Fat Tuesday week 3

Oh, darn. Something has gone amiss with our laptop so I must post from my phone.

Therefore this will be super short!

I am having trouble with the putting text in “bold” feature.  Can you tell?

I didn’t lose any weight this week

But my husband brought me home flowers yesterday and helped me clean the broken toilet /sewage disaster.

This has taken long enough.  Darn phone.  Darn phone with confusing bold feature. I must now say farewell.

Hope you all had a good week!

PS. I might be quiet for awhile until our laptop is fixed.

Pps- don’t forget to enter the giveaway!  Today is the last day.

Shoot.  Darn phone won‘t let me add the link.  Find my post called the crafty pirate.


This post is really way bad, isn’t it?

Darn phone.  OK. Bye.

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20 Responses to Fat Tuesday week 3

  1. i am ashamed to admite i did not lose any weight this week either…but that is not a surprise considering i have not been “good” this last week either…lol hope yer puter is fixed soon!!! =)

  2. apparently i can’t spell either… (admite) i digress…

  3. Joyce says:

    I don’t know how to bold on my phone.
    Or my ipad.
    I’m pathetic in all things technical.

    Hope your computer repair is minor and a quick fix!

  4. Jill says:

    Hope your computer gets well quick!

  5. diana at home says:

    many, many Valentine treat fails
    no loss, no gain.

    props to the lumberjack plumber. what else would a girl ask for on a special lovey day than to have a sewage disaster cleaned up?

    Will miss you while you have that LT fixed. :-/

  6. Beth says:

    Praying healing blessings upon your computer! I need a regular dose of LumberJill in my life! 🙂

  7. JoAnn says:

    Time for a field trip to the library!

    Seriously though, this post was like, if my mom started blogging. It was that technologically advanced. Way to carry the torch.

  8. Crystal says:

    I ate the donut.

    I didn’t mean to. It was just staring at me in the teacher’s lounge, and then I couldn’t stop myself. I ate it. It tasted good, but it didn’t sit well on my stomach. Reminds me of John eating scripture–tasted like honey in his mouth but was bitter on his belly.

    I still don’t have a scale, but I suspect I’m not getting thinner as my pants fit about the same. My belly may actually be larger which concerns me.

    I need to finally get myself in gear.

  9. Randi says:

    Add my name to the “no loss, no gain” list. I’m not bummed about it, though. I expected to gain.

    Tomorrow is another day…

  10. Katie says:

    spent two days at Junior High Convention with about 1000 teens. Rode a bus for a total of 8 hours. Ate a lot of junk food. Drank as much soda as they would give me. Got five hours sleep. Major diet fail, but I’d gladly do it all again. (Just not tomorrow)

  11. Diana says:

    You get bonus points for even posting at all using your “dumb phone”…go you!

  12. Sunny says:

    I’m not playing along with the Fat Tuesday challenge, but I say no gain during Valentine’s week is a huge win!

  13. Shannon says:

    I lost .6 pounds this week. Woo hoo..well, sorta. Go to http://www.blessedwiththese.blogspot.com to read more about my weightloss adventures. Blessings!

  14. Sounds like you have been having a banner week girlfriend! Hope you computer is back to normal soon –

  15. Michelle Dawn says:

    Hope your laptop is fixed soon or there will be withdrawls!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  16. Christina says:

    Wait a minute…I thought you had a Smartphone.
    “Look, are you just fiddling around with me, or what?”
    (Name that movie.)

    • diana at home says:

      Oh! Oh! I know this one!
      “The Princess Bride”
      I shall refrain from further quotations, though we could go on for some time. 🙂

  17. Jenny says:

    Have you tried the blogpress app? Sorry your laptop in on the fritz 🙁

  18. Andi says:

    Fat Tuesday Update: I am not any heavier. But, alas, I am not skinnier either…

    I have eaten countless snickerdoodles.

    And enough ginger cookies to realize that I develop a splitting headache each time I eat them…Which is a new development in my world of cookiedom…

    I also ate a cheeseburger and fries from Freddy’s Frozen Custard today…

    Do you notice a lack of “win” in any of these statements?

    I think I shall do some Jillian Yoga Meltdown. Only instead of serene and peaceful I will almost assuredly end up yelling at her at some point in the workout.

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