Wabbles and Snow

I have discovered the biggest perk to homeschooling.

When the weather outside is frightful . . .

I don’t have to go anywhere!


I neglected to plug in my ginormous rig.  So I can’t go anywhere.



Last week we had our first real snowfall of the year and the children had to go outside post haste.

I talked Little Dude into staying inside with me.

I bribed him my promising he could help me make “wabbles”

Which are actually waffles.

And I really made pancakes.  Huckleberry pancakes.  Shhh!  Don’t tell my husband!

When the kids became kid-sicles, they came in and we all enjoyed a late breakfast.

Holy Cow!  I have four kids!  When did that happen?

Little Dude:  Ohmygoodness, Mother!  Oh. My. Good. Ness.  You make delicious pancakes!

Ok, I lied.  He actually said,



Contest News-Thank you for the votes for the Babble contest.  I learned that the voting goes through October 2011.  Bummer.  So, there is now a badge/link thingie-ma-bob on my sidebar.  I shall enjoy being in the Top Ten for the next 10 minutes.


Back to some Questions and Answers.  Today, The Lumberjack will be answering all of his questions.

 He was super thrilled about it when I informed him of this great privilege at 9pm last night.

From The Musician’s Wife

I want to know from the Lumberjack: What advice do you have for newly married guys on ways to show their wives that you care, appreciate and otherwise adore them?

Stand up in front of a group of people and announce why love her.

I don’t know.

From Shelly:

Hi Taylor! Here is a question for you and LJ, who in the Bible do you relate to the most and why?

LJ: Samson.  Because I am strong.

Taylor:  Guess that makes me Delilah.  Wink wink.  I kid!  I jest!

From Diana:

LJ: What is your favorite ice cream?

Tillamook Strawberry

 Does music really sooth a wild beast?

What are you talking about?

 How many wild animals can be ‘harvested’ from your very own woods every year?

As many as I have tags for.

Why DID you take T to Old Navy last weekend?

Because I thought it would be nice.

 Is your wife the best wife, the wife to whom all wives aspire?

Heck yeah.

From Suzanne:

I have a question for the Lumberjack….

What should I get my husband for Christmas? seriously, do you have any ideas?? I have no idea what to get the hubby.

A 4 wheeler.

From Auntie Datenutloaf:

Are you actually allowed to hunt on your own land?


Sorry I’m just ignorant of hunting, and like where do you cut it up, I mean who has a cutting board as big as a deer?

Take it to a butcher.  Although I did do it myself before on the kitchen table.

(Interruption from Taylor:  This event almost ended our marriage.)

 And what is a 5 x 5 deer?

5 points on each side of his rack

 Where do you put the innards and butcher paper and all that jazz?

The innards go back in the woods for the coyotes to eat.

 I mean so if you shoot it, do you have to hurry and butcher it and package it up right then and there?

You let it hang for about a week.

Is LJ also a butcher?


 Don’t they have to eat special feed to be edible to humans?



That’s all I got.

Happy Monday!

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20 Responses to Wabbles and Snow

  1. Marla says:

    He cut up a deer on your kitchen table?!? Oh my goodness.

    *Insert open mouth stammering here*

  2. Erin says:

    Do you really want to know how you got four children?
    Because I’ll tell you.
    But your parents might read it and find out.
    Then you wont be able to look them in the eye across the Thanksgiving dinner table.

    How come your pancakes aren’t black on the outsides?

  3. Paula says:

    I so love little dude. His face reflects my mood most of the time.
    LJ was so patient with the hunting questions. He can’t be all bad 🙂

  4. Oh, man I want some snow! And then I could send the kids outside in it to play while I sit inside and sip kahlua and coffee. You know. To warm up and stuff on account of it being so cold outside. And then I could feed the kids lunch and then send them back outside to play in it while I have another kahlua and coffee. To warm up. Yeah.

  5. Katie says:

    Butchering a deer on the kitchen table? Please share.

  6. Jill says:

    Kitchen-table-deer-butchering also caused a strain in my marriage. Along with fileting his catches of fish at my kitchen sink.

    Snow and wabbles sound like a good combination to me!

  7. Joyce says:

    Your children are lovely. I believe your possession of said children is related to some high five-ing : )

  8. Gina says:

    The kitchen table??? Oh my!

  9. Gianna says:

    Did I not ask you a question? I’m sure I sent you a question about if you had a lawn and who mowed it. Did I not? Am I going crazy?

  10. MaryGene says:

    SNOW?!?! omygosh it was 76 degrees here today…..I was kind of hoping for somewhere between here and there for Thanksgiving, but it looks like short sleeves for me!!

  11. Reeve says:

    HAHAHA. I love your husband. He is hilarious.
    But hey.
    So are you!

  12. Holly says:

    October 2011? Seriously? I’ve been voting for you and I love you and all that but I can hardly remember to set my coffeemaker at night, how am I going to remember to vote for you every flipping day Taylor!?? Ok, I’ll do my best, but please continue to remind all of us at least once a week.

  13. Andi says:

    “Don’t they have to eat special feed to be edible to humans?”

    I laughed out loud. That is just too funny. It reminds me of a friend calling to be sure her eggs would be safe to eat because she’d left them in the car for an hour on accident. I reminded her that eggs on the farm sit for sometimes a whole day (or more, if your chickens try to move where they lay) and they are just fine…”Doesn’t the pasteurization mean that they have to be kept cold?”

    “Umm, no. That is so they will last longer and have fewer bacteria. Eat the eggs. They are fine.”

    I think she threw them out anyway. Wasteful.

  14. Melissa says:

    October 2011??!! that is crazy! do we only get to vote once? I absolutely love the picture of Little Dude looking out the window =) Do you know what is funny? I always have to scroll back up to the post to find out what your children’s “fake” names are!!

  15. It was 78 out today. I had to let the kids dig their shorts back out.

    I want some cooler weather. Holidays are no fun in shorts 😉

  16. Rachel says:

    OCTOBER 2011!!! What were they thinking!!!! Who has time for all of that – I do adore your blog and I will try and vote regularly but seriously what were they thinking?

  17. Tiffany says:

    I’m just going to repeat everything everyone else said. You are hilarious. I am jealous (but just a little) of your snowy weather. AND, here’s a new one, I’m jealous of your rig. I’m trying to talk my crazy hunter husband to get me one of those! Oh and that Little Dude is the cutest little dude ever (as are the rest of your cute kids)!

  18. Vicki B says:

    Hey, Little Dude and Lumberjack resemble each other a lot in these pics!

  19. my husband and i have butchered our own deer several times, on our kitchen table!! not fun, people, not fun!! but it is much cheaper than having it done ($75-$100). i live in michigan and we have had snow twice, but nothing that stuck yet…..but we will!! =) i wish my husband would let me homeschool my daughter, but alas, he will not! have a terrific thanksgiving taylor!!! =)

  20. LeAnna says:

    LJ sounds like my Dad, who has butchered many a deer on my Mom’s kitchen counter, owns an ATV shop and will hunt until his tags run out, or my Mom intervenes.

    Remind me to never ask him what to buy my husband for Christmas. I suppose he’d probably say I should get him that 4 passenger airplane he’s been asking for…. 😛

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