How to Properly Upload Video to Your Blog

I am linking up to a bloopers blogging party for this post!  This stupid post seriously took me hours to figure out.

Someday, I shall be smarter than my computer.



To join in on the Blooper Fun, click here!

1.  Buy a fancy new phone, just because the salesperson talked you into it.

2.  Discover on a Tuesday night  that your phone can capture video.

3.  Decide your son is uber precious and you must share this with your poor, unsuspecting blog readers.

4.  Wonder if you can post from your phone.

5.  Guess what!  There’s an app for that!

6.  Spend too much time trying to upload video to blog via phone.

7.  Become annoyed when error code http 500 pops up.  8 times.

8.  Wonder how a clueless gal who writes a pointless blog is going to discover the meaning of any error code, let alone the 500th one.

9.  Become flushed with embarrassment when you discover that it did post to your blog, it just forgot to load the video. 

10.  Become even more embarrassed when you see many of your poor, unsuspecting readers have tried to click on this link.  This link that claims to have fantastic video.  Video that will change their lives.  If only they could see it.

11.  Give up.

12.  Get mad.  You are Taylor Maliblahblah.  Sure you can’t sew, make pie crust, stick to a diet, properly parallel park, prepare recipes with active dry yeast, exercise, or correctly fold a fitted sheet.  But I’ll be darned, Taylor Maliblahblah, if you can’t share your cute son with the world.

13.  Try again.

14.  Fail.

15.  Decide to take video from phone and put on computer.

16.  Become confused.

17.  Ask your Facebook friends.  Who hook you up.  Holla, Facebook friends! 

18.  Wonder why video is just sound, no picture.  Wonder if anyone would notice.  Or care. 

19.  Decide tonight is definitely a long underwear night for snow-blowing bliss.

20.  Wait for painfully slow uploads and jazz.

21.  Scrub toilets.

22.  Scrub tubs.

23.  Teach some school. 

24.  Discover that all waiting and uploading failed.

25.  Eat a piece of fudge.

26.  Order something called QuickTime.  Wait 4.7 years for that nonsense to install.  And it doesn’t work.

27.  Feel bad about fudge.  Do 10 jumping jacks and call it good.

28.  Look outside.  See that Lucy got into the garbage.


29.  Call sister.  Complain about all the injustice of the computer world.  Plead for help.

30.  Look in the pantry for more food. Discover that Lucy somehow opened the olive oil.


30.  Implement sister’s plan.

Which appears to work.  And now, after almost 48 hours of trying to share this video with you, I have to pose this question:
Does anyone really care?

Will anyone actually watch it?

Probably not.  And if it doesn’t work, just keep that to yourself, too.

Or else I will have to eat some fudge.  And this time I won’t do any jumping jacks.

So there.

What you have there is my Little Dude singing, “Mommy and Daddy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”  Then he tells me about trucks.  And then he refuses to kiss me.


Completely worth 48 hours, a lost jug of olive oil, dirty diapers on my porch, and 2 pieces of fudge.

This video made possible by my Sister Meagan.

Three cheers for Meagan!

PS-For the love of everything, please tell me you like this video.

Thank you.

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58 Responses to How to Properly Upload Video to Your Blog

  1. Sharon T. says:

    LOOOOVE the video! What a cute little guy. I ran across your blog a few weeks ago and am officially a huge fan of yours from Iowa!

  2. Sharon T. says:

    LOOOOVE the video clip–a cutie! I stumbled onto your blog a month or so ago and I am absolutely adore your site all the way from Iowa!

  3. melissa says:

    Taylor, I LOVE your blog. From the very bottom of my heart I thank you for making me laugh every day. You and Lucy. Fur. LOLOL!!!!!

  4. kitty says:

    LOVE the video 🙂 He is simply adorable……Just curious, what kind of fudge was it? Was it peanutbutter fudge? mmmmmmm

  5. Beth Lewis says:

    So stinking cute. Seriously, I want to put him in my pocket & carry him with me everywhere.

  6. Ricki says:


  7. Pam says:

    Liked liked, no LOVED the video!!!!!

  8. Melissa says:

    I can’t see it =( but I’m sure it’s because I’m on my iPhone, I will check it out on the computer later. Sounds like quite a day!!

  9. Molly says:

    Oh Taylor, he is just way too cute I just want to wrap him up and snuggle him! I miss my boys being little…sometimes ;).

  10. The video is wonderful and I am completely impressed that you got it onto your blog even if Sister Meagan had to help.

    Your voice does not sound the way it did in my head though. Weird.

    • Christina says:

      Aah! That is exactly what I was going to say. I don’t know what exactly I thought it would sound like, but it was different. Your voice actually sounds like another blog friend of mine, which was also weird. And actually, again, I think I expected your voice to sound like a woman that I know here, that you actually (I like that word) remind me of.
      He is darling. Like, really darling. But the dog? I’m not sure about that dog of yours.

  11. Heather (nurse Heather) says:

    Yay! It is super cute!! Thanks for sharing and all your hard work 🙂

  12. danielle says:

    I watched it! Haha. It was so sweet.
    “You wanna kiss me?”

    Sounds like my son too!

  13. Heather in ND says:

    Holla Megan!!!

    The video is really cute!

    I agree with Mindee, you don’t sound like I thought you would. (Not that you sound bad or anything….)

    Lucyfur is pretty cute.

  14. It is worth every minute! What an absolute doll!! When they grow up boys don’t act this cute for their Mom’s, so get lots of footage now girl!

  15. Katie B says:

    The video is great. He is so cute and getting big.

  16. Katie says:

    Totally worth all the work! The kid’s adorable! And the world totally needs more adorable. (At least that’s what I said when I spent too much money on a really cute pair of jeans tonight!)

  17. Rachel says:

    Totally worth the effort!

  18. As I would say to my own terribly cute little dude….he is so cute, I want to take a bite out of him!

    Of course, I then have to “bite” his belly and make him giggle.

  19. Rachel Spin says:

    Score! Win! You did it! WTG! Holla!

    He’s very cute, btw.

    Mine is cute too and he does kiss me when I ask. Ha. I don’t have a hilarious blog or know how to post videos to said non-existent blog, but my cute 3 y.o. boy will kiss me on command. Most of the time. Now if I can just get him all the way potty trained.

    Note to self: go read Taylor’s potty training posts.

  20. Dawn says:

    Pretty cute little dude!

  21. Gianna says:

    He sounds like my little dude named Dash!

  22. Alyssa says:

    only TWO pieces of fudge?

  23. MindyLou says:

    He is getting SO big! And cuter, if that’s possible. And I’m not sure that it is, because he has always been ridiculously cute. Anyhoo, the olive oil thing is funny. A lot. Sorry, friend, but I laughed out loud when I saw the picture and just can’t believe how naughty Lucy is! Ha ha ha! 🙂 So I think this video posting deserves a pat on the back for having your big-girl-blogging-pants on. Way to go girl, way to go. And for the record, I think it makes your voice sound higher pitched than it does it real life. I’m just saying. Little ole’ me’s opinion. Over and out, good buddy. Ten-four.

  24. I would eat the whole pan of fudge. The video is adorable. Worth every learning experience. 😀

  25. Diana says:

    Loved the video!

  26. Oh my, what a cutie-pie. 🙂 So precious. Isn’t it funny though, how kids these days at the end of videos walk to the camera and say “can I see?!” all the while?! I’m glad my kids aren’t the only ones… I swear, every video I’ve ever taken has that on the end of it. Funny how technology changes whole generations.

  27. diana at home says:

    Little Dude is uber sweet. And he is s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g. A compliment to your teaching skillz, I am sure.
    Props to you and the techno savvy Sis. It was worth the 48 hours, because now you know how to do it! Next time will be supersimple.
    Took me nearly that long to watch it though, stupid slow internet in my own ruralville.
    But truly, my favorite part was hearing your voice. It is lovely.
    (p.s. I am not a freaky stalker person.)

  28. Jill says:

    LD is too adorably cute for words, and I totally get why you would spend 48 hours trying to share that with the world. I used to have boys that were that cute. Now they’ll kiss me when I ask, but they’re not cute enough to put on camera and put on my blog unless I want to advertise burping contests. Or flatulence contests. Which I don’t. But hey, at least they pee in the toilet. Or outside. At least they don’t pee on my washer. I guess that’s progress. : )

  29. aTXtumbleweed says:

    That was uber cute! And just plain adorable!

  30. Erin says:

    totally worth your 48 hours.

    at least for me.

    Because it only took me 52 seconds to watch.

  31. Debra says:

    He’s a cutie. You have a lovely voice! 🙂

  32. Kristy says:

    Super cute video! He is such a cutie! Good job with the video…it took me 2 years to figure out how to get the videos I take with my camera onto my blog! So you are doing better than me!

  33. Wichiepoo says:

    Oh your such is SUCH a cutie!!!!!!!!! My son is now 16.5, shaves and is handsome, but I miss the CUTENESS!!!! They are just sooooooooo sweet and innocent, at that age!!!!!

    As for Lucy(fur), well, she is pretty, but nope, I wouldn’t want her thankyouverymuch!!! The olive oil almost made me pee my pants though, sorry, it IS funny when it doesn’t happen to you… Just so you know, olive oil is good for dogs, (well it is for cats anyway), makes ’em poop better, you know, all the weird things she eats will come out much easier with the olive oil (well it works for cat hairballs)!!!!!

  34. Andi says:

    How sweet. I had a terrible time videoing my kids at that age, as they wanted to see it all. Hey! Look at your big bad homeschooling self teaching your little dude to spell!

  35. namacura says:

    Definitely worth 48 hours, one bottle of olive oil, Lucy Fur and dirty diapers.

  36. Debra says:

    Adorable video! What a cutie! And by the way, just so you don’t continue to feel bad about it, NO ONE, and I mean no one, can correctly fold a fitted sheet! Just sayin…

  37. Sister Meagan says:

    I love Little Dude. And I agree with everyone that Taylor sounds differently, but she was holding a camera and trying to coerce a little guy into an impromtu performance.

    I’m glad my idea worked.

  38. MaryGene says:

    aww, he is super cute!!

  39. Leah says:

    Love the video! He is precious.

  40. Vicki B says:

    Dang Taylor Maliblahblah! You done good!!! That’s a pretty spiffy video and from a phone no less! He is a cute thing. The think on your don’t know how to do list that I know how to do is fold a fitted sheet after my grandmother taught me when I was well into my thirties. Fold it in half with those blasted pocket sockets one right side out, the other inside out. See? They fit inside each other and behave themselves. Now just fold like a regular sheet however you prefer.

    • Jenni H says:

      My great-grandma used to fold fitted sheets sitting in a chair by herself. I can never do it standing up and with an extra set of hands! I’m going to try it the way you say your grandma taught you. I just wish I’d thought to have my great-grandmother show me how she accomplished it. Maybe she did it the same way? Thanks for you post.

  41. Gina says:

    I am smiling from ear to ear!!! LD is so stinkin’ prescious!!!!
    I love fudge!!! We sampled pumpkin chocolate fudge at costco last weekend and I was so tempted to buy the 2 lb block they were ‘promoting’… Glad I didn’t since based on your jumping jack strategy I’d have to do 1,000,000,000 to rid myself of each bite!

  42. Kari says:

    Sorry you had to go through all that you did, but the video in the end is totally worth it! Your Little Dude is soo cute : ) Thanks for sharing!

  43. Jan says:

    Wow – I don’t know if I would have had your perseverance for 48 hours – and most likely I would have let some pretty unsavory words tumble out of my mouth – but alas, you did it!!! Video is adorable and so is the wee one who is the subject. And hey, even Lucy(fur) has made herself a very integral part of your family! Good job Taylor Malablabla – good job!!! Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

  44. Noelle says:

    It should be posted on youtube for the world to see! He’s adorable!!!

  45. Becky Blackwell says:

    Love it! <3 Super, super cute… 🙂

  46. Lynette says:

    What a sweet boy! Love the video!

  47. Karen G says:

    I voted and it moved you from a tie in 6th place to 5th place! Yay me!

  48. Heather D (not the nurse and not living in ND) says:

    Two words for you about the video. A. Dorable!

  49. Sara says:

    Dear Taylor Maliblahblah,
    I listened/watched the video because a)I am escaping from my non-napping children and b)was terribly curious why everyone had to comment on your voice and c)have no boys and was interested to see what a toddler of the other gender is like. I had no expectations, just to be distracted from my own world. And I was shocked…to find out we sound the same on video, that little boys are as darling as little girls, that your world is very like mine own. Amen.

  50. michelle says:

    cute video 🙂 kids say the darndest things!

  51. Terry says:

    OMG, this post had me in stiches! I can’t tell you how many times my own stinkin computor has taken over my world and controlled everything within 50 miles of my home…I just know how you felt!
    Oh and as for this video…I’m sure its really cute but my comptor is in control again and refuses to download because it wasn’t “her idea”…maybe when she feel like it I can watch it…sometime in the distant future:)

  52. Dreamgoddess says:

    What a fun post! Isn’t technology wonderful?? Your son is so precious and I loved watching the video.

  53. Sheila says:

    Oh, I absolutely love your video and think it is worth all of the hassle you endured to get it uploaded. Such a cutie pie, and I love how he refused to kiss. LOL! He is a doll.

    Glad you posted.

    Happy New Year and a Happy Blooper Party to you…


    Sheila 🙂

  54. marlis says:

    I love your video and it was soooo worth it.. Yeah Meagan. This is so totally funny because it’s soo darned true.

  55. Jacqueline says:

    Frustrating yes, but you documented a great story!

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