and found:


One of those precious Lumberjacklings passed the remote through the VHS dispenser, rendering the VHS unusable and the remote invisible.

And that, dear readers, is precisely why people who have children should not buy expensive things.


Which Lumberjackling do you think committed this crime?


I vote Little Dude.

He’s such a naughty-pants.

Happy Monday!

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25 Responses to Three Things on a Monday

  1. Mindy says:

    Such a naughty-pants, such a cutey-pants! But hey, you found it! Mystery solved!
    Thanks for the history lesson, I feel so much closer to you now…. 🙂 That sounds a little creepy…..
    Any-who….congrats on the win!! You deserve it!

  2. Ricki says:

    Love the pictures. And since I’m currently having the picture fight with my (ha ha) blog, I understand the recycling of pics. 🙂 And CONGRATS on winning the blog award. I knew you would. 🙂

  3. Melissa says:

    ha!! i’m going with the older boy (can never remember them by their fake names!). and i was thinking during this post that you should have just bought a universal remote and saved yourself the money but obviously wouldn’t have worked once you tried to pop a movie in!! makes for good blogging material! =)

  4. Magimom says:

    Well there’s one mystery solved! Scooby can stay home tonight, I’m sure there is something on TV he can watch! I’m voting for the little naughty pants cutie pie too!

  5. Anna says:

    Haha! You get the green award for the day for…….reusing! Use them over and over again! Saves…..something….? Batteries! Yes. You save batteries when you don’t use the camera and that is very green.

  6. Michelle says:

    LOL! I vote Little Dude too, but he is SOO darn cute! 🙂 You just cant not smile!

  7. Michelle says:

    OH! and congrats on winning! How exciting 🙂

  8. Adrienne says:

    Congrats on the win!! I vote for handsome dude. He is always up to some mischief and apparently has an animosity towards electronic appliances.

  9. tickledred says:

    Congrats on your win darlin’…Whoop, Whoop, Whoop!! Sorry had to be done. PS: You are a nut with your photos 🙂

  10. Of COURSE you won. ‘Cause you’re awesome like that.

    Love the VCR story – but only because it happened at your house and not mine.

  11. Rachel says:

    Yippee! I am happy for you, but more importantly I am wondering if the remote still works???

  12. Rachael says:

    Congrats on your win! Also, I love your pictures!

  13. Loved the photos and reading more about you!

    You are so sweet – thank you for the shout-out. Congratulations to you – your blog is wonderful and the award is well-deserved!

    I love that this contest has crossed our paths, Taylor!

  14. Brenda says:

    OR you could have bought a DVD version of the movie. LOL.

    Congrats on the win and thanks for the background on the pics. Love all the ones of LJ not smiling, hee hee

  15. Katie says:

    Yay, you! I am so glad you won! And I love the story about the remote. My mom used to say that they couldn’t have anything nice because one of us would break it!

  16. Marla says:

    Congrats on the win! That VCR thing is pretty funny. 🙂

    Marla @

  17. Hollywood writers have to make up this kind of stuff – and you get it every day for free!! Well, maybe not free.. but we get to hear about it for free! I am going to vote for Handsome Dude just because the little dude was a lot smaller a year ago – see, I took note of the day the remote went missing!
    Congrats on the award you inspirational gal you!! You do inspire us every day! You certainly inspire me to have no more children..JK!

  18. Kendra says:

    Never underestimate the power of a sneaky little girl! Around here, they “out-naughty” the boy 10 to one. Of course, there are 3 of them and 1 of him…but still!

    Tell the LJ he really should smile more. It makes him look younger. The frown ages him 🙁

  19. Debra says:

    I love that picture of your dad. I laugh every time I see it.

  20. Christina says:

    I laughed the whole time I was reading this.
    I wonder what my party pants look like. I believe I have misplaced them.
    I think it is awesome that you have that picture of the Lumberjack smiling such a fabulous smile, because of all of his non-smiling tomfoolery. My husband is very similar as far as this trait goes.
    And I totally knew you were going to say that you guys found the remote right after you bought a new system. My oldest daughter will now say to me,”Let’s just get a new (whatever) so that the other one will show up tomorrow.” She is learning the ways of the world early.

  21. Heather says:

    This is hilarious! My first thought was “i wonder if it would still work and they can take back the new one”. So glad you did ! I vote handsome dude. Little dude would have been quite young, and not quite so naughty, over a year ago.

  22. Amber says:

    Bazinga! That is my favorite word – I try to use it every day 🙂 I used the word in a post recently that I likened myself to a writer to which my husband replied “A true writer would not use the word – bazinga.” Did you pick it up from the show “The Big Bang Theory?” Love that show.

    Anyways. Yay for winning – I knew your stalkers, I mean, followers would go and vote!

  23. Karen says:

    Congratulations on your win! I think you should use the picture of the Lumberjack spearfishing when you need a pic of how dashing and handsome he is!

  24. jaime says:

    I am so glad I got the history of the pic of your dad. It always made me wonder – Makes total sense now!

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