Pomp. And many circumstances.

Welcome to my recap of yesterday.

Hold on to your pants folks!

It’s going to be a wild ride.


My darling sister, Meagan, graduated from the University yesterday.  It turned into sort of a mini-family reunion, as several various relatives travelled from many different states to see this epic event.

And by various relatives, I mean 2 parents, 2 siblings, 2 in-laws, 3 nieces, 3 nephews, 4 aunties, 2 uncles, 4 cousins, 1 “plus one” of a cousin, and 4 second cousins.

Go, Team Meagan!

The Lumberjack and I loaded up the Lumberjacklings early in the morn and began the trek over.  The car ride went swimmingly, complete with no whining, bathroom breaks, nor even vomiting.

Go, Team Lumberjack!

We arrived and had to take the University’s bus to get to the graduation, where the pomp and circumstance would be occurring.

This was, in fact, thrilling for all the children.

I think next time we are trying to plan a family vacation, I am going to cross Disneyland off of my list and just select a free city bus.

Handsome Dude was full of awe and wonder.

My mom tried to get a picture of him and I on the bus  . . .

but he was too enthralled.  He could not even tear his eyes away from the moving roadways.

Look at me!

My eyes are open!


Alright.  So, our entire group gets seated and we wait for the ceremony to start.

Hi, Little Dude!


(My dad is on the left, his brother is on the right.  Hence, the caption “brothers.”  Focus, people!)

Handsome Dude and all his Tom Foolery.

Little Dude and all his flirtations.

So, while we are waiting, my aunt informs her son . . . my cousin . . . that I write a blog.

Aunt:  Shane.  Have I told you that Taylor writes a blog?

Shane:  Yes.  You have mentioned that before.

Aunt:  Well, it is very good.

Shane:  I must read it some time.

(Cousin Shane is in the yellow shirt, sitting next to my brother, who is wearing a blue shirt)

So, unbeknownst to me, Cousin Shane has one of those fancy schmancy phone contraptions that can get on the Internets wherever you are.  And someone helps him find my blog.

Shane:  Taylor.  I have just read your blog!

Me:  Oh!

Shane:  Very lovely.  I read the post on Mother’s Day.

Me:  Oh!

Folks. I find this to be quite embarrassing.


My cousin, Shane, lives a very different life than yours truly.  He is in his late 30s, no wife or kids, works for the government, and has lived in places such as Mexico, New York, England, and he is soon to be moving to Paris.

I am sure he enjoyed my Mother’s Day post.

Oh, well.  I don’t think he could ever really fully appreciate any of my posts seeing as how he probably does not have to worry about a 3-year-old boy peeing on his washing machine.

Later I found out he pulled my mom aside and the following conversation ensued:

Shane:  Connie!  Is Taylor’s husband really a Lumberjack?

Mom:  No.  He is an electrician.

Shane:  Interesting.  But the blog says he is a Lumberjack.

Mom:  I know.  He’s not.  He just likes to go wood cutting.

Shane:  Interesting.  So she just calls him that?

Mom: Yes.

Shane:  Interesting.

Darn this blog!  Tis so embarrassing at times!

Moving on.

Meagan graduated and we all clapped and cheered and cheered and clapped.

Next, we headed outside for some photographs.

And now, dear readers, I would like to present to you:

The Photographical Journey of Proof that Taylor is a Dork

Someone suggests my sister and I get together for a picture.


Then someone suggests my mother join in the picture.

Clearly this excites me.

Here I am saying, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Perfect!”

So, mother joins in, and just as she steps into the photo I get an idea.

And I am amazed and thrilled at my brilliance, as is evidenced by my gaping mouth.

“Let’s get a picture with Dad and brother Danny, too!”


That right there is my family.

Brother Danny, Mother Connie, Goober Taylor, Sister Meagan, and Father Grant.

And some random children are scattered about.

And that concludes this edition of:

The Photographical Journey of Proof that Taylor is a Dork.

*Thank you*

But, wait!

There’s more.

But only a few, I promise.

Real men wear Carhartts.

With sippy cups in the back pockets.

Let’s have a moment to appreciate just how truly handsome my Lumberjack is.

Thank you.


So, after all the pomp, we went to a restaurant with our very large group.

For those of you who are not accustomed to waiting for anything with children, I would like to present to you the following photos to help give you an idea of just how truly joyous it can be.

It’s loads of fun.


After lunch, we decided to head to the park.  There is a lovely river by the park, so we went and a few of the adults went down to the river bank with the children to toss rocks into the river.

I was up at the top when I heard Daisy Mae start crying.

This is not rare.

I see the Lumberjack running up the hill with her and I figured he was just giving her to me.  His hand was holding her head.  When he took it off, blood was everywhere.

I mean everywhere.

He looked at me and yelled,

“We are going to the hospital!  Now!”

Now, there is something you must understand about my husband. 

He never says we need to go to the doctor.  He has cut himself plenty of times and refused to get stitches.  He is certain the whole medical system is a conspiracy to get him to pay for doctors’ lake houses.

So, he usually just super glues his wounds back together.  And he never suggests taking children or myself into the doctor.


So, when my husband is holding my child and both are covered in blood, I find it quite unnerving to hear him shout that we have to get to a hospital.

I threw him something to hold on her head to stop the blood and we started running for the car.

But then I remembered I have other children.

So, I yelled down to the people still by the river,

“Bring my kids!  We have to go to the hospital.”

And then . . . the chaos began.

Aunts are crying and telling us to call 9-1-1.

Kids are being hauled up the river bank.

Adults are scattering trying to find everyone from our group. 

Everyone got loaded into all the different vehicles and my sister, who is the only local, directs us to the nearest hospital.

I finally had a chance to ask LJ what happened.  Apparently one of the rocks that the kids were tossing into the river went astray and got Daisy Mae right in the head.

So, we get to the Emergency Room and we get all checked in.

By now, the bleeding has stopped and Daisy Mae is pretty coherent, so I am calmer.

She did get upset at us though when she asked us where we were.

DM:  Where am I?

LJ:  The hospital.

DM:  (starts wailing again)  I don’t want to go the hospital!  I don’t want to go to the hospital!

Me:  Honey, you have to-

DM:  No!  I don’t want surgery!

LJ:  You are not having surgery.  They just need to fix your head.

DM:  I don’t want a new head!  I don’t want a new head!

Me:  Honey, you are not getting a new head. They need to fix your owie.

DM:  What owie?

Me:  Your head has an owie and it is bleeding too much and-

Daisy sits straight up and yells frantically:


Even though the situation was not funny, The Lumberjack and I couldn’t help but laugh a little at this point.

Daisy Mae’s dress, hair, neck, face, and head are all soaked in blood.

The Lumberjack has blood all over him.

I have blood on me.

How did she not know she was bleeding?

Anyways, we were there for about 2 hours and she only needed 3 stitches.

Thank God.

It was pretty scary.  I have never seen so much blood.

So, we hit the road back home and got home much later than anticipated.

But all is well and everyone is healthy and fine.

And that concludes all the pomp and circumstances that occurred yesterday.

Happy Sunday!

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44 Responses to Pomp. And many circumstances.

  1. Anna says:

    OH, my! The excitement! Those head wounds really bleed and scare you.
    I hope all is better today and CONGRATS to Meagan!

  2. Melissa says:

    so glad it wasn’t as bad as it could have been! poor little daisy mae!! =(

  3. missmolly72 says:

    I couldn’t help but LOL at her sitting up and exclaiming “I’m bleeding??”. Aww poor little gal. My middle son bumped his head once on the corner of a windowsill when he was 3 and I swore it was never…ever…going to stop bleeding, and once it did it was just a tiny pin-prick and healed right up. I hope you can find calm in your today Taylor!

  4. Christine C says:

    I am so happy little Daisy Mae is ok and only needed 3 stitches. Head wounds are the worst as they gush so much blood. I hope you got her some ice cream. poor little darling. I’m sure mom & dad may need some ice cream too.

    All I can say is never a dull moment in the life of the Lumberjacks:)

  5. Ricki says:

    After looking at the picture of your Dad and your Uncle, I think we now know where you get your picture taking genes from. Both of them had their eyes closed. 🙂

    BTW, the kids all look adorable and you looked fantastic…but then again, you always do.

    Thanks for the nice little smile to my day. I needed it. 😀

  6. Girl – you lead an exciting life! Or maybe it is all in how you tell the story! I am so glad she was ok, and didn’t end up with a concussion. Sounds like an abrupt ending to a great day!

  7. joann says:

    I’m sure your cousin Shane doesn’t have as many adventures and near death experiences as you. I’m sure he’s going to become your newest follower and comment every day, sometimes twice.

    He will be your token male reader. My token reader is my Great Uncle. I can’t even get my husband to read my blog. Sniff.

    I’m glad DM only needed an MD and not a Neurosurgeon. That sounds a bit heartless, but I just wrote it because I was having fun with letters. DM? MD?
    I’m just glad she’s okay.

    I hate it when people tell family members I have a blog, it limits my ability to write about them if I think they might read it.

  8. Ricki says:

    yikes, okay, next time I will remember to finish reading before I post a comment. I hope poor Daisy Mae is okay and feeling better!

  9. Marla says:

    Oh gosh. Daisy Mae sure did make things exciting. I am glad that she was okay though.

    And congrats to your sister! 🙂

    Marla @ http://www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  10. melissa says:

    I’m glad that Daisy Mae is ok. Head wounds can be scary for little ones (and their parents).

    Hmmmmm…..is Cousin Shane lonely??? 😉

  11. Congrats to your sister and family on the graduation part. That is a huge accomplishment!

    Congrats to you for not fainting and collapsing on the floor while your child’s head got stitched. I may or may not have done that actual thing.

  12. Allie says:

    I’m so glad Daisy Mae is ok. Thank You Jesus!
    I find it funny that no one can make the leap from your husband’s real work and his lumberjack status. Void of imagination, I say. Sorry cousin Shane. Also, I think that you should make the picture of your dad and his brother with their eyes shut become your new meme. I love the old pic of your Dad looking disheveled and in wonder–but this new picture has a lot of potential. Copy and paste, friend, copy and paste! Congrats Maegan. Btw, you are very pretty! Grr! You blondes…having all the fun.

  13. Jessy says:

    Poor little girl! I have no idea what I would do seeing one of my children covered in blood! Hope she’s better…and congrats to Meagan!

  14. Magimom says:

    Wow – you sure know how to end a day with a “bang” – and I’m certain that everyone of your family – including cousin Shane is reading today to hear YOU tell the story of Daisy Mae’s accident!
    Congrats to your sister on her graduation, your family for holding it together, and to the lumberjack for consenting take DM to the hospital – at least he didn’t try to super-glue HER!

  15. Teresa Dawn says:

    Poor kid, although I had to laugh when she thought she was getting a new head!

    I remember I was about 7 the first time I got to ride on a city bus, can’t believe how excited I was about it too… of course it was even better the first time we were taken on a Sky Train!!!! Since then though my dad has started a new career as a bus driver haha, somehow between that and just growing up, it’s really not much of a thrill anymore :p 😉

  16. You have a very exciting life. I don’t think I could handle all the excitement and Pomp and Circumstances that happen to you.
    Concerning cousin Shane, I’m sure you meant you were embarrassed by the first part of your Mother’s Day post, because there is no cause for shame in the second part! For it is the power of God for salvation to those who believe, can I get an “Amen”!?

  17. Debbie says:

    3 stitches in two hours? I think you broke the record.

    Glad she’s feeling better.

  18. Jill says:

    No family outing is complete without a trip to the emergency room. We actually schedule one in when we plan on going anywhere.

    Head wounds bleed profusely and everyone freaks out. It’s in the rules.

    When my husband says someone has to go to the doctor, we also start checking around for funeral homes because it must be life threatening.

    I have friends and relatives that roll their eyes when I call my husband Indiana Jones. Someone actually had the nerve to point out that he was actually from Michigan. Get a life people! Michigan Jones sounds stupid!

  19. Patti Smith says:

    Gracious Alive!! I’m exhausted!!!!

  20. Patti Smith says:

    oops!!! I was so emotionally exhausted that I forgot to say Congrats to Megan and Thank Goodness Daisey Mae is ok. 🙂

  21. Heather says:

    Ok, so I said I couldn’t wait to hear stories of the weekend but this is certainly not what I expected! Poor DM- heads do bleed so darn much. Glad she is ok.

    Congrats to sister Meg!!

    Oh, and you are very brave to venture into a restaurant with that many children!

    I think it’s safe to say that you all will remember this weekend forever 🙂

  22. Kendra says:

    I think your life could use a little less circumstance right now 😉

    Glad she is ok. I was shocked there were no boo-boo pictures. My crew loves to show off any boo-boo. We even show off long gone boo-boos 😉 Scars are almost as fun as the bleeding ones.

    Congrats Megan. Does this mean the real world is now looming…or is grad school on the horizon 😉

  23. Michelle says:

    Oh poor Daisy Mae! Glad she is ok.
    I did have to lol at “goober taylor” seems you are always calling your parents goobers it must run in the family 🙂
    Congrats to Meagan!

  24. Jessy H. says:

    Cousin Shane is pretty good looking! I think he may need to find a nice girl and settle down (I’m sure you could find one for him on this blog)

    I remember my first city bus ride, I was 24. Your kids are very lucky to have had this experience at such a young age, they could actually enjoy it instead of complain about how much easier and faster it would be if you could have just driven.

  25. Adrienne says:

    Goodness gracious! If that’s a day of pomp and circumstance, I think I’d prefer a little less pomp and just plain ol’ circumstance. Or is it the pomp I want without the circumstance? In any case, I’m glad Daisy Mae’s okay. What a scary situation! On a lighter note, Congrats to Megan!!! Also, I heart Little Dude’s flirtatious picture.

  26. Amber says:

    Poor Daisy Mae – glad it wasn’t too serious! Whoever “tossed” that rock has quite an arm 🙂 And congrats to yous sister on graduation.

  27. Joyce says:

    Wow-our graduation day was calm cool and collected when put beside yours : ) Glad your Daisy Mae is okay. Congrats to your sister!

  28. Jan says:

    I just knew there would be a photo of Daisy Mae’s stitches at end of your post – but NOT! Hey I bet she’s proud of those stitches! Oh and I’ve been there and done that with the rush to the emergency room with kids for stitches – not at all pleasant.

  29. Momma Mindy says:

    I was laughing up until the stitches part. Sorry to hear about that. Glad it went fairly well.

    However, I do think you need to make your own line of greeting cards. Skip the Wrangler bums, the “real man” in carharts with sippy cup accessory was hilarious.

  30. MaryGene says:

    oh poor Daisy Mae! I will tell you though, head wounds always bleed a lot (which is good because we know that we neeeeed a lot of blood going to our heads, riiiight? Right.) and are usually not as bad at they seem at the time. Hooowever. I may be a nurse, but I’ve never had one of my own kids handed to me with blood squirting from her head. 🙂 Hope everything’s going swimmingly!

  31. Debra says:

    Yikes! That will be a graduation day to remember in more ways than one. 🙂

  32. Dana says:

    What a story! I’m glad to know we’re not the only ones with a supply of super glue in the medicine cabinet 🙂

  33. Andi says:

    Wow. I would say that was quite the circumstance!

    And, the photos sure had some pomp!

    Good for your aunt promo-ing the blog!

  34. Gianna says:

    up until the disy mae story i was going to write, “new photos! new photos to use over and over !” which by th way i love that you do that! then you told the driving miss daisy [mae]story, and i thought, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

  35. Sarah says:

    holy moly. What a day! I hope Daisy Mae has recovered from her blood and guts experience. Head wounds bleed like the devil!! It’s horrible!

  36. Mindy says:

    Your life is exhausting!! But with that many kids throwing rocks, I’m sorry, it was bound to happen.!! Kids+ throwing rocks=injury. See?? There’s even a mathematical formula! 🙂
    I know this from experience. At the beach last year I bent over just as Levi was throwing, what turned out to be not a rock but a chuck of concrete/asphault, and it hit my head hard. I was not happy and had a raging headache for a long time. Poor DM, I hope she milks it for all it’s worth!! 🙂

  37. Oh, Taylor. How scary! What a day. I’m glad she is okay.

  38. Christina says:

    I was anticipating this post, since I saw your comment on Erin’s blog. Goodness! You really do lead exciting lives. (Not nearly as exciting as mine, of course…you do remember my last post, right?) (Obviously that is a great deal of sarcasm.)
    Congrats to your sis…that is a big deal!!
    Hope all is well in your household-dry appliances, ceasing of puking, and no more head injuries.

  39. JakeA says:

    Danny looks like a grownup. Never thought I’d see the day. They’re so cute at this age.

  40. Lisa says:

    There’s never a dull moment with your family. Soundsl like fun too. I love it. Congrats to Meagan.

  41. oh my goodness!!! so glad she is ok…once my little guy (i think he was probably 8 or 9 at the time) fell onto a plastic tonka truck. one of the ones that have the opening in the top to put little people in….anyway, he was zooming it all over the house one day (after i told him to be careful) and hit the spot in the floor where the carpet changes to linoleum and then back into carpet (in my old house where the living room (carpet), kitchen (linoleum) and dining room (carpet) all meet up…..well the truck stopped and he didnt and he fell down face first , full force on the top of this truck. had 4 stitches (two on the outside, tow on the inside) of his lip and a bruise across his face in the sap[e of the little cut out for the little people…i’ll have to post a pic sometime, it was horrible!!! always scary when the kids get hurt like that!! glad this one turned out ok!

  42. Pingback: Discussions for a Rainy Tuesday « The Lumberjack's Wife

  43. Datenutloaf says:

    Wow! We gotta get this kid on a train. Who knew?

  44. Pingback: It’s not a tumor! « The Lumberjack's Wife

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