Nervous and Sweaty.

Today I am guest posting at Mindee’s blog, Our Front Door.

Normally, I would be all hyper and strange and say something to the effect of,

“Look at me with my Big-Girl-Blogging-Pants On!”

But, no.

Not today.

Today I am nervous.

Mindee’s a “Big-Girl-Blogger” herself.  You should check out her blog post haste.  Mindee is an excellent writer and I always enjoy visiting her blog.  She has three great kids, works at a school, and has a great sense of humor.  She also posts delicious recipes.

And the best part?

Somehow, she has managed to get her husband to read her blog posts and comment on them!


Fun Fact:  I think The Lumberjack foolishly believes I have given up this  “silly blogging nonsense.”

I kid!  I jest!

So, anyways.  I am over there posting today, nervous and sweaty, and showing ridiculous pictures of myself that look like this:

What was I not thinking?

Please come visit me over there this morning so I don’t feel like a silly goose.

It would be most appreciated.

Click Here

Happy Monday!

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27 Responses to Nervous and Sweaty.

  1. Christine C says:

    No need to be nervous. You don’t know it buy you ARE a Big-Girl-Blogger and it was a great post (as always!)

  2. Suzanne says:

    The pictures alone entice me to go look! Plllleeeeeaaase say there are more glamour shots! 🙂

  3. Debra says:

    That was wonderful! Your dad is hilarious. Seriously. Holla. 🙂

  4. Holly says:

    I’ll come visit you over there and hold your virtual hand. Don’t get nervous cuz you’ll just get sweaty and I don’t want to hold a virtual sweaty hand.

  5. Virginia Girl says:

    Hey you did great! I have to confess I just spent the last 10.8 years 5 days or so of my life catching up on your blog from the beginning. I may or may not also have some similar glamour shots lurking around my attic. Holla!

  6. Katie B says:

    Great job!

  7. Chessa says:

    Hi Taylor…..Thanks for your kind note on my blog. Great job on the guest post!! I am coming to realize we have alot in common…..for one our school colors…I need to dig out my old cheerleading photos….second…engaged at 18, were you married at 19?….third… my hubby is an electrician…fourth….homeschooling….although I do have 5 children… you feel any pressure there??? heehee If only I had half of your wit!!!! Happy Monday to you….Chessa

  8. namacura says:

    Great job! Great story, made me laugh and snort, then my boss looked at me… back to work.

  9. Gina says:

    So proud of you for putting on your “big-girl-blogging-pants” – I’m sure your parents would be proud too. 🙂

  10. Teresa Dawn says:

    Such school spirit 🙂 I like the picture, looks like you were having fun! Will check out the guest post when I get a chance, I’m on my way to work now!

  11. You did a great job at Mindee’s – I’m being posted on Wednesday and it’s not nearly that good! (Sadly, it turns out I have no scary stories!)

  12. Lani says:

    Thanks alot, Taylor! You made me spew my coffe all over my monitor! 😀

  13. LeAnna says:

    LOL! If only blog-reading-induced laughter would induce labor. That was hilar.

  14. Heather in ND says:

    Been there, done that!

  15. Sarah says:

    I went visiting too. Your dad makes me laugh – bless his heart! Sounds like a wonderful, if slightly confused, dad!
    You did a great job!

  16. Well, since you are a big-girl-blogger with your pants on, talking about that boy-girl “world”, I propose a topic that causes me much interest: His and Hers items.

    What do you have that falls into the his/hers categories in your life?
    His & Hers Trucks/Rigs? Check
    Would you believe we have his and hers TP? He doesn’t like my choice. I don’t like his…so we have 2 TP rolls! Top that 😉

  17. I was nervous about asking you because you’re such a big girl blogger. You did great and goodness gracious you know how to bring in a crowd! Thanks again Taylor, you’re the best!

  18. Kelli says:

    Go Eagles! And Razzle Dazzle is from Yo Gabba Gabba 🙂 Muno says it all the time!

  19. Better expand your bandwidth girl, you are going to have blog overflow! You did a great job over there and I am sure there are several new folks excited to read about your daily escapades like we do!

  20. So YOU’RE the one who beat me out for that last cheerleading spot.

  21. Vicki B says:

    On my way over right now!

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