COPS!, stress, love, and general hillbillyness.

Happy Anniversary to us!

Thank you all for the questions . . . they were most helpful.

LJ’s answers are in green and mine are in purple.

Fun Fact:  I got slightly confused and I think I used numerous shades of green.

1.  How did Taylor know LJ was the one?

LJ:  Because I treated her the way she should be treated.

Taylor:  He was nice, a hard worker, and respectful.  And he was tall. 

2.  What was the most memorable thing LJ has done for Taylor?

LJ: Woke the kids up at 10pm at night to bring Taylor gas because she ran out about a mile away from home.

Me:  He went to go and get me Cracklin Oat Bran cereal at 11pm when I was pregnant with Daisy Mae.  Clearly, I needed it at that very moment in time.

Have you tried Cracklin Oat Bran?  Is it not the most delightful breakfast cereal known to man?

3.  Can you remember the first thing you had a disagreement over?

LJ:  I booked a room at a nice hotel for our first Valentine’s Day.  I got dog sitting taken care of.  All plans were made.  And Taylor was too embarrassed that people would know we went to a romantic hotel alone.

Me:  The Peach Pie Incident.


 4.  What is your favorite thing about your spouse…the one thing you wouldn’t ever want to change and then…..what’s the worst thing about your spouse, the thing you want to change the most?

LJ:  Favorite thing:  Her brown eyes.  Worst thing:  She gets stressed out too easy. 

Me:  Favorite thing:  His work ethic.  He works very hard and helps others.  Thing to change:  Moments such as this:

Yes!  That is my husband shooting Targets in his jammies off our new back deck whilst sitting in Handsome Dude’s toddler chair and using a throw pillow to position is firearm.

Aaaaaannnnndddd . . . . I love him.

Please note:  My husband is wearing shorts, not his underwear, and this picture is posted with love, as well as permission from the Sharp Shooter himself.

5.Who has changed the most over the last 10 years and how many kids did you each want before you got married? 

LJ:  Changed the most:  Me.  How many kids did you want before you got married:  4.

Taylor:  Changed the most:  LJ  Kids? 4.

6.  What would you say if Sweet Pea or Little Dude get engaged at 18? 

LJ:  I would have a one on one talk with the fiance with guns on the bed.

Taylor:  I would do a lot of praying, a lot of talking with them, and make sure they bought some AJax.

7.  Is your life where you imagined it would be at the 10 year mark? 

LJ:  Yeah.  Doing pretty good.

Taylor:  I would have never believed anyone in a million years if they told me I would be living in Ruralville.  Other than that, yes.  Although, I always imagined my swimsuit body to be slightly more sleek.  But you can’t have it all!

8.  Are you going to have anymore babies?

LJ:  Heck, no!

Taylor:  No.

9.  What is one big thing you really disagree about? 

LJ:  Discipline for children.

Taylor:  Safety and general hillbillyness.  See above picture.

10.  What side of the family is more fun to be with? 

LJ:  Can’t answer that one.

Taylor:  No comment.

Fact:  The Lumberjack and I are not that dumb!

11.  If you could live ANY WHERE with money to spare…where would that be? 

LJ:  I would stay in the same area I am at now.

Taylor:  Ditto.

12.  What was your favorite tv show/movie to watch together then? What is it now? 

LJ:  Then-Cops! Now-The Office

Taylor:  Ditto.

13.  Describe your idea of a perfect date night with your husband/wife.

LJ:  Driving the back roads of the state I live in looking for deer.

Taylor:  Definitely not LJ’s answer.  Dinner out, movie with popcorn and a huge Diet Pepsi and NO KIDS!

14.  What is the one thing your spouse does that drives you crazy (good or bad). 

LJ:  Good-Flagged for adult content 

Taylor:  Good: Flagged for adult content.  ha!  kidding!

LJ:  Bad-stressed out too much

Taylor:  When he behaves in this manner:

2009_9_20 161

and also this manner:

Seriously, Lumberjack.



15.  Once your children have grown up and are living their own lives (you know, moved out) what are your plans together? traveling? waiting for grandbabies? 

LJ:  Working so I can afford to retire by the age of 90 because my kids go to the doctor a lot.

Taylor:  I plan on travelling and spending lots of time with my kids and grandkids.

16.  What is your biggest fear?
What is your biggest dream? 

LJ: My biggest fear is not being able to provide for my family.  My biggest dream is to own a bulldozer.

Taylor:  My biggest fear is wearing a swimsuit in front of anyone over the age of 10. I lead a tough life.  My biggest dream is to one day wear a swimsuit in front of anyone over the age of 10.


Well, there were about 10 more questions but I fear my Lumberjack has fallen asleep right here on this very couch.

So that shall be all for now!

Happy Thursday!

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33 Responses to COPS!, stress, love, and general hillbillyness.

  1. Hilarious!! Happy anniversary!

  2. Christine C says:

    Love the target practice photo. You should get your own TLC reality show:) I would watch, but I’m like that:) 🙂

  3. MeanFriend#2 says:

    Happy Anniversary you two!!! We moved to our dream house when we had our 10th too! My hubby target practices off our back deck as well……just not in his underwear! 😛

  4. Magimom says:

    I’m with Christine – I’d watch too… I think this is infinitely more interesting than Kate + 8 for sure!!!!
    Great answers!

  5. Melissa says:

    I love cracklin oat bran, too. About to go eat a bowl right now 🙂

  6. Dawn says:

    Happy anniversary to the funnest &funniest couple I don’t know!

  7. Lauren says:

    LOVE it! Happy Anniversary!

  8. Jessy says:

    Happy Anniversary! And yes, Cracklin’ Oat Bran is wonderful =)

  9. Katie says:

    Happy Anniversary!

  10. Ada says:

    super fun…you two are quite the pair.

    Happy Anniversary!

  11. Taresa says:

    Happy 10 years to the two of you!

  12. Anne says:

    I love this post – such a fun idea. You all are hilarious, I love it! Happy Anniversary 🙂

  13. Debbie says:

    What a great picture. That could totally be my husband. He’s a sniper, btw 😉

  14. jess says:

    Ohh… How I’ve missed you. And the laughing I do when I read your blog. Heelarious stuff I tell you. It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to pop over. Mid-life crisis over at my house you know…. Babies to fatten up, burn victims to tend to, the general stuff a mother does during the day. Poop and more poop. Glad to be back though and get my laughs in for the day Taylor. Have a nice Thursday. You deserve one, with no poop that is.

  15. Kendra says:

    Happy Day!

    BTW, now that you live in Ruralville, do you have to get the septic pumped? If so, read here:

    You will laugh.

  16. Oh my…peach pie! Happy anniversary, lovebirds!

  17. Joyce says:

    Well this was fun. I am going to remember this for a future post. We just had an anniversary but maybe a birthday. Did he post his own answers and allow you editorial control? Because I’m pretty sure I’d want editorial control if my hubs were writing
    : )

  18. MaryGene says:

    I looooove cracklin oat bran!!!!! it really is the best.

  19. That was great! LOVED the Ajax reference! 🙂 Happy Anniversary!

  20. Heather says:

    I laughed out loud at LJ’s dream date… so funny!

    Also your flagged comments.

    You guys seem like a great couple and a wonderful match. Happy Anniversary! May you have many more! 🙂 Enjoy your day together!

  21. Ha, cracks me up. You guys sound a bit like us. 🙂 LOVE the target shooting picture!

  22. Allie says:

    Happy Anniversary. Great answers!

  23. Marla says:

    I think LJ and Colby are a lot alike. Really. We do that kind of stuff all the time around here.

    Happy Anniversary. 🙂

    Marla @

  24. Heather says:

    Love the post! Great answers! You agree on sooo many things 🙂 I am quite impressed! Happy Anniversary!

  25. Gianna says:

    I LOVE Cracklin’ Oat Bran! It has been known that Iwill receive a box of Cracklin’ oat Bran as a gift and I’m thrilled! Even JUMPING for joy. They did this for my baby shower at work. (5 of them went together for our highchair, but they wrapped a box of COB and they have a picture of me hugging it because I thought THAT was my present!) And my Mother in law has sent some in the mail for me just for no reason.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cracklin’ Oat Bran. For 2 of my 4 labors, that was what I wanted to eat in early labor.
    It is by far the best created processed food EVER! EVER!
    I knew I liked you!

  26. jaime says:

    Those boys and their targets… I have a pic of mine practicing in his “shorts” from atop the kids fort.

  27. Happy Anniversary, you guys! You crack me up!

  28. If you had not previously posted pictures proving that he used to shop at The Gap, I would not believe it.

    Tell LJ that my parents are friends with the Cabelas. He will be very jealous.

  29. Amanda says:

    I love all your answers. And the pic of Mr. shooting off the deck… um, yeah. My hubby would so do that. Only he might grab a adult size chair. Just sayin.


  30. Datenutloaf says:

    Well, some of us know you married a man who has a very peculiar relationship with cereal.

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