Monday Night List.

I do not have the necessary attention span required to finish my 4th installment of the year end recap at this time.

Therefore, I shall not.

But, don’t worry, you little readers, you!  I’m on it tomorrow like dots on dice. 

Yes.  That was dumb.

And now, a list.

1)  I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah am flying to Tennessee on Thursday morning to visit my dearheart friend, Bimlissa.

2) I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah am getting nervous.  What shall I do on the plane?  I am flying alone.  Poor me.

3)  I am sad to leave my kids.  There.  I said it.

4)  All day today, all I could think about was how I did not have one second of quiet time.  All day.  And yet I don’t want to leave them.  Clearly, I am a glutton for punishment.

5)  We started up school again today.  Again, why I am I sad to leave?

6)  The Lumberjack had the day off today.  This is rare.  So, he had the boys most of the morning and he even took over some of Daisy Mae’s lessons whilst I taught Sweet Pea.  And today still seemed overwhelming and I wish we could have done more. 

7)  Such is the plight of this homeschooling marmee.  Woe is me.

8)  I almost had a meltdown when I had to wash off raw pork chops.

9)  Sweet Pea turned 8 on Friday.  Woe is me.

10)  I saw Tangled for her birthday.  It was, in fact, fantastic and I cannot wait to see it again.

11)  As we were leaving Tangled, another gal hit my car.  It was not her fault.  She slid on the ice.  Once she made contact, Sweet Pea and company screamed and asked me if they were still alive.

12)  Turns out being 8 is drama filled.

13)  Is there humidity in Tennessee?  In January?  My hair no likey humidity.

14)  What if Bimlissa forgot how annoyingly lame I am in real life?  Perhaps she shall put me on the plane early, no?

15)  I heart SkipBo.

16)  Do you heart SkipBo?

17)  Do you know what SkipBo is?

18)  I ate a lot of peanut M and M’s today.

19)  Apparently I didn’t get the memo that I was starting Weight Watchers again today.  For reals.  Or realz.  Whichever you prefer.

20)  Little Dude tooted and noticed it for the first time today.  He laughed and laughed and yelled, “That’s funny!  My bum goes plbbbrrttt!”

Fun Fact:  I do not know how to type out a tooting sound.  I went with plbbrrttt.  You may improvise as you see fit.

21)  My husband just started a western.  Woe is me.

22)  I will bet you all one whole dollar he will fall asleep. 

23)  What did the girl volcano say to the boy volcano?  Do you lava me as much as I lava you?

24)  I am wasting your time tonight, aren’t I?

25)  I know!  You can vote for me!  I am in this contest, you see.  A contest that lasts until  NEXT OCTOBER.  So that’s fun.

Click on this link.

Find my blog.  It is called The Lumberjack’s Wife.

Do not be fooled.  I am not really married to a Lumberjack.  I just feign to be.

Click on the thumbs up sign by my name.  This is how you vote.

If you get distracted and vote for a better blog, I will understand.

Thank you and goodnight.

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26 Responses to Monday Night List.

  1. I understand the stress of leaving – but all will be well when you get to hug my daughter and hold my little grandson…I hate you…

    Not really – and I know someone who had an accident the same day as you – she slid on the ice.. I am wondering…
    Let me know how Weight Watchers goes. I am thinking of starting it again. Or maybe I will just do it vicariously through you:)

  2. MindyLou says:

    You are funny lady.
    Thank you for wasting my time tonight. It was awesome. I was bored out of my mind and thought, maybe, just maybe, you would have a new post, and *wallah*!, there it was. See how lame I am? Looking for you to entertain me. Good luck on the western thing. Don’t worry, he will be asleep soon and then you can watch whatever you want while snuggling next to your cozy hubby.
    Have fun in Tennessee!! You will miss your kids, but you will have a lovely time with Bimlissa. Do you ever accidently call her Bimlissa in person instead of Melissa?? Just curious. Night, night….

  3. I hate skipbo. But only because I suck at it. =)

  4. diana at home says:

    Hmmm. What to do on a plane with no children. Well. Sleep is obvious, but you’ll be excited. Still practically new, the Fancy Phone provides endless opportunities for fun. (I just found out our orthodontist has a bunch of games on his website. who does that?)
    Oh! I know! Take SkipBo and make new friends! They can help us vote for your blog. 🙂 And have you learned how to post from that Fancy Phone yet? Airports are vast resources of strange behavior, potentially humorous, and wildly interesting for people stuck in their own Ruralville with sick children. (desperate? who’s desperate?)

    Have FUN!

  5. Mindy says:

    I know what SkipBO is!!!! heart- heart- heart!!!

  6. Melissa says:

    I wish you could sneak your kids on the plane with you!! First of all there is no humidity and second, no points counting while here! =)

  7. Joyce says:

    My daughter and I played Skipbo all afternoon on Sunday. We also heart that game.

    Enjoy your little getaway…we had a foot of snow when I was in Tennessee over Christmas aka no humidity. I think you’re okay in January! What part of Tenn are you going to…east or west? I know you like to keep your geography vague : )

  8. Not to scare you…but don’t get zapped in one of those new x-ray machines. They, for all the fancy words, take superman like naked pictures of you. Seriously. The image is skin deep and what you get gives an image that I would never want anyone by my husband to see! Go for the pat-down. Who knows, maybe it will be fun.

  9. Debra says:

    You are so cute. We all need a break from our kids once in a while. Just relax and enjoy your trip! 🙂

  10. Not much humidity this time of year, but it will depend on where you go. It’s 37 right now (8am) where I am and predicted to get close to 50! But “precipitation” by the end of the week. Have a good time here in mean old Tennessee! If you’re in the vicinity of an hour or so northwest of Nashville, look me up!

  11. Shannon says:

    *grin* “marmee”

    Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!

    I also heart SkipBo, but I grew up playing a similar game called “Spite & Malice” (mostly the same rules but uses regular playing cards) so I have good memories.

    • Wichiepoo says:

      HEY! I also grew up playing Spite and Malice (in the beginning, I was so young I called it “Spike and Alice”), played with my Grandma… Such beautiful memories, thank you!!!!

      I also heart Skipbo…

  12. Kristy says:

    There is no humidity in Tennessee right now. Which is a great thing. But it is so very cold…30s and 40s. But maybe that isn’t cold to you since you had snow in November. But those of us who are originally from the South think it is cold! But rest assured…no humidity! Have fun on your trip and enjoy Tennessee…I personally think it is the best state ever, but I am a little partial! And I say sleep on the plane or read a good book!

  13. I pretty much rock at Skip Bo.


    I did a list today too. It’s really hard to think this week.

  14. Marla says:

    I love Skip Bo… but I haven’t played it in over two years. I should put that on my to-do-list.

    You are worried about leaving your kids, because your a good mom. They will be fine when your gone though and you will return ready to love them even more. (Or at least that’s my opinion. I have no kids and no little about the matter.)

    Oh and I adored Tangled, too. It was so cute.

    Marla @

  15. Jan says:

    You are a goofball! I mean that in a very GOOD way of course. I’m so excited for you to get to visit Bimlissa! It will be so good for her as well to have someone from “home”, although I know this isn’t really “home” anymore. Hug on those kids while you’re there!

  16. Noelle says:

    I heart Skip Bo too. In fact, I must go in search of it now and buy it so that the husband and I can play it.

    I’m glad you are going to Tennessee! I hope it’s a fabulous vacation!

  17. Ada says:

    I think you and Melissa will have a fabulous time. Traveling without kids is heavenly. You don’t know what to do with yourself. You have a minute to yourself. Or a lot of minutes depending on where you live and how far away TN is. (wink, wink)
    Plus when you get home your bebes will have missed you dearly and will be on their best behavior for 4 whole minutes. Treasure it…it goes fast.

    I want to see Tangled. My sweet princess turns two on Sunday. Too young??? Hmmmm.

    ps. Melissa is right…no counting points whilst on vacation. if it is eaten out of your zip code it doesn’t count. simple.

    have lots of fun!!!

  18. I saw Tangled on my birthday! Only I was turning 25.

    Which might make it a bit stranger.

    But isn’t the horse freaking AWESOME?

    I can hear you saying yes.

  19. Calfkeeper says:

    Glad you are getting a break. Make the most of it. I heart Skipbo too.

  20. Kim Kibby says:

    I loved Tangled! Who doesn’t want to carry around a skillet pan now? 😀 Have a wonderful time in Tennessee! My bestie just visited me for 18 days from Oregon. I know how excited Melissa must be to see you. Will you be blogging from there? I can’t wait to hear about childless, girly-fun adventures. I heart SkipBo as well, but haven’t played since my ENTIRE family was in my birthing/labor room playing the card game while I was in labor. I’m just a tad bitter now. 🙂 Have you played Phase 10?

  21. Amber says:

    No humidity here! But middle TN is expecting a “wintry mix” tomorrow 🙂 Maybe you should come to my MOPS meeting tomorrow and give us insight into how you live with 4 kids, homeschooling in ruralville.

  22. I loved Tangled. It was such a girl power movie. My Princess is a drama queen at 6 so I totally know what you are talking about. Oh the drama.
    Have a great time on your trip to TN. I know what you mean about missing the kids already….been here, done that. But you will have a good time with Bimlissa and you deserve the break.

  23. Tiffany says:

    Did anyone even comment on the best story of the blog??? Yeah I’m talking about the toot. Hilarious. Boys are so funny.

    I know you hate mean ole Tennessee because it took away your friend but give it a chance. I love my home state and if it weren’t for my psychotic mother-in-law I’d move back! Ha!

  24. Shannon says:

    Who knew so many people loved Skipbo!? Strange indeed. I love reading about your family’s adventures! Let me know if Tennesse is wonderful, as Sandy is caving into 15th anniversary vacation pressure. 🙂

  25. Katie B says:

    I love Skipbo, started teaching Selena how to play it. Little Dude is too funny. I hope you have a great trip.

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