Thursday Night Randomness.

1.  Today, the kids and I, or more accurately, the girls and I, organized all the toys/books/games/puzzles in the entire house.

2.  Are we proud that I did not strangle anyone?

3.  The night is still young.

4.  Why are kids toys and things so hard to keep tidy?

5.  Sometimes it feels good to throw out a puzzle.  You know the puzzles of which I speak.  The ones that have exploded and the pieces are everywhere?  Except in the puzzle box?  Yes?  No?

6.  Today’s victim was a Fancy Nancy puzzle.  And it felt good.  Real good.

7.  Does anyone know how to deal with iron in your water?  Cause I have had it up to here with the iron in the waters.

8.  Oh!  I’m sorry!  Does no one else have a well?  Does no one else have to deal with red toilet bowls and rusty shower streaks? 

9.  Don’t be jealous.

10.  My husband is coming home earlier than I thought tonight.  This is good because he is my husband and I have committed to liking him.  This is bad because I have no plans for dinner and now I feel like I should make some sort of an effort.

11.  It will probably be elk.  Gag.  Me.

12.  I was looking forward to my elk-free evening.

13.  Handsome Dude is currently yelling at me.  And I don’t care. 

14.  He is freaking out over one button on his shirt.  I mean, come on.  Get over yourself.  You are not the center of the world.

15.  Me and my computer are.

16.  Oh.  I have been with them ALL DAY.  I am with them everyday.  We are BFF, my children and I.

17.  Does anyone want to talk to me?

18.  There.  I fixed the button.  But he is still displeased.  He feels there is another button.  But there isn’t.  And now he is wailing.  And weeping.  And throwing himself on the floor.

19.  He is a blessing.

20.  Handsome Dude is now pleading with his sisters for button help. 

21.  Little Dude is weird.  When he gets in trouble he just yells, “I’m Cokey!”

22.  It seems like an odd response to the question, “Did you just hit your brother in the head with a train?” 

23.  Perhaps he does not speak English.

24.  Or maybe he is confused as to why he is called Cokey.

25.  His name is not Cokey.

26.  Nor is it Little Dude.

27.  Handsome Dude Update:  “Mooooooommmmm!  Waaahh-I- neeeeeeeeeeeeeed-to-use-da-BAF-room, K!”

28.  Little Dude is now playing hide and seek with his truck.  See?  Weird.

29.  Handsome Dude is still in the BAFroom.

30.  Maybe he fell in!  That would be a shame.

31.  Drat.  I should probably fix my hair and take off my tub scrubbing pants for to woo my husband.

32.  Do you have tub scrubbing pants?  I do.  I got tired of bleaching all my nice pants.

33.  Bleach does not work for iron stains.  Ask me how I know.

34.  I feel like since all I do is stay home in Ruralville, I should feign to be normal and wear un-bleach-stained clothes and fix my hair so my husband doesn’t worry about me.

35.  I am starting to get weird and creepy.

36.  I saw two deer today.

37.  What should I make for dinner?

38.  What are you making for dinner?


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36 Responses to Thursday Night Randomness.

  1. Dawn says:

    Dear dear Taylor! In a few years I am sure you will look back at this and laugh! But for now, I don’t know what to tell you except that you are not alone. Persevere!! You can do it!

  2. Joyce says:

    Buy jugs of distilled water for your iron. I don’t have a well but do have very hard water.

    I’m not making dinner…hubs is out of town and no little ones at home insisting they need food. I had lunch out today. I may eat twizzlers for dinner. I am always happy to talk to you

  3. Debra says:

    Poor you. Things will get better though. I think you need a water softener pronto. 🙂 Enjoy your elk! Gag. 🙁

  4. Power to the Puzzle Tossers Club!

    Dinner was Ponzu Dill Salmon potstickers. Don’t go getting jealous or anything, ‘cuz I know you are dying to try them.

  5. Katie says:

    My parents had rust stains from their well. Dad used something call Barkeeper’s Friend (or something close to that) and it worked on it to some degree. Not that I was the girl doing the cleaning or anything, goodness knows!

  6. melissa says:

    Hey, I can actually tell you about iron water, I live in the iron water capitol of the world. First of all, a water softener and a whole house water filter would do wonders and you would definitely woo your husband if he installed these for you.
    Until then, products like zuds, kaboom and iron out will be your friends. Ask me how I know!
    When we got our water softener, I praised my husband for over a year for the lack of orange and brown, toliets, tubs and shower curtains, not to mention, dishes and my hair!

  7. Katie C says:

    You. Crack. Me. Up. Seriously. I think there is a special water softener or something that you can put in it to prevent rust stains. I live in town…I really have no idea! 😉

  8. Suzanne says:

    Oooooo melissa makes a good point I’ve never thought of….think about what the iron in the water does to your hair? maybe that’s why my hair only looks good when I visit my sister three states away! genius!

    Oh and yes de-cluttering is a wonderful feeling. As is organizing. Mmmm, makes me want to go color-code something! 🙂

    I’m not making anything for dinner tonight…. we have leftover turkey, vegetable, barley soup that we’re reheating. yay!

    p.s. can we discuss more about the origin of Cokey’s beloved nickname? I think I’ve missed something along the way….
    p.p.s. I need some of these tub scrubbing pants. Will they make me scrub my tub so I will stop procrastinating on this loathesome task? That would be wonderful!

  9. Kitty says:

    A whole house water filtration system will help with the iron issues….I have to wait to purge the toys for when my husband and children are not home…he is weirdly attached to their toys (sigh). I’m not sure who yells “no, don’t throw that one away” more..him or the kids.

  10. Rachel says:

    Somebody already said this but find yourself some Kaboom stat – works way better than bleach ever could. I also belong to the puzzle-throwers association. A missing piece or two I can handle but beyond that it gets turns into crafty messes by children or gets filed in the good old circular file, if you know what I mean. Carry on with your awesome momness – at the minimum your children will have many fun stories to tell about you someday!

  11. Shannon says:

    Taylor- I can’t help you with your water problems, however I could help you escape Ruralville. Come to pursue Saturday- we can learn to coupon together. 🙂

  12. Nathalie says:

    Me thinks “someone” inhaled too many clorox fumes today, eh?

    BTW, I do not remember anywhere in my vows committing to liking the spouse forever. Really? Puleese.

    BTW, the way to avoid bleach stains is to just not clean the tub. It’s only going to get dirty again, so what’s the point.

    How’s THAT for randomness?

  13. Nathalie says:

    BTW, I think I misspelled clorox. Do I care, oh English teacher that I am?

    Shoot no.

  14. LeAnna says:

    There’s a noxious chemical cleaner called CLR (I think) which stands for Calcium, Lime, and Rust. Don’t take that to the bank or anything, but I’m thinking that’s what we used when I was a kid. Have you tried vinegar? We have awful hard water, no iron, but horrid calcium deposits. My shower looks like someone spilled baby powder in it. I scrub, and scrub, and scrub to no avail. And that is with our rural city water. Boo.

    I pray, for your sake and sanity, that you did not have to eat elk. Amen.

  15. Martha says:

    38. Pizza, take out. But you could make your own and only put elk on the Lumberjacks. 🙂

  16. I think you should take Shannon’s advice and go to Pursue on Saturday – I hear the MC is a riot……

  17. michelle says:

    You always make me laugh!!!! How did the elk turn out? 😀 Have a happy weekend!

  18. Dang girl! I don’t know what to tell you about any of it. Iron in the well? Elk for dinner? It’s kinda like living in the pioneer days. No, actually, it’s exactly like that. I think you’re probably holding up better than I would and I’m a country girl at heart.

  19. Jill says:

    I don’t know who all these people are who give you cleaning advice, but I think you should question their friendship if they expect and even encourage you to quit cleaning. Get out of the tub-cleaning pants and woo your husband so that he will install one of those water-softener-whole-house-filtration-system-thingies pronto! As an added convincer, you can point out that you’re slightly less sane than you were when you moved to Ruralville, you still have peach walls, but he does have deer mounts and the kids are all still alive so you do deserve something. If that doesn’t work, dye yours and the kids’ hair green and tell him it’s a result of the water. Dye it back after he installs the water softener.

    LD says “I’m Cokey” when he’s in trouble because he’s explaining that, since he is, in fact, Cokey, he should not be in trouble for anything he does. He gets a free pass.

    Shoot the deer off the back porch and serve venison instead of elk for dinner. It’s a nice change of pace, and it’ll surprise the Lumberjack. : )

  20. Vicki B says:

    There’s a big puzzle about to bite the dust sitting on a card table at my house. The cats have knocked pieces everywhere and a few are puppy chewed casualties. Toys are the bane of my existence. Red well water is AWFUL.

  21. Jen says:

    I still can’t believe you had the kids help you and you managed to throw away a puzzle. See, I’m sneaky. I just wait until they are not paying attention then I go grab all those stupid kid’s meal toys and broken/parts missing toys and I throw them away. They never notice! But if I did it in front of them, they would whine because it’s the most important toy ever! Yeah. Sure. Whatever. I also am ruthless with art work. (And I used to be an art teacher.) You keep a few nicer examples of their work, and then purge the rest when they aren’t looking. I don’t think they’ll miss the extra stuff when they are 20 or 30. I mean, would you? Okay, clearly I’m just having my own moment right now and barely talking about anything you talked about. Whose blog is this? Mine? Oh, right. Sorry. 🙂

    Good luck with the cleaning. Water softner sounds like the only thing to do.

  22. I just have to know – what does elk taste like?

  23. Janie Fox says:

    Elk, God love ya I couldn’t do it. I love Cokey and I think he is just trying to point out that he is famous in blogland. Respect that people! HE is Cokey!! We have a well, but no rust. CLR will help. Tub scrubbing pants are my daily uniform. I still like my man and his ugly Carhartts so I think we are even.

  24. Jean von B says:

    If you have a water softener there are brands of salt that contain iron removers. The brand we use is called Red-Out. There is a cleanser called Zud – comes in both powder and liquid form – that is made specifically for rust removal. Works great! CLR is good for areas that you can’t scrub (i.e. shower heads, etc).

  25. I also enjoy throwing away legos, happy meal toys, mismatched earrings, polly pocket paraphernalia and once – on a very bad day – an entire castle set.

  26. Michelle says:

    I agree with Melissa. You must get a whole house water filtration system and water softner. And if your husband can install, you are very lucky. We had it installed. But be prepared to buy salt. Also, you will want to have your water tested. There is this new bacteria that has invaded our area that likes iron. And so if you have iron, it feeds on it and can clog up the nice new filtration system you just put in. You will then need a chlorination system. Wells are a pain and expensive. Good luck!

  27. MindyLou says:

    I find your distress to be very entertaining. I’m sorry for this. I can’t help but laugh at how cute your weird and creepiness is. When the roads aren’t scary to drive on, can I come over again and bring you something to eat, and my children to play with yours? I think you need some face time with real people. 😉

  28. Amanda says:

    You crack me up on so many levels. LOVE #10

  29. Lynette says:

    I have a HARD water well. We get WHITE crusty stuff on things. Vinegar helps…don’t know if it would in rust, though. 🙁 You can’t use that IN your pipes and ice maker, wash machine innards….its a drag.
    Yes, Hide and Seek with a toy is something I have never heard of…kind of cute, though.
    I wear swaet pants most days I don’t go anywhere and I also feel like I should change, “as to woo my husband”…but it usually doesn’t matter to him! 😉
    Have a great week end, Taylor and keep these giggles coming. I really enjoy reading! (did you see my post on “lumberjack—ing” hmmm that sounds bad…real bad. ~L.

  30. elizabeth says:

    I too have lived with iron water (and using a wood stove to heat your house). CLR is the best. gets rid of all your Calcium, Lime and Rust problems. Good luck!

  31. Andi says:

    This answer comes too late, but making tacos deer masks the taste…

    Why fix your hair or makeup!

    I definitely have cleaning pants. This is a must as I only ever own 2-3 good pairs of jeans at a time.

  32. datenutloaf says:

    Helpful hint: I bought a dealiebopper that replaces the cap on a regular bleach bottle. It screws easily open and closed and when you pour – no splashes! It’s wonderful and no more bleach spatters or stains on carpet or clothes, all over the washer etc. I can recommend. Also Carbona and other brands make rust removers. But if you want it out of your drinking water you need to get a Pur filter. Good Luck. Luv the blog. Luv photos. See, this is the deal. When you & your family are so gorgeous and hilarious we, your readers, need and want more photos. Thank you, thank you very much.

  33. katie says:

    i have not laughed this hard since seeing brian regan live. you are HIlarious! AND an excellent writer! LOVE IT. i hope you save all this writing. i hope it is a wonderful outlet for you. it’s a wonderful outlet for me, READING!! i would LOVE to talk to you in person. but i can see that LIVE people ..especially readers of your blog, “creep” you out. so i’ll remain here, anon. but you are so talented. thank you for writing and posting!!!!

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