I stand corrected.

In Tuesday’s post, I mentioned that, while on a walk, I told my children the creatures we were viewing were buffalo.

Then I realized they were bison, according to the sign, and felt dumb.

Naturally, I informed all of you of my blunder.

Color me surprised when I discover that bison and buffalo are one and the same.

Who knew?!

I stand corrected.

On the same Tuesday post, I told you all that I was going to be “on you” . . . like white on rice.

Erin, in the spirit of Erin, could not resist a smart remark.

And for her quick wit, she will be awarded with a most prestigious award:

*We’ll pause and give Erin a moment to recover from her sheer and utter joy.*

Yes, Erin will receive the COW (comment of the week) for her humorous remark:

“by the way…I know you said you’d be on us like white on rice…
but we should probably be eating brown rice these days.”

Game on, Erin.

I’m on you like brown on rice.


My brother started a blog.  And in his very first post, he says, and I quote:

“I think that if my sister can manage a blog, I too should be able to make it happen.”


What, pray tell, is that supposed to mean?

I thought I always portrayed an image of “with-it-ness” and “I-have-everything-under-controlled-ness.”

Whatever, Danny.



I made my favorite brownies for camping this weekend.

I might have to eat one.



In about 1 hour we are headed out for camping.


I would like everyone to know that I baked a pie.

Yes.  One would think that was a foolish move on my part.  However, after my last pie episode, my lumberjack seemed to take a liking to my banana cream pie.

Allow me to further illustrate this point by relaying a factual conversation:

Me:  Hi!  You’re home late.  Did you eat any dinner?
LJ:  No.

Me:  Would you like some?

LJ:  No.  But I have been thinking about having a slice of that banana cream pie all day!

So that, my friends, is why I made pie today.

I crave attention, apparently, and I must ensure that my husband’s tummy is full of pleasantries.

And it might smooth things over after I scream at him when he makes my babies slide down rocks this weekend on mere garbage bags.

I also baked cake, cookies, brownies, layered salad, potato salad and drat, I just realized I still need to slice that darn watermelon.

I am really not in the mood to deal with a watermelon.

You may ask:  “Taylor!  Why on earth did you bake so much?”

Well, dear readers, we are celebrating the birthday of a very special birthday boy this weekend.

His birthday isn’t for a bit, but since everyone will be together, that is what we are doing.

He is turning 30.

I know what you are thinking . . . a 30-year-old man married to a woman in her 20’s?!

Scandalous, is it not.

Turns out the Lumberjack was robbing the cradle.

Who knew?!

Happy Weekend!

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18 Responses to I stand corrected.

  1. Sweet Sugar Pants Mindy says:

    Ha! You are cracking me up! But it is NOT funny to make fun of someone who is turning 30. I will be doing the same thing in 6 short weeks, and I’m slightly terrified. You will be there someday soon, too, and I will laugh!! HaHaHa!!
    Also, it is a well-known fact that there are no calories while camping, so eat up while you can. When you get home something magically happens to make calories count again. Dumb calories.
    Any-who, can I please come camping with you sometime?? I want to enjoy your scrum-diddly-dumptious food you make for camping! GO TAYLOR!!!

  2. Joyce says:

    Wow-good luck with all the Fat Tuesday temptations you will have this weekend. Pie, cake, brownies, potato salad…yum!

    We are having grilled chicken on a lovely salad for dinner tonite. Go us! Of course I will be traveling again in a few days and will reward myself for eating salad tonite with some sort of fabulous treat next week.

    I think you win the exciting life trophy this week…garbage bag shenanigans are pretty hard to top.

  3. I think that your are officially a trophy wife now.

  4. It’s so pathetic how we make stuff to make our husbands happy, isn’t it?! 🙂 Haha, actually it’s pretty cool. If they’re happy, we’re happy, and if we’re happy, they’re happy, and if they’re happy, we’re happy and well, you get the point. Have an awesome time camping. I am jealous! I would like to be camping this weekend. Bison is the correct term. Buffalo are in India and Africa. They are not related to our Bison, although original settlers called them Buffalo, because they look buffalo-esque. And I bet you knew all this. I just feel the need to explain because I would love to have a bison ranch some day. It’s my dream. It would need a windmill, because windmills are super cool.

  5. Melissa says:

    After your post on the buffalo I looked it up because I thought they were the same…. But everything I found said they were indeed different animals!! What made you think they were the same, just curious.

  6. Marla says:

    Well, I am a mere twenty one and a half years old… and Colby is twenty-nine years and four months old. That is truly scandalous.

    And it means that he will always have a hot, young wife.

    Marla @ http://www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  7. Keetha says:

    Oh you funny girl!

    Actually, though it is correct that in the Old West of America we call bison buffalo, and therefore you were NOT wrong in what you told your children – – – in reality buffalo are different from bison. Buffalo (like water buffalo) are those things found in Asia. But who cares – – -WE all call our bison buffalo anyhooo!

  8. Everybody had a water buffalo, yours is fast and mine is slow oh everybody has a water buffalo OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    I do not want to go camping. I am not jealous of your camping, rock sliding or any other tomfoolery you may be having to watch other people partake in.

    I am jealous of your banana cream pie, though!

  9. Erin says:

    *COW Award Speech*
    Now that I have recovered from my sheer and “udder” joy…

    I would like to thank God, my parents, all of my minions, and my own amazing intellect, without whom I may never have attained such a coveted award.

    Thank you.

  10. Andi says:

    Wow! You. Are. Ambitious…

    And, I totally covet your trophy wife status. Perchance someday, I too will stay home and bake bountiful desserts…Without the four kids of course, silly!


    I will do that when my kids are out of the house!


  11. Were you really standing? ‘Cuz I bet you were actually sitting when you typed it.


    Happy Camping, and rock sliding, and non-sweets eating.

  12. rebecca d says:

    It was humid here today… we (my hubs) grilled burgers and I uttered the words “can we call chips a side dish?”… Yep, you made your man pie… I reached my hand into a greasy bag of fried potatoes for mine… I’m not liking the direction this is going in…

  13. Rachael says:

    Sounds like it will be a yummy camping trip! I would like to thank Kimberly for now putting the Water Buffalo song into my head. It will be there for days….ugh!

  14. Katie says:

    Happy (early) birthday, Lumberjack! Have a great time camping this weekend! Not gonna lie, I’m glad it’s you and not me. My people don’t camp.

  15. Michelle Brandel says:

    I think, to solve all of the buffalo versus bison talk, let’s just call them Tatonka. Name that movie! And I was in Yellowstone in July and they actually had a picture of one and labeled it Tatonka. 🙂

  16. Datenutloaf says:

    ‘Dances with Wolves’. You are all correct, however in this country of ours, we have always always called bison buffalo. It is the perfectly accepted term and has been for a couple hundred years. Love that photo of your lumberjack. Isn’t it wonderful when hubby craves something you made? – makes it all worthwhile. Keep those children safe – no broken heads, please!

  17. Calfkeeper says:

    Buffalo schmuffalo, bison schmison.

    It’s kind of the same deal as the fact that there are no “buzzards” in the United States. What we refer to as “buzzards” are truly “vultures.” But, who cares? We’re Americans; we’ll call ’em what we want to call ’em.

    Happy Camping! Hope you take the reinforced garbage bags.

  18. I know what you mean about having to be in the right mood to deal with watermelon 🙂 Hope you guys have a great weekend!

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