Questions. And their Answers.

 From Erin, a blogger from Idaho:

Here’s a question: Who is your favorite blogger who lives in the great state of Idaho and is married to a really hot fighter pilot and who’s name starts with the letter E and who drives a very dirty minivan?

I have no idea. 

Could any good blogging actually come from Idaho?

Hmmm . . . . doubtful.


From Mindee:  My question, in light of the horrifying comment you left on my blog today is . . . Would you advise YOUR daughters to get married at 19?

Ummmm . . . . no.


Before you all get your panties in a knot, please understand that I deeply love my husband and I do not regret marrying him at 19.

Right after we got engaged, everyone we knew was thrilled for us.  No one questioned us or told us we were too young.  Except for one woman.


I had been going to church and working for Nelda for most of my life.  I was shocked that she disapproved of my engagement, because I knew she was fond of both David and I.

Her reason?

She said, “All I can say is that I was a completely different person at the age of 28 then I was at 20.”

And I, in all my years of wisdom, just assumed she was crazy.

You know what they say about assuming . . .

My husband has changed basically beyond recognition since we first married.

  I am sure I have changed as well. 

We went through college together . . . learned how to pay bills together . . . learned how to cook, clean, and compromise together.

We kind of grew up together.

I guess I would just tell my daughters that there was no need to hurry.  I am kind of envious of people who had the whole “going away to college” experience, had a career for awhile, and had babies when they were actually mentally mature enough to have babies.

If my husband and I had waited until we were actually sensible adults before we began procreating, maybe he would not have suggested super gluing our crying newborn’s mouth shut.

One can only hope.

From Debra:  Do you have your house up for sale yet?

No.  We are not planning on selling our current home.

We are going to rent it out, simply in hopes that when someone asks us about our home, we can sound all snooty and prestigious and reply:

“Our house?  Oh!  Which one?”

 From Kimberly:  What hobbies/activities do you and LJ enjoy together?


Going to movies.

Eating popcorn together.  (LJ likes this, as he might have a chance at brushing his hand against mine.  It excites him so . . . even after all these years.)

The Office.


Going anywhere without children.

From Marla:  What’s the one thing you will miss the most when you move to Ruralville?



Rachael:  Question for LJ . . . What is your favorite thing about Taylor?

**LJ’s answer was flagged for adult content**


Dear Lord,

Please help this to not be the one post out of 20 my parents read.


 From Calfkeeper:  How do you manage to keep caught up on cleaning with 4 young’uns around? I can’t do it with one. (Nevermind the fact that I get interrupted to help haul heifers, or drive hayrakes or chase wayward animals around.) Do you keep a strict schedule or just hit or miss?


I enjoy the fact that you think Lumberjill is caught up on housework.



 From Christine:  What is your favorite tv show?

Oh, I totally know the answer to this one!

The Office.

Easy one.

Nailed  it.

  From Kendra:

Question 1:  If, when being told to hold onto our pants, we are not in that event wearing pants…what should we hold onto? Are skirts ok? How ’bout jammies? What if we don’t hold on? Will we then stumble from our computer chairs?

You may do as you see fit. 

The phrase is simply a cautionary warning that exciting life circumstances are about to get blogged about.

Question 2:
If you had to go to work full time, what would you be for real? In your dreams?

For real:  A teacher. 

Fun Fact:  Lumberjill has a B.S. in elementary education.

Bet you didn’t know I was so learn-ed.

In my dreams:  An ultrasound technician who got to tell people if they were having a boy or a girl.



 From Dana:

Ummm … did YOU get married at 19? Where do you live? What is your husband’s first name?

Yes, I surely did.

I cannot tell you where I live.  It is classified information.

My husband’s name is David Charles.

From Jennifer:

A question for you and The Lumberjack:

What is your favorite thing about one another?
If you could change one thing about your spouse, what would it be?

Taylor’s Response:  He is extremely patient and even if he is stressed out or had a bad day, he is usually very kind and friendly towards me.  One thing to change?  He is definitely not on board with my “safety first” motto in life.  Please refer to the aforementioned super glue post.

David Charles’ Response:  Favorite thing: *flagged for adult content.  Thing to change:  She stresses out too much.
Interruption:  Jennifer . . . Jump to comments never works for me either!  You are not alone!
From Diana:  My real question is, what, if anything, are you doing to prepare for the possibility of homeschooling the kids next year?
 From Jo:  question #1 if you could be anything you wanted, what would you be (can be animate,inanimate, whatever) =)

A writer.

question #2 what is your favorite recipe of all time??

That I make?  Chicken Stir Fry.

question#3 why does my cursor mysteriously wander when i am on your site?? =)

I do not understand the question.  But I heart you, Jo!

From Sarah: I would like to know things you make yourself and your kids for lunch most days. It’s lunchtime and I’m starving and need some new lunch ideas that don’t consist of peanut butter and jelly. So if you make pb&j everyday…never mind.

One favorite is chicken noodle soup served with a straw so they slurp up the broth.

And we do sandwiches a lot, but I use cookie cutters to make them into fun shapes.

I’m awesome like that.

From Erin:

Where does Auntie Datenut’s nomenclature derive from?
(That question sounds smart, don’t it?)

Datenut is a nickname given to my aunt by . . .


my dad.


From The Lady of the House:

If you could go anywhere in the world – current, past or future – Where would you go and why?


I really need a decent night’s sleep.

The following conditions are a must:

-Comfy bed

-Lots of pillows.

-Seriously.  Two pillows for my head and one body pillow.

-White noise.

-The room must be slightly cool.

-No children.

Lumberjacks optional.

I’m kidding!




Dear Lord,

Please help this to not be the day in which my in-laws miraculously figure out where my blog is in cyberspace.



Thanks for the questions . . . Happy Thursday!

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25 Responses to Questions. And their Answers.

  1. HA! i heart you too taylor, for realz!!! you know the little thingy that shows up when you are in the comment box?? it looks like a funny I???? well, the past few times i have left a comment, it would mysteriously travel across the comment box all on its own!!! very weird, its prolly friends with the little smiley face i see at the top of your page!!! 😉 hope you have a fantabulous weekend taylor!! =)

  2. Christina says:

    You are so fun! That’s all for now. 🙂

  3. joann says:

    I got married at twenty, but I was engaged at 19.

  4. The OFFICE?
    I am in love with you people.

    Bears! Beets! Battlestar Galactica!

  5. Christine C says:

    Thanks for answers.

    Fun fact – My Dear Hubby went to college in Scranton and recognizes several of the buildings in the opening of the show. I think that is the whole reason he first watched the show. I think it might be his new Sienfield.

  6. Danielle says:

    What a great read for a crappy rainy Friday morning w/ cranky, whining, and extremely tired kids:) Thanks for the laugh!

  7. Joyce says:

    You are a writer : )

  8. Emily says:

    the perfect name – first of all I am a name NUT. I think about them all the time. If it’s on the top 1000 I most likely will not want to use it. Also, I am the 6th generation “Emily” in my family so if I let it die I’ll just feel terrible so…the perfect name is Lucienne Emily Powell. Lucienne, (said: Loo-see-en) but she would go by Lucie because my husband loves cute nicknames. So there you go!

  9. Allie says:

    You are so funny. And btw, you are a writer, silly!
    I love how you snuck your Dad’s photo in, yet again. Sorry, I missed out on the question asking. I really need to stop working on my yard and start spending more time on your blog. 🙂

  10. Debra says:

    Your answers are great. I got married at 26 and felt like an old maid. Holla! 😉

  11. MaryGene says:

    I like these Q and A posts!

  12. Marla says:

    Awesome answers…

    And you’re Lumberjack is much like my farmer. 🙂

    Marla @

  13. The fact that I do NOT have an education degree is my main argument for why I do not home school. The real reason is that my son and I would not both make it out alive.

    You have that degree though so it seems that it might be your fate.

    Thank you for your correct and insightful answer to my question!

  14. You kill me! I can’t stop smiling about this post – you are just so unpredictable…

    Loved this! Might have to steel this idea 🙂

    Hugs, The Lady of the House….. from Idaho

    P.S. Answer to yesterday’s movie “John Coffee” reference was ‘The Green Mile’

  15. Melissa K says:

    Will you please do Q&A every day?

    I have a degree in Elementary Ed as well. I keep my certificate current, but I’m not sure that I’ll ever use it again. All sorts of fancy requirements have been added in WA since I graduated almost two decades ago (ack!), and I’m not sure they would want someone with my boring continuing certificate.

    I know I’m a day late and a dollar short, but I have two more questions.

    1. Did you ever teach before you started having kids?

    2. Does LJ snore? If so, has he ever been tested for sleep apnea, what with the napping in the middle of chaos and all? My hubby just went through a sleep study this spring and wears a Darth Vader mask to bed every night (Oooh, baby!). We both feel more rested, and I like him so much more now.

  16. Congrats! You have achieved your dream! You are a writer, and a darn good one. And it is only a matter of time before more and more people know this and you begin to be approached about a book. Trust me, I’m old and wise..
    And I got married to my sweetheart at 18 – we are going on 32 years now. We grew up together and “raised” each other too.

  17. Erin says:

    You stay up way too late at night.
    I know this because when Josh is out of town I do the same thing, and I see you in the online world at midnight.
    And don’t be fooled. I know where you live, so I know what time zone you are in.
    If you’re not nice to me, I will tell the world.

  18. Melissa says:

    I got married at 19 and I have to say, we are different people then we were when we first got married (thank goodness!!) but I imagine we will change yet again in the next 10 years!! I wouldn’t want to miss out on any minute being married to him! =)

  19. Kendra says:

    #1 You are a writer 😉
    #2 Thanks for answering
    #3 I worked in a nursing home when I was engaged (at 18). A sweet old lady, who had just lost her husband of over 60 years said to me, “Honey, do you love him? Can you close your eyes and imagine a day without him in your life without crying? Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you are to young. I was married to my husband for 60 (something) years and ________ days, and it wasn’t enough. I wouldn’t give back a single day. Marry your man and cherish him!” I took her advice 😉
    #4 anyone can homeschool. My homeschooling mentor doesn’t even have a college degree, and she is the best homeschooling mom/teacher I have ever met. My bachelor’s degree is in education as well. Sometimes I think it holds me back because of my pre-conceived notions of what a lesson should be like. I am changing slowly, and can’t imagine doing anything else 😉
    #5 I “heart” your “flagged” posts. That is what all good hubbies should say!

  20. gianna says:

    The Office as your favorite show TOTALLY fits you. Which character or group of characters are your favorite?
    I have a soft spot for Jim and Pam (of course), but I also like Andy. He CRACKS me up!

  21. Mindy says:

    Well, when I got married at 19, I knew it would be forever– without a doubt, and was the correct decision. Our 10th anniversary is in 3 weeks, and we are very different people than when we got married (thank goodness here, too) and are CRAZY in love! GOD IS GOOD.
    I think maturing together has amazing advantages. Of course, we were married 5 years before #1 child popped out, so we had a ton of fun those first few years together. I can’t say enough about getting married when the time is right, no matter what age you are. Well, let’s be of legal age, or course. 🙂
    I truely love your Q&A’s, just wished I had something clever to ask. Maybe next time!!

  22. Pingback: Chocolate Raspberry Creamer. « The Lumberjack's Wife

  23. Lori says:

    Too funny- I have an Uncle whose name is David Charles. I’m pretty sure it’s not your husband though. Unless your husband is like 70 and has a niece named Lori? If so, then I guess we are related! 🙂

  24. Lynette says:

    I met my first husband and married 1 year later when I was 20…big mistake!
    I met my 2nd husband at age 28, we knew each other 6 months, got married and have lived happily for 19 years…I think it just depends on the time, and people! I know people that got married in HIGH SCHOOL and are still together. You just never know.

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