
Today, I am going to be linking up with Kelly’s Korner for Show Us Your Life.

The Topic is:  Hair and Beauty Tips.

Am I qualified to give these aforementioned hair and beauty tips?

Nay.  I am not.

Nevertheless, here we are!


Ok.  Here’s the deal.  I have awful hair.  A-W-F-U-L.  It has this wave in it. 

 It is not an endearing, cute wave.

You know the kind.

The kind of wave that you can scrunch up with a little gel and have an easy hair styling day.

No.  I have a disgusting wave that is uneven and shows up when I least expect it to.

Such is my life.

You may say, “Taylor!  Just make sure to blow dry it straight!”


If only life were so simple. 

Here’s my daily life:

Get out of shower.

Comb hair out.

Discover that my boys have either:

A)  Hidden upstairs with a stolen pan of brownies, shoving both fists in to quickly eat as much of that chocolate-y goodness before mother finds them.

B)  Decided they needed to pour themselves a cup of chocolate milk.  Resulting in a floor covered in chocolate milk.

C)  Ran outside and let sister’s bunny rabbit out of the cage.

Fun Fact:  All of those things have happened whilst I was in the shower!  Are you impressed with my parenting skills? 

So.  My hair usually air dries a bit and gets this gross wave.


But don’t lose heart!

I have a trick.

Take dry hair.

(This is important.  Don’t curl damp hair.  I know.  I’ve tried it)

Take the curling iron and start the curl closer to your scalp than you might usually do.

Then kind of keep curling in a ringlet style.  The goal is to have the curls go higher up so that your yucky wave is hidden.

Does this make sense?  Yes?  No?

Well,  it ends up kind of looking like this:

Ha!  Look at Sister Meagan!  She’s looking a tad exasperated, isn’t she?

She’s probably wishing her big sister would have given her these awesome beauty tips.

Right, Sister Meagan? Right?

Ok.  Probably not.

Moving on.


One of my favorite products is called Biosilk.

Biosilk Silk Therapy Leave-In Hair Treatment

It does a great job of smoothing out dry, frizzy hair and making it shiny. 

It is kind of pricey, but you only need a little bit at a time.


And . . . that’s about all I got.

Are you inspired?

Are you informed?

Are you wondering what on earth I am talking about?

Alright.  I have one more beauty tip for all you mama’s out there.

Never, ever, under any circumstances, force your two daughters to pose for glamour shots:

As long as you adhere to that simple rule, everything else shall fall into place.

Happy Friday!

PS-Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for the $25 gift card to Lauren’s Etsy Shop!

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27 Responses to Beautimous

  1. Jen says:

    Poor Taylor! I too have a weird, not cute, wave when my hair dries. But, I did not have this wave until after I had children. Darn rascals! It’s not good enough they have to bring on the gray hair? They also had to give me funny hair? My only hope is to blow dry (and this alone does not solve it) and then run a flat iron through it. I don’t have all your listed problems in trying to get this accomplished most days. I don’t have bunnies and I’m mean because I don’t make brownies (because then I’d be the one hiding jamming chocolate-y goodness into my mouth two fistfuls at a time…for shame).

  2. Sasha says:

    That pic with your sister is hilarioius! The look on her face is too funny.

    My waves are uneven and must be straightened, unless it’s terribly humid, and then there is just no use. I’ve been using a Dove smoothing cream that I really like before I blow dry.

  3. Andrea says:

    If you like Biosilk, you would probably love Moroccanoil. I actually talk about it on my blog today. It really helps the health of your hair and makes me super shiny.

  4. Lani says:

    Ahem. Taylor. I have discovered a curling iron that is meant to be used on wet/damp hair. It works wonderfully. It is a lifesaver. It cuts at least 15 minutes of drying time out of my morning routine! This is very important when you have scads of children. You must have it.

  5. You could post that glamour shot picture picture every day and I would laugh each and every time.

  6. Melissa says:

    i still am unsure what you are wearing in that picture….

  7. andie says:

    I have the “wAVE” tooo my chi usualy gets it out but sometimes it shows up in the back and I will have no idea sooo embarissing!

  8. missy says:

    i wholeheartedly agree with mindee about the glamour shots pic. your hair looks beautiful (i am, of course, referring to the the first pic). my daughter has the not-so-desirable wave in her hair, so this is helpful to read. i, of course, have perfect hair that never looks frizzy nor greasy nor in a pony tail every single day.

  9. Lee Ann L. says:

    I use Biosilk to protect my long hair — especially the ends because I don’t get it trimmed often. It’s great stuff! But, I don’t do much to my hair other than to wash, put on Biosilk, and let dry. No hair dryers or curling irons. I’m lazy like that. 🙂

  10. Lori says:

    Oh, the memory of glamour shots just MADE MY DAY!!! WOW! And I think you have great hair!

  11. Suzanne says:

    New reader and first time comment….
    Your hair is beautiful.
    That being said, I also have a crazy hair problem…it’s not the wave so much as the frizz that comes with naturally curly hair. I’ve had to deal with high humidity my entire life (Florida born and raised).
    So, I’ll give you my tip and maybe it’ll help you as well. I also use Biosilk and LOVE it. It’s a life saver. On top of that I use Redken Butter Treat…it’s in a light brown container and I get it at ULTA or most hair salons will also have it. I use a small amount, it says to wash it out. Do not. Keep that magic in there. Makes your hair very soft and easy to manage. After that, if I’m wearing it curly, I put in my mousse and lightly blow dry. Straight, I let it hang out and then I’ll blow dry straight and flat iron. However, I have no children to distract me 🙂

    Give the Redken Butter Treat a try….maybe it’ll work wonders for you too!

  12. Christy says:

    Ha! I love this! I have the same hair as you I think. . . does your hair also have this amazing frizz to it? Does it look like an afro when you do get the chance to blow dry it? Do you need the perfect amount (somewhere between a lot and a ton) of product in order for it to look somewhat normal and tame? Yes? Oh we could be twins! No? Well, then consider yourself lucky!

    Great post!

  13. Shannon says:

    Taylor- Your a beautiful lady, and you have great hair! I just have two questions. What exactly are you wearing in the above glamour shot? Does your mom display this picture in her home?

  14. diana at home says:

    Before I had 5 children, I was highly knowledgeable about hair and beauty products such as Biosilk and Redken Butter something something. I used to work at a cosmetics counter and people would ask for my expert advice in such matters. Now, I cannot recall the name of such miracle products, much less remember to purchase them, and even less than that, ever go to a real salon. Boo. These days, I don’t even know what a trendy hairstyle would be, nor what desirable and yummy scented products may help to achieve it. I am ashamed to say I do not even own a flat-iron and my curling iron is of yard sale quality. I used to have standards!! I used to pay the big bucks for a simple trim + pampering!! *sigh* These kids better be worth it.

  15. Sister Meagan says:

    We were wearing shiny tarps. I am not even joking. They were held together by a clothes pin in the back. I feel like I probably wasn’t even allowed to wear a bra during the ordeal. I think underwear and pants were allowed.

    Someone should have told whoever did this to us that under no circumstance were we ever going to rival the Judds, and perhaps this sort of gaudy get-up situation was not at all necessary. It was terrible. We looked terrible. We knew we looked terrible. Look at the looks on our faces! We knew this was bad news.

    Ugh. Disgusting.

  16. Jill says:

    I do not have any hair advice because I consider it a good hair day if most of my hair is NOT sticking straight out from my head. Someone should have mentioned something about the combination of humidity, heat and curly hair before we moved to Florida! (Not that my hair was great before we moved to Florida, but at least now I have an excuse. Which might possibly be part of the reason I moved to Florida, but don’t tell anyone because I would hate for anyone to know that I am that shallow.)

  17. Mallorie says:

    I don’t know what you’re talking about, your hair is SO PRETTY!!! 🙂

  18. Kim says:

    Wow…. I wish I had your hair problems.

    I, however, do not wish to have a glamour shot taken.

    I guess that makes us even. 😉

  19. Dawn says:

    I think you should be thankful for glamour shots–It has given you the capability of laughing at yourself (or your mom) and has served you well in blog-a-bility.

    On another note. Have you considered locking your boys in their rooms at night?? I’m just kidding. Maybe……

  20. Dawn says:

    And by the way–you and your sister (in spite of her silly expression) in the first shot are beautiful!

  21. Andi says:

    Oo! Oo! Oo! I think I must do a post on how to care for curly hair…But I don’t know that I have any curly haired readers???

    If for no other reason than everyone seems to tell you how gorgeous you are every time you do one of these posts…OF course you are gorgeous, so maybe that factors in. However, I may try it. I’m not above it!

  22. Lauren says:

    Hehe…. LOVE the Glamour Shots! I’ve gotta find mine and post them on my blog… I thought I was so cool.

  23. Bonni says:

    I love your blog! I couldn’t stop laughing!! I’m blog hopping and found yours. Would love for you to check out my blog!

  24. Holly says:

    I’m sorry but I’m laughing really hard at that photograph! It looks like you are wrapped up in shiny tarpaulins!

  25. datenutloaf says:

    I would kill to have your hair ! Great picture of lumberjill’s sister ( doesn’t she have a discreet alias?) I have seen that look so many times in person. No matter how many times I see that glam photo it never fails to Shock & Awe! Can anyone say Bowie?

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