Seperate Beds. Gasp.

Today, I am linking up to Joyce’s Super Cool Linking Party.


I hear it is all the rage.

Joyce is da bomb and you should go and say “hello” or “holla (not hola)” to her post haste.

1. What is the most interesting thing you’ve done in the last year?

Hmmmm . . . let’s see.
I cannot decide.
My daughter turned 7. I went to the dentist. I potty trained my son (Oh, the Good Lord helped me through that trial) I lost 5 pounds.  I went to Cancun with my main man.  I went to a Walmart in Cancun.  I gained 5 pounds.  My daughter turned 6.  My son turned 3.   I lost 5 pounds.  My house, for the first time in 7 years,  was finally finished.  I moved to Ruralville.  Ruralville has a lagoon. My grandma died.   My son turned 2. I was informed that I have high cholesterol.   I turned 29.  For the first time.  I celebrated my 10 year anniversary with my husband.  I started a vacation rental business.I gained 5 pounds. My dearheart friend, Bimlissa, moved to mean old Tennesssee.  I went camping 4 billion times.  My husband turned 30.  Yikes. I picked 6 whole huckleberries.  I slid down a rock on a garbage bag.  I hiked.  I fished (kind of). I lost 5 pounds.  I started homeschooling (Oh, Dear Lord help me through this trial).  Our well had problems.  Yuck.  Our dog, Mabel, died. I gained 5 pounds.  We got a new dog, Lucy.  She is uber naughty.  My husband got an elk and a trophy buck.  And a pig.  I no longer like meat.  I learned how to use a snow blower.  I learned that turkeys can fly.
I learned that I can and do make long underwear look good.
All in all, it was a fairly uneventful year.
2. What is your most meaningful family heirloom?
David’s grandma made us a blanket for our wedding and it is beautiful.  Now, you all know I am a goon when it comes to all things arts and craftsy, so I cannot tell you if it was knitted or crocheted or quilted.
But I am going with crocheted, regardless of whether or not crocheted is spelled right.
The blanket is lovely.
3. What food festival would you most like to attend?
You seem to think I am able to travel the globe and attend such lavish festivals.
If I go to said festivals, Joyce, who, pray tell, will snow blow the road?  And who will find Handsome Dude’s glasses?
And who will bring delight unto my husband’s soul?
Clearly, I am his wellspring of joy.
Honestly, Joyce. 
But, anyways . . .
I like food.
I like food that I don’t have to cook.
I like food that my husband didn’t kill with a 22.  Or a shotgun.  Or a BB gun.  Or whatever in the heck he hauls around with him when he is wearing camo.
So, I would like any food festival that would fall into those categories.
4. Snow…do you love it or is it considered a four letter word where you live?
I like snow so long as I don’t have to drive in it.
Today, I had to drive in it.
Normally, I stay home for days on end.  However, today I just had to venture out into the great, white unknown to take my girls to piano lessons.
Attention girls:  You had better be famous concert pianists when you grow up.
Whilst the girls were at the aforementioned lessons, I took the boys to Walmart.
And my rig wouldn’t start when we were trying to leave.
Yes.  That’s right.
I said rig.
I had to call my husband.
Me:  My  car won’t start.
LJ (short for Lumberjack . . . keep up, people!):  *exasperated sigh* Did you leave lights on?
Me:  I don’t think so.
LJ:  Is the car in park?
Me:  Yes.
LJ:  Are you sure?
Me:  Yes.
LJ:  Do you hear anything when you turn the key?
Me:  No.  But the radio comes on.
LJ:  Is the car still in drive?
Me:  No.
LJ:  Are you sure?
Me:  Yes.
LJ:  Did you leave lights on?
Me:  No.
LJ:  Please tell me the car is in park.
Me:  Yes.
LJ:  Why are you so darn beautiful?
Me:  I have no idea.
Or something like that.
So, after much sighing and clarifying that the car was, in fact, in park, the Lumberjack had to drive all the way from wherever it was he was electrifying things to the Walmart parking lot to rescue his fair maiden.
He came.
He looked.
He popped the hood.
He took a hammer to the engine.
The rig started up.
He kissed me and disappeared again down the white, snowy road.
What is the point of this?
I don’t know.
Maybe the point is I should not have left.  The roads were awful.  I lost control of said rig a few times.  I said a lot of prayers.
And my girls lost their recital music.
See?  Stupid.  I shall stay at home until spring.
5. Can you ski? Do you ski? Are you any good?
No, No, and No.
6. What quality in your spouse or best friend are you most thankful for?
Here is a list of the things I like about David:
1)  He can back up a trailer like nobody’s business.  I ain’t kidding.  The man should compete for a trophy.
2)  He is usually in a good mood.  Even if he had a bad day at work.
3)  He loves the way I cook up some elk.
4)  He knows how to fix rigs with hammers.  This saves us a bundle.
5)  He has a book that we have had to haul around with us our entire married lives that is never to be taken to Goodwill.  It is called, “How to Be Your Own Veterinarian.”
6)  He dedicated this song to me on the radio:

7)  He thinks he is chubby.
8)  He is uber proud of his stinking parachute.
7. Describe the coziest spot in your home.
My bed.
  Let’s see.  It was a garage sale find (grody) and it is one of those tempurpedic thingies that is like two seperate beds.
When we were moving it in, my father in law asked if we were having marital problems.
But it is cozy.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
If you are feeling frisky, you should click on the badge at the top and join in with Joyce!
Happy Wednesday!
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30 Responses to Seperate Beds. Gasp.

  1. Heather D (not the nurse and not living in ND) says:

    I love how your husband snuck in there how beautiful you are. How sweet. That would make the car trouble all worth while.

  2. michelle says:

    Aw that stinks that you broke down. How sweet for LJ to come to rhe rescue and tell you your beautiful in the middle of it! aaawww 🙂 I prefer to stay in with this weather too but am not always able to. And there is more snow coming! Yikes! Have a better day tomorrow!

  3. Nel says:

    I love that he dedicated a song to you, that is sweet! He sounds like a keeper for sure! Enjoyed all your answers.

    until next time… nel

  4. diana at home says:

    You are a good wife.
    Not a good wife,
    An Excellent wife.
    I couldn’t do it.
    But I guess LJ appreciates you.
    He’d better.
    Props to you, babe.

  5. danielle says:

    Did he really dedicate that song to you? Haha, it’s sweet, but quite odd. What radio station plays…that song?

  6. Based on the song your man dedicated to you, I think he would really like a band called The Fleet Foxes. =)

  7. Ellie says:

    You’re funny. I like funny. I think I need to follow you. Laughter is the best medicine!

  8. Courtney says:

    “I love snow as long as I don’t have to drive in it.” Those words echo around my house from the first to the last snow. Sometimes they even pop up in the middle of summer when we’re wishing for snow. 🙂

  9. Jill says:

    Wow! Look at you all joining in with the Hodgepodge and being first and everything! I’m so impressed. : )

  10. Joyce says:

    Look who’s in the #1 link slot! Holla Taylor!

    I’m glad you played along…I need a picture of LJ taking a hammer to the big rig. Does he just pound on it until it starts? Obviously I do not drive a big rig.

  11. Kim says:

    Hi – I had to stop by the person in the #1 stop this morning. I am playing along too. I said the coziest place was my bed too! I enjoyed reading all your answers!!!

  12. SusanD says:

    Ha! Love your post. I call my truck “my rig.” lol. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  13. Lea Culp says:

    What a delightful blog! Just came over from HP Wednesday and I smiled the entire time I read your entry. Glad to have found you and will definitely be back.

    Do drop by if you get a chance, I always love visitors. Blessings to you!

  14. aTXtumbleweed says:

    When my car broke down at WalMart I called my hubby too….he asked if I had called AAA yet. You have a wonderful hubby! Yeah You!!

  15. Debra says:

    You crack me up! 🙂

  16. Jessy H. says:

    You left HD’s birthday out of things that have happened in the last year (unless he hasn’t had a birthday yet, then nevermind)

    • Lumberjill says:

      Thanks, Jessy! My computer shut down on me during this post, so I lost some of it and tried to remember it all!
      Such tragedies.

  17. Thena says:

    Just found you through HP Wednesday. I laughed the entire time, you are hilarious.
    Look forward to reading more.

  18. Gina says:

    Running bear loves a little white dove – how sweet 🙂
    It took me a minute to figure out that David is LJ – trying hard to “keep up” – haha!
    Loved this post…

  19. LeAnna says:

    He can back up a trailer like nobody’s business. I ain’t kidding. The man should compete for a trophy.

    Yes, but MY man would win.

    Just sayin’.

    *finger snap, head bobble*

    Once again, you’ve made me choke on my own spit from the laughter. Thank you, the Lord knew I needed it.

  20. Rachel Spin says:

    That song is cracking me up. Men love to come to the rescue, way to go LJ! Swoop in with your hammer and your super hero cape and save the day! I’m very impressed that he fixed it so fast. My man… well I have doubts. Shhhh!!!!! Don’t tell him I said that. He has other attributes that make up for it : ).

  21. MindyLou says:

    I wonder if there should be a tournament for backing up trailers. Cause, I’m pretty sure my husband would win…..
    Anyhoo, I can’t believe you went out in this nonsense for wally world and piano lessons. I totally would have cancelled, but, I am not all the woman that you are. 🙂 Hope you can stay home for days on end with the fun snow storms that are supposed to be coming for the next few days. Holla!

  22. Kari says:

    I’m actually going to comment on the last few posts all on this one, cause I’m cool like that ; )
    First of all, how many Christmas trees does your parents have in their house?? I counted 3 full size & 2 miniature just from the few pics you posted! Do they do this in hopes Santa will leave presents under ALL of them?? Sneaky for being goobers, aren’t they?!
    Second, I loved what the sign outside the nudist resort said!
    Third, I giggle out loud every time I see the picture of all the guys in the black trash bags. The real reason for this is because we own the store directly across from your M & FIL’s business (wherever it is that we dwell) and I feel sneaky reading what you post about them and then seeing them daily, with them not knowing all the things that I know & see about them. So, I’m hoping they don’t start reading your blog, because then I would be busted and my little secret would make me feel guilty. And embarrassed. And they would probably be a little embarrassed too. And then it would be awkward every time we saw each other.
    Fourth, I still laugh when I think about what you posted on Facebook the other day about turkeys flying! LOL. See, I just laughed again.
    And lastly, love the convo between you & LJ outside the Wal*Mart. He’s a charmer, that’s for sure ; )

  23. Nathalie says:

    Ok…Your hubby really MUST learn how to smile when he is in a picture with you. He is blessed to have a drop-dead gorgeous wife such as yourself.

    And that’s all I’m gonna say.

  24. Your answers put mine to shame! Glad to meet you–even if I am in mean old Tennessee!

  25. datenutloaf says:

    1. Double rainbow out in Utah. 2. Boring but ancestor photos are priceless. And a certain pair of scissors. 3. Indio Tamale Festival 4. Snow is gorgeous here. We don’t get it so we are like children in awe of it. 5. No. 6. Acceptance & humor. 7. Also bed. 8. Noticing that the word ‘stinkin’ has rubbed off on you and have you maliblabla’s ever heard of the ole AAA? Also hint: many if not most auto insurances have emergency roadside service you may add to your policy. My State Ranch (get it?) is only $2 every 6 months for towing, keys locked out, dead battery, flats etc. Check it out.

  26. georgie says:

    you are beyond funny! I LOVE funny…I NEED funny! and your hubs is uber sweet!

  27. Aubrey says:

    Delurking to say that in my tired, weary-eyed state, I confused that parachute for a giant forest mushroom. I’m not quite sure how this reflects on me.

  28. ah yes, i would gladly not step our of my house until March, but alas, that will NOT happen!! too bad…. and at least you didn’t gain 5 pounds, gain 5 pounds, gain 5 pounds…at least you are consistent (put it on, take it off, put it on, take it off, etc) =) happy wednesday!! i might have to join in on this little carnival!! see you soon!!

  29. Danielle says:

    So glad to know I’m not the only one losing 5 and gaining 5…like every 5 minutes! I’ve been MIA and trying to catch up.

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