2010: The Final, Funtastic Chapter

I am sure that you have all been on the edge of your seats wondering what on earth happened in my life during the months of October, November, and December.

And I am sorry to have kept you in such suspense.  These recap posts take time, you know.

To catch up, click here.  Then here.  Then here.


1.  During the beginning of October, our world seemed to go all crazy like.  We had two vehicle breakdowns, an appliance that broke, we lost around $1000 worth of beef due to a child leaving the freezer open, and we were still sad about losing our Mabel dog.

Plus we had mice living in the trunk of our Honda.

Look at the cute nest they made!

2.  My sister swooned me and took me on a date to see the play Oklahoma!

My hair looks horrific in the above photo.  I don’t get out much.

Fun Fact:  Did you know that when you speak of the play, Oklahoma!, you must always use an exclamation point after writing it?  It’s true.  It really is.  Oklahoma!  See?  I did it again.

3.  I gave you all step by step instructions on how to be a superb hunting wife.  It was a wealth of information.

4.  Little Dude refused to wear pants for one whole day.

These are some exciting times out here in Ruralville.

5.  We brought Lucy into our lives.

Sure.  She looks cute.  But she is uber naughty.  Sandy gave me the greatest idea for a nickname for Lucy when she is being naughty:  LucyFur.

Holla, Sandy!


Fun Fact:  Lucy peed on my carpet just this very evening.


Although I must mention this:  The very week we brought Lucy home, I caught her chewing on a mouse body.

Disgusting, I know.

Nevertheless!  Since that darned dog has come into our lives, I have not seen one, nay, not one living mouse.

Holla, LucyFur!


6.  I had a funtastic time making applesauce with my inlaws.

We made like 5,968 quarts.

We are spectacular.

And when I say we, I mean they. 

Fun Fact:  Did you know that in lieu of spending 8 hours making our own applesauce you could, in fact, purchase some at your local grocery store?  Who knew?!

7.  I shared this fun photo with you all.

Drool if you must, but I will not lend you my shiny, colorful shower curtain-like outfit.

8.  I had a minor panic attack when I realized that Halloween was mere days away and I had not costume for any of my children.

9.  I asked you to all pray for my unborn niece, Grace Elizabeth.  And I was overwhelmed by the response I got from you.  Thank you for all the prayers and kind words.  I know it meant a lot to my brother and sister-in-law, as well. 

Your continued prayers are still appreciated.   Grace is due around the first of March and has been diagnosed with Trisomy 13.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give away and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea . . .

Be still, and know that I am God.”

(Psalms 46:1, 2, and 10)

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 

He determines the number of the stars and calls them by name.

Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.”

Psalms 147: 3-5


1.  The beginning of November brought beautiful, gorgeous weather.

2.  I showed you all my lagoon.

Did you know that in Ruralville, “lagoon” is code for sewage/cess pool?

Don’t pretend you aren’t jealous.

3.  I shared with all-you-all’s how to properly take an epic picture of your husband with his trophy buck so he can preserve the glory for all eternity.

Take a picture that looks like this:

Not so much this:

4.  I told you the story of my husband and the pig.

That story was true.  And it was priceless.  And it captures the essence that is, my husband.


5.  The end-ish of November brought tons of snow.

I learned that our new driveway is about the length of a football field.

I learned how to use a snowblower.

I learned that I can, and do, make long underwear look good.

7.  Thanksgiving!

We were invited to the Clothed Open House hosted by the nearby Nudist Resort.

We declined, regrettfully.

8.  Engaged!

Jason and Amy got themselves engaged!

And thus endeth November.

Hang in there, peeps!  We are almost done!


1.  I spent days trying to figure out how to upload this darn video.

I am happy to report that it is still cute.

2.  We had our family pictures taken.

3.  We discovered that Lumberjacks can smile.

4.  We took a road trip to a wedding.

Whilst on the road trip, we stopped to see the ocean.

And my marmee asked me for help with the making of her Christmas card.

5.  My girls were flower girls.

6.  Our Christmas tree was dying a slow and messy death.

7.  Christmas!

8.  Sweet Pea turned 8!

And that concludes the year 2010.

Thank you to everyone who reads this silly rubbish of mine! 

It is appreciated!

Later, dudes!

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14 Responses to 2010: The Final, Funtastic Chapter

  1. Your life is certainly not rubbish. This was fun and gave any NEW readers you may have a lovely re-cap into the land of The Lumberjack’s Wife!

  2. Oh, and your brother and sister in law have probably already found this, but just in case: http://www.livingwithtrisomy13.org/

  3. Janie Fox says:

    I love your rubbish. I am still praying for that sweet baby and her family!

  4. Debra says:

    You have the most fun rubbish I’ve ever seen! 🙂 🙂

  5. Katie says:

    So glad you finished your wrap-up! The suspense was killing me! I’m just jealous that you were motivated enough to do one. You rock!

  6. namacura says:

    Thank you for the rubbish recap… it was well worth my time.

  7. Marla says:

    I’m still praying for Baby Grace.

    And I truly love the pig story. It’s amazing. 🙂

    Marla @ http://www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  8. Kelli says:

    You make a pretty lame life sound hilarious!

    …haha, I kidd- your life is not lame 🙂

  9. Suzanne says:

    Is Amy wearing her engagement ring on the wrong hand?? Or did you flip the photo around so it’s reversed? Or did Jason give her a ring for her right and her left?? Inquiring minds want to know!

  10. michelle says:

    Its not rubbish! I love reading 🙂 And baby Grace has been on my heart a lot 🙁

  11. I want to say the last few months were my favorite. But I feel that about all the months. And I’m still SUPER jealous you got to see Oklahoma!

  12. I went and saw the play Oklahoma! with my sister too! It’s true, the exclamation point is not optional, even in the middle of a sentence. I don’t know what to tell you on the naked scanner question (from your other post). When I heard they were doing that I pretty much decided there was no where I needed to go that bad.

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