
Are you tired of seeing snow pictures?

Too bad.

Yesterday morning, my husband woke up at 4am so he could plow our driveway.

Is he not a good man?

  Our driveway is now like around 100 yards.  He has a plow on his 4-wheeler, so he used that and then off to work he went.

Whilst he was gone, the snow continued to fall and I contemplated trying to figure out how to drive a 4wheeler so I could help out.

But, who are we kidding?

My husband stopped at his parent’s house in town to borrow their snow blower.  They pleaded with him to stay the night there on account of the dreadful blizzard warnings.

He, however, declined, and said he must make it home to his lovely wife.

I can’t say that I blame him.

He got home at 9pm and said he needed to plow.  I offered to help. 

So, I donned my JCPenney’s clearanced long underwear, GAP jeans, Old Navy Performance Fleece shirt, my husband’s hunting socks, my husband’s Carhartt beanie, my jacket, my boots, and Sweet Pea’s 99cent gloves.

My husband wore his Under-Armour gear, Carhartt’s double knee work pants, Sweatshirt, Carhartt’sheavy duty bib overalls, Carhartt heavy duty jacket, Under-Armour beanie, and heavy duty gloves.

I suspect he is more prepared for the blizzard.  I think instead of asking for my favorite perfume for Christmas, I shall be requesting Carhartt Ladies Ranchwear.

I have never used a snow blower before.  It is harder to push through a foot of snow than you might think.  Plus it shoots snow out, along with small rocks.  LJ had to remind me that I must not shoot the snow towards the house or vehicles.

Oh for the stress of it all.

This took a lot of extra thinking on my part.  I had to keep asking him to remind me of the plan.

I was a good little worker bee.  I pushed and pushed that wretched machine and made sure to not damage any of our property.

I was cold.  I had snow all over me.  I was covered in snot.


Name that movie.

I began to wonder what my purpose was out there in the blizzard.  Because everytime I would finish a section, my husband would just go over it again with his plow.

I think I was just out there to be his eye candy.

At 11:30 we finally came in.

My husband is now at work again.  I don’t know how to turn the snowblower on (darn).  And it appears as if all the snow we just plowed fell again.

Yay, winter!


Clarification:  Some of you are seeming impressed at how “green” we are because we plug in our rig.

The only thing “green” about our rig is that I have to use the “green” diesel pump when getting gas.

Apparently, diesel engines are fickle and need to stay warm or they won’t start.

So, no we are not driving energy efficient rigs.

We do, however, save cans. 

Does this impress you?


I am aware that I still have people’s questions to answer for my questions and answers posts,  and I will get to them soon.


I am beginning to wonder if we will be snowed in for Thanksgiving.

After contemplating what I could serve, I fear our menu would be elk meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas.  And I think I can make cookies.

Normally we go to both my husband’s family and my family for both Thanksgiving dinners.

Oink Oink.


Tell me, dear readers.

What are you plans for Thanksgiving?

Have you ever used a snow blower?

Are you able to dress for success in the winter like my husband or are you a sissypants like me?

Happy Tuesday!

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34 Responses to Blizzard!

  1. Melissa says:

    wow!! that is A LOT of snow! remember the crazy snow fall at the beginning of last year? and then there was hardly any more snow that year? Maybe that will be the case this year for you =)

  2. we are going to “his parents” thursday and then here at camp we are all getting together friday for another gluttenous get together!! oh the joy of the holidays!! =) my husband does not allow me to get near the machinery around here…snow-blowers included!! =) happy thanksgiving again!!

  3. Haha! We had a blizzard last night too. 🙂 So, I have been building a collection of high quality winter wear now for a few years. I suggest getting good thermal underwear, I can’t even tell you the difference it makes. Shop,,, and clearance section. I have some from cabela’s that fits terrible, but it does keep me warm. We just keep an eye on all the sales and clearance sections all year, and we’ve gotten some really really awesome deals that way. It really makes a difference to have good high quality clothes.

    So, last night I took my kids to swim lessons. My husband shoveled the walk/driveway. I got home, and offended him greatly when I did not notice that he had shoveled. May I remind you that it was SNOWING VERY HARD THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS GONE?! He says I can never again complain when he doesn’t notice landscaping that I’ve done, because this counts as something I didn’t notice. Also, it was dark out. I’m going to get him back for this, you just wait and see. 😉

  4. Paula says:

    I’m impressed at your snowblowing skills. I have to tell you, I never want to live where machinery might be involved just to get me out of the house every morning. I feel for you. I so do.
    They say it snows here in Rhode Island, but because we’re on the water, it doesn’t stick around. I think I can do that. If digging myself out becomes involved…I’ll stay in. Maybe I should have someone kill a large animal so I don’t have to worry about food.

  5. JoAnn says:

    Samsonite! I was way off!

    Bless you for the movie reference. Hilarious.
    I hate snow. I do not drive in it at least. I must be taxied when it snows. I also don’t like to be cold.
    I wish it was thanksgiving today. Oink oink.

  6. Shannon says:

    Isn’t the movie Dumb & Dumber?

    You sound more prepared for winter than me, sometimes I don’t have boots that fit and end up putting bread sacks over my socks before putting my shoes on (thanks, Grandma). I have also never pushed a snowblower, being unprepared for winter makes my husband want to be manly and do all the outside snow blowing and shoveling while I make hot cocoa and I’ve never tried to correct him (I live in town so I don’t have to worry about a lane, either).

    We have too much extended family to be able to stay home for Thanksgiving, I’m going to pretend I’m not jealous that you won’t get in trouble for staying home if you want to/get snowed in. This year we’re driving 6 hours to visit my Dad’s side of the family at my Grandma’s house, which will be nice to see everybody, but is still 12 hours of car time there and back. With 4 kids. But the dog is staying home. And will be super pouty when we leave. And we’ll have to kick her out of the van 4 times while we have it open to pack it.

    Hope you enjoy Thanksgiving, wherever you find yourself!

  7. Kelli says:

    I cannot BELIEVE this snow! It’s sooo early! It’s gonna be a long winter!
    ..and we still had school today- boo boo boo!

    Snowed in for Thanksgiving sounds fun to me- we host Thanksgiving so we don’t have to fight the battle of which family to spend it with- KK loves to cook the dinner- and I hate to clean!

  8. Elizabeth says:

    The movie is Dumb and Dumber… and I, like you would so be a sissypants. I generally don’t leave the house from Thanksgiving till Spring thaw because I just can’t do cold.
    I too would be asking for Ladies Ranchwear… you’re gonna need it!
    I haven’t used a snowblower, but I have used a leaf blower, similar? probably not…

  9. Katie says:

    Look at you with your kick-butt snow blowing skills! You rock! That is all.

  10. Jill says:

    I live in Florida and I think you will get tired of posting snow pictures long before I get tired of looking at them. : ) Would you like me to post a few pictures of palm trees, or would that be adding insult to injury?

    I cannot believe you have lived with LJ as long as you have and yet you do not have your own set of Carharrt gear. What has he been buying you for Christmas?!

    Had he stayed in town with his parents for the blizzard, I think that would have been significant grounds to rethink living in Ruralville.

    If you are snowbound for Thanksgiving, something on your menu should have huckleberries in it. Just sayin’.

  11. namacura says:

    I love the snow! Please post more pictures. It reminds me of living in Montana… funny quick story. I moved from Southern California to Montana for college. It was 60 below zero my first year of school, all these extension cords ran from the dorm out to the parking lot. Being from California, I had NO clue why the extension cords were in the parking lot. Needless to say my car did not run the entire winter there in Montana. Plugging in is a very good thing.

  12. Tara says:

    We are going to our church to serve a free Thanksgiving dinner to the community, shut-ins, people that would otherwise be alone. No, I have never even seen a snowblower, only in movies. Not that it doesn’t snow here in SEMO (southeast Missouri)…just not THAT much. No, I would not be ‘dressed for success’ if, in fact, I were to ever get that much snow. Although my hubby tells me I should…’always be prepared’. Your snow pics have been beautiful. Even though I’m a Florida girl at heart, I do like the occasional snow, the drifts are awesome. It’s that messy, slushy, muddy stuff afterward that I hate…uughh!!

  13. Erin says:

    Snowblowing counts as exercise= Taylor win!

    Today’s high in NC is 78degrees= Erin win!

  14. Katie B says:

    Movie is Dumb and Dumber. I have never used a snowblower, so you got me beat on that one. Way to go! We are having my husbands family at our house this year for a Mexican Thanksgiving. Lots of Enchiladas, tamales, taquitos, mini tacos, and other things that are delightfully bad for you covered in cheese and sour cream. Hope you have a happy holiday and stay warm.

  15. As for dressing for success…um yeah, go find the LL Bean catalog. Maybe that will help. 😉

    I don’t even own a heavy jacket, and my husband has threatened to get orders to be stationed in Alaska. I am going to need WAY more help than you.

  16. Martha says:

    I have fond memories and nostalgia for cold nights, plugged in cars, and trying to locate the car under the snow bank that appeared in the driveway. I even miss the $!@&^! snow plow that pushed heavy wet snow into my just cleaned out driveway. I must be crazy from the heat here.

    I second the LL Bean catalog. Also: silk long underwear. mmmmm. Soft, warm when you’re outside but still comfortable inside so you don’t overheat. I bought mine from Mountain Equipment Co-op, but that’s in Canada and not sure where they ship to.

  17. Joyce says:

    My hubs wanted to cancel our snow plow guy and buy a big huge ginormous snow blower. We have a snow blower but he says we need one that is way bigger. I say this is why we have snow plow guy. I also reminded him that he travels a lot…he is quite often not home at 4 am to get out there and plow.

    Aaaaaaand we still have snow plow guy. We do use the snow blower in between the plow coming thru but our driveway is also very long and requires a plow. And by ‘we’ I mean hubs. I have not learned how to turn it on either.

    I hope you’re not snowed in for turkey day but if you are at least you have your sweet little family all around for company.

  18. LeAnna says:

    I think I was just out there to be his eye candy. That is how I feel when my Hubby asks me to go to work with him. Ha! Here in Oklahoma, we rarely have blizzards (we did have one last year, tho) but we have ice-storms. Everything is covered in ice, and there is nothing a snow blower or plow can do, so we just don our skates and skate everywhere.

    Not really. Here in Oklahoma, everything is too stinking far apart to skate anywhere. Except in circles at a skating rink.

    I wear my Hubby’s old Carhartts when it ices and then snow falls on the ice. I am not allowed to drive when it ices, but I have been known to throw a little ice-melting salt solution on the sidewalks and porch. Daring, I know.

    And I don’t own a heavy jacket, either.

    Thanksgiving at my parents this year. With my Dad’s crazy weird family. Beats the alternative, which is going to my Hubby’s family reunion in Texas, where they are known to break out the harmonica and sing Folsom Prison Blues in between turkey and dessert….

    True story.

  19. What a good husband! 🙂

    The one time I attempted to use a snow blower….I had forgotten that I had been nice earlier in the season when the snow blower had been given to me (and that I had not used yet) and let some guys use it to earn a little side cash for themselves in exchange for doing my driveway each weekend….and after about 3 or 4 weeks….they BROKE IT!

    Big shocker that he said he’d get his buddy to fix it…..and never came back. So much for nice deeds. :\

    It’s almost snow season again and it’s still sitting in my shed broken. I should probably look into getting that fixed. Although in Indiana we don’t typically get THAT much snow…not like you have!

    So, I shovel it….just me, myself and I. 🙁

  20. Jean von B says:

    Going to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving. There is no way on earth I would ever use a snowblower, plow, mower, etc. I gave my husband 2 very capable sons who are nearly grown. The deal is that until I see any of them (hubby included) scrubbing walls and toilets in my house, it will be a VERY cold day before I venture outside to plow, mow or do other modes of yard work! 🙂

  21. Nathalie says:

    Dinner will be at my house, as is the tradition. Turkey will come from Sonny’s, a local BBQ place, with the mil doing most of the fixin’s.

    I want simple. I’m tired. I have to go back to college in January, so I’m going to live it up like a Latin singer whom I’ve forgotten the name of.

    Oh, and my Chicky is home from college.

    This is bliss (except for the six months of college I have ahead of me).

  22. Nathalie says:

    Forgot to mention that my fancy duds will include soccer sweatshirts. No name brand there.

    Oh, and we’re going to see Megamind. Woo Hoo!

  23. That’s early for such a huge snowfall. My husband also has Carharts in which he looks utterly ridiculous but does not care. For the record though, I (a good Colorado girl) had to teach him how to properly use a snowblower.

    And then I never touched it again.

  24. Janie Fox says:

    Dumb and Dumber …. Love that silly movie! I have shoveled snow a little but usually we get out a tractor and he goes to work.
    My Thanksgiving is going to be a tourist in Savannah on her way to meet up with all her kids and grandkids that chose to fly for a week of Disney. I’ll kiss Mickey for ya! Jealous much? haha
    Seriously, have a great holiday, your blog is something I am thankful for, I always get a kick outta your shenanigans! Love it!

  25. sarah C says:

    First thing in the morning I’m off to Vermont for Thanksgiving with my family. They have had snow already up there but It’s not on the ground. My sister said it was raining. So sounds like I will be driving on Ice. No one can drive on Ice.
    That sounds like tons of clothes you all had on, not sure how you guys could work in all that gear. Glad your hubby came home to save the day. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  26. MindyLou says:

    This snow is cra-za-zy! Brian is outside snowblowing as I write this. The drifting out here in my neighborhood has been horrible. It is currently 4 degrees ,not counting the wind chill. BRRRRRR!! Thanksgiving was supposed to be here at my house this year, but all this early pregnancy nausea and exhaustion got me out of it. Kinda happy, kinda sad. I was looking forward to it, but now I’ve been saved a lot of cleaning!! Ya-hoo! And I’ve also farmed out the turkey and a bunch of other stuff to my mom since it’s not here anymore. Too bad. 🙂 Then Friday is another Thanksgiving dinner get together, other side of the family. Yummmmmm. Hope you’re not stuck at home with elk meatloaf, that’s just not right. And no, I’ve never used the snowblower. That thing cost us a fortune and I will NOT be responsible for breaking it. 🙂 So you go girlie!

  27. From the bottom up:

    My parents house, food, football, nap.


  28. datenutloaf says:

    “We Took to the Woods” -great book. I’m just sayin… and no, we are not tired of the snow photos. Wait till the Christmas lights shine on the snow & icicles! It actually got a little cold here in SoCal but it won’t last. Please tell SweetPea because she asked me in her letter and I forgot to answer. We still wear shorts and Ts but we put on a sweater at night.

  29. diana at home says:

    It is in my marraige contract that I do not use outdoor machinery. So far so good. However, heavy duckcloth coat and bibs, kneehigh Muck boots and nifty gloves with the optional mitten topper = Christmas list for sure. When did I lose sight of silky blouses and scarves? Cashmere pea coat anyone? Maybe I just look better all covered up these days. (!)
    Thanksgiving. Ugh. In-laws. Overcooked bird. Tasteless gravy. Mushy gloppy ‘stuffing’. Hurt feelings come with offers of help. Hurry Hurry do the dishes. No lingering chit-chat. No “what are we thankful for”. No friends or other family members. Tall people in the dining room. Short ones in the kitchen. Just like every weekend when we visit – this time with a more complicated menu.

  30. Melissa says:

    1. Please, I beg you, please keep the snow. Do not, under any circumstances, send it my way.
    2. See #1.
    3. I am a sissypants. What is a “Carhartt”?
    4. Keep warm!!!
    5. Happy Thanksgiving!! 🙂

  31. Vicki B says:

    I was born in California. Both my children were born in California. The flat valley no snow except quarter inch once every fifty years. My husband transferred to Nebraska. No joke, I had to ASK someone what kind of snow clothes I needed to go buy so my kids didn’t freeze outside. I had to learn to drive my husband’s Jeep Commando in the snow.
    I had to learn to shovel, no snow blower, the mile of sidewalk around our corner house or get a fine from the “city”. I had to go buy myself snowboots and wore my husband’s long johns. We moved back to Calif and I really miss the snow. Only not driving or falling on black ice. I don’t miss that one little bit. I’d buy myself some of those snow cleat strap on things on QVC if I still lived there.

    • Vicki B says:

      Oh, going to my daughter in laws father’s house. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know the answer to why they would want a bunch of vegetarian/anaphylactic shock allergy to mustard guests. I am bringing a Costco Pumpkin pie and making a dairy free one for Daughter In Law because the baby can’t tolerate dairy which has made her diet very limited these days. I would get down on my knees and thank the Lord if we got snowed in and got to stay home. There’s nothing like being snowed in with your own little family and playing Candyland and Clue all afternoon.

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