Snow, Starbucks, and Answers.

Do you know what this means?

This means that on this, the 18th day of November, in the year Two-Thousand-and-Ten-of-our-Lord, I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, will be lucky enough to try and prepare four children for outside-fun-snow-cold-fun-wet-white play.

It will take me 2 hours to do this.

And 15 minutes after they go out, they will be tracking snow/mud through the house, shivering, and begging for hot chocolate.

Of which they will spill.


Today was also my Grandma’s birthday.

(she is on the right)

She was my buddy and I miss her so.  She passed away nearly four years ago.


Word on the street is from November 18th-21st from 2-5pm, Starbucks is offering buy one get one free holiday drinks.

Don’t say I never hooked you up.

News of great sadness:  I have no hopes of leaving the house any time soon.


I have got me some more questions to answer.  If you missed the first two answer posts, click here and then here.

In that order.  Or the universe will surely collapse and life as we know it will cease to exist.

From Joyce.

Did you and your sister get along growing up?
Is there a story that illustrates your answer?
Surely you have a story.
I’m betting you have a story.

Oh, Joyce.  You are a silly.

My sister and I did get along, but she was four years younger than I, so I spent more time with my brother, as I was only two years his elder.

Here is the story you assumed I would have:

Since I was closer to my brother, we would tend to gang up on poor Meagan.  One year, our family was visiting my grandma (the one I just shared about) in California.

Alert:  I just gave up critical information.  Now you all know that I do not live in sunny, southern California.  Just in case the snow didn’t tip you off.


We would spend all day in my grandma’s pool. 



My brother and I, being the cool ages of 14 and 12, decided to make up a pool dance.

Yes.  That’s right.  A pool dance.  We called it, “Pool-Capades.”

We had this thing choreographed and everything.  It was to the song of “I Want More” from The Little Mermaid.


My sister was given one role and one role only:  Her job was to gracefully leap through the middle of a round inner tube when me and my brother belted out, “But who cares?  No big deal!  I want more!”

Folks.  She could not get this part right.  Each time she did it she would nearly drown and ruin the whole scene by coughing and spitting and wiping snot from her nose.

She was cut.

She has never forgiven me.

This was sort of relationship we had.  Me and my brother would leave her out.

For shame, Lumberjill.



And for the record, I am fully aware that I was probably too old to be choreographing pool dances.  It’s pretty sad when your own mother makes fun of you.

For the record, that pool dance brought down the house.

From Jessy:

Why did LJ stop playing Mafia Wars? Or did he finally get his own Facebook account? I have to admit, I was a bit confused for a while as to why you were so into that game. Then I found out it was your husband hijacking your account to play. It made more sense then.

His Mafia Wars addiction has been the greatest embarrassment of my adult life. 

Fact:  Lumberjacks are too “cool” to get a Facebook account.

Fact:  Lumberjack felt it was perfectly fine to hijack his wife’s account and make her look like she was a mastermind mobster in the interweb world.

Fact:  Lumberjill is uber happy that Lumberjack got tired of it.

From Noelle:

You’ve probably already answered this somewhere in the blog, and if so, just refer me to a link but…what made you decide to move to Ruralville?

I ask myself the same thing every day.


I think I talk about it a bit in this post.

From Queen of the Brussels Sprouts:

Are you hungry?


From Adrienne:

Hey! Here’s a question: Can you forgive a bad friend who stopped reading your blog (not just yours, but all blogs) but is now FINALLY back and ready for more?

Sorry, no.

You are the weakest link.


hahaha!  Totally kidding.

Sure thing, Jelly Bean!  I missed you!

From Christine C:

Tell us one obscure fact about yourself that we would never know by looking at you…. For example -(you know this one, but most don’t) I can make spectacular cakes, make homemade breads and marshmallows; but buy hard boiled eggs as I find that too difficult. So tell us something quirky about you.

Can you really buy eggs hardboiled?  Amazing.  If I can hardboil an egg, surely you can.

I don’t know what I have shared and who was reading at the time I shared, so I shall just share a few obsure facts:

1)  I make every effort to avoid unprotected left turns.  They are the devil.

2)  I have lost a lot of hearing in my right ear over the years.  I had a surgery to correct it and most is restored, but I have a hard time hearing things right sometimes.  For some reason as a child, all of my middle ear bones disintegrated.

3)  I have had 5 knee surgeries.

Look at me!  Fake ear, fake knee . . . I’m like the Bionic Woman.

4)  I’m not the outdoorsy type.  Does this shock you?

5)  I can’t roll my tongue.

6)  There is a large buck hanging in my garage.  This means I cannot go in my garage.

7)  I loathe to exercise.  This may baffle you on account of my rock hard abs.

8)  I sucked my thumb until I was in kindergarten.

9)  I can build a better fire than Lumberjack.

10)  I have issues with raw meat.


Here we go again.

Does anyone know when this contest ends??  Seriously.  I cannot keep asking you until the end of the year!

Oh, the humanity.

Click here to vote for me in the Babble Babble Boo Boo Contest.

Of which I know nothing about.  All I know is I am #7 and lots of the other contestants have a button.

I don’t have a button.  Should I?  Who has a button?  Is this important?

When will the madness end?

Happy Thursday!

PS-You guys seriously have to tell me when I have spelling/grammar errors.

I am always on a super short time allotment whilst blogging and type at lightning fast speed while my kids are occupied.

Did you know that yesterday, instead of saying a deer was in David’s path, I said a deer was in David’s bath?

I don’t know what is more disturbing:

The fact that no one caught it


The fact that you all went with it.

I mean, I know he is obsessed with the hunting/outdoor life, but . . . .


Ok. Bye.

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28 Responses to Snow, Starbucks, and Answers.

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Wow, I thought I was the only 12 year old girl that played “pool-capades”… although ours was to Def Leperd’s Pyromania! And we totally used my 6 year old brother, and he totally failed and got booted from the capade.
    I don’t think I’d be able to deal with a deer in the garage, much less in the bath!
    I totally think you mean “unprotected” left turns, instead of unprotect.
    Also- just tell the kids that “outside is closed for whitening”!

  2. Melissa says:

    Dude–I totally caught it, but in hopes of being the COW of the week, I didn’t comment on it. didn’t want to embarrass you or anything. 😉

  3. Joyce says:

    Oh my sisters and I did a lot of ‘water ballet’ and ‘synchronized swimming’ too. You’re never too old. We may in fact have resurrected the act at a pool in Hilton Head about 7 years ago. Just to clarify…it was our own private pool situated in the fenced in backyard of a house we rented. Didn’t want you to think I was at the Hilton doing water ballet as a 40-something.

  4. Hey – we come here not to judge but because we love you. And who/whatever your family does in the bath will be accepted here.

    It’s a safe space.

    Unless you start mentioning opossums.

    Then you need help.

    p.s. I am completely in love with that photo of your grandma.

  5. Jessy H. says:

    The first picture is so pretty. It may be worth not leaving the house for days to have that outside your window.
    If you were too old at 12 to be playing pool-capades, then it was probably totally inappropriate for my friends and me to be playing that at 20, right?
    I have voted for you and go back everyday to vote again, but so far it has only let me vote once.

  6. Jill says:

    I think you should be grateful LJ takes a bath and not worry about whatever nature might have in the bath with him.

    Have the girls help get the boys ready for going outside. (This means they put the boys’ hats on.) When they come inside, discuss briefly the change in temperature while mopping up the hot chocolate that spilled. Ta da! you have a homeschool day. You covered science and child care. Congratulations to you.

    Your grandma looked like a very cool chick. I think she totally would have been into Pool-Capades.

  7. I. Hate. Snow.
    All the equipment required to go out in it. Maybe you could hide their boots?

  8. Kari says:

    There’s no rules as to how many times we can vote, is there??
    Yesterday, I was able to rack up 7 points for you!
    I did this by voting once each on our store computer, then again at home on our office computer; the other 5 were from my Blackberry before the little thumbs up hand finally turned red! Score!
    I’ll clear all browsing histories & see what I can do for ya today ; )

  9. Fun stuff…as usual.

    As for hard boiled eggs. I can boil them, but peeling them and making them all smooth and beautiful is beyond me. Seriously, I can cook and bake just about anything. Just don’t ask me for pretty peeled boiled eggs. I’d have to go to the deli and buy them as well. Go figure.

    • Christine C says:

      Can I just say that it warms my heart to know that there are others out there that share my dilema with eggs. I mean eggs really shouldn’t be so hard. But I would much rather pay the $2.99 a dozen for perfectly cooked and peeled eggs than do it myself.

      Yes, there is something wrong with me. I made a batch of vanilla and a batch of chocolate marshmallows today, but my hard boiled eggs came from A&P:)

  10. Christine C says:

    I did not know any of your obscure facts, so thanks for sharing yours. By the way, I also sucked my thumb until Kindergarten. My older sister tormented me endlessly over this fact. Now, she has a thumb-sucker of her own at home. God has a sense of humor:)

  11. Dawn says:

    Your Grandma is adorable and shares a birthday with my husband’s grandmother whom passed away last week. We are sad, but have great memories.
    You are never too old for Pool-Capades. Shame on your mother for laughing. For. Shame.
    To make pretty hard boiled eggs (sometimes this works!) allow to sit in the water for awhile after turning off the burner. Crack the shells all over and drop back in the pan of water. Then, waste lots of water by peeling the eggs under the running faucet. The water gets under the shell and helps loosen it. Hope that helps!
    Question–Did Handsome Dude really lose 70ish some pair of glasses? Or is that a fun exaggeration?

  12. Noelle says:

    Oh how I wish you had recorded that pool routine!

  13. Tayler says:

    Oh em gee. I just noticed your new title picture. So hilarious, yet sooo wrong. I LOVE IT!! Poor Little Dude..he just wants some hot chocolate!

  14. Mary says:

    Maybe I shouldn’t tell this, but my sister (who’s 18 months older) & I used to do “synchronized swimming” at the community pool.
    If your bathtub is big enough to hold a deer, I want it.

  15. Nathalie says:

    Ok…confession time.

    When I was skimming (ahem) through your post, I originally read this…

    “1) I make every effort to avoid unprotected left turns. ”

    As this…

    “I make every effort to avoid unprotected sex.”

    Um, yeah. I was gonna tell you that at last I knew the reason why you have four children (and more possibly on the way).

    I did a double-take and went back and re-read.

    Thank gosh.

    I am sorry, my friend, but I will lay the blame on the fact that though I subbed today (my private school has the week off), I spent the ENTIRE day (even planning and lunch) along with two hours at home proofreading rough drafts for a class that has to turn in final drafts on Monday (and won’t see the regular teacher until then).

    My eyes have done gone crazy on me.

    They’ve joined the rest of the organ that resides above my shoulders.

  16. Karen G says:

    I voted…again. keep reminding me!

  17. Sami Jo says:

    Hey there! Holy Crap – totally lost it when you said, “You are the weakest link. Goodbye.” – awesome. AND we totally did that Little Mermaid bit. Besides making up our own songs out by the horse corrall we most definately would do movie bits whether it was from the bedroom scene with all the girls in 7 Brides for 7 Brothers or Shirley Temple’s Heidi where she’s having the dream with the Dutch Girl and the wooden shoes…. we were goobers. wait… were?

  18. MindyLou says:

    My computer WON’T let me vote again. Sorry dear friend. I am a failure. It has only let me vote twice. Anywho, what a b-e-a-utiful picture of the snow! We just had a dusting here and it was gone by the afternoon. Down there in Ruralville you got quite a bit! And the starbucks thing is really, really tragic, because this baby here in my tummy is NOT interested in coffee. I don’t quite no what to do with myself anymore without my coffee. It is a time for mourning. But thanks nonetheless. I thought you weren’t a starbucks girl anyway? Remember when you ordered me one and you were clueless? 🙂 Maybe I’m wrong, I am a little crazy right now. 😉

  19. Sister Meagan says:

    I’d like to reserve the right to answer the follow question on my own:

    Did you and your sister get along growing up?
    Is there a story that illustrates your answer?
    Surely you have a story.
    I’m betting you have a story.

    My hope is that if I were to do this, it would get posted in one of these fancy posts my sister does. What do you think, readers? Should The Lumberjack’s Wife allow it?

    • Wichiepoo says:

      YES, yes indeed she SHOULD, I would love to read it as I had a sister who was 5 years my elder and, well, I know how little sisters are treated!!!! For shame big sisters. For. Shame.

  20. Rachel says:

    I totally want to hear from your sister! Besides having our own pool routines my brothers and I had elaborate plays (Back to the Future being our favorite). My little sister always got the worst parts – i.e. – in Back to the Future she was Einstein the dog. Must be a universal truth – youngest siblings get demoted and often fired from the fun.

  21. you’ve got my vote for best mommy blog!!!

  22. Thank you for stopping over on my blog – yes, we are both all hip and famous being on the Babble list right now. It would be great to stay up there! Last year the ‘winners’ had around 4000 votes tho, so I am enjoying it while I can – and I believe its annual. I just added it as a link for people to go too, of course there is a good chance you lose them there, since there is some awesome reading out there 🙂
    Typically you should be able to vote once, but your superfriends have managed to ‘buck’ the system .. .they are so very clever 🙂
    (would they like to be my friends too?)
    Happy to have found you, yes, you made me laugh too – always great when I find a blog that makes me laugh without having to navigate around all the curse words so that my kids don’t read them over my shoulder and we lose an hour of the day explaining why people feel the need to repeat the word poop or something like that!
    Have an awesome day!

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