The Girls

I know what you are thinking . . . “Two posts in one day?!?!?  Has Lumberjill gone mad?”

Today has been crazy busy and I have absolutely no time to be blogging.  I should be paying bills.

Paying bills is a total downer.

I just wanted to quickly share with you something my girls did today.  I am always talking about those naughty boys of mine, and sometimes I wonder if people even know I have two daughters.

It’s true.  I do.

Consider yourselves informed.

We started school today and things were going along swimmingly.

Here’s Daisy Mae’s classic, “I don’t understand what is going on and when can I have a snack and why do we have to do this and when can I have a snack and everything is too hard and when can I have a snack and I’m bored and can I go play and when is snack time and somebody stole my pencil” look.

Bless her heart.

So, the morning was going well when I suddenly had to take an important phone call.  This signaled to the children that they must now run, yell, holler, get all the toys out, and begin a pillow fight.

I was not pleased.

So, I told the children they had to get the house back in order because, eventually, WE MUST LEARN SOMETHING.

Soon, I saw my girls running around quickly doing chores and checking things off of a list.

They cleaned rooms.  They put laundry away. 

I caught Daisy Mae on the couch praying.

Then, Sweet Pea, stopped what she was doing and led everyone in a worship song, complete with dance moves.

When they weren’t looking, I confiscated the list:

Here’s what is says, in their own spelling:

moms bed

clean room (Girls)

clean moms room

clean upstairs



Read to boys

Clean the Living Room


feed Lucy

feed bunny


claen faces

clean hand


read books



help Mom


eat dinner


worshep God

A to Z Read


And they even gave themselves a sticker at the top for a job well done.

Aren’t they the cutest?

(Lest any of you think I am an evil dictator, I do not require my children to clean my room and make my bed.)

(Although the idea has merit.)

Happy Wednesday!

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17 Responses to The Girls

  1. Katie B says:

    What great helpers!

  2. My girlies have the very same baby dolls…and those dolls do EVERYTHING with them.

    I love the list!

  3. Melissa says:

    love it!

  4. Nathalie says:

    First, precious children. See, you did have school! They spelled most of those words correctly!

    Second, you have children. Use them while they are still living at home. Child labor is okay if nobody knows about it (so don’t blog about it anymore).

    Trust me. I know.

    My Chicky is gone to college, and I am now stuck doing her chores.

    It sucks.

    Hug your girls for me and send them to Florida when they’re done cleaning your house. I could use a couple of extra sets of hands around here.


  5. Momma Mindy says:

    Adorable girls! They are a nice addition to a home with boys. My daughters take very good care of me now that they are older. Teach them to cook!!!!! Teach them to cook!!!!! I repeat, teach them to cook!!!!! All the mess will pay off later, I promise.

    I do love to see how kids love to serve others. Their list was touching and adorable.

  6. I am thinking they have been taught well! 🙂

  7. Christina says:

    How sweet!
    And what a week you are having! I hope the weekend is a bit calmer for you!

  8. Jill says:

    Adorable! And hey, you gave birth to them. It’s only fair they clean your room and make your bed once in a while. : )

  9. Erin says:

    They are sweet girls 🙂

    DM’s face looks like Alex’s when I try to get her motivated to learn something. Have I told you yet that I’ll probably be homeschooling her next year?
    The intervention can start…


  10. Debra says:

    Precious little girls! Head on over, I’m having a giveaway. 🙂

  11. It’s such a treat when you can “catch” your kids being good. I’m glad you wrote this down. 🙂

  12. Jessy H. says:

    That is so sweet. I love that they had to worsehp God and they had dance moves. This is something my oldest does often. He will make all the daycare kids sit down and then tell them to sing along and then start dancing while singing a bunch of different songs.

  13. diana at home says:

    My almost 8 year old wears the EXACT SAME look when it is time for school instead of dressing up or inventing a new hair-do or riding bikes or almost anything, really. I just had not known what to call it before today! Thanks for that.
    You are good Maliblahblah. Quite good.

  14. Gina says:

    Nice! Kudos to the teacher 🙂

  15. Brandi Dilley says:

    I think you just found a way to stay on a schedule With homeschooling and chores without the whining ….have them make their own list with your approval of course. Kids always have Grand ideas of what we want from them . Those are some precious daughters you have there they remind me of their momma!

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