The Post in Which I am Unsure of My Use of the Word Farce.

I am tired and cranky. 

Yes.  I do get cranky from time to time.  It’s true!

I am “resting” on the couch while my husband is supposed to be corralling the kids.  He is actually playing “Angry Birds” on my phone.

And kids are running amock.

Is that how you spell amock?

Spell check says it’s not.

Too bad I am so cranky and tired.  Or else I might fix it.


I made spaghetti and meatballs tonight.  They were Pioneer Woman’s recipe.  But I substituted the ground elk for ground beef.    Someone asked yesterday what elk tastes like.

Well.  I don’t really know cause I don’t really eat it.  I work around it.  But as far as I can reckon, it is exactly like beef in both taste and appearance.

I know.  I know.

Then why do I complain so?

Because it is not beef.  It is ELK.

My husband just turned on some weird country music and is dancing a jig around the living room.

Lumberjacks can be goofy.  Who knew?!


Random Topic Quick Change!

Last night, I did fix my hair.  And change out of my tub scrubbing pants.  But good news!  When my husband called to let me know he was on his way, he said, and I quote, “I just want oatmeal for dinner.”

That,my friends, is why I loveth him.  And why I made him elk meatballs for dinner.

That,my friends, is why he loveth me.


Random Topic Quick Change!

What are your thoughts on flannel sheets?

We were given some today.  I have to admit . . . the idea creeps me out.


Random Topic Quick Change!

A reader and friend in real life, Dianna,  left this comment on my blog this week:

Just so you know, because somebody will ask, a cord of wood is 4 feet wide by 4 feet tall by 8 feet long. And tamarack is actually a larch.

And that comment prompted the following conversation between my husband and I:

Me:  David!  You always make me look like an idiot!

David:  Huh?

Me:  Dianna just said that Tamarack is actually a larch.  All this time I have been talking up Tamarack, just to make you proud.  But Tamarack is a farce!  There is no such thing!  It’s larch!

David: *sigh*  It depends on who you talk to.

Here’s what I want to know:  Who sits around and discusses such matters?

Fun Fact:  No one cares.  They are trees.  I repeat.  They are just trees, Lumberjack.

Funner Fact:  All my inlaws and my husband would be horrified at the above statement.

Most Funnest Fact Of All:  None of them read my blog anymore!  They done got sick of me!  Holla!


Random Topic Quick Change!

My presence has been requested at a large women’s event at my church tomorrow.

But I still can’t decide if I should go.

Here are the pros:

*It is rumored that there will be live humans there.

*It is only $25 and that includes lunch!

*It should be fun.  And neat.  And super. 


*I have to leave my house by 7:30am

*I will not come home until 6pm

*Tomorrow is the only day my husband and I would have together

Quick!  What should I do?

Happy Weekend.

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27 Responses to The Post in Which I am Unsure of My Use of the Word Farce.

  1. Michelle says:

    Flannel sheets – I was not a believer until this year I decided to try them. They are so cozy and warm. If you got them for free, give them a try.
    I don’t know what to tell you about tomorrow. It is hard to give up a day with a husband. They seem so few and far between. Darn work in my case!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Well, in my experience flannel sheets are the way to go in winter. They’re cozy and soft and oh so warm under a good comforter. I would not survive the winter without mine!
    I would also spend my weekend in the way that was most beneficial to my sanity as a wife, mother, and most of all person! Do what you feel is best for you and yours, and don’t let anyone make you feel bad for whatever you do!

  3. Nathalie says:

    Oh my gosh. Proof that I am overworked and overtired: I just read that you had a big woman’s event to go to, and I literally read it as, BIG woman’s event.

    Oh dear.

    I think I will have to shut down the computer and retire for the evening.

  4. Shannon says:

    I hate flannel sheets, I believe they are from the devil. Don’t use them, I repeat, don’t use them, instead go purchase lovely 600 thread count Supima cotton sheets at Costco.

    • datenutloaf says:

      Shannon rocks! She has got her head on. Supima sheets are the BEST. Literally. You can read up on Supima if you’re interested.

  5. michelle says:

    I love flannel sheets! So cozy and warm! If it were me I’d spend the day with my man, but it would be fun to get out with the girls too…have fun whichever you decide! 🙂 Happy weekend to you!

  6. Krista says:

    I love my flannel sheets, they are one reason I don’t like to get out of bed in the morning.

    I am not the person to ask about tomorrow, I have been cleaning up massive amounts of poop and pee the last two days, so I would ask you “how much quality time will you have with the lumberjack whilst chasing kids around?”

    I would go just to get out of my house and away from my kids who are driving me more bonkers then usual.

  7. Melissa K says:

    Silly girl, why would flannel sheets creep you out? I loveth them in the winter, for they do not shock me with their coldness when I crawleth into them at night. Wash them and use them at once.

    I hear you on the large women’s event. I was supposed to go to a not-as-large women’s dessert tonight, but my date canceled at the last minute, and I felt neither like calling around to find someone else who was going nor taking the chance of walking in and experiencing that junior high insecurity that I should have outgrown long ago. So I stayed home. However, I would have gone if I had still had a date. Because there was chocolate. Is there the possibility of pursuing chocolate where you’re maybe going? Then by all means…

    Run amok.

  8. Farrah says:

    I should like flannel sheets and especially on the days that it gets -31 where we live (and yes, I did mean to put the “negative” in front of “31”). However, our flannel sheets make little balls of flannel sheet lint that looks horrible on the floor. So horrible that I even thought about vacuuming. Still thinking about it a week later. Anyhow, hubby-he loves them. But my 3 year old. He agrees with me. Then again, he also thinks we need the GPS to find his birthday since it’s a long way off. I think it’s always fun to hang with other woman. Until I look around and realize I’m the only frumpy one with baby spit up on both shoulders because I always forget a burp rag. By the way my hubby is very good at Angry Birds.

  9. Uncle Greg says:

    Taylor my dear, Flannel sheets ate the best!!!! Drop the children off at your mom and dad’s, and you and LJ go paint the town……………

  10. Uncle Greg says:

    Flannel sheets ARE the best!!!!! way too late, and I can’t spell…..

  11. Melissa says:

    I love flannel sheets!! How have you survived all these winters without them??! We “invested” in a really good set a few years back and I look forward to putting them on each year. I think that once you left the house tomorrow you would have a great time but I also know how many meetings you already have to go to verses how much time you get with your husband. Tough call! Keep me posted =)

  12. Joyce says:

    Flannel sheets-no. I used to not get the big deal about sheets and thread count. We bought all new sheets when we moved back to the states. We splurged and they have a super high thread count. They are luxurious! They are NOT flannel.

    It’s cold where I live but I still get hot at night. I don’t sleep in flannel pajamas either. My husband thanks me.

  13. christine c says:

    Well it’s too late to give you any advice, so I’ll just wait to see what you decided.

    As for your sheets, you really must try them. I love them. No more sheet shock when getting into bed. The only downside – you are so toasty in your bed the children may run amuck as you will not want to get out of bed in the morning.

  14. I thought about you last weekend when we went to a burger joint and they advertised Elk Burgers as one of their “gourmet” choices. No thank you, I’ll take the ground beef.
    I like our flannel sheets, even though Hubby makes fun of them. They are so comfy and warm.

  15. Jen says:

    When you asked about tamaracks, I looked it up, but I felt I could not cheat to get the very serious (but meaningless) points. You don’t look like an idiot because there are many varieties of Larch trees and the Tamarack is a specific kind of Larch. There is such a thing. About 50 sites come up on Google to tell you that. And, hey, I couldn’t identify one if I saw one, so you’ve got one up on a lot of us.

    Another vote for flannel sheets.
    And running amok. lllllllllllllllllllll (Those l’s are contributed by my 3 year old. He’s very proud.)

  16. Wichiepoo says:

    Flannel = Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!

    I cannot live without my flannel sheets, and this year, I also have a heated mattress cover to go with it… Getting into a warm and fluffy cozy bed is just too perfect!!! Seriously, try them out, I am sure you’ll like them!

  17. Vicki B says:

    Good grief stay home with your hunky husband! We all love flannel sheets. They are incredibly cozy and warm, if they are good quality. If they are cheap quality, they are stiff and scratchy and icky.

  18. Rachel Spin says:

    I am ambivalent on flannel sheets. We have some. They are soft. But I like my semi-high thread count sheets better. They are softer. So the flannel sheets are still in the closet and have not been used this winter.

    On the time with hubby thing. It’s too late to give advice about today’s event. But I think you have to look at the whole picture, or at least a larger portion of the picture. Has he had some guy time, out hunting tamaracks and such on the weekends lately? Have you had any girl time lately? You need some girl time and time away from your kids sometimes. But also some time alone with the LJ too. Try to plan ahead. Ha!

    Now ask me when was the last time I went on a date with my husband and then consider whether or not you want to take my advice. I suck at planning ahead for dates.

  19. Andi says:

    If you live in the home of a nurse, the thermostat will never surpass 68 degrees, the better to inhibit germ growth, and because hospitals keep their thermostats low, so it is what nurses are acclimated to.

    Not sure my germ theory is working as my youngest is sick, sick, sick. However, 3 days of fever later, nobody else is sick!

    The moral of the story? Flannel sheets make my family happy. They never feel cold when you climb in, and keep you toasty all night long!

  20. I am a fan of flannel sheets. A big fan. But I spend most of my life in the winter feeling cold. If you are one of those human space heater types, they may not be for you.

    Given my anti-social tendencies I should not weigh in on your other decision. 🙂

  21. Anne Weber-Falk says:

    Oh, flannel sheets are fabulous in the winter. They are so soft and cozy when you get in. If they are good they will still feel crisp and cool at first but will quickly warm you up once you crawl between them.

    I think you should go to the event. It could be a good experience for you. You are home with the children all day every day. It is important to have time away from routine. Use your evenings and that time when you and your lumberjack first get in bed to make up for the day away from each other.

  22. MindyLou says:

    I love flannel sheets! It’s the only thing I use all the long, cold, wintry months. Soooo cozy. I highly recommend them and think you will be missing out, my dear friend, missing out. I do know a few ladies who are going to that event and they are excited! However, leaving the house that early and that being the only day with hubby, that’s a hard one. Hope you enjoy your day either way!

  23. Debbie says:

    My husband loves flannel sheets. I would love them too except for one thing. I am married to a fur covered man. And during the night, a lot of that fur tends to separate from his body. Seriously, the man could clothe a third world country with his daily shedding. This is a bad enough problem when using cotton sheets, but the flannel sheets are even worse at helping that fur disengage from his body. I try to get him to wear pajamas but that is unacceptable to him. I have tried to convince him that if he would wear pajamas, the need for flannel sheets would disappear. Brick wall. So we have flannel sheets and every morning I am forced to take a lint roller to his side of the bed so that I do not have fur sheets. Gross.

  24. aTXtumbleweed says:

    Flannel sheets creep you out???? Why?? I love fannel sheets in the toasty warm!! I probably have 5 sets. I love them, love them, love them….and I live in TX. So you would think that I wouldn’t need flannel sheets….but it does get chilly here in TX so flannel sheets with a thin bed spread and your good to go!!

  25. datenutloaf says:

    I feel I must add a caveat to the flannel sheet debate. I am 100% against them and love Supima. But for little ones, the cold shock may be too much for them so I would make flannel pillowcases and/or sheets for them and see if they like them. A much better alternative and which I see often in the thrift stores here is T-shirt cotton knit for sheets. Much better and warm as well.

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