These are the sorts of things my family does.

On Saturday, I made a fool of myself.

Oh, yes.  A fool.

You see, David’s brother, Alex, had come to do who-knows-what with David.  They took with them some guns and they left in David’s truck.

Blah.  Blah.  Blah.

But then I had to leave.

 Shocking, I know.

But there are times, as rare as they may be, that I do actually fire up the old rig, don my pearls, and head to town.

However, I ran into a minor hiccup.  Alex had parked his vehicle in such a way that I could not turn my rig around.  Therefore I decided to back all the way out of our driveway.

Our driveway is kind of long.  I don’t know.  Lots of yards.  Perhaps hundreds of yards?  I cannot be certain.

Oh!  I should totes have the kids measure the driveway for math today while I sit in the house and eat chocolates and read a magazine!

Homeschool.  Check.

Anyways.  I have seen my husband back out of this driveway on numerous occasions.  I have even seen him back out with our camp trailer.

Folks.  It can be done.

So, I enlisted Daisy Mae to be my lookout.  She kept saying I was good.  But then . . . clunk.

No, Daisy Mae.  I was not good.

So.  We were stuck in a ditch.  Which was unfortunate.  And then I had to call my husband and see if he and Alex and their guns would mind taking a break from doing who-knows-what to come and pull me out.

And my husband took a picture, for to mock me.

See?  I was so close.

Is not his truck filthy?  It became that filthified whilst they were doing the aforementioned who-knows-what activities.

As we were getting towed, Sweet Pea turned to her friend, who was in the car (Hi, friend’s mom who reads this blog upon occasion!  I promise your daughter is always safe with me!  I am a superb driver!).

Sweet Pea:  Did you hear that?  Alex just told mom to put the car in four wheel drive!

Friend:  Ok.

Sweet Pea:  Isn’t that exciting?!  Have you ever heard of four wheel drive?

Friend:  Ummmm

Sweet Pea:  I know!  So cool.  These are the sorts of things my family does!

So, they pulled me out and that was that.

The End.

In other news, I was without power for five entire hours yesterday.

It was cold and awful.

And in final news, do you remember how I just went to mean old Tennessee to see my dearheart friend, Bimlissa?

Well, her mama sent us on a shopping/blogging mission and she wrote all about it in her super famous blog.

You should check it out, if you are feeling frisky this morning.

Click here.

I took all the pictures for her, so you can expect them to be of the fantastic quality.

Happy Tuesday!

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22 Responses to These are the sorts of things my family does.

  1. Joyce says:

    I too have an uber long driveway. Mine has granite boulders on one side. I never back down. If I’m blocked in I surrender my plans and return to the house to eat bonbons. You get an A for effort. And how cute that this whole thing just made Sweet Pea’s day.

  2. Marla says:

    Sweet Pea has a love for four wheel drives in her blood! Watch out Taylor.

  3. Melissa says:

    I love the things our kids say!!

  4. I’m just glad to hear the LJ is finally allowing you to use your 4WD.

  5. sounds like something i would do!! i can drive in a straight line and even take corners fairly well, but don’t ask me to back up or parallel park!!! =)

  6. JoAnn says:

    yikes. My son keeps putting our truck in four wheel drive when we aren’t looking, and then my husband thinks our truck is broken. It’s something my family does.

  7. Katie B says:

    I am offended, I would not consider reading your blog once a year occasionally :O). Actually I read every one, as it is very enjoyable and always love the picture quality. I am unable to back up a driveway like that, props to you for trying. Kids say the dardnest things. We just got a dog and I made my child clean up the unmentionables when she saw a big pile of dear unmentionables in our back yard. She took one look at that and said the dear can come back and clean up its own mess.

  8. Joy says:

    Ahhhh is life with a super long driveway. Mine is about 1/4 mile long and very narrow. I have went off it numorous times ( alothough mostly it been when I was driving forward!!) Sad I know- but you must understand that we live in the dasterdly cold and snowy Minnesota where I usually just get stuck driving ON the driveway. My husband on the other hand is amazing when it comes to backing down driveways! He is a Truck Driver and has to back up for a living. Although, even he, last week slipped off our super icy driveway with his Semi and had to be rescued by some neighbors with big tractors. So I have to say….BOO to long driveways!

  9. Janie Fox says:

    hahaha things my family does is really pretty mild. I am sure mine would have bigger horror stories than 4 wheel drive! They are grown now but one off their fav activities is to make fun of my daily ignorance! I shulda home schooled! I blame the school bus, because no way did they learn that from me 😉

  10. Christine says:

    I think this is the Lumerjack and his brother’s fault as they should have made sure that you had a clear path to turn around. I do like that your Lumberjack took a picture.

  11. Hahahaha! I do not believe you were reading my blog when I posted this story:

    In great news, you finally got to use four wheel drive.

    In not so great news, my husband works for a huge shipping company. In this shipping company, if the people who work for him see his vehicles parked forward in a parking spot around town, he has to give them $10. So, since his vehicles are also my vehicles, guess who has to back into parking spots when she runs errands? Also, since my husband firmly believes this rhetoric, and doesn’t just do it because he is supposed to, he does it because he believes in it, he can back a vehicle for miles on a windy road with surgical precision. This drives me nuts, as I fall very short of any kind of perfection in this category.

  12. I feel frisky! I FEEL FRISKY!!!!

    Sorry. When you spend your day with a 90 year old lady, yelling in internet speak is very appealing. It’s so QUIET here. Blerg.

    Also, I cannot for the life of me drive backwards very well at all. Or parallel park without guidance. I also lack an internal compass and clock. My brain lacks the simple technology of, what, the 1500’s?? What’s up with that?

    Did LJ learn a lesson from his brother suggesting you actually USE your 4 wheel drive? One can only hope!!

  13. Erin says:

    I kind of want to make fun of you, because your driveway isn’t as narrow as I was imagining it to be.

    But my driveway is much shorter, and I drove over and broke a sprinkler not too long ago.

    So I wont laugh.

  14. Amanda Wessels says:

    Funny! Really, with your luck it may best if you continue to abstain from making unprotected left hand turns if at all possible or letting you adorable daughter try to help you back down your driveway.
    I love that Sweet Pea really, truly loves how unique your family is. Perhaps she will feel the same way when she is 13 🙂

  15. Paula says:

    I read the blog today about your shopping trip with Bimlissa. However, I did not know The Little Brown House lady was Bimlissa’s mom. Imagine my surprise when I saw you in the photograph? You would imagine I probably found the Little Brown House Lady via your blog at some point and I should’ve remembered that, but I did not. I have 5 children and most of them are adults. I blame them for my lack of brain cells. Whatever cells I had left are being sucked right out by a 15 yr old boy. Oy.

  16. Andi says:

    Was she referring to the backing into the ditch part, or the four wheel drive part???

  17. Calfkeeper says:

    Ha. Well, I’m not a great backer-upper either. Don’t feel bad. When you ram your husband’s flatbed trailer with the hayspike whilst driving the tractor, causing about 50-60 of the year’s haybales to have little tufts pulled out of them from the hook you created on the spike. And also causing your husband to have to subsequently file the rebend (or whatever it was he had to do to fix it) the tip of the hayspike…then you can feel bad. Backing into a ditch? Sheesh…all in a day’s worth of oops. 🙂

  18. I backed into our mailbox a couple of winters ago. Now everyone who knows where I am because they can easily identify my car – I am really helpful like that…
    Thanks for the link bloggy girlfriend:) I may even forgive you for holding my grandkids.. Naahh..

  19. MindyLou says:

    Your crazy family! Sweet Pea has a very exciting life– 😉
    Also, I can see you back up as well as I do. Congratulations.

  20. Shannon says:

    Adventures in Ruralville! Taylor, you lost your safety badge today. Ha!

  21. That driveway looks huge to me – it’s definitely acceptable to have gone off the road at least once while backing up!

    Or even twice.

    Roads are tricky.

  22. Marla Hansen says:

    I love how everything, including being stuck in a ditch, is so much more fun through a kids eyes.

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