Oh, Bother.

There are times in my life when I become overwhelmed.

Oh, yes.  Overwhelmed.

I feel antsy and worried, but I can’t figure out why.  So sometimes it helps to make a list.  A list of things that are bothering me.

Once I see what it is, I either get my bum in gear and get things moving, or I see that it is all silly and I should not be bothered with it at all.

So, without further ado, here is what is bothering me.

(Yes.  I am pretending this will be of interest to you.)

1)  I have not printed out a single picture to preserve my family’s memories since late 2007.

2)  Little Dude was born in 2008.  As far as the photo albums know, we only have three children.

3)  Poor Little Dude does not have a baby book.  Children 1-3 do.

4)  Swimsuit season is looming around the bend.  And I cannot find my swimsuit body.  I fear I never had one.

5)  I ate about 37 cups of popcorn last night.  It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I have a tummy-up-my-berry.

Lest any of you are confused, tummy-up-my-berry is what my dad always referred to tummy aches as.

He is creative, is he not?

Who knew?

6)  There are people in my circle who are getting into this extreme couponing craze.  I feel guilty if I don’t try and participate, because who wouldn’t want to get 14 tubs of fabric softener for $1.17?  However, I am apparently dumb and I cannot figure out how to get these deals myself.

7)  After considering the matter for three days, the best I could come up with was Yoplait yogurt for 37 cents each and Kellogg’s cereal for 88 cents each. 

Three days.

8)  I should probably potty train Little Dude at some point. 

9)  Many moons ago, I got creeped out and I went all paranoid with my blog.  I started using fake names for the children and I blocked search engines.

I just recently allowed search engines, and now I am wondering if I should remove that feature.

Here are some searches that have led people to this blog:

*how to avoid the lumberjack crack

*my belly hangs over my pants, yay

*taylor is peeing too much, why?

*wife peeling apples in the morning light

*taylor ate a cheeseburger

*ugly mudder blogs

*shall we earn good money in breeding

*punishment for kids leaving poop in the bathroom

*peace out word to your momma

And there are many other creepier ones that I shall not share with you for fear that I will bring more creepy searches with those same creepy search terms.

Let’s just say I shall probably be blocking search engines.

Fun Fact: 90% of people who are using search engines have no idea how to spell or come up with complete sentences.

10)  I need to find ivory dress shirts for my boys.  They do not exist anywhere in the continental US.

11)  I just realized that my favorite jeans are in the washing machine.  And, since I am leaving soon, it looks like there shall be no hope for me wearing my favorite jeans to town.

Which is unfortunate, seeing as how I only go to town twice a week.

A gal should always wear her fanciest of jeans when heading into town.

12)  I will be 30 soon.  This discourages me.

13)  My kids are growing up too fast.  This saddens me.

I hope I am being a good mom.

14)  Should I exercise today?  Nah.

15)  I lied to you all.  I told you I was a hardcore Diet Pepsi fan.  Alas, I really don’t care.  I will drink Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi interchangeably.  If given a choice, I prefer Diet Pepsi.  But it really doesn’t matter.  Judging from the comments section last week, it would appear that I am the only person in the world who enjoys Diet Pepsi and I must wonder how they are still in business.

16)  I kind of want to ask you all to vote for me in this blogging contest.  However, I feel kind of dumb asking you.

So, I won’t.  Kind of.

I would keep going, but I fear I shall be late for my going to town day.

Wish me luck with my not-so-nice jeans!

Happy Wednesday!

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40 Responses to Oh, Bother.

  1. Melissa says:

    I will be 40 soon. Feel sorry for me and I will feel sorry for you.


  2. Shannon says:

    Taylor- Do not worry about couponing, you save more money than all of us with your crazy laundry skillz and fantastic fabric softner options. Disregard allcouponing posts and recognize you probably save more money than all of us on meat. 🙂 See, you can feel better now. 🙂

  3. Janie Fox says:

    Shuttie…I am almost 52.. Yikes, old as dirt. What …search engine…how do you know such things, you are very savvy. I don’t know how to look at that , nor block those. Are you telling me Little Dude is not his real name, you are not really the Maliblahblahs?
    What the…my world is spinning. I am in shock. Must lay down.

  4. Jessy H. says:

    I can’t get the whole couponing thing either, I have given up trying.

    On a side note: Yesterday I was going to show my friend the super cute video of LD (for proof that we are not the only ones that do stuff like that) and it was gone. I was very sad by this and then worried you may have taken it off because I joked about stalking you. I really hope that I had nothing to do with you taking this video down, becuase really I’m way to lazy to even try and stalk you.

    Hope you have fun in town in your not-so-nice jeans (which I’m sure are nicer than my pair of good jeans)

  5. Shannon says:

    I wouldn’t feel bad about the baby book if I were you, I have four boys and the only one that has anything resembling a baby book is the first one, so you have me beat by two kids. As long as you’re taking pictures and have them archived you can always come back to it (not saying you will, but you can, and if you don’t your girls might get interested in it later).

    Good luck with the couponing, I’ve never gotten into it. I need to buy less stuff, not more.

    As to Pepsi, drink what you like. I’m told I live in the only part of the country where Pepsi outsells Coke. I guess we buy enough of it to keep it going.

  6. Katie says:

    My (sorta) birthday buddy—(Repeat after me) We will not feel sorry for ourselves about turning 30! Our 30’s are going to be awesome! Because we are awesome! The end.

    (See, don’t you feel better now?)

  7. Kara says:

    #14 made me laugh out loud. You crack me up on a daily basis. I think I will join you in your exerciselessness today.

    And I already voted for you. I hope you win! 🙂

  8. Kara says:

    Oh, and by the way, I turned 30 this year too…

    30 has been a really good year for me. 🙂

  9. Jen says:

    I can’t get the whole coupon thing either! I usually buy store brands anyway and most coupons are for big brands, so then there is the whole comparing everything all the way around. And after an extra hour in the store with a cranky child, I come home with having saved liked a dollar. What? That’s it! Grr.

  10. JoAnn says:

    First of all those search engine things are hilarious. How could you not leave them up? HILARIOUS!

    b) that’s what digital photobooks are for. Digital scrapbooking. You know. Someone I know had five boys and they gave up on all that and instead put a box on the top of the fridge and everytime someone did something or said something memorable, she wrote it down and put it in the box. Her kids are grown now and they love it.

    C) my mom is die hard Diet Pepsi all the way, but she had to quit because she is getting older and it’s very very bad for you. I was diet pepsi all the way until I got pregnant. It seems I’ve been pregnant or nursing for three years now. Whoo.

    d) I Hate HATE coupons. I do not get them. I DO NOT. I can’t even figure out how to buy things on amazon without paying nine dollars in shipping. I call my smarter friends for that. Please don’t turn into one of those smarter people. the world has enough.

  11. Katie B says:

    I like Diet Pepsi. 🙂 I hope you have a great day.

  12. LeAnna says:

    I was just fixing to turn off the search engine block on my blog.

    Changed my mind. It’ll stay blocked.

    Couponing is addicting, like some say gambling is. So, take that and stick it in yer back pocket…

  13. Averie says:

    That’s not a bad list 🙂 my son has no baby book, few pictures too. Your boys probably won’t care, girls are more interested in their baby books and pictures. I’m turning 30 also, next month. It saddens me as well, but everyone I know says their 30’s are better than their 20’s!

  14. You are way ahead of me in baby books AND picture printing. I only have 1 1/2 done out of three and have not printed a picture in the last seven years.
    Does that help?

  15. Sheena says:

    I’m liking the searches that led people to your page. That is FUNNY!

  16. Joyce says:

    I loved my 30s’s!!

    I have to say that I find ‘wife peeling apples in the morning light’ to be the creepiest…I don’t know why but something about that made the hair on my arms tand up.

    Go to one of the photo sites like Kodak or Snapfish or whatever, upload baby pics of your baby book-less child and print out a hard cover photo book of pics from his first year. It’s so super easy and a nice keepsake and you’ll be glad you did it. You can cross mom-guilt off your list of worries.

  17. Joyce says:

    oh bother…that should say ‘stand up’

  18. Melissa K says:

    Are you being serious about all of those search engine phrases? Really? Ugh. I’ve actually been trying to up my Google page rank, because no search terms bring up my blog! (Unless it’s referenced on someone else’s.) Maybe I should be glad. 😉

    I was a couponing fanatic a few years ago. Now I’m mostly a coupon collector, heehee. I do use them, but only at stores I would normally be going to anyway. I have neither the time nor inclination to make it a hobby. Besides, I often wonder if many extreme couponers are spending in gas what they’re saving at the register, especially if they live in an area where all the places they go are spread out. I have two places I get almost all of my groceries because their prices are the best overall. I’m way more efficient and less frazzled that way.

  19. Marla says:

    You should make a shutterfly album. They are quick and fun.

    My husband turns 30 on Saturday. He is a bit freaked out.

  20. So Taylor…
    Children 1-3 have baby books. Children 1 & 2 have ten pages filled out in theirs simply because I did this task while I was pregnant until I became as large as a beached whale…then the twins were born. Enough said. Child 3 has a baby book and her name may or may not even be written on the front page. Child 4? I was too busy with 1-3 to get a baby book and I think by the time I had a baby shower for him everyone just figured it was a laughing matter regarding baby books and me.
    As for your post yesterday – I have not bailed, however the aforementioned children all have been disgustingly sick and I have not had a moment to actually use my brain for anything other than wiping noses…among other things.
    And for pictures – according to our walls, we only have 2 children. I really do love children 3 and 4…I’m just so busy wiping noses…among other things.

    • Oh and I’m turning 30 a couple weeks after you and I am frantically trying to become perfect before 30 so as to say that the last 30 years were quite the accomplishment. My progress is not so stellar.

  21. Joy says:

    Don’t worry about not printing pictures- I don’t think I’ve done it since then either. Its those darn digital cameras- you take too many pictures and already saw them on your computer- so whats the point of printing them. Anyways, if you do end up printing them then you get all stressed out that you haven’t scrapbooked them. Yup, its better to NOT print them- saves alot of mommy guilt! (Although, when my poor little children want to the scapbooks of when they were babies like their older siblings, I do feel a little bad, but I just try to quick change the subject!)

  22. I think the search engine question – ‘shall we earn good money in breeding’ was probably answered quite well by your posts….

  23. aTXtumbleweed says:

    I’m sitting in my grey cubicle reading your blog, eating left over chicken from last night, and I’m fast approching 58….now I’m discouraged. Thanks for reminding me….I’ll vote for your blog anyhoo! Only becuz I kinda like your blog!

  24. Martha says:

    Baby book? I only got as far as thinking about getting one. For 3 years I kept thinking “I should really get one”, and didn’t, and felt guilty. Then I gave it up. There are so many other parenting things to feel guilty over, I just ran out of headspace for baby book guilt. Currently I’m mainly suffering from I-should-get-off-my-bum-and-the-computer-and-make-lunches-and-get-ready-for-school guilt.

  25. datenut says:

    You can learn to make your own ivory shirts from white. Do searches on natural dyes like: tea, koolaid, yes kool-aid, and onion skins and do a test.

  26. datenut says:

    Re: antsy duh – it’s winter
    Re: coupons are a hoax

  27. MindyLou says:

    That’s quite a list. As you know, I turned 30 last September, and the actual birthday turnage was stressful and worrisome. But now that I’ve been 30 for 6 months-ish, it’s all good. You feel like an adult or something. Despite the fact that we’ve both been married for almost 11 years and we both have kids, 30 really does make you feel like a grown-up. 🙂 So enjoy your crazy 20’s cause you’re supposed to grow up soon. 😉 Have fun in town!!

  28. Namacura says:

    Item 8: I do not have children but just assumed they would at some point train themselves to use the toilet. This is not true? How is it a cat trains itself and a child does not? Should we expect more from the wee lads? Get it wee, wee. Okay I admit that was really dumb.

  29. Krista says:

    I am 35, I have not seen my swimsuit body since I was 25. I also had my last child in 2008 and my photo albums do not know either. I did exercise today and then ate 1/2 a box of girl scout cookies (FAIL). You are great, we all have moments. I was weepy and depressed the other night. All could do is lay on the couch and try not to cry. Why you ask, I am really not sure. :o) Happy Wednesday, I hope your thursday brings you some smiles.

  30. Krista says:

    P.s. I don’t understand the coupon craze, I do not get buying a bunch of junk food, just because I could get $200 worth of stuff for $10. Really, I don’t eat 90% of the stuff they have coupons for.

  31. Michelle Dawn says:

    Wow that is crazy about the search engines… I turned 30 and I was like you, the number terrified me, I still to this day do not admit my age but I can get away with it, I still look young and people often mistake my oldest son for my brother since I dont possibly look old enough to have an 11 yr old! I think I will be 29 for quite awhile. I am sure you could get away with it too! 🙂
    I will vote for you! I hope you had a good day in town even though you were not in you best jeans. 🙂 Happy hump day!

  32. Amber says:

    I usually consider myself a smart person (hello, I went to an ivy league college) but I can not coupon! I just stare and clip and stare – and then my coupons expire. Duh. I do not possess the couponing gene.

    Also, I fear I have lost forever my bathing suit body.

  33. Andi says:

    I do not know this for sure, but I believe if I speak with confidence people will believe what I say, so therefore it must be true:

    Pepsi is a Northeast drink. Dr. Pepper and Coke products are more prevalent in the south. I have no answer to the Northwest. But, in my travels (which are very few), this is what I find to be true.

    Personally, I wonder why anyone drinks anything but Dr. Pepper with real pure cain sugar.

    But that’s just me.

    Although, I did type with conviction, so surely people will follow my suit!

  34. Christine C says:

    I will be 42 in a month. Feel very sorry for me as I fear I am starting to look my age:(

    As for your list, no one has a swim suit figure. I fear swimsuits were invented as a way to torture women….. Popcorn is good for you……. I like Diet Pepsi……. excercise is overrated……. potty training is best done in summer…….. and you know that I can help you with your photos! Creative Memories has Quick Kits with shhhh, don’t tell anyone predesigned pages that you just slap the pictures on. Also this month they have a Baby bundle sale. Or go digital!

    With all the things on you list, just say no to guilt!

  35. Jill says:

    You’re worried about printing pictures, so I assume that means you have some. I keep forgetting to actually take pictures of my kids. Plus, I have six children. The first one got a baby book. According to the book, he’s not walking yet. In reality, he turns well, another year older this month and he’s getting married this summer. I am going to be a mother-in-law. Now I am depressed. I like the girl, but I don’t think I’m old enough to be a mil.

    I once had someone reach my blog by googling “Jill Boyd with acid thrown in her face”. It was not my best day. I was a little worried about being around strangers after that.

    Doesn’t a blog kind of take the place of a scrapbook/babybook/photo album, etc? I mean, if you actually put pictures in your blog? Which I don’t because I forget to take pictures of my kids?

    (This mil thing is really getting to me.)And btw, I don’t think I ever had a swimsuit body. I just had a body that was smaller than the body I have now. Either way, it’s another sad comment on my life. : )

  36. Vicki B says:

    I fear I know not what a search engine is other than the google.

  37. 1-4, 6-7 Ditto! In fact, I’ve decided that Bill and I ever get away for our anniversary, I’m buying this and calling it good: http://www.shopgadgetsandgizmos.com/product/4164/

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