Eating and visiting and eating and shopping and eating.

Does anyone else ever struggle with how to appropriately open a post?

Neither do I.

Good evening.  I am back from my trip to visit my dearheart friend Bimlissa   over in mean old Tennessee. 

Bimlissa=Melissa.  It’s a long story.

Interruption:  No need to check her blog for any posting about me.  She likes to pretend she doesn’t know me in real life, on account of how strangely I act whilst blogging.

I made it onto the plane.  I was offered no such choice about whether to receive the aforementioned naked body scan or to go with the heavy patting.  As luck would have it, I was able to get naked scanned in two separate states.  So that’s good to know. 

Fun Fact:  I was thinking that everyone in the vicinity of the security areas would be seeing my scan.  Kind of like how everyone can see the insides of my purse.  I was misinformed.  I am not sure where my scan went, but no one near me saw it.

I think.

The plane ride was long.

I had a fantastic time smiling and waving at all the small children and complimenting the exhausted parents.  And then I would keep smiling as I donned my headphones, listened to some tunes, sipped some coffee, and did my crossword puzzles.

Taylor without kids!  It was like I was just pretending to be me!

Once I arrived in the not-so-mean land of Tennessee, I was ushered to a Chick-fil-A post haste.  It was like Christmas for my taste buds.

The trip was splendid.  I had a lovely time catching up with my friend and her family.

Bimlissa has three children.  C is 9, J is 7 and G is 3 months old.  C and J were delightful for the entire trip and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with them, which made it a little easier to be away from my hooligans for so long.

I played the card game “War” with J one night.  She was kicking my bum, so I congratulated her on her awesomeness.

“Yes,” J replied.  “The Royal Family has blessed me.”


Ah.  I love the things kids say.

Baby G tended to get a bit more particular than his siblings and would oft let us know when he found the conditions unsuitable.

But he was cute, so we permitted it.

On Friday we went shopping.  And eating.  It’s what we gal pals do best. 

It was C-O-L-D in Tennessee, much more so than I had anticipated.  For some reason, I had envisioned myself happily shopping the streets of Tennessee in January wearing flip-flops and capris.

Not so, dear readers.

Not so.

On Saturday, we beat feet to Nashville where we saw magnificent things like:

The Wildhorse Saloon

Some sort of silly stadium for “foosball.”

Ha!  Name that movie.

Look!  The Parthenon is in Nashville!

Who knew?!

The Opryland Hotel

On Sunday we went to church.

Then we ate and shopped and ate and shopped.

Then we grew tired of that nonsense.  So we took a break and went to get some frozen yogurt.

Bimlissa and I asked her dear children to take fabulous photos of us enjoying our time together.

And they did!



Everytime I called home my husband informed me that my children did not miss me. 

 But each time I talked to Handsome Dude he asked if I was on a truck or a plane and was the plane red or blue or or-nange and where was I and why can’t he see the plane and where did I park my truck and is the plane fast and he is not being naughty and where is Miss-a-liss-a and why am I there and where is the plane and can he have a cookie and when I was done with Miss-a-liss-a’s house, could I please come “bisit” his house?

So, I think that could be considered “missing me” . . . yes?  No?  Yes?

Alright.  That’s it. 

Does anyone else ever struggle with how to properly end a post?

Neither do I.


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31 Responses to Eating and visiting and eating and shopping and eating.

  1. michelle says:

    Glad you had fun, looks like a great trip, the pics of the sights are great. I am sure all the kids missed you! I love the things kids say, come “bisit”… adorable! 🙂

  2. Sunny says:

    So glad you had fun and that at least one of the kids missed you. But, I must tell you, I am not fond of these ‘vacations’…Without a new post from you, I don’t know what to do with myself after I take my kids to school!

    The Waterboy?

  3. Hi! I missed you but am glad you had fun. I too would have thought Nashville would be warm. It’s the least it could do after stealing Melissa, don’t you think?

  4. Melissa says:

    I miss you =(

  5. I’m so glad you had a great trip. Flip flops and capris are for Florida. Come on down here and you can wear those. We’ve missed your posts. I thought I was the only one who struggled with beginnings and endings.

  6. Joyce says:

    I’m glad you’re back! Did you see Elvis? Oh wait, that’s Memphis. Did you see Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman having frozen yogurt? Did the LJ do arts and crafts with the lumberjacklings while you were away? Glad you had a fun weekend!

  7. Katie says:

    Glad you are back, but thrilled you had a great time! (No joke about it being cold either!)

  8. Marla says:

    Beginning and endings are quite hard for me… as are titles. I suck at titles, but you always have great ones.

    I’m glad you are back from TN and I totally missed you. 🙂

    Marla @

  9. Mary says:

    Glad you were able to get in and out without any problems! I think Handsome Dude was missing his mama!

  10. Erin says:

    Welcome home 🙂

  11. Next time I am coming with you… Bimlissa didn’t do all those things with me when I went to visit.. of course she was having baby G –

  12. Gianna says:

    I have a question.
    I have started a new blog called Sweet Peas and Buddies and I want a page on Facebook for it, but not my personal page.
    Being that I am an idiot with the computer and you say that you don’t know much about technology but you know how to do that, can I get a little help? I really don’t want it to be my personal page.
    I know. You mentioned this in your past post, but I forgot to comment on that one.
    I. Am. Just. A. Mess. And I’m sorry to bother you with all this!
    Can you please please help me?

    Do I sound desperate? I don’t mean to be, but I suppose I might be a little!

  13. Janie Fox says:

    I have more trouble with the content of the blog! Glad you had a great trip. If oly we could carry our littles in our pockets and just take them out every once in a while to hug while we are gone. Is that creepy?

  14. Rachel Spin says:

    You got naked scanned twice????? Oh the humanity! At least no one could see it. And no one asked you to step on a scale. That’s a bonus. My husband was getting new life insurance quotes online last night. He needed to know my height and weight for the online form. UGH. At this time in my life I do not share weight numbers with him or anyone. I made him handover the laptop and let me type it in and click send. I hope he can’t go back and see my answers.

  15. Jen says:

    Okay, so one day I popped over here due to something about pie crust I think. And I started reading, and laughed a bit and figured I’d pop back over now and again. But darn you, I’ve become addicted! Addicted, I tell you. You must stop having a life in which you leave us hanging for so long! Kidding. Just kidding… I think. 🙂

  16. namacura says:

    Welcome Home! I wondered if you had gotten stuck in all the snow that we have down in the South. I got to shovel snow yesterday, I am sure you are much better at it than I. Anyways, glad you are back, I have had cabin fever and needed a good laugh!

  17. Christine C says:

    Looks like a great trip with lots of fun. Glad you got there and back safely.

    Welcome back!

  18. Andi says:

    I think those chillun’s definitely have a future in photography! 🙂
    Looks like fun!

  19. Tayler says:

    Dude, I missed you. Real talk!

  20. Dawn says:

    A break from kids with kids you don’t have to discipline or teach, yeah! I like the eating and shopping of adventures with my friends. You could try ending posts with “The End!”

  21. MindyLou says:

    Ya-hoo! She’s back! The beginning and end were lovely. No worries.
    Glad to have you back in our neck of the woods, it surely wasn’t the same without you. I am terribly jealous of all the eating and shopping you did! Without your kids! With your bestie! I guess I’ll just have to live vicariously through you. Is that weird?? 🙂

  22. Was it the naked scan where you stand there with your arms out in a big box for a few seconds, or was it just the walk through a scanner without your shoes deal? The walk through one isn’t a naked one, just a metal detector. The hold still one with your arms wide out is the naked scan dealio that involves x-rays.

  23. Naked scan! Holla!

    I am, as well, happy you had a great time in TN!

  24. JoAnn says:

    this sounds like a thousand miles of fun…minus the naked body scan.
    glad you’re back!

  25. Kristy says:

    So glad you had a great time in TN and that your great friend showed you around our great capital! You have officially seen more of Nashville than I have and I have lived in TN all my life!

  26. Isn’t it amazing how great a break from the kids and home can be for us, and yet we miss them like crazy the whole time? I would love to visit tennessee sometime, sounds like a wonderful time. 🙂 Glad you got home safe–and, I always get the pat down in the airport, due to an insulin pump. So So So annoying. Last time I may have snapped at the lady that she was going a little far for her first date as she groped me. I’d take the body scan any day. At least we all have the same parts, and I don’t have someone pawing me.

  27. Ada says:

    Looks like a fabulous time.
    I love the photos of you two. Super cute.
    And I’m sure the kids missed you tons and tons.

  28. datenutloaf says:

    O Pore Pore HD; that’s the saddest sweetest thing I’ve heard since my son once told me after a severe scolding: “But, Mom you belong to me” sob sob

  29. datenutloaf says:

    It’s 76 degrees, crystal clear, one can see Catalina and Mt Baldy that’s a distance about 70 miles, snow, beach, desert, palm trees. Paradise. Palm Springs, Sea World, casinos, buffets, Hearst Castle, Yosemite, Sequoias, Mt Whitney Disneyland Huntington Library, Getty, Norton Simon, Oak Glen, vineyards, Napa….Come ‘bisit’ CA. Alas, no Bimlissa.

  30. Marla Hansen says:

    Sounds like a wonderful time with your friend. Girlfriends are the best vacation.

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