Fat Tuesday, week 6

Welcome, welcome.


I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you, who shall remain nameless, said you were “in” for Fat Tuesday, and yet you have already bailed on me.

Again.  It is just a suspicion.

Alright.  Today is the for reals Fat Tuesday.  Or realz.  Whichever you prefer.

Now.  When I was a young lass, I took an Intro to French Culture class.

It was around this time in my life:

Check out the mini-skirt!

I was scandalous, was I not?

Let’s move on.

I thoroughly enjoyed the class.  And I remember learning that Mardi Gras meant Fat Tuesday.  And it was a huge party that was thrown on the eve of Ash Wednesday.  And, if my middle school education memory serves me correctly, Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent.

Look at me and my knowledgeable self!

But, really, I am not sure on any of this.  But let’s pretend I am smart just for today.

I suppose I could do some research, but, alas.  I am in a hurry.

If nothing else, let us just wonder why my skirt was do darn high.


This Fat Tuesday has nothing to do with any of that.  But aren’t you glad I shared?

This Fat Tuesday is supposed to be a weight loss accountability group for me and my peeps.


Not that I am annoyed or anything.

Ok.  Let’s go through this week’s wins and fails.

I tracked super good on Monday and Tuesday and I even exercised on Monday.


I did not track Wednesdsay through Sunday.


Nor did I exercise.

FAIL (or win.  depending on your attitude towards exercise)

I lost 0.4 pounds.


At this rate, I should meet my goal in December.  And by then , I will probably have put on holiday pounds.  Such is life.


I ate garlic bread.


It was delicious!


I ate brownies.  And popcorn.  And rolls.  And lattes.  And lots of generally frowned upon treats.


I can always pretend I shall do better this week!

Hopeful WIN!

So, how about you?  How was your week?

You can check in by leaving a comment or by sharing the link to your blog.

Or you can ignore me again this week.

Whatever suits your fancy!

Just remember . . .

You shall never look as good as I once did in a red, denim skirt.

Happy Tuesday!

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28 Responses to Fat Tuesday, week 6

  1. Checking in!! http://bit.ly/eyPiVl I’m talking about the importance of asking your doctor what would help you lose weight. I was doing it all wrong for me!

    ……and let’s just say: that picture! I was there! Ha!

  2. Yes….it is all coming back to me. I see the Christmas backdrop….preschool play….

  3. Monica says:

    WOW…That skirt leaves me speechless….oh dear goodness! So Miss Taylor, I was thinking maybe I would let you in on a great website that helped me with my weight loss challenge last summer…. http://www.shapefit.com/calorie-intake-calculator.html#

    I used this calculator along with the 7 Day Zig-Zag Calorie Intake on the bottom and it totally helped my “weight loss journey”.

    Good luck!

  4. I have never even pretended to do Fat Tuesday but today we had a wonderful potluck at work and so it is a very FAT Tuesday. But next Tuesday, 20 some other ladies from church and I are all putting $50 in a pot. We have 60 days to lose weight however we want to (barring surgery) and then the one who loses the largest percentage of body weight takes home 70% of the pot.

    That’s at least $700 buckaroos baby.

    So next Tuesday I will join your cause!

  5. MindyLou says:

    So I am definitely not on the weight loss bandwagon seeing as I am pregnant and consistently gaining a LOT of weight. However, I say if you ate all you did and still lost 0.4 pounds, YOU GO GIRL! I am eating most anything I please, and it shows. The midwife, however, is too kind and says it’s no big deal. This does nothing to help me stop shoveling food in my mouth. This summer I plan on losing a lot of weight. 🙂

  6. Erin says:

    If you weren’t wearing it so high on your rib cage, the skirt would have been an appropriate church length.

  7. Christina says:

    At some point I really need to get on the Fat Tuesday bandwagon…I have new swimsuits and trying them on was very scary. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The worst part is I am a super extra small teeny tiny at the very top, and am a large at the bottom.
    I think that it is cool that today is actually Fat Tuesday. I like it when strange things like that happen.

  8. Kara says:

    Um… pretty sure you and I went to the same hair stylist back in the day.


    I planned an Oscars party on, well, Oscars night a weeks ago and had to cancel due to sick kids. This left lots of movie-style candy at my house uneaten. Let’s just say this week has been off the record. I’ll be good next week when the Whoppers are gone.

  9. Alyssa says:

    I’m a good girl now.
    I did it.
    here it is:P


    you should read it so I feel better about being lame:P
    -0.4 lbs is always better than +0.4lbs.
    so yeah Taylor!

  10. diana at home says:

    Fat Tuesday. Yes! It’s Tuesday and I’m still fat. 🙂
    Saw before and after pictures of an 80lb. loss in a magazine today. Feeling glad I don’t have 80lbs to lose. Motivating, however.
    Have been eating sugar again.
    Putting agave in my coffee tho’.
    Parents here for a visit = lotsa bagels, brownies, cinnamon rolls, corn bread, homemade noodles, cobbler, pie.
    Mentally back on the wagon, and no gains.
    Sort of win.
    Thanks for posting for FT every week, losers though we may be.
    (wish I was the Biggest Loser! lol)

  11. Jean von B says:

    Hi Taylor. Good job losing weight. Hey, even a little is better than nothing or worse – gaining!!! BTW – you’re right about Ash Wednesday. It does signal the beginning of Lent which ends on Easter Sunday (or Saturday – whatever). I went on a diet almost 2 years ago after my mother took and handed me pictures of myself at my son’s high school graduation party (HORRORS!!! The woman should be shot!! HAHA!). Umm….suffice it to say that I was back on the diet bandwagon within 2 days (after the rest of the cake was gone. 🙂 What can I say?). Anyway, 11 years ago I lost a bunch of weight doing the Atkins diet. It worked great by my resolve to continue with that lifestyle dropped off the planet and I gained it all back(plus a few extra). This time I did a modified version of Atkins. I still eat carbs, but I’m very particular about what they are and how often I eat them. Have dropped 63 lbs in a little over 19 months. All I can say is hang in there! It may be slow but it can be done! Best of luck!

  12. Perfect diet plan for me: Hubby tells you that orders are in. You are moving. Across the country. Through another country. Back into your own country not touching the rest of your country. You have to pack the house. By yourself. You have to sell the house. By your self. While packing/cleaning/staging/having a yard sale you have to continue to school and feed and clothe and clean up after 4 children and two dogs. He is going TDY. Again.

    -4 lbs and counting. My blue jeans are falling off. I look like a hoodlum hiking up my pants while I walk around.

    Are you jealous? I bet not.

  13. Katie says:


    It rambles a little but I think I talk about my diet in there somewhere… 🙂

  14. JoAnn says:

    I am not dieting. I am planning a preschool curriculum for my 3 1/2 half year old, to homeschool preschool him. I need five thousand cookies stat!

    Why is education so much work?

    Why are all the books I want from the library checked out?

    Who is going to clean my house while I’m being all educational?

  15. Crystal says:


    While I love your skirt, it’s really the coordinating, opaque, white tights that do it for me. Rock on, girl. Rock on.

  16. Rachel says:

    Not to belabor the point, but methinks it’s not a true mini-skirt, but just that you have freakishly long legs. I’m just gonna sit here and be jealous. Cuz you totally nailed the fact that I never looked that good in a red denim skirt…

    And what’s up with that happy blue bird being your little weight loss thingy? My little fat-accountability birdie looks more like a ticked-off buzzard landing in for a slab of brownies…

    • “And what’s up with that happy blue bird being your little weight loss thingy? My little fat-accountability birdie looks more like a ticked-off buzzard landing in for a slab of brownies…”
      I hear by(here-by?)nominate Rachel for COW!

  17. Michelle Dawn says:

    Yay for eating all that and still losing weight! 🙂 Go you! I loved the skirt.

  18. Joyce says:

    Hanging head in shame. I fell off the exercise wagon when I hurt my knee on the ice recently and it’s hard to get back on. I watched Biggest Loser tonite…does that count?

    Do you still play the flute?

  19. Marla says:

    I celebrated Fat Tuesday by eating Fried Shrimp and Onion Strings. I then stopped by Marble Slab and had amazing ice cream.

    That’s probably a fail, right?

  20. Shannon says:

    Hello Taylor and Lumberjack fans- Dieting failure- I gained 1.6 pounds this week….ummm…feeling like that is counter productive. Humm…I do believed I have flushed $50.00 down the toilet. Yikes! I need to get motivated. I could do a colon cleanse for the next four weeks to try to win the competition. Humm…yes, there’s an idea.

  21. Vicki B says:

    I have a high school reunion to go to in July. Should that not be the biggest motivator of all? Yes, yes it should. And yet I find myself loathing exercise and counting points more so than ever. I need a big Fat Tuesday kick in the pants. Or public flogging. Something to make me accountable since I clearly have no willpower of my own.

  22. so sorry i have not been around taylor, i am having some serious medical issues. my doctor thinks i may have had a mild stroke or that i am having seizures of some sort. in the past week i have lost consciousness about 15 times or so….i had a CT scan that showed “something”…thus the mild stroke or seizure assumption….an MRI done tuesday night will hopefully shed more light on the problem…will try to update youwhen i find out more…i have no idea if i have lost any weight this last week…i would venture to say, probably not!! 🙂 haven’t really been worried about it as of late…

  23. Checking in late! I’ve lost 13 pounds in the last three weeks. Win. My hubby and I stuck to our diets while at Disneyland for five days. Win. I’ve been very lax about it since getting home. Fail. Yesterday I ate mostly without consideration of calorie content. Fail. So far today I’ve only had one meal and no water. Fail. I plan on doing better for the rest of today, though, getting my water in and making sure I eat every two hours as directed. We’ll see how it goes!

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